// ================================================================= // Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog // Release 2.29.3 // // Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. // ================================================================= if (ScriptEngineMajorVersion() < 5 || ScriptEngineMajorVersion() == 5 && ScriptEngineMinorVersion() < 6) { WScript.Echo('Error! WSH 5.6 or later version needed for running this script.'); WScript.Quit(1); } if (WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Length > 0) { usage_help(); WScript.Quit(0); } WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Echo('Completing Logtalk installation...'); WScript.Echo(''); var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var WshSystemEnv = WshShell.Environment("SYSTEM"); var WshUserEnv = WshShell.Environment("USER"); var FSObject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); WshShell.CurrentDirectory = ".."; WshSystemEnv.Item("LOGTALKHOME") = WshShell.CurrentDirectory; WScript.Echo("Defined system environment variable LOGTALKHOME pointing to:"); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo(" " + WshShell.CurrentDirectory); WScript.Echo(""); if (WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKUSER")) { WScript.Echo("Reusing user environment variable LOGTALKUSER pointing to:"); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo(" " + WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKUSER")); } else { WshUserEnv.Item("LOGTALKUSER") = WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") + "\\logtalk"; WScript.Echo("Defined user environment variable LOGTALKUSER pointing to:"); WScript.Echo(""); WScript.Echo(" " + WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") + "\\logtalk"); } WScript.Echo(""); FSObject.CopyFile(WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\scripts\\*.bat", FSObject.GetSpecialFolder(0)); FSObject.CopyFile(WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\xml\\*.bat", FSObject.GetSpecialFolder(0)); WScript.Echo("Copied Logtalk documenting batch scripts to the system's Windows folder"); WScript.Echo(""); var ProgramsPath = WshShell.SpecialFolders("AllUsersPrograms"); if (!FSObject.FolderExists(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk")) FSObject.CreateFolder(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk"); var link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk Web Site.url"); link.TargetPath = "http://logtalk.org/"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk HTML Documentation.lnk"); link.Description = "Browse Logtalk Documentation"; link.TargetPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\manuals\\index.html"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk ReadMe.lnk"); link.Description = "Open Logtalk ReadMe"; link.TargetPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\README.txt"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk Installation and Configuration.lnk"); link.Description = "Open Logtalk Install and configuration instructions"; link.TargetPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\INSTALL.txt"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk Customization.lnk"); link.Description = "Open Logtalk customization instructions"; link.TargetPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\CUSTOMIZE.txt"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk Quick Start.lnk"); link.Description = "Open Logtalk Quick Start"; link.TargetPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\QUICK_START.txt"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk Bibliography.lnk"); link.Description = "Open Logtalk Bibliography"; link.TargetPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\BIBLIOGRAPHY.bib"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk License.lnk"); link.Description = "Open Logtalk License"; link.TargetPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\LICENSE.txt"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk Release Notes.lnk"); link.Description = "Open Logtalk Release Notes"; link.TargetPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\RELEASE_NOTES.txt"; link.Save(); link = WshShell.CreateShortcut(ProgramsPath + "\\Logtalk\\Logtalk Upgrading.lnk"); link.Description = "Open Logtalk Upgrading instructions"; link.TargetPath = WshShell.CurrentDirectory + "\\UPGRADING.txt"; link.Save(); WScript.Echo('Logtalk basic installation completed. You will need to RESTART in order'); WScript.Echo('to activate the new system environment variables and use the items in'); WScript.Echo('the new Logtalk program group. See the INSTALL and CUSTOMIZATION files'); WScript.Echo('for details on customizing your working environment.'); WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Echo('After restarting your computer, you may want to run some of the Prolog'); WScript.Echo('integration scripts, which you will find on the same directory as this'); WScript.Echo('installer script.'); WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Echo('Users must run the batch script "cplgtdirs" once in order to copy the'); WScript.Echo('Logtalk user-modifiable files to their home directories. The path to'); WScript.Echo('the "cplgtdirs", "lgt2pdf", "lgt2html", and "lgt2xml" batch scripts'); WScript.Echo('has been added to the system path environment variable.'); WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Quit(0); function usage_help() { WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Echo('This script completes the installation of Logtalk by setting the LOGTALKHOME'); WScript.Echo('and LOGTALKUSER system environment variables and by creating a new program'); WScript.Echo('group named "Logtalk" in the Windows Start Menu.'); WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Echo('The script must be run from this directory, by a user with administration'); WScript.Echo('privileges, after decompressing the Logtalk distribution into its final'); WScript.Echo('destination.'); WScript.Echo(''); WScript.Echo('Usage:'); WScript.Echo(' ' + WScript.ScriptName + ' help'); WScript.Echo(' ' + WScript.ScriptName); WScript.Echo(''); }