:- object(expert, imports(protected::descriptors)). :- info([ author is 'Paulo Moura', version is 1.0, date is 2000/2/18, comment is 'Expert system for bird identification.', source is 'Example adopted from an Amzi! Inc Prolog book.']). :- public(identify/0). :- mode(identify, one). :- info(identify/0, [comment is 'Starts a bird identification session.']). :- private(known_/3). :- dynamic(known_/3). :- mode(known_(?nonvar, ?nonvar, ?nonvar), zero_or_more). :- info(known_/3, [ comment is 'Table of already known facts.', argnames is ['Answer', 'Attribute', 'Value']]). identify :- ::retractall(known_(_, _, _)), write('Bird identification expert system'), nl, nl, forall( (order::leaf(Bird), check(Bird)), (nl, write('Possible identification : '), write(Bird), nl)), nl, write('No (more) candidates found.'). check(Bird) :- forall( (::descriptor(Functor/Arity), functor(Predicate, Functor, Arity), Bird::Predicate), call(Predicate)). bill(X):- ask(bill, X). cheek(X):- ask(cheek, X). color(X):- ask(color, X). eats(X):- ask(eats, X). feed(X):- ask(feed,X). feet(X):- ask(feet, X). flight(X):- menuask(flight, X, [ponderous, powerful, agile, flap_glide, other]). flight_profile(X):- menuask(flight_profile, X, [flat, v_shaped, other]). head(X):- ask(head,X). live(X) :- ask(live, X). neck(X):- ask(neck, X). nostrils(X):- ask(nostrils, X). size(X):- menuask(size, X, [large, plump, medium, small]). tail(X):- menuask(tail, X, [narrow_at_tip, forked, long_rusty, square, other]). throat(X):- ask(throat, X). voice(X):- ask(voice,X). wings(X):- ask(wings, X). ask(Attribute,Value):- ::known_(yes, Attribute, Value), !. ask(Attribute,Value):- ::known_(_, Attribute, Value), !, fail. ask(Attribute,_):- ::known_(yes, Attribute, _), !, fail. ask(Attribute, Value):- write(Attribute:Value), write('? (yes or no): '), read(Answer), ::asserta(known_(Answer, Attribute, Value)), Answer = yes. menuask(Attribute,Value, _):- ::known_(yes, Attribute, Value), !. menuask(Attribute, _, _):- ::known_(yes, Attribute, _), !, fail. menuask(Attribute, AskValue, Menu):- nl, write('What is the value for '), write(Attribute), write('?'), nl, display_menu(Menu), write('Enter the number of choice> '), read(Num),nl, pick_menu(Num, AnswerValue, Menu), ::asserta(known_(yes,Attribute,AnswerValue)), AskValue = AnswerValue. display_menu(Menu):- display_menu(Menu, 1). display_menu([], _). display_menu([Item| Rest], N):- write(N), write(' : '), write(Item), nl, NN is N + 1, display_menu(Rest, NN). pick_menu(N, Val, Menu):- integer(N), pic_menu(1, N, Val, Menu), !. pick_menu(Val, Val, _). pic_menu(_, _, none_of_the_above, []). pic_menu(N, N, Item, [Item| _]). pic_menu(Ctr, N, Val, [_| Rest]):- NextCtr is Ctr + 1, pic_menu(NextCtr, N, Val, Rest). :- end_object.