// ================================================================= // Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog // Release 2.21.0 // // Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. // ================================================================= if (WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Length > 0) { usage_help(); WScript.Quit(0); } WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Echo('Creating a shortcut named "Logtalk - CIAO" for running Logtalk'); WScript.Echo('with CIAO...'); WScript.Echo(''); var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var prolog_path = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Ciao Prolog\\ciao_dir") + "\\shell\\ciaosh.cpx"; var FSObject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); if (!FSObject.FileExists(prolog_path)) { WScript.Echo("Error! Cannot find ciaosh.cpx at the expected place!"); WScript.Quit(1); } var WshProcessEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS"); var WshSystemEnv = WshShell.Environment("SYSTEM"); var WshUserEnv = WshShell.Environment("USER"); var logtalk_home; if (WshProcessEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME")) logtalk_home = WshProcessEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME"); else if (WshSystemEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME")) logtalk_home = WshSystemEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME"); else if (WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME")) logtalk_home = WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME") else { WScript.Echo("Error! The system environment variable LOGTALKHOME must be defined first!"); usage_help(); WScript.Quit(1); } logtalk_home = logtalk_home.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); if (!FSObject.FolderExists(logtalk_home + "\\bin")) FSObject.CreateFolder(logtalk_home + "\\bin"); var f = FSObject.CreateTextFile(logtalk_home + "\\bin\\logtalkciao.pl", true); f.WriteLine(":- ensure_loaded('\$LOGTALKHOME/configs/ciao_aux.config')."); f.WriteLine(":- ensure_loaded('\$LOGTALKHOME/compiler/logtalk.pl')."); f.WriteLine(":- op(600, xfy, ::)."); f.WriteLine(":- op(600, fy, ::)."); f.WriteLine(":- op(600, fy, ^^)."); f.WriteLine(":- op(200, fy, +)."); f.WriteLine(":- op(200, fy, ?)."); f.WriteLine(":- op(200, fy, @)."); f.WriteLine(":- op(200, fy, -)."); f.Close(); var ProgramsPath = WshShell.SpecialFolders("AllUsersPrograms"); if (!FSObject.FolderExists(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk")) FSObject.CreateFolder(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk"); var link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk - CIAO.lnk"); link.Arguments = "-l %LOGTALKHOME%\\bin\\logtalkciao.pl"; link.Description = "Runs Logtalk with CIAO"; link.IconLocation = "app.exe,1"; link.TargetPath = prolog_path; link.WindowStyle = 1; link.WorkingDirectory = logtalk_home; link.Save(); WScript.Echo('Done. The "Logtalk - CIAO" shortcut was been added to the'); WScript.Echo('Start Menu Programs. Make sure that the LOGTALKHOME environment'); WScript.Echo('variable is defined for all users wishing to use the shortcut.'); WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Quit(0); function usage_help() { WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Echo('This script creates a shortcut named "Logtalk - CIAO" for running Logtalk'); WScript.Echo('with CIAO. The script must be run by a user with administrative rights.'); WScript.Echo('The LOGTALKHOME environment variable must be defined before running this'); WScript.Echo('script.'); WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Echo('Usage:'); WScript.Echo(' ' + WScript.ScriptName + ' help'); WScript.Echo(' ' + WScript.ScriptName); WScript.Echo(''); }