/* ** Copyright 1998 - 1999 Double Precision, Inc. See COPYING for ** distribution information. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "rfc2045.h" #include "rfc2045charset.h" #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #if HAVE_STRINGS_H #include <strings.h> #endif #ifdef __WINDOWS__ #define strcasecmp stricmp #define strncasecmp strnicmp #if (_MSC_VER < 1300) #define write _write #endif #include <io.h> #endif /* $Id$ */ static char *rw_boundary_root; static int rw_boundary_cnt; static const char *rw_appname; static FILE *fdin; static int fdout; static int (*fdout_func)(const char *, int, void *); static void *fdout_arg; static char fdout_buf[512]; static char *fdout_ptr; static size_t fdout_left; /* Quoted printable encoding */ static void qpe_start(); static int qpe_do(const char *, size_t, void *); static void qpe_end(); static int conv_err; static int fdout_flush() { int n=fdout_ptr-fdout_buf; int i=0; char *p=fdout_buf; while (n) { i=fdout_func ? (*fdout_func)(p, n, fdout_arg): write(fdout, p, n); if (i <= 0) return (-1); p += i; n -= i; } fdout_ptr=fdout_buf; fdout_left=sizeof(fdout_buf); return (0); } static int fdout_add(const char *p, size_t cnt) { while (cnt) { if (cnt < fdout_left) { memcpy(fdout_ptr, p, cnt); fdout_ptr += cnt; fdout_left -= cnt; return (0); } if (fdout_left == 0) { if (fdout_flush()) return (-1); continue; } memcpy(fdout_ptr, p, fdout_left); p += fdout_left; cnt -= fdout_left; fdout_ptr += fdout_left; fdout_left=0; } return (0); } static int do_8bit(const char *p, size_t cnt, void *ptr) { if (fdout_add(p, cnt)) conv_err=1; return (0); } static int fdout_autoconverted(const char *oldte, const char *newte) { if (fdout_add("X-Mime-Autoconverted: from ", 27) || fdout_add(oldte, strlen(oldte)) || fdout_add(" to ", 4) || fdout_add(newte, strlen(newte)) || (rw_appname && (fdout_add(" by ", 4) || fdout_add(rw_appname, strlen(rw_appname)))) || fdout_add("\n", 1)) return (-1); return (0); } static int fdout_value(const char *); static int fdout_attr(const struct rfc2045attr *a) { if (fdout_add(a->name, strlen(a->name))) return (-1); if (a->value && (fdout_add("=", 1) || fdout_value(a->value))) return (-1); return (0); } static int fdout_value(const char *v) { size_t i,j; for (i=0; v[i]; i++) { if ( !isalnum((int)(unsigned char)v[i]) && v[i] != '-') { if (fdout_add("\"", 1)) return (-1); for (j=i=0; v[i]; i++) if (v[i] == '\\' || v[i] == '"') { if (fdout_add(v+j, i-j) || fdout_add("\\", 1)) return (-1); j=i; } if (fdout_add(v+j, i-j) || fdout_add("\"", 1)) return (-1); return (0); } } return (fdout_add(v, i)); } #define TE(p) ((p)->rw_transfer_encoding ? \ (p)->rw_transfer_encoding: (p)->content_transfer_encoding) static int rwmime(struct rfc2045 *p) { static char mimever[]="Mime-Version: 1.0\n"; const char *te; struct rfc2045attr *a; if (!p->parent) if (fdout_add(mimever, sizeof(mimever)-1)) return (-1); if (p->content_type) { if (fdout_add("Content-Type: ", 14) || fdout_add(p->content_type, strlen(p->content_type))) return (-1); for (a=p->content_type_attr; a; a=a->next) { if (!a->name || strcmp(a->name, "boundary") == 0) continue; if ( fdout_add("; ", 2) || fdout_attr(a)) return (-1); } } if (p->firstpart && p->firstpart->next /* ADDED 8/30/99, see below */) { char buf[80]; ++rw_boundary_cnt; sprintf(buf, "-%d", rw_boundary_cnt); if ( fdout_add("; boundary=\"", 12) || fdout_add(rw_boundary_root, strlen(rw_boundary_root)) || fdout_add(buf, strlen(buf)) || fdout_add("\"", 1)) return (-1); } if (fdout_add("\n", 1)) return (-1); /* Show content transfer encoding for top section, or if it's ** different than the parent. */ te=TE(p); if (te && (!p->parent || strcmp(te, TE(p->parent)))) { if (fdout_add("Content-Transfer-Encoding: ", 27) || fdout_add(te, strlen(te)) || fdout_add("\n", 1)) return (-1); } return (0); } static int dorw(struct rfc2045 *p) { /* WTF STATIC??? */ int seen_mime=0; char buf[256]; int c; int bcnt; if (fseek(fdin, p->startpos, SEEK_SET) == -1) return (-1); if (p->parent) { seen_mime=1; if (rwmime(p)) return (-1); } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fdin)) { if (buf[0] == '\n') break; if (RFC2045_ISMIME1DEF(p->mime_version) && strncasecmp(buf, "mime-version:", 13) == 0 && !seen_mime) { seen_mime=1; rwmime(p); if (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL) while ((c=getc(fdin)) >= 0 && c != '\n') ; while ((c=getc(fdin)) >= 0 && c != '\n' && isspace(c)) while ((c=getc(fdin)) >= 0 && c != '\n') ; if (c >= 0) ungetc(c, fdin); continue; } if (!RFC2045_ISMIME1DEF(p->mime_version) || ( strncasecmp(buf, "mime-version:", 13) && strncasecmp(buf, "content-type:", 13) && strncasecmp(buf, "content-transfer-encoding:", 26)) ) { do { do { if (fdout_add(buf, strlen(buf))) return (-1); } while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fdin)); c=getc(fdin); if (c >= 0) ungetc(c, fdin); } while (c >= 0 && c != '\n' && isspace(c) && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fdin)); } else while ( (c=getc(fdin)) >= 0 && (ungetc(c, fdin), c) != '\n' && isspace(c)) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fdin) && strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL) ; } } if (RFC2045_ISMIME1DEF(p->mime_version)) { if (!seen_mime) if (rwmime(p)) return (-1); if (!p->firstpart && p->rw_transfer_encoding) if (fdout_autoconverted(p->content_transfer_encoding, p->rw_transfer_encoding)) return (-1); } if (fdout_add("\n", 1)) return (-1); if (fseek(fdin, p->startbody, SEEK_SET) == -1) return (-1); /* For non-multipart section, just print the body */ if (!p->firstpart) { off_t ps=p->startbody; int convmode=0; if (p->rw_transfer_encoding) { if ( strcasecmp(p->rw_transfer_encoding, "quoted-printable") == 0) convmode=RFC2045_RW_7BIT; else convmode=RFC2045_RW_8BIT; } conv_err=0; if (convmode == RFC2045_RW_7BIT) { qpe_start(); rfc2045_cdecode_start(p, &qpe_do, 0); } if (convmode == RFC2045_RW_8BIT) { rfc2045_cdecode_start(p, &do_8bit, 0); } while (ps < p->endbody) { int n; if (p->endbody - ps > sizeof(buf)) n=sizeof(buf); else n=p->endbody-ps; n=fread(buf, 1, n, fdin); if (n <= 0) return (-1); if (convmode) rfc2045_cdecode(p, buf, n); else if (fdout_add(buf, n)) conv_err=1; ps += n; if (conv_err) break; } if (convmode == RFC2045_RW_7BIT) { rfc2045_cdecode_end(p); qpe_end(); } if (convmode == RFC2045_RW_8BIT) { rfc2045_cdecode_end(p); } if (conv_err) return (-1); return (0); } bcnt=rw_boundary_cnt; /* Sam 8/30/99 fix - handle message/rfc822: --boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 --><-- we're here, DON'T add RFC2045MIMEMSG and rest of crap here */ if (p->firstpart->next == 0) { int rc; p->firstpart->parent=0; rc=dorw(p->firstpart); p->firstpart->parent=p; return (rc); } if (fdout_add(RFC2045MIMEMSG, sizeof(RFC2045MIMEMSG)-1)) return (-1); for (p=p->firstpart; p; p=p->next) { if (p->isdummy) continue; sprintf(buf, "\n--%s-%d\n", rw_boundary_root, bcnt); if (fdout_add(buf, strlen(buf))) return (-1); if (dorw(p) != 0) return(-1); } sprintf(buf, "\n--%s-%d--\n", rw_boundary_root, bcnt); if (fdout_add(buf, strlen(buf))) return (-1); return (0); } static int rfc2045_rewrite_common(struct rfc2045 *, int, const char *); int rfc2045_rewrite(struct rfc2045 *p, int fdin_arg, int fdout_arg, const char *appname) { fdout=fdout_arg; fdout_func=0; return (rfc2045_rewrite_common(p, fdin_arg, appname)); } int rfc2045_rewrite_func(struct rfc2045 *p, int fdin_arg, int (*funcarg)(const char *, int, void *), void *funcargarg, const char *appname) { fdout= -1; fdout_func=funcarg; fdout_arg=funcargarg; return (rfc2045_rewrite_common(p, fdin_arg, appname)); } static int rfc2045_rewrite_common(struct rfc2045 *p, int fdin_arg, const char *appname) { int rc; int fd=dup(fdin_arg); if (fd < 0) return (-1); rw_appname=appname; fdin=fdopen(fd, "r"); if (!fdin) { close(fd); return (-1); } fdout_ptr=fdout_buf; fdout_left=sizeof(fdout_buf); rw_boundary_root=rfc2045_mk_boundary(p, fd); if (rw_boundary_root == 0) rc= -1; else { rw_boundary_cnt=1; rc=dorw(p); free(rw_boundary_root); } if (rc == 0 && fdout_ptr > fdout_buf) rc=fdout_flush(); fclose(fdin); return (rc); } static int qpe_pos; static void qpe_start() { qpe_pos=0; } static int qpe_do(const char *p, size_t i, void *ptr) { size_t j,k; if (conv_err) return (0); for (j=k=0; j<i; j++) { if (p[j] == '\n') { if (fdout_add(p+k, j+1-k)) conv_err=1; k=j+1; qpe_pos=0; continue; } if (qpe_pos >= 72) { if (fdout_add(p+k, j-k) || fdout_add("=\n", 2)) conv_err=1; k=j; qpe_pos=0; } if (p[j] < 32 || p[j] >= 127 || p[j] == '=') { char buf[3]; static char xdigit[16]="0123456789ABCDEF"; unsigned n= (unsigned char)p[j]; buf[0]='='; buf[1]=xdigit[ n / 16]; buf[2]=xdigit[ n % 16]; if (fdout_add(p+k, j-k) || fdout_add(buf, 3)) conv_err=1; qpe_pos += 2; k=j+1; } ++qpe_pos; } if (fdout_add(p+k, j-k)) conv_err=1; return (0); } static void qpe_end() { }