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	The PiLLoW Web Programming Library

   The PiLLoW library ("Programming in Logic Languages on the Web")
is a public domain Internet/WWW programming library for Logic
Programming Systems which simplifies the process of writing
applications for such environment. The library provides facilities
for generating HTML or XML structured documents by handling them as
Herbrand terms, producing HTML forms, writing form handlers,
processing HTML templates, accessing and parsing WWW documents
(either HTML or XML), accessing code posted at HTTP addresses, etc.

   The PiLLoW library has been developed in the context of the
&-Prolog and Ciao systems, but it has been adapted to a number of
popular Logic Programming systems. Note, however, that this manual is
written for the Ciao system, so if you use it in other systems, minor
details in the documentation may not completely agree. For example,
whereas in Ciao the library is a package which loads modules `html'
and `http', in the other systems it is just one module `pillow'.
Thus, do not consider the _Library usage_ information in other

   PiLLoW is distributed under the GNU Library General Public License.

   Copyright (C) D. Cabeza and M. Hermenegildo

   This document may be freely read, stored, reproduced,
disseminated, translated or quoted by any means and on any medium
provided the following conditions are met:

  1. Every reader or user of this document acknowledges that is aware
     that no guarantee is given regarding its contents, on any
     account, and specifically concerning veracity, accuracy and
     fitness for any purpose.

  2. No modification is made other than cosmetic, change of
     representation format, translation, correction of obvious
     syntactic errors, or as permitted by the clauses below.

  3. Comments and other additions may be inserted, provided they
     clearly appear as such; translations or fragments must clearly
     refer to an original complete version, preferably one that is
     easily accessed whenever possible.

  4. Translations, comments and other additions or modifications must
     be dated and their author(s) must be identifiable (possibly via
     an alias).

  5. This licence is preserved and applies to the whole document with
     modifications and additions (except for brief quotes),
     independently of the representation format.

  6. Any reference to the "official version", "original version" or
     "how to obtain original versions" of the document is preserved
     verbatim. Any copyright notice in the document is preserved
     verbatim. Also, the title and author(s) of the original document
     should be clearly mentioned as such.

  7. In the case of translations, verbatim sentences mentioned in
     (6.) are preserved in the language of the original document
     accompanied by verbatim translations to the language of the
     traslated document. All translations state clearly that the
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  8. Whatever the mode of storage, reproduction or dissemination,
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  9. Redistributing this document to a third party requires
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   Any incompatibility of the above clauses with legal, contractual
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File:,  Node: Top,  Next: Summary,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)

The PiLLoW Web Programming Library

* Menu:

* Summary::
* Introduction::
* HTML/XML/CGI programming::
* HTTP conectivity::
* PiLLoW types::
* References::
* Predicate/Method Definition Index::
* Regular Type Definition Index::
* Global Index::

File:,  Node: Summary,  Next: Introduction,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top


   The PiLLoW library ("Programming in Logic Languages on the Web")
is a public domain Internet/WWW programming library for Logic
Programming Systems which simplifies the process of writing
applications for such environment. The library provides facilities
for generating HTML or XML structured documents by handling them as
Herbrand terms, producing HTML forms, writing form handlers,
processing HTML templates, accessing and parsing WWW documents
(either HTML or XML), accessing code posted at HTTP addresses, etc.

   The PiLLoW library has been developed in the context of the
&-Prolog and Ciao systems, but it has been adapted to a number of
popular Logic Programming systems. Note, however, that this manual is
written for the Ciao system, so if you use it in other systems, minor
details in the documentation may not completely agree. For example,
whereas in Ciao the library is a package which loads modules `html'
and `http', in the other systems it is just one module `pillow'.
Thus, do not consider the _Library usage_ information in other

   PiLLoW is distributed under the GNU Library General Public License.

File:,  Node: Introduction,  Next: HTML/XML/CGI programming,  Prev: Summary,  Up: Top


   This package implements the PiLLoW library [CHV96]. The following
three chapters document, respectively, the predicates for
HTML/XML/CGI programming, the predicate for HTTP conectivity, and the
types used in the definition of the predicates (key for fully
understanding the other predicates). You can find a paper and some
additional information in the `library/pillow/doc' directory of the
distribution, and in the WWW at
`'. There is
also a _PiLLoW on-line tutorial_ (slides) at
which illustrates the basic features and provides a number of
examples of PiLLoW use.

* Menu:

* Installing PiLLoW::
* Usage and interface (pillow)::

File:,  Node: Installing PiLLoW,  Next: Usage and interface (pillow),  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Introduction

Installing PiLLoW

   To correctly install PiLLoW, first, make sure you downloaded the
right version of PiLLoW (there are different versions for different
LP/CLP systems; the version that comes with Ciao is of course the
right one for Ciao). Then, please follow these steps:

  1. Copy the files in the `images' directory to a WWW accessible
     directory in your server.

  2. Edit the file `' and change the fact to point to
     the URL to be used to access the images above.

  3. In the Ciao system the files are in the correct place, in other
     systems copy the files `' and `' to a
     suitable directory so that your Prolog system will find them.

File:,  Node: Usage and interface (pillow),  Prev: Installing PiLLoW,  Up: Introduction

Usage and interface (`pillow')

   * *Library usage:*

     `:- use_package(pillow).'


     `:- module(...,...,[pillow]).'

   * *New operators defined:*

     `$/2' [150,xfx], `$/1' [150,fx].

File:,  Node: HTML/XML/CGI programming,  Next: HTTP conectivity,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Top

HTML/XML/CGI programming

   *Author(s):* Daniel Cabeza, Manuel Hermenegildo, Sacha Varma.

   *Version:* 1.7 (2000/7/12, 19:1:20 CEST)

   *Version of last change:* 1.5#114 (2000/4/11, 20:23:43 CEST)

   This module implements the predicates of the PiLLoW package
related to HTML/ XML generation and parsing, CGI and form handlers
programming, and in general all the predicates which do not imply the
use of the HTTP protocol.

* Menu:

* Usage and interface (html)::
* Documentation on exports (html)::
* Documentation on multifiles (html)::
* Other information (html)::

File:,  Node: Usage and interface (html),  Next: Documentation on exports (html),  Prev: HTML/XML/CGI programming,  Up: HTML/XML/CGI programming

Usage and interface (`html')

   * *Library usage:*

     `:- use_module(library(html)).'

   * *Exports:*
        - _Predicates:_

          `output_html/1', `html2terms/2', `xml2terms/2',
          `html_template/3', `html_report_error/1',
          `get_form_input/1', `get_form_value/3',
          `form_empty_value/1', `form_default/3', `set_cookie/2',
          `get_cookies/1', `url_query/2', `my_url/1', `url_info/2',
          `url_info_relative/3', `form_request_method/1',
          `icon_address/2', `html_protect/1', `http_lines/3'.

        - _Multifiles:_


File:,  Node: Documentation on exports (html),  Next: Documentation on multifiles (html),  Prev: Usage and interface (html),  Up: HTML/XML/CGI programming

Documentation on exports (`html')

 - PREDICATE: output_html/1:

     Outputs `HTMLTerm', interpreted as an `html_term/1', to current
     output stream.

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `HTMLTerm' is a term representing HTML code.

 - PREDICATE: html2terms/2:

     `String' is a character list containing HTML code and `Terms' is
     its prolog structured representation.

     *Usage 1:*
        - _Description:_ Translates an HTML-term into the HTML code
          it represents.

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `String' is a free variable.   (`var/1')

          `Terms' is a term representing HTML code.   (`html_term/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `String' is a string (a list of character codes).

     *Usage 2:*
        - _Description:_ Translates HTML code into a structured

        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `Terms' is a term representing HTML code in canonical form.

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `String' is a string (a list of character codes).

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `Terms' is a term representing HTML code in canonical form.

 - PREDICATE: xml2terms/2:

     `String' is a character list containing XML code and `Terms' is
     its prolog structured representation.

     *Usage 1:*
        - _Description:_ Translates a XML-term into the XML code it

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `String' is a free variable.   (`var/1')

          `Terms' is a term representing HTML code.   (`html_term/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `String' is a string (a list of character codes).

     *Usage 2:*
        - _Description:_ Translates XML code into a structured

        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `Terms' is a term representing XML code in canonical form.

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `String' is a string (a list of character codes).

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `Terms' is a term representing XML code in canonical form.

 - PREDICATE: html_template/3:

     Interprets `Chars' as an HTML template returning in `Terms' the
     corresponding structured HTML-term, which includes variables,
     and unifying `Dict' with a dictionary of those variables (an
     incomplete list of _name_`='_Var_ pairs). An HTML template is
     standard HTML code, but in which "slots" can be defined and
     given an identifier. These slots represent parts of the HTML
     code in which other HTML code can be inserted, and are
     represented in the HTML-term as free variables. There are two
     kinds of variables in templates:
        * Variables representing page contents. A variable with name
          _name_ is defined with the special tag `<V>'_name_`</V>'.

        * Variables representing tag attributes. They occur as an
          attribute or an attribute value starting with `_', followed
          by its name, which must be formed by alphabetic characters.

     As an example, suposse the following HTML template:
          <body bgcolor=_bgcolor>
     The following query in the Ciao toplevel shows how the template
     is parsed, and the dictionary returned:
          ?- file_to_string('template.html',_S), html_template(_S,Terms,Dict).
          Dict = [bgcolor=_A,content=_B|_],
          Terms = [env(html,[],["
          "] ?
     If a dictionary with values is supplied at call time, then
     variables are unified accordingly inside the template:
          ?- file_to_string('template.html',_S),
             html_template(_S,Terms,[content=b("hello world!"),bgcolor="white"]).
          Terms = [env(html,[],["
          ",b("hello world!"),"
          "] ?

        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `Terms' is a term representing HTML code in canonical form.

          `Dict' is a list.   (`list/1')

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `Chars' is a string (a list of character codes).

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `Terms' is a term representing HTML code in canonical form.

          `Dict' is a list.   (`list/1')

 - PREDICATE: html_report_error/1:
     *Usage:* `html_report_error(Error)'
        - _Description:_ Outputs error `Error' as a standard HTML

 - PREDICATE: get_form_input/1:

     Translates input from the form (with either the POST or GET
     methods, and even with CONTENT_TYPE multipart/form-data) to a
     dictionary `Dict' of _attribute_=_value_ pairs. It translates
     empty values (which indicate only the presence of an attribute)
     to the atom `'$empty'', values with more than one line (from
     text areas or files) to a list of lines as strings, the rest to
     atoms or numbers (using `name/2').

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `Dict' is a free variable.   (`var/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `Dict' is a dictionary of values of the attributes of a
          form. It is a list of `form_assignment'  (`form_dict/1')

 - PREDICATE: get_form_value/3:

     Unifies `Val' with the value for attribute `Var' in dictionary
     `Dict'. Does not fail: value is `''' if not found (this
     simplifies the programming of form handlers when they can be
     accessed directly).

        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `Val' is a value of an attribute of a form.

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `Dict' is a dictionary of values of the attributes of a
          form. It is a list of `form_assignment'  (`form_dict/1')

          `Var' is an atom.   (`atm/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `Val' is a value of an attribute of a form.

 - PREDICATE: form_empty_value/1:
     *Usage:* `form_empty_value(Term)'
        - _Description:_ Checks that `Term', a value comming from a
          text area is empty (can have spaces, newlines and

 - PREDICATE: form_default/3:
     *Usage:* `form_default(Val,Default,NewVal)'
        - _Description:_ Useful when a form is only partially filled,
          or when the executable can be invoked either by a link or
          by a form, to set form defaults. If the value of `Val' is
          empty then `NewVal'=`Default', else `NewVal'=`Val'.

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `Val' is currently a term which is not a free variable.

          `Default' is currently a term which is not a free variable.

          `NewVal' is a free variable.   (`var/1')

 - PREDICATE: set_cookie/2:

     Sets a cookie of name `Name' and value `Value'. Must be invoked
     before outputting any data, including the `cgi_reply' html-term.

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `Name' is an atom.   (`atm/1')

          `Value' is an atomic term (an atom or a number).

 - PREDICATE: get_cookies/1:

     Unifies `Cookies' with a dictionary of _attribute_=_value_ pairs
     of the active cookies for this URL.

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `Cookies' is a free variable.   (`var/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `Cookies' is a dictionary of values. It is a list of pairs
          _atom_=_constant_.   (`value_dict/1')

 - PREDICATE: url_query/2:

     Translates a dictionary `Dict' of parameter values into a string
     `URLArgs' for appending to a URL pointing to a form handler.

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `Dict' is a dictionary of values. It is a list of pairs
          _atom_=_constant_.   (`value_dict/1')

          `URLArgs' is a free variable.   (`var/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `URLArgs' is a string (a list of character codes).

 - PREDICATE: my_url/1:

     Unifies `URL' with the Uniform Resource Locator (WWW address) of
     this cgi executable.

        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `URL' is a string (a list of character codes).

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `URL' is a string (a list of character codes).

 - PREDICATE: url_info/2:

     Translates a URL `URL' to a Prolog structure `URLTerm' which
     details its various components, and vice-versa. For now non-HTTP
     URLs make the predicate fail.

     *Usage 1:*
        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `URLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `URL' is an atom.   (`atm/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `URLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

     *Usage 2:*
        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `URLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `URL' is a string (a list of character codes).

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `URLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

     *Usage 3:*
        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `URL' is a free variable.   (`var/1')

          `URLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `URL' is a string (a list of character codes).

 - PREDICATE: url_info_relative/3:

     Translates a relative URL `URL' which appears in the HTML page
     refered to by `BaseURLTerm' into `URLTerm', a Prolog structure
     containing its absolute parameters. Absolute URLs are translated
     as with `url_info/2'. E.g.
                            http('',80,"/bar/scoob.html"), Info)
     gives `Info = http('',80,"/bar/dadu.html")'.

     *Usage 1:*
        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `URLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `URL' is an atom.   (`atm/1')

          `BaseURLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `URLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

     *Usage 2:*
        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `URLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `URL' is a string (a list of character codes).

          `BaseURLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `URLTerm' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

 - PREDICATE: form_request_method/1:
     *Usage:* `form_request_method(Method)'
        - _Description:_ Unifies `Method' with the method of
          invocation of the form handler (`GET' or `POST').

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `Method' is an atom.   (`atm/1')

 - PREDICATE: icon_address/2:

     The PiLLoW image `Img' has URL `IAddress'.

        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `Img' is an atom.   (`atm/1')

          `IAddress' is an atom.   (`atm/1')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `Img' is an atom.   (`atm/1')

          `IAddress' is an atom.   (`atm/1')

 - PREDICATE: html_protect/1:

     Calls `Goal'. If an error occurs during its execution, or it
     fails, an HTML page is output informing about the incident.
     Normaly the whole execution of a CGI is protected thus.

     _Meta-predicate_ with arguments: `html_protect(goal)'.

        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `Goal' is a term which represents a goal, i.e., an atom or
          a structure.   (`callable/1')

 - PREDICATE: http_lines/3:
     *Usage:* `http_lines(Lines,String,Tail)'
        - _Description:_ `Lines' is a list of the lines with occur in
          `String' until `Tail'. The lines may end UNIX-style or
          DOS-style in `String', in `Lines' they have not end of line
          characters. Suitable to be used in DCGs.

        - _Calls should, and exit will be compatible with:_

          `Lines' is a list of `string's.   (`list/2')

          `String' is a string (a list of character codes).

          `Tail' is a string (a list of character codes).

File:,  Node: Documentation on multifiles (html),  Next: Other information (html),  Prev: Documentation on exports (html),  Up: HTML/XML/CGI programming

Documentation on multifiles (`html')

 - PREDICATE: html_expansion/2:
     The predicate is _multifile_.

     *Usage:* `html_expansion(Term,Expansion)'
        - _Description:_ Hook predicate to define macros. Expand
          occurrences of `Term' into `Expansion', in `output_html/1'.
          Take care to not transform something into itself!

File:,  Node: Other information (html),  Prev: Documentation on multifiles (html),  Up: HTML/XML/CGI programming

Other information (`html')

   The code uses input from from L. Naish's forms and F. Bueno's
previous Chat interface. Other people who have contributed is (please
inform us if we leave out anybody): Markus Fromherz, Samir Genaim.

File:,  Node: HTTP conectivity,  Next: PiLLoW types,  Prev: HTML/XML/CGI programming,  Up: Top

HTTP conectivity

   *Author(s):* Daniel Cabeza.

   *Version:* 1.7 (2000/7/12, 19:1:20 CEST)

   *Version of last change:* 1.3#114 (1999/11/24, 0:57:16 MET)

   This module implements the HTTP protocol, which allows retrieving
data from HTTP servers.

* Menu:

* Usage and interface (http)::
* Documentation on exports (http)::

File:,  Node: Usage and interface (http),  Next: Documentation on exports (http),  Prev: HTTP conectivity,  Up: HTTP conectivity

Usage and interface (`http')

   * *Library usage:*

     `:- use_module(library(http)).'

   * *Exports:*
        - _Predicates:_


File:,  Node: Documentation on exports (http),  Prev: Usage and interface (http),  Up: HTTP conectivity

Documentation on exports (`http')

 - PREDICATE: fetch_url/3:

     Fetches the document pointed to by `URL' from Internet, using
     request parameters `Request', and unifies `Response' with the
     parameters of the response. Fails on timeout. Note that
     redirections are not handled automatically, that is, if
     `Response' contains terms of the form
     `status(redirection,301,_)' and `location(NewURL)', the program
     should in most cases access location `NewURL'.

     *Usage:* `fetch_url(URL,Request,Response)'
        - _The following properties should hold at call time:_

          `URL' specifies a URL.   (`url_term/1')

          `Request' is a list of `http_request_param's.   (`list/2')

        - _The following properties hold upon exit:_

          `Response' is a list of `http_response_param's.   (`list/2')

File:,  Node: PiLLoW types,  Next: References,  Prev: HTTP conectivity,  Up: Top

PiLLoW types

   *Author(s):* Daniel Cabeza.

   Here are defined the regular types used in the documentation of
the predicates of the PiLLoW package.

* Menu:

* Usage and interface (pillow_types)::
* Documentation on exports (pillow_types)::

File:,  Node: Usage and interface (pillow_types),  Next: Documentation on exports (pillow_types),  Prev: PiLLoW types,  Up: PiLLoW types

Usage and interface (`pillow_types')

   * *Library usage:*

     `:- use_module(library(pillow_types)).'

   * *Exports:*
        - _Regular Types:_

          `canonic_html_term/1', `canonic_xml_term/1', `html_term/1',
          `form_dict/1', `form_assignment/1', `form_value/1',
          `value_dict/1', `url_term/1', `http_request_param/1',
          `http_response_param/1', `http_date/1', `weekday/1',
          `month/1', `hms_time/1'.

File:,  Node: Documentation on exports (pillow_types),  Prev: Usage and interface (pillow_types),  Up: PiLLoW types

Documentation on exports (`pillow_types')

 - REGTYPE: canonic_html_term/1:
     A term representing HTML code in canonical, structured way. It
     is a list of terms defined by the following predicate:
          canonic_html_item(comment(S)) :-
          canonic_html_item(declare(S)) :-
          canonic_html_item(env(Tag,Atts,Terms)) :-
          canonic_html_item($(Tag,Atts)) :-
          canonic_html_item(S) :-

          tag_attrib(Att) :-
          tag_attrib(Att=Val) :-
     Each structure represents one HTML construction:
          An HTML environment, with name _tag_, list of attributes
          _attribs_ and contents _terms_.

          An HTML element of name _tag_ and list of attributes
          _attribs_. `($)/2' is defined by the pillow package as an
          infix, binary operator.

          An HTML comment (translates to/from `<!--'_string_`-->').

          An HTML declaration, they are used only in the header
          (translates to/from `<!'_string_`>').

          Normal text is represented as a list of character codes.

     For example, the term
                ["Visit ",img$[src="TRFS.gif"]])
     is output to (or parsed from):
          <a href="">Visit <img src="TRFS.gif"></a>

     *Usage:* `canonic_html_term(HTMLTerm)'
        - _Description:_ `HTMLTerm' is a term representing HTML code
          in canonical form.

 - REGTYPE: canonic_xml_term/1:
     A term representing XML code in canonical, structured way. It is
     a list of terms defined by the following predicate (see
     `tag_attrib/1' definition in `canonic_html_term/1'):
          canonic_xml_item(Term) :-
          canonic_xml_item(xmldecl(Atts)) :-
          canonic_xml_item(env(Tag,Atts,Terms)) :-
          canonic_xml_item(elem(Tag,Atts)) :-
     In addition to the structures defined by `canonic_html_term/1'
     (the `($)/2' structure appears only in malformed XML code), the
     following structures can be used:
          Specifies an XML empty element of name _tag_ and list of
          attributes _atts_. For example, the term
          is output to (or parsed from):
               <arc weigh="3" begin="n1" end="n2"/>

          Specifies an XML declaration with attributes _atts_
          (translates to/from `<?xml '_atts_`?>')

     *Usage:* `canonic_xml_term(XMLTerm)'
        - _Description:_ `XMLTerm' is a term representing XML code in
          canonical form.

 - REGTYPE: html_term/1:
     A term which represents HTML or XML code in a structured way. In
     addition to the structures defined by `canonic_html_term/1' or
     `canonic_xml_term/1', the following structures can be used:
          It translates to the start of an HTML environment of name
          _tag_ and attributes _atts_. There exists also a
          *begin(_tag_)* structure. Useful, in conjunction with the
          next structure, when including in a document output
          generated by an existing piece of code (e.g. _tag_ =
          `pre'). Its use is otherwise discouraged.

          Translates to the end of an HTML environment of name _tag_.

          Used at the beginning of a document (translates to

          Used at the end of a document (translates to `</html>').

          Produces a horizontal rule (translates to `<hr>').

          Produces a line break (translates to `<br>').

          Produces a paragraph break (translates to `<p>').

          Used to include an image of address (URL) _address_
          (equivalent to `img$[src='_address_`]').

          As above with the list of attributes _atts_.

          Produces a hypertext link, _address_ is the URL of the
          referenced resource, _text_ is the text of the reference
          (equivalent to `a([href='_address_`],'_text_`)').

          Labels _text_ as a target destination with label _name_
          (equivalent to `a([name='_name_`],'_text_`)').

          Produces a heading of level _n_ (between 1 and 6), _text_
          is the text to be used as heading. Useful when one wants a
          heading level relative to another heading (equivalent to

          Produces a list of bulleted items, _items_ is a list of
          corresponding HTML terms (translates to a `<ul>'

          Produces a list of numbered items, _items_ is a list of
          corresponding HTML terms (translates to a `<ol>'

          Produces a list of defined items, _defs_ is a list whose
          elements are definitions, each of them being a Prolog
          sequence (composed by `','/2' operators). The last element
          of the sequence is the definition, the other (if any) are
          the defined terms (translates to a `<dl>' environment).

          Produces a list of bulleted items, using the image _img_ as
          bullet. The predicate `icon_address/2' provides a colored

          Used to include preformatted text, _text_ is a list of HTML
          terms, each element of the list being a line of the
          resulting document (translates to a `<pre>' environment).

          Used to include text verbatim, special HTML characters
          (`<,>,&,"' and space) are translated into its quoted HTML

          Includes any prolog term _term_, represented in functional
          notation. Variables are output as `_'.

          Used to include a newline in the HTML source (just to
          improve human readability).

          Includes the entity of name _name_ (ISO-8859-1 special

          Specifies the beginning of a form. _addr_ is the address
          (URL) of the program that will handle the form, and _atts_
          other attributes of the form, as the method used to invoke
          it. If _atts_ is not present (there is only one argument)
          the method defaults to POST.

          Specifies the beginning of a form without assigning address
          to the handler, so that the form handler will be the
          cgi-bin executable producing the form.

          Specifies the end of a form.

          Specifies an input of type `checkbox' with name _name_,
          _state_ is `on' if the checkbox is initially checked.

          Specifies an input of type `radio' with name _name_
          (several radio buttons which are interlocked must share
          their name), _value_ is the the value returned by the
          button, if _selected_=_value_ the button is initially

          Specifies an input of type _type_ with a list of attributes
          _atts_. Possible values of _type_ are `text', `hidden',
          `submit', `reset', ldots

          Specifies an input text area of name _name_. _text_
          provides the default text to be shown in the area, _atts_ a
          list of attributes.

          Specifies a simple option selector of name _name_,
          _options_ is the list of available options and _val_ is the
          initial selected option (if _val_ is not in _options_ the
          first item is selected by default) (translates to a
          `<select>' environment).

          Specifies a menu of name _name_, list of attributes _atts_
          and list of options _items_. The elements of the list
          _items_ are marked with the prefix operator `$' to indicate
          that they are selected (translates to a `<select>'


          This two are equivalent, they do not generate HTML, rather,
          the CGI protocol requires this content descriptor to be
          used at the beginning by CGI executables (including form
          handlers) when replying (translates to `Content-type:

          Includes in the page a graphical logo with the message
          "Developed using the PiLLoW Web programming library", which
          points to the manual and library source.

          A term with functor _name_/1, different from the special
          functors defined herein, represents an HTML environment of
          name _name_ and included text _text_. For example, the term
          is translated into the HTML source

          A term with functor _name_/2, different from the special
          functors defined herein, represents an HTML environment of
          name _name_, attributes _atts_ and included text _text_.
          For example, the term

                  a([href=''],"Clip home")
          represents the HTML source
                  <a href="">Clip home</a>

     *Usage:* `html_term(HTMLTerm)'
        - _Description:_ `HTMLTerm' is a term representing HTML code.

 - REGTYPE: form_dict/1:
     *Usage:* `form_dict(Dict)'
        - _Description:_ `Dict' is a dictionary of values of the
          attributes of a form. It is a list of `form_assignment'

 - REGTYPE: form_assignment/1:
     *Usage:* `form_assignment(Eq)'
        - _Description:_ `Eq' is an assignment of value of an
          attribute of a form. It is defined by:
               form_assignment(A=V) :-

               form_value(A) :-
               form_value(N) :-
               form_value(L) :-

 - REGTYPE: form_value/1:
     *Usage:* `form_value(V)'
        - _Description:_ `V' is a value of an attribute of a form.

 - REGTYPE: value_dict/1:
     *Usage:* `value_dict(Dict)'
        - _Description:_ `Dict' is a dictionary of values. It is a
          list of pairs _atom_=_constant_.

 - REGTYPE: url_term/1:
     A term specifying an Internet Uniform Resource Locator.
     Currently only HTTP URLs are supported. Example:
     `http('',80,"/Software/Ciao/")'. Defined as
          url_term(http(Host,Port,Document)) :-

     *Usage:* `url_term(URL)'
        - _Description:_ `URL' specifies a URL.

 - REGTYPE: http_request_param/1:
     A parameter of an HTTP request:
        * *head:* Specify that the document content is not wanted.

        * *timeout(*_T_*):* _T_ specifies the time in seconds to wait
          for the response. Default is 300 seconds.

        * *if_modified_since(*_Date_*):* Get document only if newer
          than _Date_. _Date_ has the format defined by `http_date/1'.

        * *user_agent(*_Agent_*):* Provides a user-agent field,
          _Agent_ is an atom. The string `"PiLLoW/1.1"' (or whatever
          version of PiLLoW is used) is appended.

        * *authorization(*_Scheme_,_Params_*):* To provide
          credentials. See RFC 1945 for details.

        * *_option_(*_Value_*):* Any unary term, being _Value_ an
          atom, can be used to provide another valid option (e.g.

     *Usage:* `http_request_param(Request)'
        - _Description:_ `Request' is a parameter of an HTTP request.

 - REGTYPE: http_response_param/1:
     A parameter of an HTTP response:
        * *content(*_String_*):* _String_ is the document content
          (list of bytes). If the `head' parameter of the HTTP
          request is used, an empty list is get here.

        * *status(*_Type,Code,Reason_*):* _Type_ is an atom denoting
          the response type, _Code_ is the status code (an integer),
          and _Reason_ is a string holding the reason phrase.

        * *message_date(*_Date_*):* _Date_ is the date of the
          response, with format defined by `http_date/1'.

        * *location(*_Loc_*):* This parameter appears when the
          document has moved, _Loc_ is an atom holding the new

        * *http_server(*_Server_*):* _Server_ is the server
          responding, as a string.

        * *authenticate(*_Params_*):* Returned if document is
          protected, _Params_ is a list of chagenges. See RFC 1945
          for details.

        * *allow(*_Methods_*):* _Methods_ are the methods allowed by
          the server, as a list of atoms.

        * *content_encoding(*_Encoding_*):* _Encoding_ is an atom
          defining the encoding.

        * *content_length(*_Length_*):* _Length_ is the length of the
          document (an integer).

        * *content_type(*_Type,Subtype,Params_*):* Specifies the
          document content type, _Type_ and _Subtype_ are atoms,
          _Params_ a list of parameters (e.g.

        * *expires(*_Date_*):* _Date_ is the date after which the
          entity should be considered stale. Format defined by

        * *last_modified(*_Date_*):* _Date_ is the date at which the
          sender believes the resource was last modified. Format
          defined by `http_date/1'.

        * *pragma(*_String_*):* Miscellaneous data.

        * *_header_(*_String_*):* Any other functor _header_/1 is an
          extension header.

     *Usage:* `http_response_param(Response)'
        - _Description:_ `Response' is a parameter of an HTTP

 - REGTYPE: http_date/1:

     `Date' is a term defined as
          http_date(date(WeekDay,Day,Month,Year,Time)) :-

     *Usage:* `http_date(Date)'
        - _Description:_ `Date' is a term denoting a date.

 - REGTYPE: weekday/1:
     A regular type, defined as follows:

 - REGTYPE: month/1:
     A regular type, defined as follows:

 - REGTYPE: hms_time/1:
     *Usage:* `hms_time(Time)'
        - _Description:_ `Time' is an atom of the form `hh:mm:ss'

File:,  Node: References,  Next: Predicate/Method Definition Index,  Prev: PiLLoW types,  Up: Top


     D. Cabeza, M. Hermenegildo, and S. Varma.
     The PiLLoW/CIAO Library for INTERNET/WWW Programming using
     Computational Logic Systems.
     In _Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Logic Programming Tools
     for   INTERNET Applications_, pages 72-90, JICSLP'96, Bonn,
     September 1996.

File:,  Node: Predicate/Method Definition Index,  Next: Regular Type Definition Index,  Prev: References,  Up: Top

Predicate/Method Definition Index

* Menu:

* fetch_url/3:                           Documentation on exports (http).
* form_default/3:                        Documentation on exports (html).
* form_empty_value/1:                    Documentation on exports (html).
* form_request_method/1:                 Documentation on exports (html).
* get_cookies/1:                         Documentation on exports (html).
* get_form_input/1:                      Documentation on exports (html).
* get_form_value/3:                      Documentation on exports (html).
* html2terms/2:                          Documentation on exports (html).
* html_expansion/2:                      Documentation on multifiles (html).
* html_protect/1:                        Documentation on exports (html).
* html_report_error/1:                   Documentation on exports (html).
* html_template/3:                       Documentation on exports (html).
* http_lines/3:                          Documentation on exports (html).
* icon_address/2:                        Documentation on exports (html).
* my_url/1:                              Documentation on exports (html).
* output_html/1:                         Documentation on exports (html).
* set_cookie/2:                          Documentation on exports (html).
* url_info/2:                            Documentation on exports (html).
* url_info_relative/3:                   Documentation on exports (html).
* url_query/2:                           Documentation on exports (html).
* xml2terms/2:                           Documentation on exports (html).

File:,  Node: Regular Type Definition Index,  Next: Global Index,  Prev: Predicate/Method Definition Index,  Up: Top

Regular Type Definition Index

* Menu:

* canonic_html_term/1:                   Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* canonic_xml_term/1:                    Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* form_assignment/1:                     Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* form_dict/1:                           Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* form_value/1:                          Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* hms_time/1:                            Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* html_term/1:                           Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* http_date/1:                           Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* http_request_param/1:                  Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* http_response_param/1:                 Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* month/1:                               Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* url_term/1:                            Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* value_dict/1:                          Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* weekday/1:                             Documentation on exports (pillow_types).

File:,  Node: Global Index,  Prev: Regular Type Definition Index,  Up: Top

Global Index

   This is a global index containing pointers to places where
concepts,  predicates, modes, properties, types, applications, etc.,
are referred to  in the text of the document. Note that due to
limitations of the  `info' format unfortunately only the first
reference will appear in  online versions of the document.

* Menu:

* $/1:                                   Usage and interface (pillow).
* $/2:                                   Usage and interface (pillow).
* CGI <1>:                               HTML/XML/CGI programming.
* CGI:                                   Introduction.
* GNU Library General Public License <1>: Summary.
* GNU Library General Public License:    (none).
* HTML <1>:                              HTML/XML/CGI programming.
* HTML:                                  Introduction.
* HTTP <1>:                              HTTP conectivity.
* HTTP:                                  Introduction.
* PiLLoW on-line tutorial:               Introduction.
* WWW, interfacing with:                 Introduction.
* XML <1>:                               HTML/XML/CGI programming.
* XML:                                   Introduction.
* canonic_html_term/1 <1>:               Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* canonic_html_term/1:                   Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* canonic_xml_term/1 <1>:                Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* canonic_xml_term/1:                    Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* fetch_url/3 <1>:                       Documentation on exports (http).
* fetch_url/3:                           Usage and interface (http).
* form_assignment/1 <1>:                 Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* form_assignment/1:                     Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* form_default/3 <1>:                    Documentation on exports (html).
* form_default/3:                        Usage and interface (html).
* form_dict/1 <1>:                       Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* form_dict/1:                           Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* form_empty_value/1 <1>:                Documentation on exports (html).
* form_empty_value/1:                    Usage and interface (html).
* form_request_method/1 <1>:             Documentation on exports (html).
* form_request_method/1:                 Usage and interface (html).
* form_value/1 <1>:                      Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* form_value/1:                          Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* get_cookies/1 <1>:                     Documentation on exports (html).
* get_cookies/1:                         Usage and interface (html).
* get_form_input/1 <1>:                  Documentation on exports (html).
* get_form_input/1:                      Usage and interface (html).
* get_form_value/3 <1>:                  Documentation on exports (html).
* get_form_value/3:                      Usage and interface (html).
* hms_time/1 <1>:                        Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* hms_time/1:                            Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* html2terms/2 <1>:                      Documentation on exports (html).
* html2terms/2:                          Usage and interface (html).
* html_expansion/2 <1>:                  Documentation on multifiles (html).
* html_expansion/2:                      Usage and interface (html).
* html_protect/1 <1>:                    Documentation on exports (html).
* html_protect/1:                        Usage and interface (html).
* html_report_error/1 <1>:               Documentation on exports (html).
* html_report_error/1:                   Usage and interface (html).
* html_template/3 <1>:                   Documentation on exports (html).
* html_template/3:                       Usage and interface (html).
* html_term/1 <1>:                       Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* html_term/1 <2>:                       Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* html_term/1:                           Documentation on exports (html).
* http_date/1 <1>:                       Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* http_date/1:                           Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* http_lines/3 <1>:                      Documentation on exports (html).
* http_lines/3:                          Usage and interface (html).
* http_request_param/1 <1>:              Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* http_request_param/1:                  Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* http_response_param/1 <1>:             Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* http_response_param/1:                 Usage and interface (pillow_types).
*                       Installing PiLLoW.
* icon_address/2 <1>:                    Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* icon_address/2 <2>:                    Documentation on exports (html).
* icon_address/2:                        Usage and interface (html).
* library/pillow/doc:                    Introduction.
* month/1 <1>:                           Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* month/1:                               Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* my_url/1 <1>:                          Documentation on exports (html).
* my_url/1:                              Usage and interface (html).
* name/2:                                Documentation on exports (html).
* output_html/1 <1>:                     Documentation on multifiles (html).
* output_html/1 <2>:                     Documentation on exports (html).
* output_html/1:                         Usage and interface (html).
*                             Installing PiLLoW.
* set_cookie/2 <1>:                      Documentation on exports (html).
* set_cookie/2:                          Usage and interface (html).
* tag_attrib/1:                          Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* url_info/2 <1>:                        Documentation on exports (html).
* url_info/2:                            Usage and interface (html).
* url_info_relative/3 <1>:               Documentation on exports (html).
* url_info_relative/3:                   Usage and interface (html).
* url_query/2 <1>:                       Documentation on exports (html).
* url_query/2:                           Usage and interface (html).
* url_term/1 <1>:                        Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* url_term/1:                            Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* value_dict/1 <1>:                      Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* value_dict/1:                          Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* weekday/1 <1>:                         Documentation on exports (pillow_types).
* weekday/1:                             Usage and interface (pillow_types).
* xml2terms/2 <1>:                       Documentation on exports (html).
* xml2terms/2:                           Usage and interface (html).

Tag Table:
Node: Top4321
Node: Summary4681
Node: Introduction5915
Node: Installing PiLLoW6801
Node: Usage and interface (pillow)7648
Node: HTML/XML/CGI programming7989
Node: Usage and interface (html)8702
Node: Documentation on exports (html)9500
Node: Documentation on multifiles (html)24047
Node: Other information (html)24607
Node: HTTP conectivity24998
Node: Usage and interface (http)25459
Node: Documentation on exports (http)25796
Node: PiLLoW types26836
Node: Usage and interface (pillow_types)27195
Node: Documentation on exports (pillow_types)27836
Node: References44475
Node: Predicate/Method Definition Index44926
Node: Regular Type Definition Index46696
Node: Global Index48051

End Tag Table