/** * @file matlab.yap * @author VITOR SANTOS COSTA <vsc@VITORs-MBP.lan> * @date Tue Nov 17 22:51:48 2015 * * @brief YAP Matlab interface. * * */ :- module(matlab, [start_matlab/1, close_matlab/0, matlab_on/0, matlab_eval_string/1, matlab_eval_string/2, matlab_cells/2, matlab_cells/3, matlab_initialized_cells/4, matlab_zeros/2, matlab_zeros/3, matlab_zeros/4, matlab_matrix/4, matlab_vector/2, matlab_vector/3, matlab_set/4, matlab_get_variable/2, matlab_item/3, matlab_item/4, matlab_item1/3, matlab_item1/4, matlab_sequence/3, matlab_call/2]). /** @defgroup matlab MATLAB Package Interface @ingroup library @{ The MathWorks MATLAB is a widely used package for array processing. YAP now includes a straightforward interface to MATLAB. To actually use it, you need to install YAP calling `configure` with the `--with-matlab=DIR` option, and you need to call `use_module(library(lists))` command. Accessing the matlab dynamic libraries can be complicated. In Linux machines, to use this interface, you may have to set the environment variable <tt>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</tt>. Next, follows an example using bash in a 64-bit Linux PC: ~~~~~ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=''$MATLAB_HOME"/sys/os/glnxa64:''$MATLAB_HOME"/bin/glnxa64:''$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ~~~~~ where `MATLAB_HOME` is the directory where matlab is installed at. Please replace `ax64` for `x86` on a 32-bit PC. */ /* @pred start_matlab(+ _Options_) Start a matlab session. The argument _Options_ may either be the empty string/atom or the command to call matlab. The command may fail. */ /** @pred close_matlab Stop the current matlab session. */ /** @pred matlab_cells(+ _SizeX_, + _SizeY_, ? _Array_) MATLAB will create an empty array of cells of size _SizeX_ and _SizeY_, and if _Array_ is bound to an atom, store the array in the matlab variable with name _Array_. Corresponds to the MATLAB command `cells`. */ /** @pred matlab_cells(+ _Size_, ? _Array_) MATLAB will create an empty vector of cells of size _Size_, and if _Array_ is bound to an atom, store the array in the matlab variable with name _Array_. Corresponds to the MATLAB command `cells`. */ /** @pred matlab_eval_string(+ _Command_) Holds if matlab evaluated successfully the command _Command_. */ /** @pred matlab_eval_string(+ _Command_, - _Answer_) MATLAB will evaluate the command _Command_ and unify _Answer_ with a string reporting the result. */ /** @pred matlab_get_variable(+ _MatVar_, - _List_) Unify MATLAB variable _MatVar_ with the List _List_. */ /** @pred matlab_initialized_cells(+ _SizeX_, + _SizeY_, + _List_, ? _Array_) MATLAB will create an array of cells of size _SizeX_ and _SizeY_, initialized from the list _List_, and if _Array_ is bound to an atom, store the array in the matlab variable with name _Array_. */ /** @pred matlab_item(+ _MatVar_, + _X_, + _Y_, ? _Val_) Read or set MATLAB _MatVar_( _X_, _Y_) from/to _Val_. Use `C` notation for matrix access (ie, starting from 0). */ /** @pred matlab_item(+ _MatVar_, + _X_, ? _Val_) Read or set MATLAB _MatVar_( _X_) from/to _Val_. Use `C` notation for matrix access (ie, starting from 0). */ /** @pred matlab_item1(+ _MatVar_, + _X_, + _Y_, ? _Val_) Read or set MATLAB _MatVar_( _X_, _Y_) from/to _Val_. Use MATLAB notation for matrix access (ie, starting from 1). */ /** @pred matlab_item1(+ _MatVar_, + _X_, ? _Val_) Read or set MATLAB _MatVar_( _X_) from/to _Val_. Use MATLAB notation for matrix access (ie, starting from 1). */ /** @pred matlab_matrix(+ _SizeX_, + _SizeY_, + _List_, ? _Array_) MATLAB will create an array of floats of size _SizeX_ and _SizeY_, initialized from the list _List_, and if _Array_ is bound to an atom, store the array in the matlab variable with name _Array_. */ /** @pred matlab_on Holds if a matlab session is on. */ /** @pred matlab_sequence(+ _Min_, + _Max_, ? _Array_) MATLAB will create a sequence going from _Min_ to _Max_, and if _Array_ is bound to an atom, store the sequence in the matlab variable with name _Array_. */ /** @pred matlab_set(+ _MatVar_, + _X_, + _Y_, + _Value_) Call MATLAB to set element _MatVar_( _X_, _Y_) to _Value_. Notice that this command uses the MATLAB array access convention. */ /** @pred matlab_vector(+ _Size_, + _List_, ? _Array_) MATLAB will create a vector of floats of size _Size_, initialized from the list _List_, and if _Array_ is bound to an atom, store the array in the matlab variable with name _Array_. */ /** @pred matlab_zeros(+ _SizeX_, + _SizeY_, + _SizeZ_, ? _Array_) MATLAB will create an array of zeros of size _SizeX_, _SizeY_, and _SizeZ_. If _Array_ is bound to an atom, store the array in the matlab variable with name _Array_. Corresponds to the MATLAB command `zeros`. */ /** @pred matlab_zeros(+ _SizeX_, + _SizeY_, ? _Array_) MATLAB will create an array of zeros of size _SizeX_ and _SizeY_, and if _Array_ is bound to an atom, store the array in the matlab variable with name _Array_. Corresponds to the MATLAB command `zeros`. */ /** @pred matlab_zeros(+ _Size_, ? _Array_) MATLAB will create a vector of zeros of size _Size_, and if _Array_ is bound to an atom, store the array in the matlab variable with name _Array_. Corresponds to the MATLAB command `zeros`. */ :- ensure_loaded(library(lists)). tell_warning :- print_message(warning,functionality(matlab)). :- ( catch(load_foreign_files([matlab], ['eng','mx','ut'], init_matlab),_,fail) -> true ; tell_warning). matlab_eval_sequence(S) :- atomic_concat(S,S1), matlab_eval_string(S1). matlab_eval_sequence(S,O) :- atomic_concat(S,S1), matlab_eval_string(S1,O). matlab_vector( Vec, L) :- length(Vec, LV), matlab_vector(LV, Vec, L). matlab_sequence(Min,Max,L) :- mksequence(Min,Max,Vector), Dim is (Max-Min)+1, matlab_matrix(1,Dim,Vector,L). mksequence(Min,Min,[Min]) :- !. mksequence(Min,Max,[Min|Vector]) :- Min1 is Min+1, mksequence(Min1,Max,Vector). matlab_call(S,Out) :- S=..[Func|Args], build_args(Args,L0,[]), process_arg_entry(L0,L), build_output(Out,Lf,['= ',Func|L]), atomic_concat(Lf,Command), matlab_eval_string(Command). matlab_call(S,Out,Result) :- S=..[Func|Args], build_args(Args,L0,[]), process_arg_entry(L0,L), build_output(Out,Lf,[' = ',Func|L]), atomic_concat(Lf,Command), matlab_eval_string(Command,Result). build_output(Out,['[ '|L],L0) :- is_list(Out), !, build_outputs(Out,L,[']'|L0]). build_output(Out,Lf,L0) :- build_arg(Out,Lf,L0). build_outputs([],L,L). build_outputs([Out|Outs],[Out,' '|L],L0) :- build_outputs(Outs,L,L0). build_args([],L,L). build_args([Arg],Lf,L0) :- !, build_arg(Arg,Lf,[')'|L0]). build_args([Arg|Args],L,L0) :- build_arg(Arg,L,[', '|L1]), build_args(Args,L1,L0). build_arg(V,_,_) :- var(V), !, throw(error(instantiation_error)). build_arg(Arg,[Arg|L],L) :- atomic(Arg), !. build_arg(\S0,['\'',S0,'\''|L],L) :- atom(S0), !. build_arg([S1|S2],['['|L],L0) :- is_list(S2), !, build_arglist([S1|S2],L,L0). build_arg([S1|S2],L,L0) :- !, build_arg(S1,L,['.'|L1]), build_arg(S2,L1,L0). build_arg(S1:S2,L,L0) :- !, build_arg(S1,L,[':'|L1]), build_arg(S2,L1,L0). build_arg(F,[N,'{'|L],L0) :- %N({A}) = N{A} F=..[N,{A}], !, build_arg(A,L,['}'|L0]). build_arg(F,[N,'('|L],L0) :- F=..[N|As], build_args(As,L,L0). build_arglist([A],L,L0) :- !, build_arg(A,L,[' ]'|L0]). build_arglist([A|As],L,L0) :- build_arg(A,L,[' ,'|L1]), build_arglist(As,L1,L0). build_string([],['\''|L],L). build_string([S0|S],[C|Lf],L0) :- char_code(C,S0), build_string(S,Lf,L0). process_arg_entry([],[]) :- !. process_arg_entry(L,['('|L]). /** @} */