================================================================ Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language Release 2.30.1 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. ================================================================ This directory contains some files that provide basic syntax highlighting and project and template files for editing Logtalk source files with MacOS X Xcode 1.1 or later version. To install: 1. Copy the files "logtalk.pbfilespec" and "logtalk.pblangspec" to the directory: ~/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/Specifications 2. Copy the directory "Logtalk" to the directory: ~/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/File Templates 3. Create (if it does not exist) the directory: ~/Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/Project Templates/Logtalk and copy to it the directory Logtalk Application Although the file logtalk.pblangspec provides basic syntax coloring for the Logtalk language, it is recommended that you configure Xcode to use an external text editor such as SubEthaEdit or TextMate for editing Logtalk source files. SUPPORT FOR THIS IDE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS.