/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: dbload.yap * * Last rev: 8/2/88 * * mods: * * comments: Compact Loading of Facts in YAP * * * *************************************************************************/ %% @file dbload.yap :- module('$db_load', []). :- use_system_module( '$_boot', ['$$compile'/4]). :- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]). :- use_system_module( attributes, [get_module_atts/2, put_module_atts/2]). %% % @defgroup YAPBigLoad Loading Large Tables % @ingroup YAPConsulting % @{ % @brief Fast and Exo Loading % /*! * @pred load_mega_clause( +Stream ) is detail * Load a single predicare composed of facts with the same size. */ load_mega_clause( Stream ) :- % line_spec( Stream, Line), repeat, ( fact( Stream ), fail ; stream_property(Stream, at_end_of_file( on )) ). '$input_lines'(R, csv, Lines ) :- '$process_lines'(R, Lines, _Type ), close(R). /*! * @pred load_db( +Files ) is det * Load files each one containing as single predicare composed of facts with the same size. */ prolog:load_db(Fs) :- '$current_module'(M0), retractall(dbloading(_Na,_Arity,_M,_T,_NaAr,_)), prolog_flag(agc_margin,Old,0), dbload(Fs,M0,load_db(Fs)), load_facts, prolog_flag(agc_margin,_,Old), clean_up. dbload(Fs, _, G) :- var(Fs), '$do_error'(instantiation_error,G). dbload([], _, _) :- !. dbload([F|Fs], M0, G) :- !, dbload(F, M0, G), dbload(Fs, M0, G). dbload(M:F, _M0, G) :- !, dbload(F, M, G). dbload(F, M0, G) :- atom(F), !, do_dbload(F, M0, G). dbload(F, _, G) :- '$do_error'(type_error(atom,F),G). do_dbload(F0, M0, G) :- '$full_filename'(F0, F), assert(dbprocess(F, M0)), open(F, read, R), check_dbload_stream(R, M0), close(R). check_dbload_stream(R, M0) :- repeat, catch(read(R,T), _, fail), ( T = end_of_file -> !; dbload_count(T, M0), fail ). dbload_count(T0, M0) :- gemodule(T0,M0,T,M), functor(T,Na,Arity), % dbload_check_term(T), ( dbloading(Na,Arity,M,_,NaAr,_) -> nb_getval(NaAr,I0), I is I0+1, nb_setval(NaAr,I) ; atomic_concat([Na,'__',Arity,'__',M],NaAr), assert(dbloading(Na,Arity,M,T,NaAr,0)), nb_setval(NaAr,1) ). get_module(M1:T0,_,T,M) :- !, get_module(T0, M1, T , M). get_module(T,M,T,M). load_facts :- !, % yap_flag(exo_compilation, on), !. load_exofacts. load_facts :- retract(dbloading(Na,Arity,M,T,NaAr,_)), nb_getval(NaAr,Size), dbload_get_space(T, M, Size, Handle), assertz(dbloading(Na,Arity,M,T,NaAr,Handle)), nb_setval(NaAr,0), fail. load_facts :- dbprocess(F, M), open(F, read, R), dbload_add_facts(R, M), close(R), fail. load_facts. dbload_add_facts(R, M) :- repeat, catch(read(R,T), _, fail), ( T = end_of_file -> !; dbload_add_fact(T, M), fail ). dbload_add_fact(T0, M0) :- get_module(T0,M0,T,M), functor(T,Na,Arity), dbloading(Na,Arity,M,_,NaAr,Handle), nb_getval(NaAr,I0), I is I0+1, nb_setval(NaAr,I), dbassert(T,Handle,I0). load_exofacts :- retract(dbloading(Na,Arity,M,T,NaAr,_)), nb_getval(NaAr,Size), exo_db_get_space(T, M, Size, Handle), assertz(dbloading(Na,Arity,M,T,NaAr,Handle)), nb_setval(NaAr,0), fail. load_exofacts :- dbprocess(F, M), open(F, read, R), exodb_add_facts(R, M), close(R), fail. load_exofacts. exodb_add_facts(R, M) :- repeat, catch(protected_exodb_add_fact(R, M), _, fail), !. protected_exodb_add_fact(R, M) :- repeat, read(R,T), ( T == end_of_file -> !; exodb_add_fact(T, M), fail ). exodb_add_fact(T0, M0) :- get_module(T0,M0,T,M), functor(T,Na,Arity), dbloading(Na,Arity,M,_,NaAr,Handle), nb_getval(NaAr,I0), I is I0+1, nb_setval(NaAr,I), exoassert(T,Handle,I0). clean_up :- retractall(dbloading(_,_,_,_,_,_)), retractall(dbprocess(_,_)), fail. clean_up. %% @}