/* Base file for school database. Supposed to be called from school_*.yap */ :- use_module(library(pfl)). bayes abi(K)::[h,m,l] ; abi_table ; [professor(K)]. bayes pop(K)::[h,m,l], abi(K) ; pop_table ; [professor(K)]. bayes diff(C)::[h,m,l] ; diff_table ; [course(C,_)]. bayes int(S)::[h,m,l] ; int_table ; [student(S)]. bayes grade(C,S)::[a,b,c,d], int(S), diff(C) ; grade_table ; [registration(_,C,S)]. bayes satisfaction(C,S)::[h,m,l], abi(P), grade(C,S) ; sat_table ; [reg_satisfaction(C,S,P)]. bayes rat(C)::[h,m,l], Sats ; avg ; [course_rat(C, Sats)]. bayes rank(S)::[a,b,c,d], Grades ; avg ; [student_ranking(S,Grades)]. grade(Key, Grade) :- registration(Key, CKey, SKey), grade(CKey, SKey, Grade). reg_satisfaction(CKey, SKey, PKey) :- registration(_Key, CKey, SKey), course(CKey, PKey). course_rat(CKey, Sats) :- course(CKey, _), setof(satisfaction(CKey,SKey), PKey^reg_satisfaction(CKey, SKey, PKey), Sats). student_ranking(SKey, Grades) :- student(SKey), setof(grade(CKey,SKey), RKey^registration(RKey,CKey,SKey), Grades). :- ensure_loaded(tables). % convert to longer names professor_ability(P,A) :- abi(P,A). professor_popularity(P,A) :- pop(P,A). course_difficulty(P,A) :- diff(P,A). student_intelligence(P,A) :- int(P,A). course_rating(C,X) :- rat(C,X). registration_grade(R,A) :- registration(R,C,S), grade(C,S,A). registration_satisfaction(R,A) :- registration(R,C,S), satisfaction(C,S,A). registration_course(R,C) :- registration(R,C,_). registration_student(R,S) :- registration(R,_,S). % % Evidence % %abi(p0, h). %pop(p1, m). %pop(p2, h). % Query % ?- abi(p0, X).