/* xml_pp: "pretty print" an XML Document on the current output stream. * * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Binding Time Limited * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 John Fletcher * * Current Release: $Revision: 3.3 $ * * TERMS AND CONDITIONS: * * This program is offered free of charge, as unsupported source code. You may * use it, copy it, distribute it, modify it or sell it without restriction, * but entirely at your own risk. */ :- ensure_loaded( xml_utilities ). /* xml_pp( +XMLDocument ) "pretty prints" XMLDocument on the current * output stream. */ xml_pp( xml(Attributes, Document) ) :- write( 'xml( ' ), pp_attributes( Attributes, 0 ), pp_comma, nl, pp_list( Document, s(0) ), write( ' ).' ), nl. xml_pp( malformed(Attributes, Document) ) :- write( 'malformed( ' ), pp_attributes( Attributes, 0 ), pp_comma, nl, pp_list( Document, s(0) ), write( ' ).' ), nl. pp_indented( [], Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent), write( '[]' ). pp_indented( List, Indent ) :- List = [_|_], pp_indent( Indent ), pp_list( List, Indent ). pp_indented( comment(Text), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( 'comment(' ), pp_string(Text), write( ')' ). pp_indented( namespace(URI,Prefix,Element), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( 'namespace( ' ), writeq( URI ), pp_comma_sp, pp_string( Prefix ), pp_comma, nl, pp_indented( Element, s(Indent) ), nl, pp_indent( s(Indent) ), write( ')' ). pp_indented( element(Tag,Attributes,Contents), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( 'element( ' ), writeq( Tag ), pp_comma, nl, pp_attributes( Attributes, s(Indent) ), pp_comma, nl, pp_list( Contents, s(Indent) ), write( ' )' ). pp_indented( instructions(Target, Processing), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( 'instructions( ' ), writeq( Target ), pp_comma_sp, pp_string(Processing), write( ')' ). pp_indented( doctype(Name, DoctypeId), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( 'doctype( ' ), writeq( Name ), pp_comma_sp, pp_indented( DoctypeId, s(Indent) ), %' write( ' )' ). pp_indented( cdata(CData), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( 'cdata(' ), pp_string(CData), write( ')' ). pp_indented( pcdata(PCData), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( 'pcdata(' ), pp_string(PCData), write( ')' ). pp_indented( public(URN,URL), _Indent ) :- write( 'public(' ), pp_string(URN), pp_comma_sp, pp_string(URL), write( ')' ). pp_indented( public(URN,URL,Literals), Indent ) :- write( 'public(' ), pp_string(URN), pp_comma_sp, pp_string(URL), pp_list( Literals, s(Indent) ), write( ')' ). pp_indented( system(URL), _Indent ) :- write( 'system(' ), pp_string(URL), write( ')' ). pp_indented( system(URL,Literals), Indent ) :- write( 'system(' ), pp_string(URL), pp_comma_sp, pp_list( Literals, s(Indent) ), write( ')' ). pp_indented( local, _Indent ) :- write( local ). pp_indented( local(Literals), Indent ) :- write( 'local(' ), nl, pp_list( Literals, s(Indent) ), write( ')' ). pp_indented( dtd_literal(String), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( 'dtd_literal(' ), pp_string(String), write( ')' ). pp_indented( out_of_context(Tag), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( '/* SYNTAX ERROR */ out_of_context( ' ), writeq( Tag ), write( ' )' ). pp_indented( unparsed(String), Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( '/* SYNTAX ERROR */ unparsed( ' ), pp_string(String), write( ' )' ). pp_list( [], Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( [] ). pp_list( [H|T], Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( '[' ), nl, pp_indented( H, Indent ), pp_list1( T, Indent ), pp_indent( Indent ), write( ']' ). pp_list1( [], _Indent ) :- nl. pp_list1( [H|T], Indent ) :- pp_comma, nl, pp_indented( H, Indent ), pp_list1( T, Indent ). pp_attributes( [], Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( [] ). pp_attributes( [Attribute|Attributes], Indent ) :- pp_indent( Indent ), write( '[' ), pp_attributes1( Attributes, Attribute ), write( ']' ). pp_attributes1( [], Name=Value ) :- pp_name( Name ), pp_string( Value ). pp_attributes1( [H|T], Name=Value ) :- pp_name( Name ), pp_string( Value ), pp_comma_sp, pp_attributes1( T, H ). pp_name( Name ) :- ( possible_operator( Name ) -> write( '(' ), write( Name ), write( ')=' ) ; otherwise -> writeq( Name ), write( '=' ) ). possible_operator( (abolish) ). possible_operator( (attribute) ). possible_operator( (check_advice) ). possible_operator( (compile_command) ). possible_operator( (delay) ). possible_operator( (demon) ). possible_operator( (discontiguous) ). possible_operator( (div) ). possible_operator( (do) ). possible_operator( (document_export) ). possible_operator( (document_import) ). possible_operator( (dy) ). possible_operator( (dynamic) ). possible_operator( (edb) ). possible_operator( (eexport) ). possible_operator( (else) ). possible_operator( (except) ). possible_operator( (export) ). possible_operator( (foreign_pred) ). possible_operator( (from) ). possible_operator( (from_chars) ). possible_operator( (from_file) ). possible_operator( (from_stream) ). possible_operator( (global) ). possible_operator( (help) ). possible_operator( (hilog) ). possible_operator( (if) ). possible_operator( (import) ). possible_operator( (index) ). possible_operator( (initialization) ). possible_operator( (is) ). possible_operator( (listing) ). possible_operator( (local) ). possible_operator( (locked) ). possible_operator( (meta_predicate) ). possible_operator( (mod) ). possible_operator( (mode) ). possible_operator( (module_transparent) ). possible_operator( (multifile) ). possible_operator( (namic) ). possible_operator( (nocheck_advice) ). possible_operator( (nospy) ). possible_operator( (not) ). possible_operator( (of) ). possible_operator( (once) ). possible_operator( (onto_chars) ). possible_operator( (onto_file) ). possible_operator( (onto_stream) ). possible_operator( (parallel) ). possible_operator( (public) ). possible_operator( (r) ). possible_operator( (rem) ). possible_operator( (skipped) ). possible_operator( (spy) ). possible_operator( (table) ). possible_operator( (then) ). possible_operator( (thread_local) ). possible_operator( (ti) ). possible_operator( (ti_off) ). possible_operator( (traceable) ). possible_operator( (unskipped) ). possible_operator( (untraceable) ). possible_operator( (use_subsumptive_tabling) ). possible_operator( (use_variant_tabling) ). possible_operator( (volatile) ). possible_operator( (with) ). possible_operator( (with_input_from_chars) ). possible_operator( (with_output_to_chars) ). possible_operator( (xor) ). pp_indent( 0 ). pp_indent( s(N) ) :- write( ' ' ), pp_indent( N ). pp_comma :- write( ',' ). pp_comma_sp :- write( ', ' ).