:- protocol(dictionaryp). :- info([ version is 1.0, author is 'Paulo Moura', date is 2000/7/24, comment is 'Dictionary protocol.']). :- public(as_dictionary/2). :- mode(as_dictionary(@list, -dictionary), one). :- info(as_dictionary/2, [ comment is 'Converts a list of key-value pairs to a dictionary.', argnames is ['List', 'Dictionary']]). :- public(as_list/2). :- mode(as_list(@dictionary, -list), one). :- info(as_list/2, [ comment is 'Converts a dictionary to a list of key-value pairs.', argnames is ['Dictionary', 'List']]). :- public(delete/4). :- mode(delete(+dictionary, @ground, ?term, -dictionary), zero_or_one). :- info(delete/4, [ comment is 'Deletes a matching Key-Value pair from a dictionary, returning the updated dictionary.', argnames is ['Dictionary_in', 'Key', 'Value', 'Dictionary_out']]). :- public(empty/1). :- mode(empty(@dictionary), zero_or_one). :- info(empty/1, [ comment is 'True if the dictionary is empty.', argnames is ['Dictionary']]). :- public(insert/4). :- mode(insert(+ground, @term, +dictionary, -dictionary), one). :- info(insert/4, [ comment is 'Inserts a Key-Value pair into a dictionary, returning the updated dictionary.', argnames is ['Key', 'Value', 'Dictionary_in', 'Dictionary_out']]). :- public(insert_all/3). :- mode(insert_all(@list, +dictionary, -dictionary), one). :- info(insert_all/3, [ comment is 'Inserts a list of Key-Value pairs into a dictionary, returning the updated dictionary.', argnames is ['List', 'Dictionary_in', 'Dictionary_out']]). :- public(lookup/3). :- mode(lookup(+ground, ?term, @dictionary), zero_or_one). :- mode(lookup(-ground, ?term, @dictionary), zero_or_more). :- info(lookup/3, [ comment is 'Get a matching Key-Value pair from a dictionary.', argnames is ['Key', 'Value', 'Dictionary']]). :- public(keys/2). :- mode(keys(@dictionary, -list), one). :- info(keys/2, [ comment is 'Returns a list with all dictionary keys.', argnames is ['Dictionary', 'List']]). :- public(map/3). :- mode(map(+functor, +dictionary, -dictionary), zero_or_one). :- info(map/3, [ comment is 'Maps a binary predicate over each dictionary key-value pair returning a new pair.', argnames is ['Functor', 'In', 'Out']]). :- public(size/2). :- mode(size(@dictionary, ?integer), zero_or_one). :- info(size/2, [ comment is 'Number of dictionary entries.', argnames is ['Dictionary', 'Size']]). :- end_protocol.