%======================================================================== %= %= %= %======================================================================== /** * @file problog/lbdd.yap * support routines for BDD evaluation. * */ :- module(lbdd,[ set_tunable/3, prob2log/4, log2prob/4, bind_maplist/3, get_prob/2, gradient/3, query_probabilities/2, evalp/2, query_gradients/4 ] ). :- use_module('../problog'). :- use_module('flags'). :- use_module('logger'). set_tunable(I,Slope,P) :- X <== P[I], sigmoid(X,Slope,Pr), (Pr > 0.99 -> NPr = 0.99 ; Pr < 0.01 -> NPr = 0.01 ; Pr = NPr ), set_fact_probability(I,NPr). %======================================================================== %= Updates all values of query_probability/2 and query_gradient/4 %= should be called always before these predicates are accessed %= if the old values are still valid, nothing happens %======================================================================== prob2log(_X,Slope,FactID,V) :- get_fact_probability(FactID, V0), inv_sigmoid(V0, Slope, V). log2prob(X,Slope,FactID,V) :- V0 <== X[FactID], sigmoid(V0, Slope, V). bind_maplist([], _Slope, _X). bind_maplist([Node-(Node-NPr)|MapList], Slope, X) :- SigPr <== X[Node], sigmoid(SigPr, Slope, Pr), (Pr > 0.999 -> NPr = 0.999 ; Pr < 0.001 -> NPr = 0.001 ; Pr = NPr ), bind_maplist(MapList, Slope, X). %get_prob(Node, Prob) :- % query_probability(Node,Prob), !. get_prob(Node, Prob) :- get_fact_probability(Node,Prob). gradient(_QueryID, l, _). /* query_probability(21,6.775948e-01). */ gradient(QueryID, g, Slope) :- recorded(QueryID, BDD, _), query_gradients(BDD,Slope,I,Grad), assert(query_gradient_intern(QueryID,I,p,Grad)), fail. gradient(QueryID, g, Slope) :- gradient(QueryID, l, Slope). query_probabilities( DBDD, Prob) :- DBDD = bdd(Dir, Tree, _MapList), findall(P, evalp(Tree,P), [Prob0]), (Dir == 1 -> Prob0 = Prob ; Prob is 1.0-Prob0). evalp( Tree, Prob0) :- foldl(evalp, Tree, _, Prob0). query_gradients(bdd(Dir, Tree, MapList),I,IProb,Grad) :- member(I-(_-IProb), MapList), % run_grad(Tree, I, Slope, 0.0, Grad0), foldl( evalg(I), Tree, _, Grad0), ( Dir == 1 -> Grad = Grad0 ; Grad is -Grad0). evalp( pn(P, _-X, PL, PR), _,P ):- P is X*PL+ (1.0-X)*(1.0-PR). evalp( pp(P, _-X, PL, PR), _,P ):- P is X*PL+ (1.0-X)*PR. evalg( I, pp(P-G, J-X, L, R), _, G ):- ( number(L) -> PL=L, GL = 0.0 ; L = PL-GL ), ( number(R) -> PR=R, GR = 0.0 ; R = PR-GR ), P is X*PL+ (1.0-X)*PR, ( I == J -> G is X*GL+ (1.0-X)*GR+PL-PR ; G is X*GL+ (1.0-X)*GR ). evalg( I, pn(P-G, J-X, L, R), _,G ):- ( number(L) -> PL=L, GL = 0.0 ; L = PL-GL ), ( number(R) -> PR=R, GR = 0.0 ; R = PR-GR ), P is X*PL+ (1.0-X)*(1.0-PR), ( I == J -> G is X*GL-(1.0-X)*GR+PL-(1-PR) ; G is X*GL- (1.0-X)*GR ).