// Fields are TAB spaced
// Atoms are of the form A Name Normal,FullLookup String
// Functors are of the form F Name Atom Arity
// Terms are of the form T FullName Atom
// This is supported by YAP directly
// A Dot			N	"."
A	3Dots			N	"..."
A	Abol			F	"$abol"
A	Access			N	"access"
A	AfInet			N	"AF_INET"
A	AfLocal			N	"AF_LOCAL"
A	AfUnix			N	"AF_UNIX"
A	Alarm			F	"$alarm"
A	Alias			N	"alias"
A	All             N	"all"
A	AltNot			N	"not"
A	Answer			N	"answer"
A	Any             N	"any"
A	Append			N	"append"
A	Arg			N	"arg"
A	Array			F	"$array"
A	ArrayAccess		F	"$array_arg"
A	ArrayOverflow		N	"array_overflow"
A	ArrayType		N	"array_type"
A	Arrow			N	"->"
A   AttributedModule    N   "attributes_module"
A	DoubleArrow		N	"-->"
A	Assert			N	":-"
A	EmptyBrackets		N	"()"
A	EmptySquareBrackets	N	"[]"
A	EmptyCurlyBrackets	N	"{}"
A	Asserta			N	"asserta"
A	AssertaStatic	N	"asserta_static"
A	Assertz			N	"assertz"
A	AssertzStatic	N	"assertz_static"
A	At			N	"at"
A	Atom			N	"atom"
A	Atomic			N	"atomic"
A	Att			F	"$att"
A	Att1			N	"att"
A	AttDo			F	"$att_do"
A	Attributes		N	"attributes"
A	B			F	"$last_choice_pt"
A	Batched			N	"batched"
A	Between			N	"between"
A	Binary			N	"binary"
A	BigNum			N	"big_num"
A	BinaryStream		N	"binary_stream"
A	Boolean			N	"boolean"
A	Braces			N	"{}"
A	Break			F	"$break"
A	Byte			N	"byte"
A	CArith			F	"$c_arith"
A	Call			N	"call"
A	CallAndRetryCounter	N	"call_and_retry_counter"
A	CallCounter		N	"call_counter"
A	Callable		N	"callable"
A	Catch			F	"$catch"
A	ChangeModule		F	"$change_module"
A	Char			N	"char"
A	Charsio			N	"charsio"
A	Character		N	"character"
A	CharacterCode		N	"character_code"
A	Chars			N	"chars"
A	Charset			N	"charset"
A	ChType			F	"$char_type"
A	CleanCall		F	"$clean_call"
A	Colon			N	":"
A	CodeSpace		N	"code_space"
A	Codes			N	"codes"
A	CoInductive		N	"coinductive"
A	Comma			N	","
A	CommentHook		N	"comment_hook"
A	Compact			N	"compact"
A	Compound		N	"compound"
A	ConsistencyError	N	"consistency_error"
A	Consult	N	"consult"
A	ConsultOnBoot		F	"$consult_on_boot"
A	Context			N	"context"
A	Cputime			N	"cputime"
A	Create			N	"create"
A	Creep			F	"$creep"
A	CryptAtoms		N	"crypt_atoms"
A	Curly			N	"{}"
A	Csult			F	"$csult"
A	CurrentModule		F	"$current_module"
A	Cut			N	"!"
A	CutBy			F	"$cut_by"
A	DAbort			F	"$abort"
A	DBLoad			F	"$db_load"
A	DBReference		N	"db_reference"
A	DBTerm			N	"db_term"
A	DBref			F	"$dbref"
A	DInteger		F	"$integer"
A	DebugMeta		F	"$debug_meta"
A	DebuggerInput		N	"debugger_input"
A	Dec10			N	"dec10"
A	Default			N	"default"
A	DevNull			N	"/dev/null"
A	Diff			N	"\\="
A	Directory		N	"disrectorys"
A	Discontiguous		N	"discontiguous"
A	DiscontiguousWarnings	N	"discontiguous_warnings"
A	Dollar			F	"$"
A	DoLogUpdClause		F	"$do_log_upd_clause"
A	DoLogUpdClause0		F	"$do_log_upd_clause0"
A	DoLogUpdClauseErase	F	"$do_log_upd_clause_erase"
A	DollarU			F	"$u"
A	DollarUndef		F	"$undef"
A	DomainError		N	"domain_error"
A	DoStaticClause		F	"$do_static_clause"
A	Dots			N	"dots"
A	DOUBLE			F	"Double"
A	DoubleSlash			F	"//"
A	E			N	"e"
A	EOFBeforeEOT		N	"end_of_file_found_before_end_of_term"
A	EQ			N	"="
A	EmptyAtom		N	""
A	Encoding		N	"encoding"
A	EndOfStream		N	"$end_of_stream"
A	Eof			N	"end_of_file"
A	EOfCode			N	"eof_code"
A	Eq			N	"="
A	Error			N	"error"
A	Exception		N	"exception"
A	Extensions		N	"extensions"
A	Evaluable		N	"evaluable"
A	EvaluationError		N	"evaluation_error"
A	Executable		N	"executable"
A	Execute			N	"execute"
A	ExecAnswers		N	"exec_answers"
A	ExecuteInMod		F	"$execute_in_mod"
A	ExecuteWithin		F	"$execute_within"
A	ExecuteWoMod		F	"$execute_wo_mod"
A	Exist			N	"exist"
A	Exists			N	"exists"
A	Exit			N	"exit"
A	ExistenceError		N	"existence_error"
A	ExoClause		F	"$exo_clause"
A	ExpectedNumber		N	"expected_number_syntax"
A	Expand			N	"expand"
A	ExtendFileSearchPath	F	"$extend_file_search_path"
A	Extendsions		N	"extensionh"
A	FB			N	"fb"
A	Fail			N	"fail"
A	False			N	"false"
A	Fast			F	"$fast"
A	FastFail		N	"fast_fail"
A	FileErrors		N	"file_errors"
A	Fileerrors		N	"fileerrors"
A	FileType		N	"file_type"
A	First			N	"first"
A	Float			N	"float"
A	FloatFormat		N	"\%.15g"
A	FloatOverflow		N	"float_overflow"
A	FloatUnderflow		N	"float_underflow"
A	Format			N	"format"
A	FormatAt		F	"$format@"
A	Full			N	"full"
A	Functor			N	"functor"
A	GT			N	">"
A	GVar			N	"var"
A	Gc			F	"$gc"
A	GcMargin		F	"$gc_margin"
A	GcTrace			F	"$gc_trace"
A	GcVerbose		F	"$gc_verbose"
A	GcVeryVerbose		F	"$gc_very_verbose"
A	GeneratePredInfo	F	"$generate_pred_info"
A	Getwork			F	"$getwork"
A	GetworkSeq		F	"$getwork_seq"
A	Glob			N	"glob"
A	Global			N	"global"
A	GlobalSp		N	"global_sp"
A	GlobalTrie		N	"global_trie"
A	GoalExpansion		N	"goal_expansion"
A	Hat			N	"^"
A	HERE			N	"\n   <====HERE====>  \n"
A	HandleThrow		F	"$handle_throw"
A	Heap			N	"heap"
A	HeapUsed		N	"heapused"
A	HugeInt			N	"huge_int"
A	IDB			N	"idb"
A	IOMode			N	"io_mode"
A	I			N	"i"
A	Id			N	"id"
A	Ignore			N	"ignore"
A	Inf			N	"inf"
A	Infinity		N	"infinity"
A	InitGoal		F	"$init_goal"
A	InitProlog		F	"$init_prolog"
A	InStackExpansion	N	"in stack expansion"
A	Input			N	"input"
A	InstantiationError	N	"instantiation_error"
A	Int			N	"int"
A	IntOverflow		N	"int_overflow"
A	Integer			N	"integer"
A	InternalCompilerError	N	"internal_compiler_error"
A	Is			N	"is"
A	J			N	"j"
A	Key			N	"key"
A	LONGINT			N	"LongInt"
A	LoopStream		N	"loop_stream"
A	LT			N	"<"
A	LastExecuteWithin	F	"$last_execute_within"
A	Leash			F	"$leash"
A	Least			N	"least"
A	Length			F	"length"
A	List			N	"list"
A	Line			N	"line"
A	Live			F	"$live"
A	LoadAnswers		N	"load_answers"
A	Local			N	"local"
A	LocalSp			N	"local_sp"
A	LocalTrie		N	"local_trie"
A	Max			N	"max"
A	Maximum			N	"maximum"
A	MaxArity		N	"max_arity"
A	MaxFiles		N	"max_files"
A	MegaClause		F	"$mega_clause"
A	MetaCall		F	"$call"
A	MfClause		F	"$mf_clause"
A	Min			N	"min"
A	Minimum			N	"minimum"
A	Minus			N	"-"
A	Modify			N	"modify"
A	Module			N	"module"
A	Most			N	"most"
A	Multi			N	"multi"
A	MultiFile		F	"$mf"
A	Multiple		F	"multiple"
A	Mutable			N	"mutable"
A	MutableVariable		F	"$mutable_variable"
A	Mutex			N	"mutex"
A	MyddasDB		F	"$myddas_db"
A	MyddasGoal		F	"$myddas_goal"
A	MyddasHost		F	"$myddas_host"
A	MyddasPass		F	"$myddas_pass"
A	MyddasUser		F	"$myddas_user"
A	MyddasVersionName	F	"$myddas_version_name"
A	Nan			N	"nan"
A	Nb			N	"nb"
A	NbTerm			N	"nb_term"
A	New			N	"new"
A	NewLine			N	"nl"
A	Nl			N	"nl"
A	NoEffect		N	"no_effect"
A	NoMemory		N	"no_memory"
A	None			N	"none"
A	NonEmptyList		N	"non_empty_list"
A	Not			N	"\\+"
A	NotImplemented		N	"not_implemented"
A	NotLessThanZero		N	"not_less_than_zero"
A	NotNewline		N	"not_newline"
A	NotZero			N	"not_zero"
A	Number			N	"number"
A	Obj			N	"o__bj__"
A	Off			N	"off"
A	Offline			N	"offline"
A	On			N	"on"
A	Online			N	"online"
A	Open			N	"open"
A	OperatingSystemError	N	"operating_SYSTEM_ERROR_INTERNAL"
A	OperatingSystemSupport	N	"operating_system_support"
A	Operator		N	"operator"
A	OperatorPriority	N	"operator_priority"
A	OperatorSpecifier	N	"operator_specifier"
A	Opt			N	"opt"
A	Otherwise		N	"otherwise"
A	OutOfAttvarsError	N	"out_of_attvars_error"
A	OutOfAuxspaceError	N	"out_of_auxspace_error"
A	OutOfHeapError		N	"out_of_heap_error"
A	OutOfRange		N	"out_of_range"
A	OutOfStackError		N	"out_of_stack_error"
A	OutOfTrailError		N	"out_of_trail_error"
A	Output			N	"output"
A	Parameter		N	"parameter"
A	PrologCommonsDir	N	"prolog_commons_directory"
A	Past			N	"past"
A	PastEndOfStream		N	"past_end_of_stream"
A	PermissionError		N	"permission_error"
A	Pi			N	"pi"
A	Pipe			N	"pipe"
A	Plus			N	"+"
A	Pointer			N	"pointer"
A	Portray			F	"portray"
A	PredicateIndicator	N	"predicate_indicator"
A	Primitive		N	"primitive"
A	PrintMessage		N	"print_message"
A	PrivateProcedure	N	"private_procedure"
A	Procedure		N	"procedure"
A	Profile			F	"$profile"
A	Prolog			N	"prolog"
A	ProtectStack	F	"$protect_stack"
A	Qly			    N	"qly"
A	Query			N	"?-"
A	Queue			N	"queue"
A	Quiet			N	"quiet"
A	Radix			N	"radix"
A	Random			N	"random"
A	Range			N	"range"
A	RDiv			N	"rdiv"
A	Read			N	"read"
A	ReadOnly		N	"read_only"
A	ReadWrite		N	"read_write"
A	Readutil		N	"readutil"
A	Reconsult		N	"reconsult"
A	RecordedP		F	"$recordep"
A	RecordedWithKey		F	"$recorded_with_key"
A	RedefineWarnings	N	"redefine_warnings"
A	RedoFreeze		F	"$redo_freeze"
A	RelativeTo		F	"relative_to"
A	Repeat			N	"repeat"
A	RepeatSpace		N	"repeat "
A	Reposition		N	"reposition"
A	RepresentationError	N	"representation_error"
A	Reset			N	"reset"
A	Resize			N	"resize"
A	ResourceError		N	"resource_error"
A	RestoreRegs		F	"$restore_regs"
A	Retry		N	"retry"
A	RetryCounter		N	"retry_counter"
A	RTree			N	"rtree"
A	Safe			F	"$safe"
A	SafeCallCleanup		F	"$safe_call_cleanup"
A	Same			N	"=="
A	Semic			N	";"
A	ShiftCountOverflow	N	"shift_count_overflow"
A	SigAlarm		N	"sig_alarm"
A	SigBreak		N	"sig_break"
A	SigCreep		N	"sig_creep"
A	SigDebug		N	"sig_debug"
A	SigDelayCreep		N	"sig_delay_creep"
A	SigFPE			N	"sig_fpe"
A	SigHup			N	"sig_hup"
A	SigInt			N	"sig_int"
A	SigIti			N	"sig_iti"
A	SigPending		F	"$sig_pending"
A	SigPipe			N	"sig_pipe"
A	SigStackDump		N	"sig_stack_dump"
A	SigStatistics		N	"sig_statistics"
A	SigTrace		N	"sig_trace"
A	SigUsr1			N	"sig_usr1"
A	SigUsr2			N	"sig_usr2"
A	SigVTAlarm		N	"sig_vtalarm"
A	SigWakeUp		N	"sig_wake_up"
A	Silent			N	"Silent"
A	Single			N	"single"
A	SingleVarWarnings	N	"single_var_warnings"
A	Singleton		N	"singleton"
A	Slash			N	"/"
A	Socket			N	"socket"
A	Solutions		N	"solutions"
A	Source			N	"source"
A	SourceSink		N	"source_sink"
A	Spy			F	"$spy"
A	Stack			N	"stack"
A	StackFree		N	"stackfree"
A	StartupSavedState	F	"$startup_saved_state"
A	StaticClause		F	"$static_clause"
A	StaticProcedure		N	"static_procedure"
A	Stream			F	"$stream"
A	SWIStream		F	"<stream>"
A	VStream			N	"stream"
A	Streams			N	"streams"
A	StreamOrAlias		N	"stream_or_alias"
A	StreamPos		F	"$stream_position"
A	StreamPosition		N	"stream_position"
A	String			N	"string"
A	StyleCheck		N	"style_check"
A	STRING			F	"String"
A	Swi			N	"swi"
A	SymbolChar		N	"symbol_char"
A	SyntaxError		N	"syntax_error"
A	SyntaxErrors		N	"syntax_errors"
A	SyntaxErrorHandler	N	"syntax_error_handler"
A	System			N	"system"
A	SystemLibraryDir	N	"system_library_directory"
A 	T			N	"t"
A 	Term			N	"term"
A	TermExpansion		N	"term_expansion"
A	Terms			N	"terms"
A	Text			N	"text"
A	TextStream		N	"text_stream"
A	Thread			N	"thread"
A	Threads			N	"threads"
A	Throw			N	"throw"
A	TimeOutSpec		N	"time_out_spec"
A	TimeoutError		N	"timeout_error"
A	TopLevelGoal		F	"$top_level_goal"
A	TopThreadGoal		F	"$top_thread_goal"
A	TraceMetaCall		F	"$trace_meta_call"
A	Trail			N	"trail"
A	True			N	"true"
A	Tty			N	"tty"
A	Ttys			N	"ttys"
A 	Tuple			N	"tuple"
A	Txt			N	"txt"
A	TypeError		N	"type_error"
A	Undefined		N	"undefined"
A	Undefp			F	"$undefp"
A	Undefp0			F	"$undefp0"
A	Underflow		N	"underflow"
A	UnificationStack	N	"unification_stack"
A	Unique			N	"unique"
A	UnsignedByte		N	"unsigned_byte"
A	UnsignedChar		N	"unsigned_char"
A	User			N	"user"
A	UserErr			N	"user_error"
A	UserIn			N	"user_input"
A	UserOut			N	"user_output"
A	DollarVar	    N	"$VAR"
A	VBar			N	"|"
A	VarBranches		N	"var_branches"
A	VariableNames		N	"variable_names"
A	HiddenVar		F	"$V"
A	Variable		N	"variable"
A   Verbose         N   "verbose"
A	VerboseFileSearch	N	"verbose_file_search"
A	VersionNumber		F	"$version_name"
A   VeryVerbose         N   "very_verbose"
A	WakeUpGoal		F	"$wake_up_goal"
A	Warning			N	"warning"
A	When			F	"$when"
A	Write			N	"write"
A	WriteTerm		N	"write_term"
A	Xml			N	"xml"
A	YapHacks		N	"yap_hacks"
A	ZeroDivisor		N	"zero_divisor"
F	AfInet			AfInet		2
F	AfLocal			AfLocal		1
F	AfUnix			AfUnix		1
F	AltNot			AltNot		1
F	Arg			    Arg		3
F	ArrayEntry		ArrayAccess	3
F	Arrow			Arrow		2
F	DoubleArrow		DoubleArrow	2
F	Assert1			Assert		1
F	Assert			Assert		2
F	AtFoundOne		FoundVar	2
F	Atom			Atom		1
F	Att1			Att1		3
F	AttGoal			AttDo		2
F	Braces			Braces		1
F	Call			Call		1
F	Catch			Catch		3
F	ChangeModule		ChangeModule	1
F	Chars			Chars		2
F	Chars1			Chars		1
F	CleanCall		CleanCall	2
F	Clist			When		4
F	Codes			Codes		2
F	Codes1			Codes		1
F	Colon			Colon		2
F	Comma			Comma		2
F	CommentHook		CommentHook	3
F	Context2		Context		2
F	ConsistencyError	ConsistencyError	1
F	Creep			Creep		1
F	Csult			Csult		2
F	CurrentModule		CurrentModule	1
F	CutBy			CutBy		1
F	Diff			Diff		2
F	DoLogUpdClause		DoLogUpdClause	6
F	DoLogUpdClause0		DoLogUpdClause0	6
F	DoLogUpdClauseErase	DoLogUpdClauseErase	6
F	DoStaticClause		DoStaticClause	5
F	Dollar           Dollar       1
F	DollarVar           DollarVar       1
F	DomainError		DomainError	2
F	Dot			Dot		2
F	Dot10			Dot		10
F	Dot11			Dot		11
F	Dot12			Dot		12
F	Dot2			Dot		2
F	Dot3			Dot		3
F	Dot4			Dot		4
F	Dot5			Dot		5
F	Dot6			Dot		6
F	Dot7			Dot		7
F	Dot8			Dot		8
F	Dot9			Dot		9
F	DoubleSlash			DoubleSlash		2
F	EmptySquareBrackets	EmptySquareBrackets	2
F	EmptyCurlyBrackets	EmptyCurlyBrackets	2
F	Eq			Eq		2
F	Error			Error		2
F	EvaluationError		EvaluationError	1
F	Exception		Exception	1
F	Execute2InMod		ExecuteWoMod	2
F	ExecuteInMod		ExecuteInMod	2
F	ExecuteWithin		ExecuteWithin	1
F	ExistenceError		ExistenceError	2
F	ExoClause		ExoClause	2
F	Functor			Functor		3
F	GAtom			Atom		1
F	GAtomic			Atomic		1
F	GCompound		Compound	1
F	GFloat			Float		1
F	GFormatAt		FormatAt	2
F	GInteger		Integer		1
F	GNumber			Number		1
F	GPrimitive		Primitive	1
F	GVar			GVar		1
F	GeneratePredInfo	GeneratePredInfo	4
F	GoalExpansion2		GoalExpansion	2
F	GoalExpansion		GoalExpansion	3
F	HandleThrow		HandleThrow	3
F	Hat			Hat		2
F	I			I		2
F	Id			Id		1
F	Is			Is		2
F	J			J		2
F	LastExecuteWithin	LastExecuteWithin	1
F	List			Dot		2
F	MegaClause		MegaClause	2
F	MetaCall		MetaCall	4
F	Minus			Minus		2
F	Module			Colon		2
F	MultiFileClause		MfClause	5
F	Mutable			MutableVariable	(sizeof(timed_var)/sizeof(CELL))
F	Mutex			Mutex		2
F	NotImplemented		NotImplemented	2
F	NBQueue			Queue		4
F	Not			Not		1
F	Obj			Obj		1
F	Or			Semic		2
F	PermissionError		PermissionError	3
F	Plus			Plus		2
F	Portray			Portray		1
F	PrintMessage		PrintMessage	2
F   Procedure       Procedure       5
F	PrologConstraint	Prolog		2
F	ProtectStack	ProtectStack    4
F	Query			Query		1
F	RecordedWithKey		RecordedWithKey	6
F	RDiv			RDiv		2
F	RedoFreeze		RedoFreeze	3
F	RepresentationError	RepresentationError	1
F	ResourceError		ResourceError	1
F	RestoreRegs		RestoreRegs	2
F	RestoreRegs1		RestoreRegs	1
F	Safe			Safe		1
F	SafeCallCleanup		SafeCallCleanup	4
F	Same			Same		2
F	Slash			Slash		2
F	StaticClause		StaticClause	2
F	Stream			Stream		1
F	StreamEOS		EndOfStream	1
F	StreamPos		StreamPos	4
F	String1			String		1
F	StyleCheck		StyleCheck	4
F	SyntaxError		SyntaxError	4
F	ShortSyntaxError	SyntaxError	1
F	TermExpansion		TermExpansion	2
F	ThreadRun		TopThreadGoal	2
F	Throw			Throw		1
F	TimeoutError		TimeoutError	2
F	TraceMetaCall		TraceMetaCall	3
F	TypeError		TypeError	2
F	UMinus			Minus		1
F	UPlus			Plus		1
F	VBar			VBar		2
F	WriteTerm		WriteTerm	2
F	HiddenVar		HiddenVar	1