:- object(root, % avoid infinite metaclass regression by instantiates(root)). % making the class its own metaclass :- private(cv_/1). :- dynamic(cv_/1). :- mode(cv_(?integer), zero_or_one). :- public(cv/1). :- mode(cv(?integer), zero_or_one). :- public(set_cv/1). :- mode(set_cv(+integer), one). cv_(0). % cv_/1 value is stored locally, in this class cv(Value) :- cv_(Value). % retrive cv_/1 value, shared for all instances set_cv(Value) :- retractall(cv_(_)), % retract old cv_/1 value from this class asserta(cv_(Value)). % assert the new value into this class :- end_object. :- object(instance1, instantiates(root)). :- end_object. :- object(instance2, instantiates(root)). :- end_object. :- object(instance3, instantiates(root)). :- end_object.