SWI-Prolog CLP(R) ----------------- Author: Leslie De Koninck, K.U. Leuven as part of a thesis with supervisor Bart Demoen and daily advisor Tom Schrijvers. Integrated into the main SWI-Prolog source by Jan Wielemaker. This software is based on the CLP(Q,R) implementation by Christian Holzbauer and released with permission from all above mentioned authors and Christian Holzbauer under the standard SWI-Prolog license schema: GPL-2 + statement to allow linking with proprietary software. The sources of this package are maintained in packages/clpr in the SWI-Prolog source distribution. The documentation source is in man/lib/clpr.doc as part of the overall SWI-Prolog documentation. Full documentation on CLP(Q,R) can be found at http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/cgi-bin/tr-online?number+95-09