% % % % :- module(evidence, [ store_evidence/1, incorporate_evidence/2 ]). :- use_module(library(clpbn), [ {}/1, clpbn_flag/3, set_clpbn_flag/2 ]). :- use_module(library(rbtrees), [ rb_new/1, rb_lookup/3, rb_insert/4 ]). :- meta_predicate store_evidence(:). :- dynamic node/4, edge/2, evidence/2. % % new evidence storage algorithm. The idea is that instead of % redoing all the evidence every time we query the network, we shall % keep a precompiled version around. % % the format is as follows: % evidence_store:parent(Key,ParentList,[EvidenceChildren]) % % store_evidence(G) :- clpbn_flag(solver,Solver, graphs), compute_evidence(G, Solver). compute_evidence(G, PreviousSolver) :- catch(call_residue(G, Vars), Ball, evidence_error(Ball,PreviousSolver)), !, store_graph(Vars), set_clpbn_flag(solver,PreviousSolver). compute_evidence(_, PreviousSolver) :- set_clpbn_flag(solver,PreviousSolver). evidence_error(Ball,PreviousSolver) :- set_clpbn_flag(solver,PreviousSolver), throw(Ball). store_graph([]). store_graph([_-node(K,Dom,CPT,TVs,Ev)|Vars]) :- \+ node(K,_,_,_), !, assert(node(K,Dom,CPT,TVs)), ( nonvar(Ev) -> assert(evidence(K,Ev)) ; true), add_links(TVs,K), store_graph(Vars). store_graph([_|Vars]) :- store_graph(Vars). add_links([],_). add_links([K0|TVs],K) :- assert(edge(K,K0)), add_links(TVs,K). incorporate_evidence(Vs,AllVs) :- rb_new(Cache0), create_open_list(Vs, OL, FL, Cache0, CacheI), do_variables(OL, FL, CacheI), extract_vars(OL, AllVs). create_open_list([], L, L, C, C). create_open_list([V|Vs], [K-V|OL], FL, C0, CF) :- clpbn:get_atts(V,[key(K)]), add_evidence(K, V), rb_insert(C0, K, V, CI), create_open_list(Vs, OL, FL, CI, CF). do_variables([], [], _) :- !. do_variables([K-V|Vs], Vf, C0) :- check_for_evidence(K, V, Vf, Vff, C0, Ci), do_variables(Vs, Vff, Ci). create_new_variable(K, V, Vf0, Vff, C0, Cf) :- node(K,Dom, CPT, TVs), { V = K with p(Dom, CPT, NTVs) }, add_evidence(K, V), add_variables(TVs, NTVs, Vf0, Vff, C0, Cf). add_variables([], [], Vf, Vf, C, C). add_variables([K|TVs], [V|NTVs], Vf0, Vff, C0, Cf) :- rb_lookup(K, V, C0), !, add_variables(TVs, NTVs, Vf0, Vff, C0, Cf). add_variables([K|TVs], [V|NTVs], [K-V|Vf0], Vff, C0, Cf) :- rb_insert(C0, K, V, C1), create_new_variable(K, V, Vf0, Vf1, C1, C2), add_variables(TVs, NTVs, Vf1, Vff, C2, Cf). extract_vars([], []). extract_vars([_-V|Cache], [V|AllVs]) :- extract_vars(Cache, AllVs). add_evidence(K, V) :- evidence(K, Ev), !, clpbn:put_atts(V, [evidence(Ev)]). add_evidence(_, _). check_for_evidence(_, V, Vf, Vf, C, C) :- clpbn:get_atts(V, [evidence(_)]), !. check_for_evidence(K, _, Vf0, Vff, C0, Ci) :- findall(Rt,edge(Rt,K),Rts), add_variables(Rts, _, Vf0, Vff, C0, Ci).