// Stuff that must be considered local to a thread or worker START_WORKER_LOCAL // Streams int c_input_stream =0 int c_output_stream =1 int c_error_stream =2 // Restore info CELL* OldASP =NULL CELL* OldLCL0 =NULL tr_fr_ptr OldTR =NULL CELL* OldGlobalBase =NULL CELL* OldH =NULL CELL* OldH0 =NULL ADDR OldTrailBase =NULL ADDR OldTrailTop =NULL ADDR OldHeapBase =NULL ADDR OldHeapTop =NULL Int ClDiff =0L Int GDiff =0L Int HDiff =0L Int GDiff0 =0L CELL* GSplit =NULL Int LDiff =0L Int TrDiff =0L Int XDiff =0L Int DelayDiff =0L Int BaseDiff =0L // Reduction counters YAP_ULONG_LONG ReductionsCounter =0L YAP_ULONG_LONG PredEntriesCounter =0L YAP_ULONG_LONG RetriesCounter =0L int ReductionsCounterOn =0L int PredEntriesCounterOn =0L int RetriesCounterOn =0L // support for consulting files /* current consult stack */ union CONSULT_OBJ* ConsultSp =NULL /* current maximum number of cells in consult stack */ UInt ConsultCapacity void /* top of consult stack */ union CONSULT_OBJ* ConsultBase =NULL /* low-water mark for consult */ union CONSULT_OBJ* ConsultLow =NULL //global variables Term GlobalArena =0L TermToGlobalOrAtomAdjust UInt GlobalArenaOverflows =0L Int ArenaOverflows =0L Int DepthArenas =0 int ArithError =FALSE struct pred_entry* LastAssertedPred =NULL int DebugOn =FALSE char* ScannerStack =NULL struct scanner_extra_alloc* ScannerExtraBlocks =NULL struct DB_TERM* BallTerm =NULL RestoreBallTerm(wid) UInt ActiveSignals =0L UInt IPredArity =0L yamop* ProfEnd =NULL int UncaughtThrow =FALSE int DoingUndefp =FALSE Int StartLine =0L scratch_block ScratchPad InitScratchPad(wid) #ifdef COROUTINING Term WokenGoals =0L TermToGlobalAdjust Term AttsMutableList =0L TermToGlobalAdjust #endif // gc_stuff Term GcGeneration =0L TermToGlobalAdjust Term GcPhase =0L TermToGlobalAdjust UInt GcCurrentPhase =0L UInt GcCalls =0L Int TotGcTime =0L YAP_ULONG_LONG TotGcRecovered =0L Int LastGcTime =0L Int LastSSTime =0L /* in a single gc */ Int total_marked =0L Int total_oldies =0L struct choicept* current_B =NULL CELL* prev_HB =NULL CELL* HGEN =NULL CELL** iptop =NULL #if defined(GC_NO_TAGS) char* bp =NULL #endif tr_fr_ptr sTR =NULL tr_fr_ptr sTR0 =NULL tr_fr_ptr new_TR =NULL struct gc_mark_continuation* cont_top0 =NULL struct gc_mark_continuation* cont_top =NULL int discard_trail_entries =0 gc_ma_hash_entry gc_ma_hash_table[GC_MAVARS_HASH_SIZE] void gc_ma_hash_entry* gc_ma_h_top =NULL gc_ma_hash_entry* gc_ma_h_list =NULL UInt gc_timestamp =0L ADDR db_vec =NULL ADDR db_vec0 =NULL struct RB_red_blk_node* db_root =NULL struct RB_red_blk_node* db_nil =NULL sigjmp_buf gc_restore void struct array_entry* DynamicArrays =NULL PtoArrayEAdjust struct static_array_entry* StaticArrays =NULL PtoArraySAdjust struct global_entry* GlobalVariables =NULL PtoGlobalEAdjust int AllowRestart =FALSE // Thread Local Area for Fast Storage of Intermediate Compiled Code struct mem_blk* CMemFirstBlock =NULL UInt CMemFirstBlockSz =0L // Thread Local Area for Labels Int* LabelFirstArray =NULL UInt LabelFirstArraySz =0L // Thread Local Area for SWI-Prolog emulation routines. struct PL_local_data* PL_local_data_p =Yap_InitThreadIO(wid) #ifdef THREADS struct thandle ThreadHandle InitThreadHandle(wid) #endif /* THREADS */ #if defined(YAPOR) || defined(TABLING) struct local_optyap_data optyap_data Yap_init_local_optyap_data(wid) #endif /* YAPOR || TABLING */ int InterruptsDisabled =FALSE struct open_query_struct* execution =NULL #if LOW_LEVEL_TRACER Int total_choicepoints =0 #endif int consult_level =0 #if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) lockvar SignalLock MkLock #endif // Variables related to memory allocation ADDR LocalBase =REMOTE_LocalBase(0) ADDR GlobalBase =REMOTE_GlobalBase(0) ADDR TrailBase =REMOTE_TrailBase(0) ADDR TrailTop =REMOTE_TrailTop(0) char* ErrorMessage =REMOTE_ErrorMessage(0) Term Error_Term =REMOTE_Error_Term(0) #ifdef THREADS Term Error_TYPE =REMOTE_Error_TYPE(0) #else yap_error_number Error_TYPE =REMOTE_Error_TYPE(0) #endif UInt Error_Size =REMOTE_Error_Size(0) char ErrorSay[MAX_ERROR_MSG_SIZE] void jmp_buf IOBotch void TokEntry* tokptr =REMOTE_tokptr(0) TokEntry* toktide =REMOTE_toktide(0) VarEntry* VarTable =REMOTE_VarTable(0) VarEntry* AnonVarTable =REMOTE_AnonVarTable(0) sigjmp_buf RestartEnv void char FileNameBuf[YAP_FILENAME_MAX] void char FileNameBuf2[YAP_FILENAME_MAX] void END_WORKER_LOCAL