================================================================= Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog Release 2.14.4 Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. ================================================================= % ask the expert system for help in identifying a bird: | ?- expert::identify. Bird identification expert system bill:sharp_hooked? (yes or no): yes. eats:birds? (yes or no): yes. feet:curved_talons? (yes or no): yes. head:large? (yes or no): yes. What is the value for tail? 1 : narrow_at_tip 2 : forked 3 : long_rusty 4 : square 5 : other Enter the number of choice> 1. wings:long_pointed? (yes or no): yes. Possible identification : peregrine_falcon No (more) candidates found. (16379 ms) yes % identify another bird: | ?- expert::identify. Bird identification expert system bill:sharp_hooked? (yes or no): no. bill:flat? (yes or no): no. bill:short? (yes or no): no. bill:hooked? (yes or no): yes. What is the value for flight? 1 : ponderous 2 : powerful 3 : agile 4 : flap_glide 5 : other Enter the number of choice> 2. color:dark? (yes or no): yes. live:at_sea? (yes or no): yes. nostrils:external_tubular? (yes or no): yes. What is the value for size? 1 : large 2 : plump 3 : medium 4 : small Enter the number of choice> 1. wings:long_narrow? (yes or no): yes. Possible identification : black_footed_albatross No (more) candidates found. (34624 ms) yes | ?-