%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Constraint Handling Rules version 2.2 % % % % (c) Copyright 1996-98 % % LMU, Muenchen % % % % File: chr.pl % % Author: Christian Holzbaur christian@ai.univie.ac.at % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The CHR runtime system, % the constraint store. % % Two functions: a) storage b) reactivation triggered by bindings % % Reactivation is symmetric: if two variables with suspensions % are unified, both suspensions run. (Both variables got more % constrained) % % *** Sequence of wakeups determines termination of handler leq *** % % Another sequence that could matter is the one % generated by the iterators % % Layout: % % suspension(Id,State,Closure,Generation,PropagationHistory,F|Args) % % Id is 1st to allow for direct comparisons (sort) and avoids % unifiability if the Id is nonvar. % F is the constraint functor % % :- module( chr, [ find_constraint/2, find_constraint/3, findall_constraints/2, findall_constraints/3, remove_constraint/1, current_handler/2, current_constraint/2, unconstrained/1, notify_constrained/1, chr_trace/0, chr_notrace/0, chr_debug/0, chr_nodebug/0, chr_debugging/0, chr_leash/1, chr_spy/1, chr_nospy/1 ]). :- use_module( library('chr/getval')). :- use_module( library(lists), [ append/3, member/2, is_list/1, nth/3, select/3 ]). :- use_module( library(terms), [ term_variables/2, subsumes_chk/2, subsumes/2 ]). :- use_module( library(assoc), % propagation history [ empty_assoc/1, put_assoc/4, get_assoc/3, assoc_to_list/2 ]). :- use_module('chr/sbag'). % link to sbag_l.pl or sbag_a.pl :- use_module('chr/chrcmp'). :- use_module('chr/trace'). :- use_module(library(atts)). :- attribute locked/0, exposed/1, dbg_state/1. % % Problem with cyclic structures: % error reporters seem to use write ... % :- multifile user:portray/1, user:portray_message/2, user:goal_expansion/3. :- dynamic user:portray/1, user:portray_message/2, user:goal_expansion/3. % user:portray( Susp) :- Susp =.. [suspension,Id,Mref,_,_,_,_|_], nonvar( Mref), !, write('<c'), write(Id), write('>'). % (c)onstraint % user:portray( '$want_duplicates'(_,Term)) :- !, % cf. attribute_goal/2 prolog_flag( toplevel_print_options, Options), write_term( Term, Options). :- initialization setval( id, 0). % counter for portray/debugger % user:portray_message( error, chr(multiple_handlers(Old,New,Module))) :- !, format( user_error, '{CHR ERROR: registering ~p, module ~p already hosts ~p}~n', [New,Module,Old]). % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % % *** MACROS *** % % user:goal_expansion( lock_some(L), chr, Exp) :- is_list(L), unravel( L, lock, Exp). user:goal_expansion( unlock_some(L), chr, Exp) :- is_list(L), unravel( L, unlock, Exp). user:goal_expansion( via([],V), chr, global_term_ref_1(V)). user:goal_expansion( via([X],V), chr, via_1(X,V)). user:goal_expansion( via([X,Y],V), chr, via_2(X,Y,V)). user:goal_expansion( via([X,Y,Z],V), chr, via_3(X,Y,Z,V)). user:goal_expansion( load_args(S,State,Args), chr, Exp) :- is_list( Args), Susp =.. [suspension,_,Mref,_,_,_,_|Args], Exp = ( S=Susp, get_mutable( State, Mref) ). % % % user:goal_expansion( nd_init_iteration(V,_,_,Att,S), _, Exp) :- arg( 1, Att, Stack), Exp = ( get_atts(V,Att), chr:sbag_member(S,Stack) ). % user:goal_expansion( init_iteration(V,_,_,Att,L), _, Exp) :- arg( 1, Att, Stack), Exp = ( get_atts(V,Att), chr:iter_init(Stack,L) ). unravel( [], _, true). unravel( [X|Xs], F, (G,Gs)) :- G =.. [F,X], unravel( Xs, F, Gs). % ----------------------- runtime user predicates ----------------- remove_constraint( Susp) :- nonvar( Susp), functor( Susp, suspension, N), N >= 6, !, debug_event( remove(Susp)), remove_constraint_internal( Susp, Vars), arg( 3, Susp, Module:_), arg( 6, Susp, F), A is N-6, Module:detach( F/A, Susp, Vars). remove_constraint( S) :- raise_exception( type_error(remove_constraint(S),1,'a constraint object',S)). find_constraint( Term, Susp) :- global_term_ref_1( Global), find_constraint( Global, Term, Susp). find_constraint( V, Term, Susp) :- var( V), !, find_constraint_internal( V, Term, Susp, active, _). find_constraint( A, B, C) :- raise_exception( instantiation_error( find_constraint(A,B,C), 1)). find_constraint_internal( V, Term, Susp, State, Module) :- constraint( Handler, F/A, Att), functor( Term, F, A), % prune some arg( 1, Att, Stack), current_handler( Handler, Module), Module:get_atts( V, Att), length( Args, A), Try =.. [F|Args], sbag_member( Susp, Stack), Susp =.. [suspension,_,Mref,_,_,_,_|Args], get_mutable( State, Mref), subsumes( Term, Try). % % Test for unconstrained var % Used by some math solvers % unconstrained( X) :- % var(X), prolog:'$get_cva'(X,[],_). find_constraint( X, _, _), !, fail. unconstrained( _). findall_constraints( C, L) :- global_term_ref_1( Global), findall_constraints( Global, C, L). findall_constraints( V, C, L) :- var( V), !, findall( M:Att, ( constraint( H, F/A, Att), functor( C, F, A), current_handler( H, M) ), Agenda), findall_constraints( Agenda, C, V, L, []). findall_constraints( V, C, L) :- raise_exception( instantiation_error( findall_constraints(V,C,L), 1)). findall_constraints( [], _, _) --> []. findall_constraints( [Module:Att|Agenda], C, V) --> ( { arg( 1, Att, Stack), Module:get_atts( V, Att), iter_init( Stack, State) } -> findall_constraints_( State, C, Module) ; [] ), findall_constraints( Agenda, C, V). findall_constraints_( State, _, _) --> {iter_last(State)}. findall_constraints_( State, General, Module) --> { iter_next( State, S, Next) }, ( { S =.. [suspension,_,Mref,_,_,_,F|Args], get_mutable( active, Mref), Term =.. [F|Args], subsumes_chk( General, Term) } -> [ Term#S ] ; [] ), findall_constraints_( Next, General, Module). % % Decorate a constraint Term from Module % with a module prefix if needed. % module_wrap( Term, Module, Wrapped) :- prolog_flag( typein_module, Typein), ( Module == Typein -> Wrapped = Term ; predicate_property( Typein:Term, imported_from(_)) -> Wrapped = Term ; Wrapped = Module:Term ). % ----------------------------------------------------------------- /* Two namespaces handler/module actually only justified if there can be more than one handler per module ... */ :- dynamic handler/2. :- dynamic constraint/3. current_handler( Handler, Module) :- handler( Handler, Module). current_constraint( Handler, C) :- constraint( Handler, C, _). register_handler( Handler, Cs, Slots) :- prolog_load_context( module, Module), ( handler(Other,Module), Other \== Handler -> raise_exception( chr(multiple_handlers(Other,Handler,Module))) ; handler( Handler, Module) -> true % simple reload ; assert( handler(Handler,Module)) ), retractall( constraint(Handler,_,_)), reg_handler( Cs, Slots, Handler). reg_handler( [], [], _). reg_handler( [C|Cs], [S|Ss], Handler) :- assert( constraint(Handler,C,S)), reg_handler( Cs, Ss, Handler). % ---------------------------------------------------------------- notify_constrained( X) :- var( X), findall( M, handler(_,M), Modules), notify_constrained( Modules, X). notify_constrained( X) :- nonvar( X), raise_exception( instantitation_error( notify_constrained(X),1)). notify_constrained( [], _). notify_constrained( [M|Ms], X) :- M:get_suspensions( X, S), run_suspensions( S), notify_constrained( Ms, X). % % support for verify_attributes/3, notify_constrained/1 % % Approximation because debug state might change between calls ... % run_suspensions( Slots) :- getval( debug, State), ( State == off -> run_suspensions_loop( Slots) ; run_suspensions_loop_d( Slots) ), true. run_suspensions_loop( []). run_suspensions_loop( [A|As]) :- arg( 1, A, Stack), iter_init( Stack, State), run_suspensions_( State), run_suspensions_loop( As). run_suspensions_loop_d( []). run_suspensions_loop_d( [A|As]) :- arg( 1, A, Stack), iter_init( Stack, State), run_suspensions_d( State), run_suspensions_loop_d( As). % % Transition active->triggered->removed instead of % active->removed is to avoid early gc of suspensions. % The suspension's generation is incremented to signal % to the revive scheme that the constraint has been % processed already. % run_suspensions_( State) :- iter_last( State). run_suspensions_( State) :- iter_next( State, S, Next), arg( 2, S, Mref), get_mutable( Status, Mref), ( Status==active -> update_mutable( triggered, Mref), arg( 4, S, Gref), get_mutable( Gen, Gref), Generation is Gen+1, update_mutable( Generation, Gref), arg( 3, S, Goal), call( Goal), get_mutable( Post, Mref), ( Post==triggered -> update_mutable( removed, Mref) ; true ) ; true ), run_suspensions_( Next). run_suspensions_d( State) :- iter_last( State). run_suspensions_d( State) :- iter_next( State, S, Next), arg( 2, S, Mref), get_mutable( Status, Mref), ( Status==active -> update_mutable( triggered, Mref), arg( 4, S, Gref), get_mutable( Gen, Gref), Generation is Gen+1, update_mutable( Generation, Gref), arg( 3, S, Goal), byrd( S, Goal), get_mutable( Post, Mref), ( Post==triggered -> update_mutable( removed, Mref) ; true ) ; true ), run_suspensions_d( Next). byrd( Self, Goal) :- ( debug_event( wake(Self)), call( Goal) ; debug_event( fail(Self)), !, fail ), ( debug_event( exit(Self)) ; debug_event( redo(Self)), fail ). % % Merge 2 sorted lists of Name/1 terms. % The argument of each term is a sbag. % merge_attributes( [], Bs, Bs). merge_attributes( [A|As], Bs, Cs) :- merge_attributes( Bs, Cs, A, As). merge_attributes( [], [A|As], A, As). merge_attributes( [B|Bs], Cs, A, As) :- functor( A, NameA, 1), functor( B, NameB, 1), compare( R, NameA, NameB), ( R == < -> Cs = [A|Css], merge_attributes( As, Css, B, Bs) ; R == > -> Cs = [B|Css], merge_attributes( Bs, Css, A, As) ; Cs = [C|Css], functor( C, NameA, 1), arg( 1, A, StackA), arg( 1, B, StackB), arg( 1, C, StackC), sbag_union( StackA, StackB, StackC), merge_attributes( As, Bs, Css) ). show_bag( Bag) :- iter_init( Bag, State), show_bag_( State), nl. show_bag_( State) :- iter_last( State). show_bag_( State) :- iter_next( State, S, Next), arg( 2, S, Ref), get_mutable( St, Ref), format( ' ~p:~p', [S,St]), show_bag_( Next). % % Support for attribute_goal/2. % % Complication: the Sicstus kernel removes duplicates % via call_residue/2 - that includes the toplevel. % We may want to see them -> % tag Term with Suspension, 'untag' via portray/1 % % Called with a list of slots once per module % attribute_goals( L, Goal, Module) :- attribute_goal_loop( L, Module, GL, []), l2c( GL, Goal). attribute_goal_loop( [], _) --> []. attribute_goal_loop( [A|As], Mod) --> { arg( 1, A, Stack), iter_init( Stack, State) }, attgs_( State, Mod), attribute_goal_loop( As, Mod). attgs_( State, _) --> {iter_last( State)}. attgs_( State, Module) --> { iter_next( State, S, Next), S =.. [suspension,_,Mref,_,_,_,F|Args] }, ( {get_mutable(active,Mref)} -> { Term =.. [F|Args], module_wrap( Term, Module, Wrapped) }, [ '$want_duplicates'(S,Wrapped) ] ; [] ), attgs_( Next, Module). % % fail for empty list % l2c( [C], C) :- !. l2c( [C|Cs], (C,Cj)) :- l2c( Cs, Cj). % % Unlink removed constraints cleanly from all chains % Still need gc state because of wake, % but re-insertion = insert because of complete removal. % chr_gc :- global_term_ref_1( Global), findall( M, handler(_,M), Modules), chr_gcm( Modules, Global). chr_gcm( [], _). chr_gcm( [M|Ms], Global) :- M:get_suspensions( Global, AllS), term_variables( [Global|AllS], Vars), % AllS may be ground chr_gcv( Vars, M), chr_gcm( Ms, Global). % % Have compiler generated support? % chr_gcv( [], _). chr_gcv( [V|Vs], M) :- M:get_suspensions( V, Old), chr_gcb( Old, New), M:put_suspensions( V, New), chr_gcv( Vs, M). chr_gcb( [], []). chr_gcb( [S|Ss], [Sgc|Ts]) :- arg( 1, S, Bag), iter_init( Bag, State), functor( S, N, 1), functor( T, N, 1), gc_bag( State, Lgc), ( Lgc==[] -> Sgc = -T ; Sgc = T, list_to_sbag( Lgc, BagGc), arg( 1, T, BagGc) ), chr_gcb( Ss, Ts). gc_bag( State, []) :- iter_last( State). gc_bag( State, L) :- iter_next( State, Susp, Next), arg( 2, Susp, Mref), get_mutable( SuspState, Mref), ( SuspState==removed -> L = Tail, update_mutable( gc, Mref) ; SuspState==gc -> L = Tail ; L = [Susp|Tail] ), gc_bag( Next, Tail). % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Incremental allocation & activation of constraints. % Attachment code of closures to variables is generated % by the compiler. % % States {passive(Term),inactive,triggered,active,removed,gc} % % :- meta_predicate allocate_constraint(:,-,+,+). % allocate_constraint( Closure, Self, F, Args) :- empty_history( History), create_mutable( passive(Args), Mref), create_mutable( 0, Gref), create_mutable( History, Href), gen_id( Id), Self =.. [suspension,Id,Mref,Closure,Gref,Href,F|Args]. % % activate_constraint( -, +, -). % % The transition gc->active should be rare % activate_constraint( Vars, Susp, Generation) :- arg( 2, Susp, Mref), get_mutable( State, Mref), update_mutable( active, Mref), ( nonvar(Generation) -> % aih true ; arg( 4, Susp, Gref), get_mutable( Gen, Gref), Generation is Gen+1, update_mutable( Generation, Gref) ), ( compound(State) -> % passive/1 term_variables( State, Vs), none_locked( Vs), global_term_ref_1( Global), Vars = [Global|Vs] ; State==gc -> % removed from all chains Susp =.. [_,_,_,_,_,_,_|Args], term_variables( Args, Vs), global_term_ref_1( Global), Vars = [Global|Vs] ; State==removed -> % the price for eager removal ... Susp =.. [_,_,_,_,_,_,_|Args], term_variables( Args, Vs), global_term_ref_1( Global), Vars = [Global|Vs] ; Vars = [] ). % % Combination of the prev. two % :- meta_predicate insert_constraint_internal(-,-,:,+,+). % insert_constraint_internal( [Global|Vars], Self, Closure, F, Args) :- term_variables( Args, Vars), none_locked( Vars), global_term_ref_1( Global), empty_history( History), create_mutable( active, Mref), create_mutable( 0, Gref), create_mutable( History, Href), gen_id( Id), Self =.. [suspension,Id,Mref,Closure,Gref,Href,F|Args]. :- meta_predicate insert_constraint_internal(-,-,?,:,+,+). % insert_constraint_internal( [Global|Vars], Self, Term, Closure, F, Args) :- term_variables( Term, Vars), none_locked( Vars), global_term_ref_1( Global), empty_history( History), create_mutable( active, Mref), create_mutable( 0, Gref), create_mutable( History, Href), gen_id( Id), Self =.. [suspension,Id,Mref,Closure,Gref,Href,F|Args]. gen_id( Id) :- incval( id, Id). /* no undo/1 in sicstus3.7 ( Id =:= 1 -> % first time called undo( setval(id,0)) ; true ). */ % % Eager removal from all chains. % remove_constraint_internal( Susp, Agenda) :- arg( 2, Susp, Mref), get_mutable( State, Mref), update_mutable( removed, Mref), % mark in any case ( compound(State) -> % passive/1 Agenda = [] ; State==removed -> Agenda = [] ; State==triggered -> Agenda = [] ; Susp =.. [_,_,_,_,_,_,_|Args], term_variables( Args, Vars), global_term_ref_1( Global), Agenda = [Global|Vars] ). % % Protect the goal against any binding % or attachment of constraints. The latter is % via the notify_constrained/1 convention. % lock( T) :- var(T), put_atts( T, locked). lock( T) :- nonvar( T), functor( T, _, N), lock_arg( N, T). lock_arg( 0, _) :- !. lock_arg( 1, T) :- !, arg( 1, T, A), lock( A). lock_arg( 2, T) :- !, arg( 1, T, A), lock( A), arg( 2, T, B), lock( B). lock_arg( N, T) :- arg( N, T, A), lock( A), M is N-1, lock_arg( M, T). unlock( T) :- var(T), put_atts( T, -locked). unlock( T) :- nonvar( T), functor( T, _, N), unlock_arg( N, T). unlock_arg( 0, _) :- !. unlock_arg( 1, T) :- !, arg( 1, T, A), unlock( A). unlock_arg( 2, T) :- !, arg( 1, T, A), unlock( A), arg( 2, T, B), unlock( B). unlock_arg( N, T) :- arg( N, T, A), unlock( A), M is N-1, unlock_arg( M, T). verify_attributes( X, Y, []) :- get_atts( X, locked), !, var(Y), get_atts( Y, -locked), put_atts( Y, locked). verify_attributes( _, _, []). none_locked( []). none_locked( [V|Vs]) :- not_locked( V), none_locked( Vs). not_locked( V) :- var( V), get_atts( V, -locked). not_locked( V) :- nonvar( V). % -------------------------- access to constraints ------------------ % % Try a list of candidates. V may be nonvar but % bound to a term with variables in it. % via( L, V) :- member( X, L), var( X), !, V = X. via( L, V) :- compound( L), nonground( L, V), !. via( _, V) :- global_term_ref_1( V). % % specialization(s) % via_1( X, V) :- var(X), !, X=V. via_1( T, V) :- compound(T), nonground( T, V), !. via_1( _, V) :- global_term_ref_1( V). via_2( X, _, V) :- var(X), !, X=V. via_2( _, Y, V) :- var(Y), !, Y=V. via_2( T, _, V) :- compound(T), nonground( T, V), !. via_2( _, T, V) :- compound(T), nonground( T, V), !. via_2( _, _, V) :- global_term_ref_1( V). via_3( X, _, _, V) :- var(X), !, X=V. via_3( _, Y, _, V) :- var(Y), !, Y=V. via_3( _, _, Z, V) :- var(Z), !, Z=V. via_3( T, _, _, V) :- compound(T), nonground( T, V), !. via_3( _, T, _, V) :- compound(T), nonground( T, V), !. via_3( _, _, T, V) :- compound(T), nonground( T, V), !. via_3( _, _, _, V) :- global_term_ref_1( V). % % The second arg is a witness. % The formulation with term_variables/2 is % cycle safe, but it finds a list of all vars. % We need only one, and no list in particular. % nonground( Term, V) :- term_variables( Term, Vs), Vs = [V|_]. /* nonground( Term, V) :- var( Term), V=Term. nonground( Term, V) :- compound( Term), functor( Term, _, N), nonground( N, Term, V). % % assert: N > 0 % nonground( 1, Term, V) :- !, arg( 1, Term, Arg), nonground( Arg, V). nonground( 2, Term, V) :- !, arg( 2, Term, Arg2), ( nonground( Arg2, V) -> true ; arg( 1, Term, Arg1), nonground( Arg1, V) ). nonground( N, Term, V) :- arg( N, Term, Arg), ( nonground( Arg, V) -> true ; M is N-1, nonground( M, Term, V) ). */ constraint_generation( Susp, State, Generation) :- arg( 2, Susp, Mref), get_mutable( State, Mref), arg( 4, Susp, Gref), get_mutable( Generation, Gref). % not incremented meanwhile change_state( Susp, State) :- arg( 2, Susp, Mref), update_mutable( State, Mref). :- meta_predicate expose(-,+,+,+,:). % expose_active( Ref, Head, Tid, Heads, Continuation) :- get_exposed( Ref), get_mutable( Exposed, Ref), update_mutable( [active(Head,Tid,Heads,Continuation)|Exposed], Ref). expose_passive( Ref, Heads) :- get_exposed( Ref), get_mutable( Exposed, Ref), update_mutable( [passive(Heads)|Exposed], Ref). de_expose( Ref) :- get_mutable( [_|Exposed], Ref), update_mutable( Exposed, Ref). % % Prefer passive over active (cheaper to deal with). % is_exposed( Constraint, Suspension, Continuation) :- get_exposed( Ref), get_mutable( Exposed, Ref), is_exposed( Exposed, Constraint, Suspension, Continuation). is_exposed( [E|Es], Constraint, Suspension, Continuation) :- is_exposed( E, Constraint, Suspension, Continuation, Es). is_exposed( active(Head,Susp,Heads,Cont), Constraint, Suspension, Continuation, Es) :- ( member( C#Suspension, Heads), Constraint == C -> Continuation = true ; Constraint == Head -> ( is_exposed( Es, Constraint, Suspension, true) -> % prefer Continuation = true ; Continuation = Cont, Suspension = Susp ) ; is_exposed( Es, Constraint, Suspension, Continuation) ). is_exposed( passive(Heads), Constraint, Suspension, Continuation, Es) :- ( member( C#Suspension, Heads), Constraint == C -> Continuation = true ; is_exposed( Es, Constraint, Suspension, Continuation) ). get_exposed( Ref) :- global_term_ref_1( Global), ( get_atts( Global, exposed(Ref)) -> true ; create_mutable( [], Ref), put_atts( Global, exposed(Ref)) ). get_dbg_state( Ref) :- global_term_ref_1( Global), ( get_atts( Global, dbg_state(Ref)) -> true ; create_mutable( [], Ref), put_atts( Global, dbg_state(Ref)) ). % ------------------- abstract data type for propagation rules ------------- empty_history( E) :- empty_assoc( E). % % assert: constraints/tuples are comparable directly % novel_production( Self, Tuple) :- arg( 5, Self, Ref), get_mutable( History, Ref), ( get_assoc( Tuple, History, _) -> fail ; true ). % % Not folded with novel_production/2 because guard checking % goes in between the two calls. % extend_history( Self, Tuple) :- arg( 5, Self, Ref), get_mutable( History, Ref), put_assoc( Tuple, History, x, NewHistory), update_mutable( NewHistory, Ref). % vsc % global_term_ref(I,X) :- array_element(global_term_ref, I, X). global_term_ref_0(X) :- array_element(global_term_ref, 0, X). global_term_ref_1(X) :- array_element(global_term_ref, 1, X). :- yap_flag(toplevel_hook,chr:create_global_array). create_global_array :- ( array(global_term_ref,2) -> true ; true). % % vsc % %:- load_foreign_resource(library(system(chr))). end_of_file.