assertz(Clause) assertz((Head:-Body))Asserts a clause as the last one for an object's dynamic predicate. If the predicate is not already declared, then a dynamic predicate declaration is added to the object.
- Clause is a variable:
- Head is a variable:
- Head is a neither a variable nor a callable term:
type_error(callable, Head)
- Body cannot be converted to a goal:
type_error(callable, Body)
- The predicate indicator of Head is that of a private predicate:
permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Head)
- The predicate indicator of Head is that of a protected predicate:
permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Head)
- The predicate indicator of Head is that of a static predicate:
permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Head)
- To assert a clause as the last one for any dynamic predicate in this:
- To assert a clause as the last one for any public or protected dynamic predicate in self:
- To assert a clause as the last one for any public dynamic predicate in an object:
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Last updated on: July 29, 2002