#if defined MYDDAS_ODBC || defined MYDDAS_MYSQL #include "Yap.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "cut_c.h" #include "myddas.h" #include "myddas_structs.h" #ifdef MYDDAS_STATS #include "myddas_statistics.h" #endif #ifdef MYDDAS_ODBC #include <sql.h> #endif /*MYDDAS_ODBC*/ #ifdef MYDDAS_MYSQL #include <mysql/mysql.h> #endif /*MYDDAS_MYSQL*/ /* Search for the predicate in the given predicate list*/ static MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE myddas_util_find_predicate(char *, Int , char *, MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE); /* Deletes a predicate list */ static void myddas_util_delete_predicate_list(MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE); /* Prints a error message */ static void myddas_util_error_message(char *,Int,char *); #ifdef MYDDAS_MYSQL /* Auxilary function to table_write*/ static void n_print(Int , char ); #endif /* Type: MYSQL->1 ODBC->2*/ Short myddas_util_connection_type(void *con){ MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION con_node = myddas_util_search_connection(con); if (con_node == NULL) return 0; if (con_node->odbc_enviromment != NULL) /* ODBC */ return 2; else return 1; } MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE myddas_util_search_predicate(char *pred_name, Int pred_arity, char *pred_module){ MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE pred=NULL; MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION top = Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections; for (;top!=NULL;top=top->next) { if ((pred=myddas_util_find_predicate(pred_name,pred_arity,pred_module,top->predicates))) return pred; } return NULL; } /* When using this function, we must guarante that this predicate it's unique */ MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION myddas_util_add_predicate(char *pred_name, Int pred_arity, char *pred_module, void *con){ MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION node_con = myddas_util_search_connection(con); MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE new = myddas_init_initialize_predicate(pred_name,pred_arity,pred_module,node_con->predicates); if (new == NULL) { myddas_util_error_message("Could not initialize predicate node",__LINE__,__FILE__); return NULL; } node_con->predicates=new; return node_con; } void myddas_util_delete_predicate(MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE to_delete){ if (to_delete->next != NULL) to_delete->next->previous = to_delete->previous; if (to_delete->previous != NULL) to_delete->previous->next = to_delete->next; else //First predicate of the predicate list { MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION con_node = Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections; for(;con_node != NULL; con_node = con_node->next) if (con_node->predicates == to_delete) break; con_node->predicates = to_delete->next; } MYDDAS_FREE(to_delete,struct myddas_list_preds); } void myddas_util_delete_connection(void *conn){ MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION to_delete = myddas_util_search_connection(conn); if (to_delete == NULL) return; else { /* Removes the predicates list */ myddas_util_delete_predicate_list(to_delete->predicates); #ifdef MYDDAS_STATS /* Removes the stats list */ myddas_stats_delete_stats_list(to_delete->stats); #endif /* List Integrety */ /* Is the last element of the list */ if ((to_delete->next) != NULL) to_delete->next->previous = to_delete->previous; /* Is the first element of the list */ if (to_delete == (Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections)) Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections = to_delete->next; else to_delete->previous->next=to_delete->next; MYDDAS_FREE(to_delete,struct myddas_list_connection); return; } } MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION myddas_util_search_connection(void *conn){ MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION list = Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections; #ifdef MYDDAS_STATS if (conn == 0) { /* We want all the statistics */ return list; } #endif for (;list!=NULL;list=list->next) if (list->connection == conn) return list; return NULL; } MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION myddas_util_add_connection(void *conn, void *enviromment){ MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION node=NULL; MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION temp=NULL; if ((node = myddas_util_search_connection(conn)) != NULL) { return node; } //put the new connection node on the top of the list temp = myddas_init_initialize_connection(conn,enviromment,Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections); if (temp == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG myddas_util_error_message("Could not initialize connection node",__LINE__,__FILE__); #endif return NULL; } Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections = temp; return Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections; } #ifdef MYDDAS_ODBC /* This function searches the MYDDAS list for odbc connections If there isn't any, it returns NULL. This is a nice way to know if there is any odbc connections left on the list*/ SQLHENV myddas_util_get_odbc_enviromment(SQLHDBC connection){ MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION top = Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections; for (;top != NULL;top=top->next) if (top->connection == ((void *)connection)) return top->odbc_enviromment; return NULL; } #endif UInt myddas_util_get_total_multi_queries_number(MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION con){ return con->total_number_queries; } void myddas_util_set_total_multi_queries_number(MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION con, UInt number){ con->total_number_queries = number; } #ifdef MYDDAS_MYSQL /* Auxilary function to table_write*/ static void n_print(Int n, char c) { for(;n>0;n--) printf("%c",c); } #endif static void myddas_util_error_message(char *message ,Int line,char *file){ #ifdef DEBUG printf ("ERROR: %s at line %d in file %s\n",message,(int)line,file); #else printf ("ERROR: %s\n",message); #endif } static MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE myddas_util_find_predicate(char *pred_name, Int pred_arity, char *pred_module, MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE list){ for(;list != NULL ; list = list->next) if (pred_arity == list->pred_arity && !strcmp(pred_name,list->pred_name) && !strcmp(pred_module,list->pred_module)) return list; return NULL; } static void myddas_util_delete_predicate_list(MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE preds_list){ MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE to_delete = NULL; for (;preds_list != NULL;) { to_delete = preds_list; preds_list = preds_list->next; MYDDAS_FREE(to_delete,struct myddas_list_preds); } return; } #ifdef MYDDAS_MYSQL void myddas_util_table_write(MYSQL_RES *res_set){ MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_FIELD *fields; Int i,f; if (mysql_num_rows(res_set) == 0) { printf ("Empty Set\n"); return; } f = mysql_num_fields(res_set); fields = mysql_fetch_field(res_set); for(i=0;i<f;i++) { printf("+"); if (strlen(fields[i].name)>fields[i].max_length) fields[i].max_length=strlen(fields[i].name); n_print(fields[i].max_length+2,'-'); } printf("+\n"); for(i=0;i<f;i++) { printf("|"); printf(" %s ",fields[i].name); n_print(fields[i].max_length - strlen(fields[i].name),' '); } printf("|\n"); for(i=0;i<f;i++) { printf("+"); n_print(fields[i].max_length+2,'-'); } printf("+\n"); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res_set)) != NULL) { for(i=0;i<f;i++) { printf("|"); if (row[i] != NULL) { printf(" %s ",row[i]); n_print(fields[i].max_length - strlen(row[i]),' '); } else { printf(" NULL "); n_print(fields[i].max_length - 4,' '); } } printf("|\n"); } for(i=0;i<f;i++) { printf("+"); n_print(fields[i].max_length+2,'-'); } printf("+\n"); } #endif //DELETE THIS WHEN DB_STATS IS COMPLETED MyddasInt get_myddas_top(){ if (Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER == NULL) return 0; return (Int)Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections; } void * myddas_util_get_pred_next(void *pointer){ MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE temp = (MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE) pointer; return (void *) (temp->next); } MyddasInt myddas_util_get_pred_arity(void *pointer){ MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE temp = (MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE) pointer; return temp->pred_arity; } char * myddas_util_get_pred_name(void *pointer){ MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE temp = (MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE) pointer; return temp->pred_name; } char * myddas_util_get_pred_module(void *pointer){ MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE temp = (MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE) pointer; return temp->pred_module; } void * myddas_util_get_list_pred(MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION node){ return (void *)(node->predicates); } #ifdef DEBUG void check_int(){ Int i; MYDDAS_UTIL_PREDICATE pred = NULL; MYDDAS_UTIL_CONNECTION top = Yap_REGS.MYDDAS_GLOBAL_POINTER->myddas_top_connections; for (i=1 ; top!=NULL ; top=top->next) { printf ("***************\n"); printf ("===== top =====\n"); printf ("======= %p =====\n",top); printf ("CONN: = %p =====\n",top->connection); printf ("ENV : = %p =====\n",top->odbc_enviromment); printf ("PRED: = %p =====\n",top->predicates); printf ("======= %p =====\n",top->previous); printf ("======= %p =====\n",top->next); if (top->predicates != NULL) { printf ("\t******\n"); printf ("\t===== PREDICADOS =====\n"); for (pred = top->predicates ; pred != NULL ; pred = pred->next) { printf ("\t--------------\n"); printf ("\t===== %p =====\n",pred); printf ("\t===== %s =====\n",pred->pred_name); printf ("\t===== %d =====\n",pred->pred_arity); printf ("\t===== %s =====\n",pred->pred_module); printf ("\t===== %p =====\n",pred->previous); printf ("\t===== %p =====\n",pred->next); } } } return; } #endif #endif /*defined MYDDAS_ODBC || defined MYDDAS_MYSQL*/