// // Fields are TAB spaced // Atoms are of the form A Name Normal,FullLookup String // Functors are of the form F Name Atom Arity // Terms are of the form T FullName Atom // // This is supported by YAP directly // A Dot N "." // A 3Dots N "..." A Abol F "$abol" A Access N "access" A AfInet N "AF_INET" A AfLocal N "AF_LOCAL" A AfUnix N "AF_UNIX" A Alarm F "$alarm" A Alias N "alias" A AltNot N "not" A Append N "append" A Arg N "arg" A Array F "$array" A ArrayAccess F "$array_arg" A ArrayOverflow N "array_overflow" A ArrayType N "array_type" A Arrow N "->" A Assert N ":-" A At N "at" A Atom N "atom" A Atomic N "atomic" A Att F "$att" A Att1 N "att" A AttDo F "$att_do" A Attributes N "attributes" A B F "$last_choice_pt" A Batched N "batched" A Between N "between" A HugeInt N "huge_int" A BinaryStream N "binary_stream" A Braces N "{}" A Break F "$break" A Byte N "byte" A CArith F "$c_arith" A Call N "call" A CallAndRetryCounter N "call_and_retry_counter" A CallCounter N "call_counter" A Callable N "callable" A Catch F "$catch" A ChangeModule F "$change_module" A Char N "char" A Charsio N "charsio" A Character N "character" A CharacterCode N "character_code" A CleanCall F "$clean_call" A Colomn N ":" A CodeSpace N "code_space" A Comma N "," A Compound N "compound" A ConsistencyError N "consistency_error" A ConsultOnBoot F "$consult_on_boot" A Context N "context" A Cputime N "cputime" A Create N "create" A Creep F "$creep" A CryptAtoms N "crypt_atoms" A Csult F "$csult" A CurrentModule F "$current_module" A Cut N "!" A CutBy F "$cut_by" A DAbort F "$abort" A DBREF N "DBRef" A DBReference N "db_reference" A DBTerm N "db_term" A DBref F "$dbref" A DInteger F "$integer" A DOUBLE F "Double" A Dec10 N "dec10" A Default N "default" A DevNull N "/dev/null" A Diff N "\\=" A DoLogUpdClause F "$do_log_upd_clause" A DoLogUpdClause0 F "$do_log_upd_clause0" A DoLogUpdClauseErase F "$do_log_upd_clause_erase" A DoStaticClause F "$do_static_clause" A DollarU F "$u" A DollarUndef F "$undef" A DomainError N "domain_error" A E N "e" A EOFBeforeEOT N "end_of_file_found_before_end_of_term" A EQ N "=" A EmptyAtom N "" A EndOfStream N "$end_of_stream" A Eof N "end_of_file" A Eq N "=" A Error N "error" A Evaluable N "evaluable" A EvaluationError N "evaluation_error" A ExecAnswers N "exec_answers" A ExecuteInMod F "$execute_in_mod" A ExecuteWithin F "$execute_within" A ExecuteWoMod F "$execute_wo_mod" A ExistenceError N "existence_error" A ExpectedNumber N "expected_number_syntax" A ExtendFileSearchPath F "$extend_file_search_path" A FB N "fb" A Fail N "fail" A False N "false" A Fast F "$fast" A Fileerrors N "fileerrors" A Float N "float" A FloatFormat N "\%.15g" A FloatOverflow N "float_overflow" A FloatUnderflow N "float_underflow" A Format N "format" A FormatAt F "$format@" A Functor N "functor" A GT N ">" A GVar N "var" A Gc F "$gc" A GcMargin F "$gc_margin" A GcTrace F "$gc_trace" A GcVerbose F "$gc_verbose" A GcVeryVerbose F "$gc_very_verbose" A GeneratePredInfo F "$generate_pred_info" A Getwork F "$getwork" A GetworkSeq F "$getwork_seq" A Global N "global_sp" A GoalExpansion N "goal_expansion" A HERE N "\n <====HERE====> \n" A HandleThrow F "$handle_throw" A Heap N "heap" A HeapUsed N "heapused" A IDB N "idb" A IOMode N "io_mode" A Id N "id" A Inf N "inf" A InitGoal F "$init_goal" A InStackExpansion N "in stack expansion" A Input N "input" A InstantiationError N "instantiation_error" A Int N "int" A IntOverflow N "int_overflow" A Integer N "integer" A InternalCompilerError N "internal_compiler_error" A Is N "is" A Key N "key" A LDLibraryPath N "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" A LONGINT N "LongInt" A LT N "<" A LastExecuteWithin F "$last_execute_within" A Leash F "$leash" A List N "list" A Live F "$live" A LoadAnswers N "load_answers" A Local N "local_sp" A LocalA N "local" A MaxArity N "max_arity" A MaxFiles N "max_files" A MegaClause F "$mega_clause" A MetaCall F "$call" A MfClause F "$mf_clause" A Minus N "-" A Modify N "modify" A MultiFile F "$multi_file" A Mutable N "mutable" A MutableVariable F "$mutable_variable" A MyddasDB F "$myddas_db" A MyddasGoal F "$myddas_goal" A MyddasHost F "$myddas_host" A MyddasPass F "$myddas_pass" A MyddasUser F "$myddas_user" A MyddasVersionName F "$myddas_version_name" A Nan N "nan" A Nb N "nb" A NbTerm N "nb_term" A New N "new" A NoMemory N "no_memory" A NonEmptyList N "non_empty_list" A Not N "\\+" A NotImplemented N "not_implemented" A NotLessThanZero N "not_less_than_zero" A NotNewline N "not_newline" A NotZero N "not_zero" A Number N "number" A Off N "off" A Offline N "offline" A On N "on" A Online N "online" A Open N "open" A OperatingSystemError N "operating_system_error" A Operator N "operator" A OperatorPriority N "operator_priority" A OperatorSpecifier N "operator_specifier" A Otherwise N "otherwise" A OutOfAttvarsError N "out_of_attvars_error" A OutOfAuxspaceError N "out_of_auxspace_error" A OutOfHeapError N "out_of_heap_error" A OutOfRange N "out_of_range" A OutOfStackError N "out_of_stack_error" A OutOfTrailError N "out_of_trail_error" A Output N "output" A PrologCommonsDir N "prolog_commons_directory" A PastEndOfStream N "past_end_of_stream" A PermissionError N "permission_error" A Pi N "pi" A Pipe N "pipe" A Plus N "+" A Pointer N "pointer" A Portray F "$portray" A PredicateIndicator N "predicate_indicator" A Primitive N "primitive" A PrivateProcedure N "private_procedure" A Procedure N "procedure" A Profile F "$profile" A Prolog N "prolog" A Ptr N "ptr" A Query N "?-" A Queue N "queue" A Quiet N "quiet" A Radix N "radix" A Random N "random" A Read N "read" A Readutil N "readutil" A RecordedP F "$recordep" A RecordedWithKey F "$recorded_with_key" A RedoFreeze F "$redo_freeze" A RefoundVar F "$I_FOUND_THE_VARIABLE_AGAIN" A Repeat N "repeat" A RepeatSpace N "repeat " A Reposition N "reposition" A RepresentationError N "representation_error" A Resize N "resize" A ResourceError N "resource_error" A RestoreRegs F "$restore_regs" A RetryCounter N "retry_counter" A RTree N "rtree" A Safe F "$safe" A SafeCallCleanup F "$safe_call_cleanup" A Same N "==" A Semic N ";" A ShiftCountOverflow N "shift_count_overflow" A SigAlarm N "sig_alarm" A SigBreak N "sig_break" A SigCreep N "sig_creep" A SigDebug N "sig_debug" A SigDelayCreep N "sig_delay_creep" A SigHup N "sig_hup" A SigInt N "sig_int" A SigIti N "sig_iti" A SigPending F "$sig_pending" A SigPipe N "sig_pipe" A SigStackDump N "sig_stack_dump" A SigStatistics N "sig_statistic" A SigTrace N "sig_trace" A SigUsr1 N "sig_usr1" A SigUsr2 N "sig_usr2" A SigVTAlarm N "sig_vtalarm" A SigWakeUp N "sig_wake_up" A Slash N "/" A Socket N "socket" A SourceSink N "source_sink" A Spy F "$spy" A Stack N "stack" A StackFree N "stackfree" A StaticClause F "$static_clause" A StaticProcedure N "static_procedure" A Stream F "$stream" A VStream N "stream" A Streams N "streams" A StreamOrAlias N "stream_or_alias" A StreamPos F "$stream_position" A StreamPosition N "stream_position" A String N "string" A Swi N "swi" A SyntaxError N "syntax_error" A SyntaxErrorHandler N "syntax_error_handler" A System N "system" A SystemError N "system_error" A SystemLibraryDir N "system_library_directory" A Term N "term" A Terms N "terms" A TextStream N "text_stream" A Threads N "threads" A Throw N "throw" A TimeOutSpec N "time_out_spec" A TimeoutError N "timeout_error" A TopLevelGoal F "$top_level_goal" A TopThreadGoal F "$top_thread_goal" A Trail N "trail" A True N "true" A Tty N "tty" A Ttys N "ttys" A TypeError N "type_error" A Undefined N "undefined" A Undefp F "$undefp" A Underflow N "underflow" A UnificationStack N "unification_stack" A UnsignedByte N "unsigned_byte" A UnsignedChar N "unsigned_char" A User N "user" A UserErr N "user_error" A UserIn N "user_input" A UserOut N "user_output" A VBar N "|" A Var F "$VAR" A Variable N "variable" A VersionNumber F "$version_name" A WakeUpGoal F "$wake_up_goal" A When F "$when" A Write N "write" A YapHacks N "yap_hacks" A ZeroDivisor N "zero_divisor" F AfInet AfInet 2 F AfLocal AfLocal 1 F AfUnix AfUnix 1 F AltNot AltNot 1 F Arg Arg 3 F ArrayEntry ArrayAccess 3 F Arrow Arrow 2 F Assert Assert 2 F AtFoundOne FoundVar 2 F Atom Atom 1 F Att1 Att1 3 F AttGoal AttDo 2 F Braces Braces 1 F Call Call 1 F Catch Catch 3 F ChangeModule ChangeModule 1 F CleanCall CleanCall 2 F Clist When 4 F Comma Comma 2 F Context2 Context 2 F ConsistencyError ConsistencyError 1 F Creep Creep 1 F Csult Csult 1 F CurrentModule CurrentModule 1 F CutBy CutBy 1 F Diff Diff 2 F DoLogUpdClause DoLogUpdClause 6 F DoLogUpdClause0 DoLogUpdClause0 6 F DoLogUpdClauseErase DoLogUpdClauseErase 6 F DoStaticClause DoStaticClause 5 F DomainError DomainError 2 F Dot Dot 2 F Dot10 Dot 10 F Dot11 Dot 11 F Dot12 Dot 12 F Dot2 Dot 2 F Dot3 Dot 3 F Dot4 Dot 4 F Dot5 Dot 5 F Dot6 Dot 6 F Dot7 Dot 7 F Dot8 Dot 8 F Dot9 Dot 9 F Eq Eq 2 F Error Error 2 F EvaluationError EvaluationError 1 F Execute2InMod ExecuteWoMod 2 F ExecuteInMod ExecuteInMod 2 F ExecuteWithin ExecuteWithin 1 F ExistenceError ExistenceError 2 F Functor Functor 3 F GAtom Atom 1 F GAtomic Atomic 1 F GCompound Compound 1 F GFloat Float 1 F GFormatAt FormatAt 2 F GInteger Integer 1 F GNumber Number 1 F GPrimitive Primitive 1 F GVar GVar 1 F GeneratePredInfo GeneratePredInfo 4 F GoalExpansion GoalExpansion 3 F HandleThrow HandleThrow 3 F Id Id 1 F Is Is 2 F LastExecuteWithin LastExecuteWithin 1 F List Dot 2 F MegaClause MegaClause 2 F MetaCall MetaCall 4 F Minus Minus 2 F Module Colomn 2 F MultiFileClause MfClause 5 F Mutable MutableVariable (sizeof(timed_var)/sizeof(CELL)) F NotImplemented NotImplemented 2 F NBQueue Queue 5 F Not Not 1 F Or Semic 2 F PermissionError PermissionError 3 F Portray Portray 1 F PrologConstraint Prolog 2 F Query Query 1 F RecordedWithKey RecordedWithKey 6 F RedoFreeze RedoFreeze 3 F RepresentationError RepresentationError 1 F ResourceError ResourceError 1 F RestoreRegs RestoreRegs 2 F RestoreRegs1 RestoreRegs 1 F Safe Safe 1 F SafeCallCleanup SafeCallCleanup 4 F Same Same 2 F Slash Slash 2 F StaticClause StaticClause 1 F Stream Stream 1 F StreamEOS EndOfStream 1 F StreamPos StreamPos 5 F SyntaxError SyntaxError 7 F ShortSyntaxError SyntaxError 1 F ThreadRun TopThreadGoal 2 F Throw Throw 1 F TimeoutError TimeoutError 2 F TypeError TypeError 2 F UMinus Minus 1 F UPlus Plus 1 F VBar VBar 2 F Var Var 1 A abort "abort" A aborted "$aborted" A abs "abs" A access "access" A acos "acos" A agc "agc" A agc_gained "agc_gained" A agc_margin "agc_margin" A agc_time "agc_time" A alias "alias" A allow_variable_name_as_functor "allow_variable_name_as_functor" A alnum "alnum" A alpha "alpha" A alternative "alternative" A and "/\\" A anonvar "_" A append "append" A ar_equals "=:=" A ar_not_equal "=\\=" A argument "argument" A argumentlimit "argumentlimit" A ascii "ascii" A asin "asin" A assert "assert" A asserta "asserta" A at "at" A at_equals "=@=" A at_exit "at_exit" A at_larger "@>" A at_larger_eq "@>=" A at_not_equals "\\=@=" A at_smaller "@<" A at_smaller_eq "@=<" A atan "atan" A atom "atom" A atom_garbage_collection "atom_garbage_collection" A atomic "atomic" A atoms "atoms" A att "att" A attributes "attributes" A attvar "attvar" A autoload "autoload" A backquoted_string "backquoted_string" A backslash "\\" A backtrace "backtrace" A bar "|" A begin "begin" A binary "binary" A bind "bind" A block "block" A bof "bof" A bom "bom" A bool "bool" A brace_term_position "brace_term_position" A break "break" A btree "btree" A buffer "buffer" A buffer_size "buffer_size" A built_in_procedure "built_in_procedure" A busy "busy" A byte "byte" A call "call" A callable "callable" A callpred "$callpred" A canceled "canceled" A case_sensitive_file_names "case_sensitive_file_names" A catch "catch" A ceil "ceil" A ceiling "ceiling" A char_type "char_type" A character "character" A character_code "character_code" A character_escapes "character_escapes" A chars "chars" A chdir "chdir" A chmod "chmod" A choice "choice" A clause "clause" A clause_reference "clause_reference" A close "close" A close_on_abort "close_on_abort" A close_option "close_option" A cm "cm" A cntrl "cntrl" A co "co" A codes "codes" A collected "collected" A collections "collections" A colon ":" A comma "," A comments "comments" A compound "compound" A context "context" A context_module "context_module" A continue "continue" A core "core" A core_left "core_left" A cos "cos" A cputime "cputime" A create "create" A csym "csym" A csymf "csymf" A cumulative "cumulative" A curl "{}" A current "current" A current_input "current_input" A current_output "current_output" A cut "!" A cut_call "cut_call" A cut_exit "cut_exit" A cut_parent "cut_parent" A cutted "cut" A date "date" A db_reference "db_reference" A dc_call_prolog "$c_call_prolog" A dcall "<meta-call>" A dcall_cleanup "$call_cleanup" A dcatch "$catch" A dcut "$cut" A dde_error "dde_error" A dde_handle "dde_handle" A debug "debug" A debug_on_error "debug_on_error" A debugger_print_options "debugger_print_options" A debugger_show_context "debugger_show_context" A debugging "debugging" A dec10 "dec10" A default "default" A defined "defined" A delete "delete" A depth_limit_exceeded "depth_limit_exceeded" A destroy "destroy" A detached "detached" A detect "detect" A development "development" A dexit "$exit" A dforeign_registered "$foreign_registered" A dgarbage_collect "$garbage_collect" A digit "digit" A directory "directory" A discontiguous "discontiguous" A div "//" A divide "/" A dload "$load" A dmessage_queue "$message_queue" A dmutex "$mutex" A domain_error "domain_error" A dos "dos" A dot "." A dots "dots" A double_quotes "double_quotes" A doublestar "**" A dprof_node "$profile_node" A dstream "$stream" A dthread_init "$thread_init" A dthrow "$throw" A dtime "$time" A dwakeup "$wakeup" A dynamic "dynamic" A e "e" A encoding "encoding" A end "end" A end_of_file "end_of_file" A end_of_line "end_of_line" A end_of_stream "end_of_stream" A environment "environment" A eof "eof" A eof_action "eof_action" A eof_code "eof_code" A equal "equal" A equals "=" A erase "erase" A erased "erased" A error "error" A eval "eval" A evaluable "evaluable" A evaluation_error "evaluation_error" A exception "exception" A exclusive "exclusive" A execute "execute" A exist "exist" A existence_error "existence_error" A exit "exit" A exited "exited" A exp "exp" A export "export" A exports "exports" A exported "exported" A expression "expression" A externals "externals" A fact "fact" A factor "factor" A fail "fail" A failure_error "failure_error" A false "false" A feature "feature" A file "file" A file_name "file_name" A file_name_variables "file_name_variables" A file_no "file_no" A flag "flag" A flag_value "flag_value" A float "float" A float_format "float_format" A float_fractional_part "float_fractional_part" A float_integer_part "float_integer_part" A float_overflow "float_overflow" A float_underflow "float_underflow" A floor "floor" A force "force" A foreign "foreign" A foreign_function "$foreign_function" A foreign_return_value "foreign_return_value" A fork "fork" A frame "frame" A frame_attribute "frame_attribute" A frame_finished "frame_finished" A frame_reference "frame_reference" A free_of_attvar "free_of_attvar" A freeze "freeze" A full "full" A functor_name "functor_name" A functors "functors" A fx "fx" A fy "fy" A garbage_collected "<garbage_collected>" A garbage_collection "garbage_collection" A gc "gc" A gctime "gctime" A getcwd "getcwd" A global "global" A global_shifts "global_shifts" A global_stack "global_stack" A globallimit "globallimit" A globalused "globalused" A goal "goal" A goal_expansion "goal_expansion" A grammar "-->" A graph "graph" A gvar "gvar" A halt "halt" A has_alternatives "has_alternatives" A hash "hash" A hashed "hashed" A hat "^" A heap "heap" A heaplimit "heaplimit" A heapused "heapused" A help "help" A hidden "hidden" A hide_childs "hide_childs" A history_depth "history_depth" A ifthen "->" A ignore "ignore" A ignore_ops "ignore_ops" A imported "imported" A imported_procedure "imported_procedure" A index "index" A indexed "indexed" A inf "inf" A inferences "inferences" A infinite "infinite" A informational "informational" A init_file "init_file" A initialization "initialization" A input "input" A inserted_char "inserted_char" A instantiation_error "instantiation_error" A int "int" A int64_t "int64_t" A int_overflow "int_overflow" A integer "integer" A integer_expression "integer_expression" A interrupt "interrupt" A io_error "io_error" A io_mode "io_mode" A ioctl "ioctl" A is "is" A iso "iso" A iso_latin_1 "iso_latin_1" A isovar "$VAR" A join "join" A jump "jump" A kernel "kernel" A key "key" A larger ">" A larger_equal ">=" A level "level" A li "li" A limit "limit" A line "line" A line_count "line_count" A list "list" A list_position "list_position" A listing "listing" A local "local" A local_shifts "local_shifts" A local_stack "local_stack" A locale "locale" A locallimit "locallimit" A localused "localused" A lock "lock" A locked "locked" A log "log" A log10 "log10" A long "long" A low "low" A lower "lower" A lsb "lsb" A lshift "<<" A main "main" A mark "mark" A matches "matches" A max "max" A max_arity "max_arity" A max_dde_handles "max_dde_handles" A max_depth "max_depth" A max_files "max_files" A max_path_length "max_path_length" A max_size "max_size" A max_variable_length "max_variable_length" A memory "memory" A message "message" A message_lines "message_lines" A message_queue "message_queue" A message_queue_property "message_queue_property" A meta_argument "meta_argument" A meta_argument_specifier "meta_argument_specifier" A meta_predicate "meta_predicate" A min "min" A min_free "min_free" A minus "-" A mismatched_char "mismatched_char" A mod "mod" A mode "mode" A modify "modify" A module "module" A module_property "module_property" A module_transparent "module_transparent" A modules "modules" A msb "msb" A multifile "multifile" A mutex "mutex" A mutex_option "mutex_option" A mutex_property "mutex_property" A natural "natural" A newline "newline" A nil "[]" A nlink "nlink" A no_memory "no_memory" A nodebug "nodebug" A non_empty_list "non_empty_list" A none "none" A noprofile "noprofile" A not "not" A not_equals "\\=" A not_implemented "not_implemented" A not_less_than_one "not_less_than_one" A not_less_than_zero "not_less_than_zero" A not_provable "\\+" A not_strickt_equals "\\==" A not_unique "not_unique" A number "number" A number_of_clauses "number_of_clauses" A numbervar_option "numbervar_option" A numbervars "numbervars" A occurs_check "occurs_check" A octet "octet" A off "off" A on "on" A open "open" A operator "operator" A operator_priority "operator_priority" A operator_specifier "operator_specifier" A optimise "optimise" A or "\\/" A order "order" A output "output" A pair "pair" A paren "paren" A parent "parent" A parent_goal "parent_goal" A partial "partial" A past "past" A past_end_of_stream "past_end_of_stream" A pattern "pattern" A pc "pc" A period "period" A permission_error "permission_error" A pi "pi" A pipe "pipe" A plain "plain" A plus "+" A popcount "popcount" A portray "portray" A position "position" A posix "posix" A powm "powm" A predicate_indicator "predicate_indicator" A predicates "predicates" A print "print" A print_message "print_message" A priority "priority" A private_procedure "private_procedure" A procedure "procedure" A profile_mode "profile_mode" A profile_no_cpu_time "profile_no_cpu_time" A profile_node "profile_node" A program "program" A program_counter "program_counter" A prolog "prolog" A prompt "|:" A property "property" A protocol "protocol" A prove ":-" A punct "punct" A query "?-" A question_mark "?" A queue_option "queue_option" A quiet "quiet" A quote "quote" A quoted "quoted" A radix "radix" A random "random" A random_option "random_option" A rational "rational" A rationalize "rationalize" A rdiv "rdiv" A read "read" A read_option "read_option" A readline "readline" A real_time "real_time" A receiver "receiver" A record "record" A record_position "record_position" A redefine "redefine" A redo "redo" A references "references" A rem "rem" A rename "rename" A report_error "report_error" A reposition "reposition" A representation_error "representation_error" A representation_errors "representation_errors" A reset "reset" A resource_error "resource_error" A resource_handle "resource_handle" A retry "retry" A round "round" A rshift ">>" A running "running" A runtime "runtime" A save_class "save_class" A save_option "save_option" A seed "seed" A seek_method "seek_method" A select "select" A semicolon ";" A separated "separated" A set "set" A setup_call_catcher_cleanup "setup_call_catcher_cleanup" A shared "shared" A shared_object "shared_object" A shared_object_handle "shared_object_handle" A shell "shell" A sign "sign" A signal "signal" A signal_handler "signal_handler" A silent "silent" A sin "sin" A singletons "singletons" A size "size" A skip "skip" A smaller "<" A smaller_equal "=<" A softcut "*->" A source_sink "source_sink" A space "space" A spy "spy" A sqrt "sqrt" A stack "stack" A stack_parameter "stack_parameter" A stack_shifts "stack_shifts" A stacks "stacks" A stand_alone "stand_alone" A star "*" A start "start" A stat "stat" A static_procedure "static_procedure" A statistics "statistics" A status "status" A stderr "stderr" A stream "stream" A stream_option "stream_option" A stream_or_alias "stream_or_alias" A stream_position "$stream_position" A stream_property "stream_property" A strict_equal "==" A string "string" A string_position "string_position" A subterm_positions "subterm_positions" A suffix "suffix" A syntax_error "syntax_error" A syntax_errors "syntax_errors" A system "system" A system_error "system_error" A system_init_file "system_init_file" A system_thread_id "system_thread_id" A system_time "system_time" A tan "tan" A term "term" A term_expansion "term_expansion" A term_position "term_position" A terminal "terminal" A terminal_capability "terminal_capability" A text "text" A thread "thread" A thread_cputime "thread_cputime" A thread_initialization "thread_initialization" A thread_local "thread_local" A thread_local_procedure "thread_local_procedure" A thread_option "thread_option" A thread_property "thread_property" A threads "threads" A threads_created "threads_created" A throw "throw" A tilde "~" A time "time" A time_stamp "time_stamp" A timeout "timeout" A timeout_error "timeout_error" A timezone "timezone" A to_lower "to_lower" A to_upper "to_upper" A top "top" A top_level "top_level" A toplevel "toplevel" A trace "trace" A trace_any "trace_any" A trace_call "trace_call" A trace_exit "trace_exit" A trace_fail "trace_fail" A trace_gc "trace_gc" A trace_redo "trace_redo" A traceinterc "prolog_trace_interception" A tracing "tracing" A trail "trail" A trail_shifts "trail_shifts" A traillimit "traillimit" A trailused "trailused" A transparent "transparent" A transposed_char "transposed_char" A transposed_word "transposed_word" A true "true" A truncate "truncate" A tty "tty" A tty_control "tty_control" A type "type" A type_error "type_error" A undefined "undefined" A undefined_global_variable "undefined_global_variable" A undefinterc "$undefined_procedure" A unicode_be "unicode_be" A unicode_le "unicode_le" A unify "unify" A unique "unique" A univ "=.." A unknown "unknown" A unlimited "unlimited" A unlock "unlock" A unlocked "unlocked" A update "update" A upper "upper" A user "user" A user_error "user_error" A user_input "user_input" A user_output "user_output" A utc "UTC" A utf8 "utf8" A v "v" A var "$VAR$" A variable "variable" A variable_names "variable_names" A variables "variables" A very_deep "very_deep" A vmi "vmi" A volatile "volatile" A wakeup "wakeup" A warning "warning" A wchar_t "wchar_t" A white "white" A write "write" A write_attributes "write_attributes" A write_option "write_option" A xdigit "xdigit" A xf "xf" A xfx "xfx" A xfy "xfy" A xml "xml" A xor "xor" A xpceref "@" A yf "yf" A yfx "yfx" A yfy "yfy" A zero_divisor "zero_divisor" F abs 1 F access 1 F acos 1 F alias 1 F and 2 F ar_equals 2 F ar_not_equal 2 F asin 1 F assert 1 F asserta 1 F atan 1 F atan 2 F atom 1 F att 3 F backslash 1 F bar 2 F block 3 F bom 1 F brace_term_position 3 F break 1 F break 2 F break 3 F buffer 1 F buffer_size 1 F busy 2 F call 1 F callpred 2 F catch 3 F ceil 1 F ceiling 1 F chars 1 F chars 2 F clause 1 F close_on_abort 1 F codes 1 F codes 2 F colon 2 F comma 2 F context 2 F cos 1 F cputime 0 F curl 1 F cut_call 1 F cut_exit 1 F date 9 F dcall 1 F dcut 1 F dde_error 2 F debugging 1 F detached 1 F dexit 2 F dforeign_registered 2 F dgarbage_collect 1 F div 2 F divide 2 F dmessage_queue 1 F dmutex 1 F domain_error 2 F dot 2 F doublestar 2 F dprof_node 1 F dstream 1 F dthread_init 0 F dthrow 1 F dtime 2 F dwakeup 1 F e 0 F encoding 1 F end_of_stream 1 F eof_action 1 F equals 2 F erased 1 F error 2 F eval 1 F evaluation_error 1 F exception 1 F exception 3 F existence_error 2 F exited 1 F exp 1 F exports 1 F fail 0 F failure_error 1 F file 1 F file 4 F file_name 1 F file_no 1 F float 1 F float_fractional_part 1 F float_integer_part 1 F floor 1 F foreign_function 1 F frame 3 F frame_finished 1 F goal_expansion 2 F hat 2 F ifthen 2 F input 0 F integer 1 F interrupt 1 F io_error 2 F is 2 F isovar 1 F larger 2 F larger_equal 2 F line_count 1 F list_position 4 F listing 1 F locked 2 F log 1 F log10 1 F lsb 1 F lshift 2 F nlink 1 F max 2 F max_size 1 F message_lines 1 F min 2 F minus 1 F minus 2 F mod 2 F mode 1 F msb 1 F newline 1 F not_implemented 2 F not_provable 1 F occurs_check 2 F or 2 F output 0 F permission_error 3 F pi 0 F pipe 1 F plus 1 F plus 2 F popcount 1 F portray 1 F position 1 F powm 3 F print 1 F print_message 2 F procedure 2 F prove 1 F prove 2 F punct 2 F random 1 F rational 1 F rationalize 1 F rdiv 2 F rem 2 F reposition 1 F representation_error 1 F representation_errors 1 F resource_error 1 F retry 1 F round 1 F rshift 2 F semicolon 2 F setup_call_catcher_cleanup 4 F shared_object 2 F shell 2 F sign 1 F signal 1 F signal 2 F sin 1 F singletons 1 F size 1 F smaller 2 F smaller_equal 2 F softcut 2 F spy 1 F sqrt 1 F star 2 F status 1 F stream 4 F stream_position 4 F string 1 F string 2 F string_position 2 F syntax_error 1 F syntax_error 3 F tan 1 F term_expansion 2 F term_position 5 F timeout 1 F timeout_error 2 F trace 1 F traceinterc 3 F tracing 1 F true 0 F truncate 1 F tty 1 F type 1 F type_error 2 F undefinterc 4 F var 1 F wakeup 3 F warning 3 F xor 2 F xpceref 1 F dc_call_prolog 0 F strict_equal 2