# coding: utf-8 """ Deprecated since IPython 5.0 Inputhook management for GUI event loop integration. """ # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. try: import ctypes except ImportError: ctypes = None except SystemError: # IronPython issue, 2/8/2014 ctypes = None import os import platform import sys from distutils.version import LooseVersion as V from warnings import warn warn("`yap_ipython.lib.inputhook` is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants for identifying the GUI toolkits. GUI_WX = 'wx' GUI_QT = 'qt' GUI_QT4 = 'qt4' GUI_GTK = 'gtk' GUI_TK = 'tk' GUI_OSX = 'osx' GUI_GLUT = 'glut' GUI_PYGLET = 'pyglet' GUI_GTK3 = 'gtk3' GUI_NONE = 'none' # i.e. disable #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utilities #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _stdin_ready_posix(): """Return True if there's something to read on stdin (posix version).""" infds, outfds, erfds = select.select([sys.stdin],[],[],0) return bool(infds) def _stdin_ready_nt(): """Return True if there's something to read on stdin (nt version).""" return msvcrt.kbhit() def _stdin_ready_other(): """Return True, assuming there's something to read on stdin.""" return True def _use_appnope(): """Should we use appnope for dealing with OS X app nap? Checks if we are on OS X 10.9 or greater. """ return sys.platform == 'darwin' and V(platform.mac_ver()[0]) >= V('10.9') def _ignore_CTRL_C_posix(): """Ignore CTRL+C (SIGINT).""" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) def _allow_CTRL_C_posix(): """Take CTRL+C into account (SIGINT).""" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler) def _ignore_CTRL_C_other(): """Ignore CTRL+C (not implemented).""" pass def _allow_CTRL_C_other(): """Take CTRL+C into account (not implemented).""" pass if os.name == 'posix': import select import signal stdin_ready = _stdin_ready_posix ignore_CTRL_C = _ignore_CTRL_C_posix allow_CTRL_C = _allow_CTRL_C_posix elif os.name == 'nt': import msvcrt stdin_ready = _stdin_ready_nt ignore_CTRL_C = _ignore_CTRL_C_other allow_CTRL_C = _allow_CTRL_C_other else: stdin_ready = _stdin_ready_other ignore_CTRL_C = _ignore_CTRL_C_other allow_CTRL_C = _allow_CTRL_C_other #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main InputHookManager class #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class InputHookManager(object): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Manage PyOS_InputHook for different GUI toolkits. This class installs various hooks under ``PyOSInputHook`` to handle GUI event loop integration. """ def __init__(self): if ctypes is None: warn("IPython GUI event loop requires ctypes, %gui will not be available") else: self.PYFUNC = ctypes.PYFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int) self.guihooks = {} self.aliases = {} self.apps = {} self._reset() def _reset(self): self._callback_pyfunctype = None self._callback = None self._installed = False self._current_gui = None def get_pyos_inputhook(self): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Return the current PyOS_InputHook as a ctypes.c_void_p.""" warn("`get_pyos_inputhook` is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return ctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(ctypes.pythonapi,"PyOS_InputHook") def get_pyos_inputhook_as_func(self): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Return the current PyOS_InputHook as a ctypes.PYFUNCYPE.""" warn("`get_pyos_inputhook_as_func` is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.PYFUNC.in_dll(ctypes.pythonapi,"PyOS_InputHook") def set_inputhook(self, callback): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Set PyOS_InputHook to callback and return the previous one.""" # On platforms with 'readline' support, it's all too likely to # have a KeyboardInterrupt signal delivered *even before* an # initial ``try:`` clause in the callback can be executed, so # we need to disable CTRL+C in this situation. ignore_CTRL_C() self._callback = callback self._callback_pyfunctype = self.PYFUNC(callback) pyos_inputhook_ptr = self.get_pyos_inputhook() original = self.get_pyos_inputhook_as_func() pyos_inputhook_ptr.value = \ ctypes.cast(self._callback_pyfunctype, ctypes.c_void_p).value self._installed = True return original def clear_inputhook(self, app=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Set PyOS_InputHook to NULL and return the previous one. Parameters ---------- app : optional, ignored This parameter is allowed only so that clear_inputhook() can be called with a similar interface as all the ``enable_*`` methods. But the actual value of the parameter is ignored. This uniform interface makes it easier to have user-level entry points in the main IPython app like :meth:`enable_gui`.""" warn("`clear_inputhook` is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) pyos_inputhook_ptr = self.get_pyos_inputhook() original = self.get_pyos_inputhook_as_func() pyos_inputhook_ptr.value = ctypes.c_void_p(None).value allow_CTRL_C() self._reset() return original def clear_app_refs(self, gui=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Clear IPython's internal reference to an application instance. Whenever we create an app for a user on qt4 or wx, we hold a reference to the app. This is needed because in some cases bad things can happen if a user doesn't hold a reference themselves. This method is provided to clear the references we are holding. Parameters ---------- gui : None or str If None, clear all app references. If ('wx', 'qt4') clear the app for that toolkit. References are not held for gtk or tk as those toolkits don't have the notion of an app. """ warn("`clear_app_refs` is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if gui is None: self.apps = {} elif gui in self.apps: del self.apps[gui] def register(self, toolkitname, *aliases): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Register a class to provide the event loop for a given GUI. This is intended to be used as a class decorator. It should be passed the names with which to register this GUI integration. The classes themselves should subclass :class:`InputHookBase`. :: @inputhook_manager.register('qt') class QtInputHook(InputHookBase): def enable(self, app=None): ... """ warn("`register` is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) def decorator(cls): if ctypes is not None: inst = cls(self) self.guihooks[toolkitname] = inst for a in aliases: self.aliases[a] = toolkitname return cls return decorator def current_gui(self): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Return a string indicating the currently active GUI or None.""" warn("`current_gui` is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._current_gui def enable_gui(self, gui=None, app=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Switch amongst GUI input hooks by name. This is a higher level method than :meth:`set_inputhook` - it uses the GUI name to look up a registered object which enables the input hook for that GUI. Parameters ---------- gui : optional, string or None If None (or 'none'), clears input hook, otherwise it must be one of the recognized GUI names (see ``GUI_*`` constants in module). app : optional, existing application object. For toolkits that have the concept of a global app, you can supply an existing one. If not given, the toolkit will be probed for one, and if none is found, a new one will be created. Note that GTK does not have this concept, and passing an app if ``gui=="GTK"`` will raise an error. Returns ------- The output of the underlying gui switch routine, typically the actual PyOS_InputHook wrapper object or the GUI toolkit app created, if there was one. """ warn("`enable_gui` is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if gui in (None, GUI_NONE): return self.disable_gui() if gui in self.aliases: return self.enable_gui(self.aliases[gui], app) try: gui_hook = self.guihooks[gui] except KeyError: e = "Invalid GUI request {!r}, valid ones are: {}" raise ValueError(e.format(gui, ', '.join(self.guihooks))) self._current_gui = gui app = gui_hook.enable(app) if app is not None: app._in_event_loop = True self.apps[gui] = app return app def disable_gui(self): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Disable GUI event loop integration. If an application was registered, this sets its ``_in_event_loop`` attribute to False. It then calls :meth:`clear_inputhook`. """ warn("`disable_gui` is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) gui = self._current_gui if gui in self.apps: self.apps[gui]._in_event_loop = False return self.clear_inputhook() class InputHookBase(object): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Base class for input hooks for specific toolkits. Subclasses should define an :meth:`enable` method with one argument, ``app``, which will either be an instance of the toolkit's application class, or None. They may also define a :meth:`disable` method with no arguments. """ def __init__(self, manager): self.manager = manager def disable(self): pass inputhook_manager = InputHookManager() @inputhook_manager.register('osx') class NullInputHook(InputHookBase): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 A null inputhook that doesn't need to do anything""" def enable(self, app=None): warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) @inputhook_manager.register('wx') class WxInputHook(InputHookBase): def enable(self, app=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Enable event loop integration with wxPython. Parameters ---------- app : WX Application, optional. Running application to use. If not given, we probe WX for an existing application object, and create a new one if none is found. Notes ----- This methods sets the ``PyOS_InputHook`` for wxPython, which allows the wxPython to integrate with terminal based applications like yap_ipython. If ``app`` is not given we probe for an existing one, and return it if found. If no existing app is found, we create an :class:`wx.App` as follows:: import wx app = wx.App(redirect=False, clearSigInt=False) """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) import wx wx_version = V(wx.__version__).version if wx_version < [2, 8]: raise ValueError("requires wxPython >= 2.8, but you have %s" % wx.__version__) from yap_ipython.lib.inputhookwx import inputhook_wx self.manager.set_inputhook(inputhook_wx) if _use_appnope(): from appnope import nope nope() import wx if app is None: app = wx.GetApp() if app is None: app = wx.App(redirect=False, clearSigInt=False) return app def disable(self): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Disable event loop integration with wxPython. This restores appnapp on OS X """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if _use_appnope(): from appnope import nap nap() @inputhook_manager.register('qt', 'qt4') class Qt4InputHook(InputHookBase): def enable(self, app=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Enable event loop integration with PyQt4. Parameters ---------- app : Qt Application, optional. Running application to use. If not given, we probe Qt for an existing application object, and create a new one if none is found. Notes ----- This methods sets the PyOS_InputHook for PyQt4, which allows the PyQt4 to integrate with terminal based applications like yap_ipython. If ``app`` is not given we probe for an existing one, and return it if found. If no existing app is found, we create an :class:`QApplication` as follows:: from PyQt4 import QtCore app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) from yap_ipython.lib.inputhookqt4 import create_inputhook_qt4 app, inputhook_qt4 = create_inputhook_qt4(self.manager, app) self.manager.set_inputhook(inputhook_qt4) if _use_appnope(): from appnope import nope nope() return app def disable_qt4(self): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Disable event loop integration with PyQt4. This restores appnapp on OS X """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if _use_appnope(): from appnope import nap nap() @inputhook_manager.register('qt5') class Qt5InputHook(Qt4InputHook): def enable(self, app=None): warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) os.environ['QT_API'] = 'pyqt5' return Qt4InputHook.enable(self, app) @inputhook_manager.register('gtk') class GtkInputHook(InputHookBase): def enable(self, app=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Enable event loop integration with PyGTK. Parameters ---------- app : ignored Ignored, it's only a placeholder to keep the call signature of all gui activation methods consistent, which simplifies the logic of supporting magics. Notes ----- This methods sets the PyOS_InputHook for PyGTK, which allows the PyGTK to integrate with terminal based applications like yap_ipython. """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) import gtk try: gtk.set_interactive(True) except AttributeError: # For older versions of gtk, use our own ctypes version from yap_ipython.lib.inputhookgtk import inputhook_gtk self.manager.set_inputhook(inputhook_gtk) @inputhook_manager.register('tk') class TkInputHook(InputHookBase): def enable(self, app=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Enable event loop integration with Tk. Parameters ---------- app : toplevel :class:`Tkinter.Tk` widget, optional. Running toplevel widget to use. If not given, we probe Tk for an existing one, and create a new one if none is found. Notes ----- If you have already created a :class:`Tkinter.Tk` object, the only thing done by this method is to register with the :class:`InputHookManager`, since creating that object automatically sets ``PyOS_InputHook``. """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if app is None: try: from tkinter import Tk # Py 3 except ImportError: from Tkinter import Tk # Py 2 app = Tk() app.withdraw() self.manager.apps[GUI_TK] = app return app @inputhook_manager.register('glut') class GlutInputHook(InputHookBase): def enable(self, app=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Enable event loop integration with GLUT. Parameters ---------- app : ignored Ignored, it's only a placeholder to keep the call signature of all gui activation methods consistent, which simplifies the logic of supporting magics. Notes ----- This methods sets the PyOS_InputHook for GLUT, which allows the GLUT to integrate with terminal based applications like yap_ipython. Due to GLUT limitations, it is currently not possible to start the event loop without first creating a window. You should thus not create another window but use instead the created one. See 'gui-glut.py' in the docs/examples/lib directory. The default screen mode is set to: glut.GLUT_DOUBLE | glut.GLUT_RGBA | glut.GLUT_DEPTH """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) import OpenGL.GLUT as glut from yap_ipython.lib.inputhookglut import glut_display_mode, \ glut_close, glut_display, \ glut_idle, inputhook_glut if GUI_GLUT not in self.manager.apps: glut.glutInit( sys.argv ) glut.glutInitDisplayMode( glut_display_mode ) # This is specific to freeglut if bool(glut.glutSetOption): glut.glutSetOption( glut.GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE, glut.GLUT_ACTION_GLUTMAINLOOP_RETURNS ) glut.glutCreateWindow( sys.argv[0] ) glut.glutReshapeWindow( 1, 1 ) glut.glutHideWindow( ) glut.glutWMCloseFunc( glut_close ) glut.glutDisplayFunc( glut_display ) glut.glutIdleFunc( glut_idle ) else: glut.glutWMCloseFunc( glut_close ) glut.glutDisplayFunc( glut_display ) glut.glutIdleFunc( glut_idle) self.manager.set_inputhook( inputhook_glut ) def disable(self): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Disable event loop integration with glut. This sets PyOS_InputHook to NULL and set the display function to a dummy one and set the timer to a dummy timer that will be triggered very far in the future. """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) import OpenGL.GLUT as glut from glut_support import glutMainLoopEvent glut.glutHideWindow() # This is an event to be processed below glutMainLoopEvent() super(GlutInputHook, self).disable() @inputhook_manager.register('pyglet') class PygletInputHook(InputHookBase): def enable(self, app=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Enable event loop integration with pyglet. Parameters ---------- app : ignored Ignored, it's only a placeholder to keep the call signature of all gui activation methods consistent, which simplifies the logic of supporting magics. Notes ----- This methods sets the ``PyOS_InputHook`` for pyglet, which allows pyglet to integrate with terminal based applications like yap_ipython. """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) from yap_ipython.lib.inputhookpyglet import inputhook_pyglet self.manager.set_inputhook(inputhook_pyglet) return app @inputhook_manager.register('gtk3') class Gtk3InputHook(InputHookBase): def enable(self, app=None): """DEPRECATED since IPython 5.0 Enable event loop integration with Gtk3 (gir bindings). Parameters ---------- app : ignored Ignored, it's only a placeholder to keep the call signature of all gui activation methods consistent, which simplifies the logic of supporting magics. Notes ----- This methods sets the PyOS_InputHook for Gtk3, which allows the Gtk3 to integrate with terminal based applications like yap_ipython. """ warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 5.0 and will be removed in future versions.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) from yap_ipython.lib.inputhookgtk3 import inputhook_gtk3 self.manager.set_inputhook(inputhook_gtk3) clear_inputhook = inputhook_manager.clear_inputhook set_inputhook = inputhook_manager.set_inputhook current_gui = inputhook_manager.current_gui clear_app_refs = inputhook_manager.clear_app_refs enable_gui = inputhook_manager.enable_gui disable_gui = inputhook_manager.disable_gui register = inputhook_manager.register guis = inputhook_manager.guihooks def _deprecated_disable(): warn("This function is deprecated since IPython 4.0 use disable_gui() instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) inputhook_manager.disable_gui() disable_wx = disable_qt4 = disable_gtk = disable_gtk3 = disable_glut = \ disable_pyglet = disable_osx = _deprecated_disable