:- object(ellipse(_RX, _RY, _Color), imports(proto_hierarchy)). :- info([ author is 'Paulo Moura', version is 1.0, date is 2000/4/22, comment is 'Parametric object for representing geometric ellipses.', parnames is ['RX', 'RY', 'Color'], source is 'Example adopted from the SICStus Objects documentation.']). :- uses(math_constants). :- public(color/1). :- mode(color(?atom), zero_or_one). :- info(color/1, [ comment is 'Ellipse color.', argnames is ['Color']]). :- public(rx/1). :- mode(rx(?number), zero_or_one). :- info(rx/1, [ comment is 'Ellipse x axis.', argnames is ['Rx']]). :- public(ry/1). :- mode(ry(?number), zero_or_one). :- info(ry/1, [ comment is 'Ellipse y axis.', argnames is ['Ry']]). :- public(area/1). :- mode(area(-number), one). :- info(area/1, [ comment is 'Ellipse area.', argnames is ['Area']]). :- public(context/0). :- mode(context, one). :- info(context/0, [ comment is 'Shows execution context (self, this and sender values).']). color(Color) :- parameter(3, Color). rx(Rx) :- parameter(1, Rx). ry(Ry) :- parameter(2, Ry). area(Area) :- ::rx(Rx), ::ry(Ry), math_constants::pi(Pi), Area is Rx*Ry*Pi. context :- write(ellipse3), nl, self(Self), write('self: '), writeq(Self), nl, this(This), write('this: '), writeq(This), nl, sender(Sender), write('sender: '), writeq(Sender), nl, nl. :- end_object.