/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: boot.yap * * Last rev: 8/2/88 * * mods: * * comments: boot file for Prolog * * * *************************************************************************/ % This one should come first so that disjunctions and long distance % cuts are compiled right with co-routining. % true :- true. '$live' :- '$init_system', '$do_live'. '$do_live' :- repeat, '$current_module'(Module), ( Module==user -> '$compile_mode'(_,0) ; format(user_error,'[~w]~n', [Module]) ), '$system_catch'('$enter_top_level',Module,Error,user:'$Error'(Error)). '$init_system' :- '$change_alias_to_stream'('$loop_stream','$stream'(0)), % do catch as early as possible ( '$access_yap_flags'(15, 0), '$access_yap_flags'(22, 0), \+ '$uncaught_throw' -> '$version' ; true ), ( '$access_yap_flags'(22, 0) -> set_value('$verbose',on) ; set_value('$verbose',off) ), ( retractall(user:library_directory(_)), '$system_library_directories'(D), assert(user:library_directory(D)), fail ; true ), '$stream_representation_error'(user_input, 512), '$stream_representation_error'(user_output, 512), '$stream_representation_error'(user_error, 512), '$enter_system_mode', '$init_globals', set_value(fileerrors,1), set_value('$gc',on), ('$exit_undefp' -> true ; true), prompt(' ?- '), '$debug_on'(false), % simple trick to find out if this is we are booting from Prolog. get_value('$user_module',V), ( V == [] -> '$current_module'(_,prolog) ; '$current_module'(_,V), '$compile_mode'(_,0), ('$access_yap_flags'(16,0) -> ( exists('~/.yaprc') -> load_files('~/.yaprc', []) ; true ), ( exists('~/.prologrc') -> load_files('~/.prologrc', []) ; true ), ( exists('~/prolog.ini') -> load_files('~/prolog.ini', []) ; true ) ; true ) ), '$db_clean_queues'(0), '$startup_reconsult', '$startup_goals', '$set_input'(user_input),'$set_output'(user), '$init_or_threads', '$run_at_thread_start'. '$init_globals' :- '$init_consult', nb_setval('$break',0), % '$set_read_error_handler'(error), let the user do that nb_setval('$open_expands_filename',true), nb_setval('$trace',off), nb_setval('$assert_all',off), nb_setval('$if_skip_mode',no_skip), b_setval('$spy_glist',[]). '$init_consult' :- nb_setval('$lf_verbose',informational), nb_setval('$if_level',0), nb_setval('$endif',off), nb_setval('$consulting_file',[]), nb_setval('$initialization_goals',off), nb_setval('$consulting',false), nb_setval('$included_file',[]). '$init_or_threads' :- '$yapor_threads'(W), !, '$start_orp_threads'(W). '$init_or_threads'. '$start_orp_threads'(1) :- !. '$start_orp_threads'(W) :- thread_create('$worker',_,[detached(true)]), W1 is W-1, '$start_orp_threads'(W1). % Start file for yap /* I/O predicates */ /* meaning of flags for '$write' is 1 quote illegal atoms 2 ignore operator declarations 4 output '$VAR'(N) terms as A, B, C, ... 8 use portray(_) */ /* main execution loop */ '$read_vars'(Stream,T,Mod,Pos,V) :- '$read'(true,T,Mod,V,Pos,Err,Stream), (nonvar(Err) -> print_message(error,Err), fail ; true ). % reset alarms when entering top-level. '$enter_top_level' :- '$alarm'(0, 0, _, _), fail. '$enter_top_level' :- '$clean_up_dead_clauses', fail. '$enter_top_level' :- recorded('$restore_goal',G,R), erase(R), prompt(_,' | '), '$system_catch'('$do_yes_no'((G->true),user),user,Error,user:'$Error'(Error)), fail. '$enter_top_level' :- nb_getval('$break',BreakLevel), '$debug_on'(DBON), ( nb_getval('$trace',on) -> TraceDebug = trace ; DBON == true -> TraceDebug = debug ; true ), print_message(informational,prompt(BreakLevel,TraceDebug)), fail. '$enter_top_level' :- get_value('$top_level_goal',GA), GA \= [], !, set_value('$top_level_goal',[]), '$run_atom_goal'(GA), set_value('$live','$false'). '$enter_top_level' :- '$disable_docreep', prompt(_,' ?- '), prompt(' | '), '$run_toplevel_hooks', '$read_vars'(user_input,Command,_,Pos,Varnames), nb_setval('$spy_gn',1), % stop at spy-points if debugging is on. nb_setval('$debug_run',off), nb_setval('$debug_zip',off), prompt(_,' |: '), '$command'((?-Command),Varnames,Pos,top), '$sync_mmapped_arrays', set_value('$live','$false'). '$startup_goals' :- get_value('$extend_file_search_path',P), P \= [], set_value('$extend_file_search_path',[]), '$extend_file_search_path'(P), fail. '$startup_goals' :- recorded('$startup_goal',G,_), '$current_module'(Module), '$system_catch'('$query'(once(G), []),Module,Error,user:'$Error'(Error)), fail. '$startup_goals' :- get_value('$init_goal',GA), GA \= [], set_value('$init_goal',[]), '$run_atom_goal'(GA), fail. '$startup_goals' :- get_value('$myddas_goal',GA), GA \= [], set_value('$myddas_goal',[]), get_value('$myddas_user',User), User \= [], set_value('$myddas_user',[]), get_value('$myddas_db',Db), Db \= [], set_value('$myddas_db',[]), get_value('$myddas_host',HostT), ( HostT \= [] -> Host = HostT, set_value('$myddas_host',[]) ; Host = localhost ), get_value('$myddas_pass',PassT), ( PassT \= [] -> Pass = PassT, set_value('$myddas_pass',[]) ; Pass = '' ), use_module(library(myddas)), call(db_open(mysql,myddas,Host/Db,User,Pass)), '$myddas_import_all', fail. '$startup_goals'. '$startup_reconsult' :- get_value('$consult_on_boot',X), X \= [], !, set_value('$consult_on_boot',[]), '$do_startup_reconsult'(X). '$startup_reconsult'. % % MYDDAS: Import all the tables from one database % '$myddas_import_all':- call(db_my_show_tables(myddas,table(Table))), call(db_import(myddas,Table,Table)), fail. '$myddas_import_all'. '$erase_sets' :- eraseall('$'), eraseall('$$set'), eraseall('$$one'), eraseall('$reconsulted'), fail. '$erase_sets' :- \+ recorded('$path',_,_), recorda('$path',"",_). '$erase_sets'. '$version' :- get_value('$version_name',VersionName), print_message(help, version(VersionName)), get_value('$myddas_version_name',MYDDASVersionName), MYDDASVersionName \== [], print_message(help, myddas_version(MYDDASVersionName)), fail. '$version' :- recorded('$version',VersionName,_), print_message(help, VersionName), fail. '$version'. repeat :- '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat'. '$repeat' :- '$repeat'. '$start_corouts' :- recorded('$corout','$corout'(Name,_,_),R), Name \= main, finish_corout(R), fail. '$start_corouts' :- eraseall('$corout'), eraseall('$result'), eraseall('$actual'), fail. '$start_corouts' :- recorda('$actual',main,_), recordz('$corout','$corout'(main,main,'$corout'([],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[])),_Ref), recorda('$result',going,_). '$command'(C,VL,Pos,Con) :- '$access_yap_flags'(9,1), !, '$execute_command'(C,VL,Pos,Con,C). '$command'(C,VL,Pos,Con) :- ( (Con = top ; var(C) ; C = [_|_]) -> '$execute_command'(C,VL,Pos,Con,C), ! ; % do term expansion expand_term(C, EC), % execute a list of commands '$execute_commands'(EC,VL,Pos,Con,C), % succeed only if the *original* was at end of file. C == end_of_file ). % % Hack in case expand_term has created a list of commands. % '$execute_commands'(V,_,_,_,Source) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,meta_call(Source)). '$execute_commands'([],_,_,_,_) :- !. '$execute_commands'([C|Cs],VL,Pos,Con,Source) :- !, ( '$execute_command'(C,VL,Pos,Con,Source), fail ; '$execute_commands'(Cs,VL,Pos,Con,Source) ). '$execute_commands'(C,VL,Pos,Con,Source) :- '$execute_command'(C,VL,Pos,Con,Source). % % % '$execute_command'(C,_,_,top,Source) :- var(C), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,meta_call(Source)). '$execute_command'(C,_,_,top,Source) :- number(C), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,C),meta_call(Source)). '$execute_command'(R,_,_,top,Source) :- db_reference(R), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,R),meta_call(Source)). '$execute_command'(end_of_file,_,_,_,_) :- !. '$execute_command'(Command,_,_,_,_) :- nb_getval('$if_skip_mode',skip), \+ '$if_directive'(Command), !. '$execute_command'((:-G),_,_,Option,_) :- !, '$current_module'(M), % allow user expansion expand_term((:- G), O), O = (:- G1), '$process_directive'(G1, Option, M). '$execute_command'((?-G),V,Pos,_,Source) :- !, '$execute_command'(G,V,Pos,top,Source). '$execute_command'(G,V,Pos,Option,Source) :- '$continue_with_command'(Option,V,Pos,G,Source). % % This command is very different depending on the language mode we are in. % % ISO only wants directives in files % SICStus accepts everything in files % YAP accepts everything everywhere % '$process_directive'(G, top, M) :- '$access_yap_flags'(8, 0), !, % YAP mode, go in and do it, '$process_directive'(G, consult, M). '$process_directive'(G, top, _) :- !, '$do_error'(context_error((:- G),clause),query). % % allow modules % '$process_directive'(M:G, Mode, _) :- !, '$process_directive'(G, Mode, M). % % default case % '$process_directive'(Gs, Mode, M) :- '$all_directives'(Gs), !, '$exec_directives'(Gs, Mode, M). % % ISO does not allow goals (use initialization). % '$process_directive'(D, _, M) :- '$access_yap_flags'(8, 1), !, % ISO Prolog mode, go in and do it, '$do_error'(context_error((:- M:D),query),directive). % % but YAP and SICStus does. % '$process_directive'(G, _, M) :- '$exit_system_mode', ( '$notrace'(M:G) -> true ; format(user_error,':- ~w:~w failed.~n',[M,G]) ), '$enter_system_mode'. '$continue_with_command'(reconsult,V,Pos,G,Source) :- '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,5,Source), fail. '$continue_with_command'(consult,V,Pos,G,Source) :- '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,13,Source), fail. '$continue_with_command'(top,V,_,G,_) :- '$query'(G,V). % % not 100% compatible with SICStus Prolog, as SICStus Prolog would put % module prefixes all over the place, although unnecessarily so. % '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,N,Source) :- '$current_module'(Mod), '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,N,Mod,Mod,Source). '$go_compile_clause'(G,_,_,_,_,_,Source) :- var(G), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,assert(Source)). '$go_compile_clause'((G:-_),_,_,_,_,_,Source) :- var(G), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,assert(Source)). '$go_compile_clause'(M:G,V,Pos,N,_,_,Source) :- !, '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,N,M,M,Source). '$go_compile_clause'((M:H :- B),V,Pos,N,_,BodyMod,Source) :- !, '$go_compile_clause'((H :- B),V,Pos,N,M,BodyMod,Source). '$go_compile_clause'(G,V,Pos,N,HeadMod,BodyMod,Source) :- !, '$prepare_term'(G, V, Pos, G0, G1, BodyMod, HeadMod, Source), '$$compile'(G1, G0, N, HeadMod). '$prepare_term'(G, V, Pos, G0, G1, BodyMod, SourceMod, Source) :- ( get_value('$syntaxcheckflag',on) -> '$check_term'(Source, V, Pos, BodyMod) ; true ), '$precompile_term'(G, G0, G1, BodyMod, SourceMod). % process an input clause '$$compile'(G, G0, L, Mod) :- '$head_and_body'(G,H,_), '$flags'(H, Mod, Fl, Fl), is(NFl, /\, Fl, 0x00002000), ( NFl \= 0 -> '$assertz_dynamic'(L,G,G0,Mod) ; nb_getval('$assert_all',on) -> functor(H,N,A), '$dynamic'(N/A,Mod), '$assertz_dynamic'(L,G,G0,Mod) ; '$not_imported'(H, Mod), '$compile'(G, L, G0, Mod) ). '$not_imported'(H, Mod) :- recorded('$import','$import'(NM,Mod,NH,H,_,_),_), NM \= Mod, !, functor(NH,N,Ar), '$do_error'(permission_error(modify, static_procedure, NM:N/Ar), consult). '$not_imported'(_, _). '$check_if_reconsulted'(N,A) :- once(recorded('$reconsulted',N/A,_)), recorded('$reconsulted',X,_), ( X = N/A , !; X = '$', !, fail; fail ). '$inform_as_reconsulted'(N,A) :- recorda('$reconsulted',N/A,_). '$clear_reconsulting' :- recorded('$reconsulted',X,Ref), erase(Ref), X == '$', !, ( recorded('$reconsulting',_,R) -> erase(R) ). '$prompt_alternatives_on'(groundness). /* Executing a query */ '$query'(end_of_file,_). % *************************** % * -------- YAPOR -------- * % *************************** '$query'(G,V) :- \+ '$undefined'('$yapor_on', prolog), '$yapor_on', \+ '$undefined'('$start_yapor', prolog), '$parallelizable'(G), !, '$parallel_query'(G,V), fail. % end of YAPOR '$query'(G,[]) :- '$prompt_alternatives_on'(groundness), !, '$yes_no'(G,(?-)). '$query'(G,V) :- ( '$exit_system_mode', yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP), '$execute'(G), yap_hacks:current_choice_point(NCP), ( '$enter_system_mode' ; '$exit_system_mode', fail), '$output_frozen'(G, V, LGs), '$write_answer'(V, LGs, Written), '$write_query_answer_true'(Written), ( '$prompt_alternatives_on'(determinism), CP = NCP -> nl(user_error), ! ; '$another', ! ), fail ; '$enter_system_mode', '$out_neg_answer' ). '$yes_no'(G,C) :- '$current_module'(M), '$do_yes_no'(G,M), '$output_frozen'(G, [], LGs), '$write_answer'([], LGs, Written), ( Written = [] -> !,'$present_answer'(C, yes); '$another', ! ), fail. '$yes_no'(_,_) :- '$enter_system_mode', '$out_neg_answer'. '$add_env_and_fail' :- fail. '$out_neg_answer' :- ( '$undefined'(print_message(_,_),prolog) -> '$present_answer'(user_error,"no~n", []) ; print_message(help,no) ), fail. '$do_yes_no'([X|L], M) :- !, '$csult'([X|L], M). '$do_yes_no'(G, M) :- '$exit_system_mode', '$execute'(M:G), ( '$enter_system_mode' ; '$exit_system_mode', fail). '$write_query_answer_true'([]) :- !, format(user_error,'~ntrue',[]). '$write_query_answer_true'(_). '$output_frozen'(_,V,LGs) :- \+ '$undefined'(bindings_message(_,_,_), swi), swi:bindings_message(V, LGs, []), !. '$output_frozen'(G,V,LGs) :- '$project_and_delayed_goals'(G,LGs). % % present_answer has three components. First it flushes the streams, % then it presents the goals, and last it shows any goals frozen on % the arguments. % '$present_answer'(_,_):- '$flush_all_streams', fail. '$present_answer'((?-), Answ) :- nb_getval('$break',BL), ( BL \= 0 -> format(user_error, '[~p] ',[BL]) ; true ), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,Answ,Opts) ; format(user_error,'~w',[Answ]) ), format(user_error,'~n', []). '$another' :- format(user_error,' ? ',[]), get0(user_input,C), '$do_another'(C). '$do_another'(C) :- ( C== 0'; -> '$skip'(user_input,10), %' '$add_nl_outside_console', fail ; C== 10 -> '$add_nl_outside_console', ( '$undefined'(print_message(_,_),prolog) -> format(user_error,'yes~n', []) ; print_message(help,yes) ) ; C== 13 -> get0(user_input,NC), '$do_another'(NC) ; C== -1 -> halt ; '$skip'(user_input,10), '$ask_again_for_another' ). '$add_nl_outside_console' :- '$is_same_tty'(user_input, user_error), !. '$add_nl_outside_console' :- format(user_error,'~n',[]). '$ask_again_for_another' :- format(user_error,'Action (\";\" for more choices, for exit)', []), '$another'. '$write_answer'(_,_,_) :- '$flush_all_streams', fail. '$write_answer'(Vs, LBlk, FLAnsw) :- '$purge_dontcares'(Vs,IVs), '$sort'(IVs, NVs), '$prep_answer_var_by_var'(NVs, LAnsw, LBlk), '$name_vars_in_goals'(LAnsw, Vs, NLAnsw), '$write_vars_and_goals'(NLAnsw, first, FLAnsw). '$purge_dontcares'([],[]). '$purge_dontcares'([[[95|_]|_]|Vs],NVs) :- !, '$purge_dontcares'(Vs,NVs). '$purge_dontcares'([V|Vs],[V|NVs]) :- '$purge_dontcares'(Vs,NVs). '$prep_answer_var_by_var'([], L, L). '$prep_answer_var_by_var'([[Name|Value]|L], LF, L0) :- '$delete_identical_answers'(L, Value, NL, Names), '$prep_answer_var'([Name|Names], Value, LF, LI), '$prep_answer_var_by_var'(NL, LI, L0). % fetch all cases that have the same solution. '$delete_identical_answers'([], _, [], []). '$delete_identical_answers'([[Name|Value]|L], Value0, FL, [Name|Names]) :- Value == Value0, !, '$delete_identical_answers'(L, Value0, FL, Names). '$delete_identical_answers'([VV|L], Value0, [VV|FL], Names) :- '$delete_identical_answers'(L, Value0, FL, Names). % now create a list of pairs that will look like goals. '$prep_answer_var'(Names, Value, LF, L0) :- var(Value), !, '$prep_answer_unbound_var'(Names, LF, L0). '$prep_answer_var'(Names, Value, [nonvar(Names,Value)|L0], L0). % ignore unbound variables '$prep_answer_unbound_var'([_], L, L) :- !. '$prep_answer_unbound_var'(Names, [var(Names)|L0], L0). '$gen_name_string'(I,L,[C|L]) :- I < 26, !, C is I+65. '$gen_name_string'(I,L0,LF) :- I1 is I mod 26, I2 is I // 26, C is I1+65, '$gen_name_string'(I2,[C|L0],LF). '$write_vars_and_goals'([], _, []). '$write_vars_and_goals'([nl,G1|LG], First, NG) :- !, nl(user_error), '$write_goal_output'(G1, First, NG, Next, IG), '$write_vars_and_goals'(LG, Next, IG). '$write_vars_and_goals'([G1|LG], First, NG) :- '$write_goal_output'(G1, First, NG, Next, IG), '$write_vars_and_goals'(LG, Next, IG). '$goal_to_string'(Format, G, String) :- charsio:open_mem_write_stream(W), format(W,Format,G), charsio:peek_mem_write_stream(W, [], String), close(W). '$write_goal_output'(var([V|VL]), First, [var([V|VL])|L], next, L) :- !, ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), format(user_error,'~s',[V]), '$write_output_vars'(VL). '$write_goal_output'(nonvar([V|VL],B), First, [nonvar([V|VL],B)|L], next, L) :- !, ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), format(user_error,'~s',[V]), '$write_output_vars'(VL), format(user_error,' = ', []), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,B,[priority(699)|Opts]) ; write_term(user_error,B,[priority(699)]) ). '$write_goal_output'(nl, First, NG, First, NG) :- !, format(user_error,'~n',[]). '$write_goal_output'(Format-G, First, NG, Next, IG) :- !, G = [_|_], !, % dump on string first so that we can check whether we actually % had any output from the solver. '$goal_to_string'(Format, G, String), ( String == [] -> % we didn't IG = NG, First = Next ; % we did ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), format(user_error, '~s', [String]), NG = [G|IG] ). '$write_goal_output'(_-G, First, [G|NG], next, NG) :- !, ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,G,Opts) ; format(user_error,'~w',[G]) ). '$write_goal_output'(_M:G, First, [G|NG], next, NG) :- !, ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,G,Opts) ; format(user_error,'~w',[G]) ). '$write_goal_output'(G, First, [M:G|NG], next, NG) :- '$current_module'(M), ( First = first -> true ; format(user_error,',~n',[]) ), ( recorded('$print_options','$toplevel'(Opts),_) -> write_term(user_error,G,Opts) ; format(user_error,'~w',[G]) ). '$name_vars_in_goals'(G, VL0, NG) :- copy_term_nat(G+VL0, NG+NVL0), '$name_well_known_vars'(NVL0), '$variables_in_term'(NG, [], NGVL), '$name_vars_in_goals1'(NGVL, 0, _). '$name_well_known_vars'([]). '$name_well_known_vars'([[Name|V]|NVL0]) :- var(V), !, V = '$VAR'(Name), '$name_well_known_vars'(NVL0). '$name_well_known_vars'([_|NVL0]) :- '$name_well_known_vars'(NVL0). '$name_vars_in_goals1'([], I, I). '$name_vars_in_goals1'(['$VAR'([95|Name])|NGVL], I0, IF) :- I is I0+1, '$gen_name_string'(I0,[],Name), !, '$name_vars_in_goals1'(NGVL, I, IF). '$name_vars_in_goals1'([NV|NGVL], I0, IF) :- nonvar(NV), '$name_vars_in_goals1'(NGVL, I0, IF). '$write_output_vars'([]). '$write_output_vars'([V|VL]) :- format(user_error,' = ~s',[V]), '$write_output_vars'(VL). call(G) :- '$execute'(G). incore(G) :- '$execute'(G). % % standard meta-call, called if $execute could not do everything. % '$meta_call'(G, M) :- yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP), '$call'(G, CP, G, M). ','(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), '$call'(X,CP,(X,Y),M), '$call'(Y,CP,(X,Y),M). ';'((X->A),Y) :- !, yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$execute'(X) -> '$call'(A,CP,(X->A;Y),M) ; '$call'(Y,CP,(X->A;Y),M) ). ';'((X*->A),Y) :- !, yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(DCP), '$execute'(X), yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP), '$call'(A,CP,((X*->A),Y),M) ; '$call'(Y,CP,((X*->A),Y),M) ). ';'(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$call'(X,CP,(X;Y),M) ; '$call'(Y,CP,(X;Y),M) ). '|'(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$call'(X,CP,(X|Y),M) ; '$call'(Y,CP,(X|Y),M) ). '->'(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$call'(X,CP,(X->Y),M) -> '$call'(Y,CP,(X->Y),M) ). '*->'(X,Y) :- yap_hacks:env_choice_point(CP), '$current_module'(M), ( '$call'(X,CP,(X*->Y),M), '$call'(Y,CP,(X*->Y),M) ). \+(G) :- \+ '$execute'(G). not(G) :- \+ '$execute'(G). '$cut_by'(CP) :- '$$cut_by'(CP). % % do it in ISO mode. % '$meta_call'(G,_ISO,M) :- '$iso_check_goal'(G,G), yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP), '$call'(G, CP, G, M). '$meta_call'(G, CP, G0, M) :- '$call'(G, CP, G0, M). '$call'(G, CP, G0, _, M) :- /* iso version */ '$iso_check_goal'(G,G0), '$call'(G, CP, G0, M). '$call'(M:_,_,G0,_) :- var(M), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,call(G0)). '$call'(M:G,CP,G0,_) :- !, '$call'(G,CP,G0,M). '$call'((X,Y),CP,G0,M) :- !, '$call'(X,CP,G0,M), '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M). '$call'((X->Y),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(X,CP,G0,M) -> '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((X*->Y),CP,G0,M) :- !, '$call'(X,CP,G0,M), '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M). '$call'((X->Y; Z),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(X,CP,G0,M) -> '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(Z,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((X*->Y; Z),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(DCP), '$call'(X,CP,G0,M), yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP), '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(Z,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((A;B),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(A,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(B,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((X->Y| Z),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(X,CP,G0,M) -> '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(Z,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((X*->Y| Z),CP,G0,M) :- !, ( yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(DCP), '$call'(X,CP,G0,M), yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP), '$call'(Y,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(Z,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'((A|B),CP, G0,M) :- !, ( '$call'(A,CP,G0,M) ; '$call'(B,CP,G0,M) ). '$call'(\+ X, _CP, _G0, M) :- !, yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(CP), \+ '$call'(X,CP,G0,M). '$call'(not(X), _CP, _G0, M) :- !, \+ '$call'(X,CP,G0,M). '$call'(!, CP, _,_) :- !, '$$cut_by'(CP). '$call'([A|B], _, _, M) :- !, '$csult'([A|B], M). '$call'(G, CP, G0, CurMod) :- ( '$is_expand_goal_or_meta_predicate'(G,CurMod) -> ( '$notrace'(user:goal_expansion(G, CurMod, NG)) -> '$call'(NG, CP, G0,CurMod) ; % repeat other code. '$is_metapredicate'(G,CurMod) -> ( '$meta_expansion'(G,CurMod,CurMod,CurMod,NG,[]) -> '$execute0'(NG, CurMod) ; '$execute0'(G, CurMod) ) ; '$execute0'(G, CurMod) ) ; '$execute0'(G, CurMod) ). '$check_callable'(V,G) :- var(V), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$check_callable'(M:_G1,G) :- var(M), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). '$check_callable'(_:G1,G) :- !, '$check_callable'(G1,G). '$check_callable'(A,G) :- number(A), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,A),G). '$check_callable'(R,G) :- db_reference(R), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,R),G). '$check_callable'(_,_). % Called by the abstract machine, if no clauses exist for a predicate '$undefp'([M|G]) :- % make sure we do not loop on undefined predicates % for undefined_predicates. '$enter_undefp', ( '$get_undefined_pred'(G, M, Goal, NM) -> '$exit_undefp' ; once('$find_undefp_handler'(G,M,Goal,NM)) ), !, Goal \= fail, '$complete_goal'(M, Goal, NM, G). '$complete_goal'(M, G, CurMod, G0) :- ( '$is_metapredicate'(G,CurMod) -> '$meta_expansion'(G, CurMod, M, M, NG,[]) -> '$execute0'(NG, CurMod) ; '$execute0'(G, CurMod) ). '$find_undefp_handler'(G,M,NG,user) :- \+ '$undefined'(unknown_predicate_handler(_,_,_), user), '$system_catch'(unknown_predicate_handler(G,M,NG), user, Error, '$leave_undefp'(Error)), !, '$exit_undefp'. '$find_undefp_handler'(G,M,US,user) :- recorded('$unknown','$unknown'(M:G,US),_), !, '$exit_undefp'. '$find_undefp_handler'(_,_,_,_) :- '$exit_undefp', fail. '$leave_undefp'(Ball) :- '$exit_undefp', throw(Ball). /* This is the break predicate, it saves the importante data about current streams and debugger state */ break :- nb_getval('$system_mode',SystemMode), nb_getval('$trace',Trace), nb_setval('$trace',off), '$debug_on'(Debug), '$debug_on'(false), nb_getval('$break',BL), NBL is BL+1, nb_getval('$spy_gn',SPY_GN), b_getval('$spy_glist',GList), b_setval('$spy_glist',[]), nb_setval('$break',NBL), current_output(OutStream), current_input(InpStream), format(user_error, '% Break (level ~w)~n', [NBL]), '$do_live', !, set_value('$live','$true'), b_setval('$spy_glist',GList), nb_setval('$spy_gn',SPY_GN), '$set_input'(InpStream), '$set_output'(OutStream), '$debug_on'(Debug), nb_setval('$trace',Trace), nb_setval('$break',BL), nb_setval('$system_mode',SystemMode). '$silent_bootstrap'(F) :- '$init_globals', nb_setval('$if_level',0), nb_getval('$lf_verbose',OldSilent), nb_setval('$lf_verbose',silent), bootstrap(F), nb_setval('$lf_verbose', OldSilent). bootstrap(F) :- '$open'(F, '$csult', Stream, 0, 0, F), '$file_name'(Stream,File), '$start_consult'(consult, File, LC), file_directory_name(File, Dir), getcwd(OldD), cd(Dir), ( nb_getval('$lf_verbose',silent) -> true ; H0 is heapused, '$cputime'(T0,_), format(user_error, '~*|% consulting ~w...~n', [LC,F]) ), '$loop'(Stream,consult), cd(OldD), '$end_consult', ( nb_getval('$lf_verbose',silent) -> true ; H is heapused-H0, '$cputime'(TF,_), T is TF-T0, format(user_error, '~*|% ~w consulted ~w bytes in ~d msecs~n', [LC,F,H,T]) ), !, '$close'(Stream). '$loop'(Stream,Status) :- '$change_alias_to_stream'('$loop_stream',Stream), repeat, ( '$current_stream'(_,_,Stream) -> true ; '$abort_loop'(Stream) ), prompt('| '), prompt(_,'| '), '$current_module'(OldModule), '$system_catch'('$enter_command'(Stream,Status), OldModule, Error, user:'$LoopError'(Error, Status)), !. '$enter_command'(Stream,Status) :- '$read_vars'(Stream,Command,_,Pos,Vars), '$command'(Command,Vars,Pos,Status). '$abort_loop'(Stream) :- '$do_error'(permission_error(input,closed_stream,Stream), loop). /* General purpose predicates */ '$head_and_body'((H:-B),H,B) :- !. '$head_and_body'(H,H,true). % % split head and body, generate an error if body is unbound. % '$check_head_and_body'((H:-B),H,B,P) :- !, '$check_head'(H,P). '$check_head_and_body'(H,H,true,P) :- '$check_head'(H,P). '$check_head'(H,P) :- var(H), !, '$do_error'(instantiation_error,P). '$check_head'(H,P) :- number(H), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,H),P). '$check_head'(H,P) :- db_reference(H), !, '$do_error'(type_error(callable,H),P). '$check_head'(_,_). % Path predicates access_file(F,Mode) :- '$exists'(F,Mode). '$exists'(_,none) :- !. '$exists'(F,exist) :- !, '$access'(F). '$exists'(F,Mode) :- get_value(fileerrors,V), set_value(fileerrors,0), system:true_file_name(F, F1), ( '$open'(F1, Mode, S, 0, 1, F) -> '$close'(S), set_value(fileerrors,V) ; set_value(fileerrors,V), fail ). % term expansion % % return two arguments: Expanded0 is the term after "USER" expansion. % Expanded is the final expanded term. % '$precompile_term'(Term, Expanded0, Expanded, BodyMod, SourceMod) :- '$module_expansion'(Term, Expanded0, ExpandedI, BodyMod, SourceMod), !, ( '$access_yap_flags'(9,1) /* strict_iso on */ -> Expanded = ExpandedI, '$check_iso_strict_clause'(Expanded0) ; '$expand_array_accesses_in_term'(ExpandedI,Expanded) ). '$precompile_term'(Term, Term, Term, _, _). expand_term(Term,Expanded) :- ( '$current_module'(Mod), \+ '$undefined'(term_expansion(_,_), Mod), '$notrace'(Mod:term_expansion(Term,Expanded)) ; \+ '$undefined'(term_expansion(_,_), user), '$notrace'(user:term_expansion(Term,Expanded)) ; '$expand_term_grammar'(Term,Expanded) ), !. % % Grammar Rules expansion % '$expand_term_grammar'((A-->B), C) :- '$translate_rule'((A-->B),C), !. '$expand_term_grammar'(A, A). % % Arithmetic expansion % '$expand_term_arith'(G1, G2) :- get_value('$c_arith',true), '$c_arith'(G1, G2), !. '$expand_term_arith'(G,G). % % Arithmetic expansion % '$expand_array_accesses_in_term'(Expanded0,ExpandedF) :- '$array_refs_compiled', '$c_arrays'(Expanded0,ExpandedF), !. '$expand_array_accesses_in_term'(Expanded,Expanded). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % catch/throw implementation % at each catch point I need to know: % what is ball; % where was the previous catch catch(G, C, A) :- '$catch'(C,A,_), yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP0), '$execute'(G), yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP1), (CP0 == CP1 -> !; true ). % makes sure we have an environment. '$true'. % system_catch is like catch, but it avoids the overhead of a full % meta-call by calling '$execute0' instead of $execute. % This way it % also avoids module preprocessing and goal_expansion % '$system_catch'(G, M, C, A) :- % check current trail '$catch'(C,A,_), yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP0), '$execute_nonstop'(G, M), yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP1), (CP0 == CP1 -> !; true ). % % throw has to be *exactly* after system catch! % throw(_Ball) :- % use existing ball '$get_exception'(Ball), !, '$jump_env_and_store_ball'(Ball). throw(Ball) :- % get current jump point '$jump_env_and_store_ball'(Ball). % just create a choice-point '$catch'(_,_,_). '$catch'(_,_,_) :- fail. '$handle_throw'(_, _, _). '$handle_throw'(C, A, _Ball) :- '$reset_exception'(Ball), % reset info ('catch_ball'(Ball, C) -> '$execute'(A) ; throw(Ball) ). 'catch_ball'(Abort, _) :- Abort == '$abort', !, fail. % system defined throws should be ignored by used, unless the % user is hacking away. 'catch_ball'(Ball, V) :- var(V), nonvar(Ball), Ball = error(Type,_), % internal error ?? functor(Type, Name, _), atom_codes(Name, [0'$|_]), %'0 !, fail. 'catch_ball'(C, C). '$run_toplevel_hooks' :- nb_getval('$break',0), recorded('$toplevel_hooks',H,_), !, ( '$oncenotrace'(H) -> true ; true). '$run_toplevel_hooks'. '$enter_system_mode' :- nb_setval('$system_mode',on). '$exit_system_mode' :- nb_setval('$system_mode',off), ( nb_getval('$trace',on) -> '$creep' ; true). % % just prevent creeping from going on... % '$notrace'(G) :- '$disable_creep', !, ( % creep was going on... yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP0), '$execute'(G), yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP1), ( CP0 == CP1 -> !, '$creep' ; ( '$creep' ; '$disable_docreep', fail ) ) ; '$creep', fail ). '$notrace'(G) :- '$execute'(G). '$oncenotrace'(G) :- '$disable_creep', !, ( '$execute'(G) -> '$creep' ; '$creep', fail ). '$oncenotrace'(G) :- '$execute'(G), !. '$run_at_thread_start' :- recorded('$thread_initialization',M:D,_), '$notrace'(M:D), fail. '$run_at_thread_start'.