:- module(clpbn_utils, [ clpbn_not_var_member/2, clpbn_var_member/2, check_for_hidden_vars/3, sort_vars_by_key/3, sort_vars_by_key_and_parents/4]). % % It may happen that variables from a previous query may still be around. % and be used in the next evaluation, so we cannot trust the list of *new* % variables. % check_for_hidden_vars([], _, []). check_for_hidden_vars([V|Vs], AllVs0, [V|NVs]) :- check_for_extra_variables(V,AllVs0, AllVs, Vs, IVs), check_for_hidden_vars(IVs, AllVs, NVs). check_for_extra_variables(V,AllVs0, AllVs, Vs, IVs) :- var(V), clpbn:get_atts(V, [dist(_,_,[V1|LV])]), !, add_old_variables([V1|LV], AllVs0, AllVs, Vs, IVs). check_for_extra_variables(_,AllVs, AllVs, Vs, Vs). add_old_variables([], AllVs, AllVs, Vs, Vs). add_old_variables([V1|LV], AllVs0, AllVs, Vs, IVs) :- clpbn_not_var_member(AllVs0, V1), !, add_old_variables(LV, [V1|AllVs0], AllVs, [V1|Vs], IVs). add_old_variables([_|LV], AllVs0, AllVs, Vs, IVs) :- add_old_variables(LV, AllVs0, AllVs, Vs, IVs). clpbn_var_member([V1|_], V) :- V1 == V, !. clpbn_var_member([_|Vs], V) :- clpbn_var_member(Vs, V). clpbn_not_var_member([], _). clpbn_not_var_member([V1|Vs], V) :- V1 \== V, clpbn_not_var_member(Vs, V). sort_vars_by_key(AVars, SortedAVars, Keys) :- get_keys(AVars, KeysVars), keysort(KeysVars, KVars), merge_same_key(KVars, SortedAVars, Keys). get_keys([], []). get_keys([V|AVars], [K-V|KeysVars]) :- clpbn:get_atts(V, [key(K)]), !, get_keys(AVars, KeysVars). get_keys([_|AVars], KeysVars) :- % may be non-CLPBN vars. get_keys(AVars, KeysVars). merge_same_key([], [], []). merge_same_key([K1-V1|KVs], [V1|Vs], [K1|Ks]) :- eat_same_key(KVs,K1,V1,RKVs), merge_same_key(RKVs, Vs, Ks). eat_same_key([K-V|KVs],K,V,RKVs) :- !, eat_same_key(KVs,K,V,RKVs). eat_same_key(KVs,_,_,KVs).