

logtalk_load(Entity, Options)
logtalk_load(Entities, Options)

Compiles to disk and then loads to memory an entity or a list of entities (objects, protocols or categories) using a list of options. The Logtalk file name extension (by default, .lgt) should be omitted. Note that the first argument is a list of entity/file names, not file paths. In other words, the files must exist in your current working directory.

For a description of the available compiler options, please consult the User Manual.

Note that only the errors related to problems in the predicate arguments are listed below. Other exceptions may be thrown by the compiler if any of the loaded entities contain errors.

Template and modes

logtalk_load(@atom_or_atom_list, @list)


Entity is a variable:
Entities is a variable or a list with an element which is a variable:
Entities is neither a variable nor an atom nor a proper list:
type_error(list, Entities)
An element Entity of the Entities list is neither a variable nor an atom:
type_error(atom, Entity)
Entity or an element Entity of the Entities list does not exist in the current working directory:
existence_error(entity, Entity)
Options is a variable:
Options is neither a variable nor a proper list:
type_error(list, Options)
An element Option of the Options list is not valid:
type_error(compiler_option, Option)


| ?- logtalk_load(list, []).

| ?- logtalk_load([listp, list], [xml(off), plredf(warning)]).

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Last updated on: January 10, 2003