/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog SGML/XML parser Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/SWI-Prolog/ Copying: LGPL-2. See the file COPYING or http://www.gnu.org Copyright (C) 1990-2000 SWI, University of Amsterdam. All rights reserved. */ :- module(rdf_test, [ suite/1, % +Test-number test_dir/1, % +Directory test_file/1, % +File time_file/1, % +File passed/1, % +Test-numberOrFile test/0, % run whole suite show_ok/1 % +Test ]). :- multifile user:file_search_path/2. user:file_search_path(library, ..). user:file_search_path(foreign, ..). :- use_module(library(sgml)). :- use_module(rdf_parser). :- use_module(rdf_triple). :- use_module(rdf). :- use_module(pretty_print). :- set_prolog_flag(rdf_container, true). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Test file for the SWI-Prolog RDF parser. Toplevel predicates: # test/0 Run all tests from the `suite' directory and validate the the result if the correct result is stored in a .ok file. # suite(N) Run test on suite/t<N>.rdf, showing RDF, intermediate representation and triples on the console. # passed(N) Parse suite/t<N>.rdf and save the result in suite/t<N>.ok The intention is to write tests, use suite/1 to make sure they are parsed correctly and then run passed/1 to save the correct answer, so running test/0 can validate all results. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ suite(N) :- concat_atom(['suite/t', N, '.rdf'], File), test_file(File). test_file(File) :- rdf_reset_ids, format('************* Test ~w ***~n', [File]), cat(File), load_structure(File, [ RDFElement ], [ dialect(xmlns), space(sgml) ]), rdf_start_file([], Cleanup), xml_to_plrdf(RDFElement, RDF, []), rdf_end_file(Cleanup), format('============= Prolog term ==============~n', []), pretty_print(RDF), rdf_triples(RDF, Triples), format('============= Triples ==================~n', []), write_triples(Triples). time_file(File) :- time(load_rdf(File, Triples)), length(Triples, Len), format('Created ~w triples~n', [Len]). passed(Id) :- integer(Id), !, concat_atom(['suite/t', Id, '.rdf'], File), passed(File). passed(File) :- rdf_reset_ids, ok_file(File, OkFile), load_rdf(File, Triples), open(OkFile, write, Fd, [encoding(utf8)]), save_triples(Triples, Fd), close(Fd), length(Triples, N), format('Saved ~d triples to ~w~n', [N, OkFile]). :- dynamic failed/1. test :- test(load_rdf), test(process_rdf). test(How) :- retractall(failed(_)), test_dir(suite, How), findall(F, failed(F), Failed), ( Failed == [] -> true ; length(Failed, N), format('ERROR: ~w tests failed~n', [N]), fail ). test_dir(Dir) :- test_dir(Dir, load_rdf). test_dir(Dir, How) :- format('Tests from "~w" [~w]: ', [Dir, How]), atom_concat(Dir, '/*.rdf', Pattern), expand_file_name(Pattern, TestFiles), maplist(test(How), TestFiles), format(' done~n'). test(How, File) :- format('.'), flush_output, rdf_reset_ids, ok_file(File, OkFile), ( call(How, File, Triples) -> ( catch(open(OkFile, read, Fd, [encoding(utf8)]), _, fail) -> ( read_triples(Fd, OkTriples), close(Fd), compare_triples(Triples, OkTriples, _Subst) -> true ; assert(failed(File)), format('~N~w: WRONG ANSWER~n', [File]) ) ; format('~N~w: (no .ok file)~n', [File]) ) ; assert(failed(File)), format('~N~w: PARSE FAILED~n', [File]) ). ok_file(File, OkFile) :- file_base_name(File, BaseFile), file_name_extension(Base, _, BaseFile), file_directory_name(File, Dir), concat_atom([Dir, /, ok, /, Base, '.ok'], OkFile). save_triples([], _). save_triples([H|T], Fd) :- format(Fd, '~q.~n', [H]), save_triples(T, Fd). read_triples(Fd, Terms) :- read(Fd, T0), read_triples(T0, Fd, Terms). read_triples(end_of_file, _, []) :- !. read_triples(rdf(S0,P0,O0), Fd, [rdf(S,P,O)|R]) :- global_ref(S0, S), global_ref(P0, P), global_obj(O0, O), read(Fd, T1), read_triples(T1, Fd, R). global_ref(rdf:Local, Global) :- rdf_name_space(NS), !, atom_concat(NS, Local, Global). global_ref(NS:Local, Global) :- !, atom_concat(NS, Local, Global). global_ref(URI, URI). global_obj(literal(X), literal(X)) :- !. global_obj(Local, Global) :- global_ref(Local, Global). write_triples([]) :- !. write_triples([H|T]) :- !, write_triple(H), write_triples(T). write_triple(Triple) :- is_rdf_triple(Triple), !, Triple = rdf(S,P,O), format('{~p, ~p, ~p}~n', [S,P,O]). write_triple(Triple) :- format('@@@@@ Bad Triple: ~p~n', [Triple]), fail. cat(File) :- open(File, read, Fd), copy_stream_data(Fd, user_output), close(Fd). :- dynamic triple/1. process_rdf(File, Triples) :- retractall(triple(_)), process_rdf(File, assert_triples, []), findall(T, retract(triple(T)), Triples). assert_triples([], _). assert_triples([H|T], Loc) :- assert(triple(H)), assert_triples(T, Loc). /******************************* * VALIDATE * *******************************/ is_rdf_triple(rdf(Subject, Predicate, Object)) :- is_subject(Subject), is_predicate(Predicate), is_object(Object). is_subject(0) :- !, fail. % Variables is_subject(URI) :- is_uri(URI), !. is_subject(each(URI)) :- is_uri(URI), !. is_subject(prefix(Pattern)) :- atom(Pattern), !. is_predicate(0) :- !, fail. is_predicate(rdf:RdfPred) :- !, is_rdf_predicate(RdfPred). is_predicate(NS:Pred) :- !, atom(NS), atom(Pred). is_predicate(Pred) :- atom(Pred). is_object(0) :- !, fail. is_object(literal(XML)) :- !, is_xml(XML). is_object(rdf:RdfType) :- !, is_rdf_type(RdfType). is_object(URI) :- is_uri(URI). is_object(Subject) :- is_subject(Subject), !. is_object(Pred) :- is_predicate(Pred), !. is_uri(URI) :- atom(URI). is_xml(_XML). % for now is_rdf_predicate(RdfPred) :- atom(RdfPred). is_rdf_type(RdfType) :- atom(RdfType). /******************************* * UTIL * *******************************/ % find_rdf(+XMLTerm, -RDFTerm) % % If the document contains an embedded RDF term, return it, else % return the whole document. The latter is a bit dubious, but good % for the purpose of this test-file find_rdf(Term, RDFTerm) :- RDFTerm = element(NS:'RDF', _, _), term_member(RDFTerm, Term), !, ( rdf_name_space(NS) -> true ; assert(rdf_parser:rdf_name_space(NS)), assert(new_rdf_namespace(NS)) ). find_rdf(Term, Term). term_member(X, X). term_member(X, Compound) :- compound(Compound), arg(_, Compound, Arg), term_member(X, Arg). /******************************* * COMPARING * *******************************/ % compare_triples(+PlRDF, +NTRDF, -Substitions) % % Compare two models and if they are equal, return a list of % PlID = NTID, mapping NodeID elements. compare_triples(A, B, Substitutions) :- compare_list(A, B, [], Substitutions), !. compare_list([], [], S, S). compare_list([H1|T1], In2, S0, S) :- select(H2, In2, T2), compare_triple(H1, H2, S0, S1), compare_list(T1, T2, S1, S). compare_triple(rdf(Subj1,P1,O1), rdf(Subj2, P2, O2), S0, S) :- compare_field(Subj1, Subj2, S0, S1), compare_field(P1, P2, S1, S2), compare_field(O1, O2, S2, S). compare_field(X, X, S, S) :- !. compare_field(literal(X), xml(X), S, S) :- !. % TBD compare_field(rdf:Name, Atom, S, S) :- atom(Atom), rdf_parser:rdf_name_space(NS), atom_concat(NS, Name, Atom), !. compare_field(NS:Name, Atom, S, S) :- atom(Atom), atom_concat(NS, Name, Atom), !. compare_field(X, Id, S, S) :- memberchk(X=Id, S), !. compare_field(X, Y, S, [X=Y|S]) :- \+ memberchk(X=_, S), node_id(X), node_id(Y), format('Assume ~w = ~w~n', [X, Y]). node_id(node(_)) :- !. node_id(X) :- atom(X), generated_prefix(Prefix), sub_atom(X, 0, _, _, Prefix), !. generated_prefix('Bag__'). generated_prefix('Seq__'). generated_prefix('Alt__'). generated_prefix('Description__'). generated_prefix('Statement__'). /******************************* * SHOW DIAGRAM * *******************************/ show_ok(Test) :- ok_file(Test, File), open(File, read, Fd, [encoding(utf8)]), read_triples(Fd, OkTriples), close(Fd), new(D, rdf_diagram(string('Ok for %s', File))), send(D, triples, OkTriples), send(D, open).