/** @pred module(+M) is det set the type-in module Defines _M_ to be the current working or type-in module. All files which are not bound to a module are assumed to belong to the working module (also referred to as type-in module). To compile a non-module file into a module which is not the working one, prefix the file name with the module name, in the form ` _Module_: _File_`, when loading the file. **/ module(N) :- var(N), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,module(N)). module(N) :- atom(N), !, % set it as current module. '$current_module'(_,N). module(N) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,N),module(N)). /** \pred module(+ Module:atom, +ExportList:list) is directive define a new module This directive defines the file where it appears as a _module file_; it must be the first declaration in the file. _Module_ must be an atom specifying the module name; _ExportList_ must be a list containing the module's public predicates specification, in the form `[predicate_name/arity,...]`. The _ExportList_ can include operator declarations for operators that are exported by the module. The public predicates of a module file can be made accessible to other files through loading the source file, using the directives use_module/1 or use_module/2, ensure_loaded/1 and the predicates consult/1 or reconsult/1. The non-public predicates of a module file are not supposed to be visible to other modules; they can, however, be accessed by prefixing the module name with the `:/2` operator. **/ '$module_dec'(system(N), Ps) :- !, new_system_module(N), recordz('$system_initialization', prolog:'$mk_system_predicates'( Ps , N ), _), '$current_module'(_,N). '$module_dec'(N, Ps) :- source_location(F,_Line), '$nb_getval'( '$user_source_file', F0 , fail), '$add_module_on_file'(N, F, F0, Ps), '$current_module'(_,N). '$mk_system_predicates'( Ps, N ) :- lists:member(Name/A , Ps), functor(P,Name,A), '$mk_system_predicate'(P, N), fail. '$mk_system_predicates'( _Ps, _N ). '$module'(_,N,P) :- '$module_dec'(N,P). '$add_module_on_file'(DonorMod, DonorF, SourceF, Exports) :- recorded('$module','$module'(OtherF, DonorMod, _, _, _),R), % the module has been found, are we reconsulting? ( DonorF \= OtherF -> '$do_error'(permission_error(module,redefined,DonorMod, OtherF, DonorF),module(DonorMod,Exports)) ; recorded('$module','$module'(DonorF,DonorMod, SourceF, _, _), R), erase( R ), fail ). '$add_module_on_file'(DonorM, DonorF, SourceF, Exports) :- '$current_module'( HostM ), ( recorded('$module','$module'( HostF, HostM, _, _, _),_) -> true ; HostF = user_input ), % first build the initial export table '$convert_for_export'(all, Exports, DonorM, HostM, TranslationTab, AllExports0, load_files), sort( AllExports0, AllExports ), ( source_location(_, Line) -> true ; Line = 0 ), '$add_to_imports'(TranslationTab, DonorM, DonorM), % insert ops, at least for now % last, export everything to the host: if the loading crashed you didn't actually do % no evil. recorda('$module','$module'(DonorF,DonorM,SourceF, AllExports, Line),_), ( recorded('$source_file','$source_file'( DonorF, Time, _), R), erase(R), recorda('$source_file','$source_file'( DonorF, Time, DonorM), _) ). '$convert_for_export'(all, Exports, _Module, _ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, _) :- '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, MyExports). '$convert_for_export'([], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) :- '$clean_conversion'([], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal). '$convert_for_export'([P1|Ps], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) :- '$clean_conversion'([P1|Ps], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal). '$convert_for_export'(except(Excepts), Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) :- '$neg_conversion'(Excepts, Exports, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal), '$simple_conversion'(MyExports, Tab, _). '$simple_conversion'([], [], []). '$simple_conversion'([F/N|Exports], [F/N-F/N|Tab], [F/N|E]) :- '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$simple_conversion'([F//N|Exports], [F/N2-F/N2|Tab], [F/N2|E]) :- N2 is N+1, '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$simple_conversion'([F/N as NF|Exports], [F/N-NF/N|Tab], [NF/N|E]) :- '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$simple_conversion'([F//N as NF|Exports], [F/N2-NF/N2|Tab], [NF/N2|E]) :- N2 is N+1, '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$simple_conversion'([op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Exports], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Tab], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|E]) :- '$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E). '$clean_conversion'([], _, _, _, [], [], _). '$clean_conversion'([(N1/A1 as N2)|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A1-N2/A1|Tab], [N2/A1|MyExports], Goal) :- !, ( lists:memberchk(N1/A1, List) -> true ; '$bad_export'((N1/A1 as N2), Module, ContextModule) ), '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal). '$clean_conversion'([N1/A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A1-N1/A1|Tab], [N1/A1|MyExports], Goal) :- !, ( lists:memberchk(N1/A1, List) -> true ; '$bad_export'(N1/A1, Module, ContextModule) ), '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal). '$clean_conversion'([N1//A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A2-N1/A2|Tab], [N1/A2|MyExports], Goal) :- !, A2 is A1+2, ( lists:memberchk(N1/A2, List) -> true ; '$bad_export'(N1//A1, Module, ContextModule) ), '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal). '$clean_conversion'([N1//A1 as N2|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N2/A2-N1/A2|Tab], [N2/A2|MyExports], Goal) :- !, A2 is A1+2, ( lists:memberchk(N2/A2, List) -> true ; '$bad_export'((N1//A1 as A2), Module, ContextModule) ), '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal). '$clean_conversion'([op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Tab], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|MyExports], Goal) :- !, ( lists:memberchk(op(Prio,Assoc,Name), List) -> true ; '$bad_export'(op(Prio,Assoc,Name), Module, ContextModule) ), '$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal). '$clean_conversion'([P|_], _List, _, _, _, _, Goal) :- '$do_error'(domain_error(module_export_predicates,P), Goal). '$bad_export'(_, _Module, _ContextModule) :- !. '$bad_export'(Name/Arity, Module, ContextModule) :- functor(P, Name, Arity), predicate_property(Module:P, _), !, print_message(warning, declaration(Name/Arity, Module, ContextModule, private)). '$bad_export'(Name//Arity, Module, ContextModule) :- Arity2 is Arity+2, functor(P, Name, Arity2), predicate_property(Module:P, _), !, print_message(warning, declaration(Name/Arity, Module, ContextModule, private)). '$bad_export'(Indicator, Module, ContextModule) :- !, print_message(warning, declaration( Indicator, Module, ContextModule, undefined)). '$neg_conversion'([], Exports, _, _, Exports, _). '$neg_conversion'([N1/A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) :- !, ( lists:delete(List, N1/A1, RList) -> '$neg_conversion'(Ps, RList, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'(N1/A1, Module, ContextModule) ). '$neg_conversion'([N1//A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) :- !, A2 is A1+2, ( lists:delete(List, N1/A2, RList) -> '$neg_conversion'(Ps, RList, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'(N1//A1, Module, ContextModule) ). '$neg_conversion'([op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) :- !, ( lists:delete(List, op(Prio,Assoc,Name), RList) -> '$neg_conversion'(Ps, RList, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal) ; '$bad_export'(op(Prio,Assoc,Name), Module, ContextModule) ). '$clean_conversion'([P|_], _List, _, _, _, Goal) :- '$do_error'(domain_error(module_export_predicates,P), Goal).