// ================================================================= // Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog // Release 2.29.3 // // Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. // ================================================================= if (ScriptEngineMajorVersion() < 5 || ScriptEngineMajorVersion() == 5 && ScriptEngineMinorVersion() < 6) { WScript.Echo('Error! WSH 5.6 or later version needed for running this script.'); WScript.Quit(1); } var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var WshSystemEnv = WshShell.Environment("SYSTEM"); var WshUserEnv = WshShell.Environment("USER"); var logtalk_home; var logtalk_user; if (WshSystemEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME")) logtalk_home = WshSystemEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME"); else if (WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME")) logtalk_home = WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME") else { WScript.Echo("The environment variable LOGTALKHOME must be defined first!"); usage_help(); WScript.Quit(1); } var FSObject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); if (!FSObject.FolderExists(logtalk_home)) { WScript.Echo("The environment variable LOGTALKHOME points to a non-existing directory!"); WScript.Echo("Its current value is: %LOGTALKHOME%"); WScript.Echo("The variable must be set to your Logtalk installation directory!"); WScript.Echo(""); usage_help(); WScript.Quit(1); } if (WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Length > 0) usage_help(); if (WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKUSER")) logtalk_user = WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKUSER"); else { logtalk_user = WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") + "\\logtalk"; WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKUSER") = WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") + "\\logtalk"; WScript.Echo("Defined user environment variable LOGTALKUSER."); WScript.Echo(""); } if (FSObject.FolderExists(logtalk_user)) { var today = new Date(); var year = today.getFullYear(); var month = today.getMonth() + 1; var day = today.getDate(); if (day < 10) day = "0" + day; var hours = today.getHours(); if (hours < 10) hours = "0" + hours; var mins = today.getMinutes(); if (mins < 10) mins = "0" + mins; var secs = today.getSeconds(); date = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hours + "-" + mins + "-" + secs; FSObject.MoveFolder(logtalk_user, logtalk_user + " backup " + date); WScript.Echo("Created a backup of the existing " + logtalk_user + " directory."); WScript.Echo(""); } WScript.Echo("Creating LOGTALKUSER directory:"); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo(" " + logtalk_user); WScript.Echo(""); FSObject.CreateFolder(logtalk_user); WScript.Echo("Copying Logtalk files and directories..."); FSObject.CopyFolder(logtalk_home + "\\configs", logtalk_user + "\\configs"); FSObject.CopyFile(logtalk_user + "\\configs\\xsb.config", logtalk_user + "\\configs\\xsb.pl"); FSObject.CopyFolder(logtalk_home + "\\contributions", logtalk_user + "\\contributions"); FSObject.CopyFolder(logtalk_home + "\\examples", logtalk_user + "\\examples"); FSObject.CopyFolder(logtalk_home + "\\libpaths", logtalk_user + "\\libpaths"); FSObject.CopyFile(logtalk_user + "\\libpaths\\libpaths.pl", logtalk_user + "\\libpaths\\libpaths_no_env_var.pl"); FSObject.CopyFolder(logtalk_home + "\\library", logtalk_user + "\\library"); FSObject.CopyFolder(logtalk_home + "\\xml", logtalk_user + "\\xml"); FSObject.DeleteFile(logtalk_user + "\\xml\\lgt2*.*"); FSObject.DeleteFile(logtalk_user + "\\xml\\logtalk.dtd"); FSObject.DeleteFile(logtalk_user + "\\xml\\logtalk.xsd"); var link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(logtalk_user + "\\manuals.lnk"); link.Description = "Shortcut to Logtalk documentation"; link.TargetPath = logtalk_home + "\\manuals"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(logtalk_user + "\\wenv.lnk"); link.Description = "Shortcut to Logtalk text editing support"; link.TargetPath = logtalk_home + "\\wenv"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(logtalk_user + "\\xml\\lgt2html.js.lnk"); link.Description = "Shortcut to lgt2html script"; link.TargetPath = logtalk_home + "\\xml\\lgt2html.js"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(logtalk_user + "\\xml\\lgt2pdf.js.lnk"); link.Description = "Shortcut to lgt2pdf script"; link.TargetPath = logtalk_home + "\\xml\\lgt2pdf.js"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(logtalk_user + "\\xml\\lgt2xml.js.lnk"); link.Description = "Shortcut to lgt2xml script"; link.TargetPath = logtalk_home + "\\xml\\lgt2xml.js"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(logtalk_user + "\\xml\\logtalk.dtd.lnk"); link.Description = "Shortcut to Logtalk DTD"; link.TargetPath = logtalk_home + "\\xml\\logtalk.dtd"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(logtalk_user + "\\xml\\logtalk.xsd.lnk"); link.Description = "Shortcut to Logtalk XML Schema"; link.TargetPath = logtalk_home + "\\xml\\logtalk.xsd"; link.Save(); WScript.Echo("Finished copying Logtalk files and directories."); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo("You may need to edit the contents of the file:"); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo(" " + logtalk_user + "\\libpaths\\libpaths.pl"); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo("to match your Prolog compiler and operating-system requirements or to"); WScript.Echo("add your own library paths."); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo("You may want to customize the default Logtalk compiler flags by editing"); WScript.Echo("the configuration file for your Prolog compiler found in the directory:"); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo(" " + logtalk_user + "\\configs"); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Quit(0); function usage_help() { WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo("This script copies the Logtalk user-modifiable files and directories"); WScript.Echo("to the user home directory. The location can be set by the environment"); WScript.Echo("variable \%LOGTALKUSER\% (defaults to MyDocuments\\logtalk when the"); WScript.Echo("variable is not defined)"); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo("Usage:"); WScript.Echo(" " + WScript.ScriptName + " help"); WScript.Echo(" " + WScript.ScriptName); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Quit(1); }