# organised as follows: # main variables # sources # system core # libraries project(YAP) cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) set (ENV{ANDROID_NDK} "/Volumes/Transcend/vsc/AndroidSDK/ndk-bundle") # where we have most scripts # set path to additional CMake modules set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) include(disallow) disallow_intree_builds() # set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) set (MACOSX_RPATH ON) if(POLICY CMP0042) cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 NEW) endif(POLICY CMP0042) if(POLICY CMP0043) cmake_policy(SET CMP0043 NEW) endif(POLICY CMP0043) set(YAP_FOUND ON) set(YAP_MAJOR_VERSION 6) set(YAP_MINOR_VERSION 3) set(YAP_PATCH_VERSION 4) set(YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS "attributed_variables" ) if (WIN32) set (YAP_ARCH $ENV{PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE}) set(YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS "windows " ${YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}) endif() if (UNIX) find_program (UNAME uname) execute_process ( COMMAND ${UNAME} -m OUTPUT_VARIABLE YAP_ARCH OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) set(YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS "unix " ${YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}) endif() set(YAP_FULL_VERSION ${YAP_MAJOR_VERSION}.${YAP_MINOR_VERSION}.${YAP_PATCH_VERSION}) set(YAP_FVERSION ${YAP_MAJOR_VERSION}.${YAP_MINOR_VERSION}.${YAP_PATCH_VERSION}) set(YAP_NUMERIC_VERSION ${YAP_MAJOR_VERSION}*10000+${YAP_MINOR_VERSION}*100+${YAP_PATCH_VERSION}) set(MYDDAS_VERSION MYDDAS-0.9.1) site_name( YAP_SITE ) message(STATUS "Building YAP version ${YAP_VERSION}") # # Optional Components # include(CheckIncludeFile) include(CheckIncludeFileCXX) include (CheckIncludeFiles) include(CheckLibraryExists) include(CheckSymbolExists) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(CheckIncludeFiles) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(CheckPrototypeExists) include(CheckTypeSize) include(CheckVariableExists) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) include(TestBigEndian) include (CMakeDependentOption) include (MacroOptionalAddSubdirectory) include (MacroOptionalFindPackage) include (MacroLogFeature) include(GetGitRevisionDescription) #cross-compilation support # Search packages for host system instead of packages for target system # in case of cross compilation these macro should be defined by toolchain file if(NOT COMMAND find_host_package) macro(find_host_package) find_package(${ARGN}) endmacro() endif() if(NOT COMMAND find_host_program) macro(find_host_program) find_program(${ARGN}) endmacro() endif() # Test signal handler return type (mimics AC_TYPE_SIGNAL) include(TestSignalType) #check if this is really needed as c89 defines this as void # Test standard headers (mimics AC_HEADER_STDC) include(TestSTDC) set(bitness 32) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set(bitness 64) endif() get_git_head_revision(GIT_HEAD GIT_SHA1) git_describe(GIT_DESCRIBE) if (ANDROID) set (GMP_ROOT "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../gmp/${ANDROID_ABI}") else() set(YAP_STARTUP startup.yss) endif() option (WITH_CUDD "BDD CUDD package" NOT ${WITH_ANDROID}) if (WITH_CUDD) #detect cudd setup, as it is shared between different installations. find_package(CUDD) # CUDD_FOUND - system has CUDD # CUDD_LIBRARIES - Link these to use CUDD # CUDD_INCLUDE_DIR - Include directory for using CUDD # if (CUDD_FOUND) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES} ${CUDD_INCLUDE_DIR} ) check_include_files( cudd.h HAVE_CUDD_H ) check_include_files( "stdio.h;cudd/cudd.h" HAVE_CUDD_CUDD_H ) check_include_files( cuddInt.h HAVE_CUDDINT_H ) check_include_files( "stdio.h;cudd/cudd.h;cudd/cuddInt.h" HAVE_CUDD_CUDDINT_H ) endif (CUDD_FOUND) endif(WITH_CUDD) option(WITH_JAVA "Try to use Java (currently Java 6,7,8)" ON) if (WITH_JAVA) #detect java setup, as it is shared between different installations. find_package(Java 1.8 COMPONENTS Runtime Development) # find_package(Java COMPONENTS Development) # find_package(Java COMPONENTS Runtime) #find_package(JavaLibs) macro_log_feature (Java_Development_FOUND "Java" "Use Java System" "http://www.java.org" FALSE) if (Java_Development_FOUND) find_package(JNI) if (JNI_FOUND) include(UseJava) # # Java_JAVA_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java runtime # Java_JAVAC_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java compiler # Java_JAVAH_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java header generator # Java_JAVADOC_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java documention generator # Java_IDLJ_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java idl compiler # Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java archiver # Java_JARSIGNER_EXECUTABLE = the full path to the Java jar signer # Java_VERSION_STRING = Version of java found, eg. 1.6.0_12 # Java_VERSION_MAJOR = The major version of the package found. # Java_VERSION_MINOR = The minor version of the package found. # Java_VERSION_PATCH = The patch version of the package found. # Java_VERSION_TWEAK = The tweak version of the package found (after '_') # Java_VERSION = This is set to: $major.$minor.$patch(.$tweak) # # The Java_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS variable can be used to specify a list # of version numbers that should be taken into account when searching # for Java. You need to set this variable before calling # find_package(JavaLibs). # #macro_optional_find_package(JNI ON) # JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS = the include dirs to use # JNI_LIBRARIES = the libraries to use # JNI_FOUND = TRUE if JNI headers and libraries were found. # JAVA_AWT_LIBRARY = the path to the jawt library # JAVA_JVM_LIBRARY = the path to the jvm library # JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH = the include path to jni.h # JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2 = the include path to jni_md.h # JAVA_AWT_INCLUDE_PATH = the include path to jawt.h endif (JNI_FOUND) endif (Java_Development_FOUND) endif(WITH_JAVA) option(WITH_PYTHON "Try to use Python (currently Python 3)" ON) if (WITH_PYTHON) #BREW install for Python3 if (APPLE) foreach (i 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0) set (PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS /usr/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${i}/Headers) message("Trying Python ${i}") if (EXISTS ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set (PYTHON_EXECUTABLE /usr/local/bin/python${i} CACHE FILEPATH "Path to a program" FORCE ) set (PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR /usr/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${i}/include/python${i}m CACHE PATH "Path to a file." FORCE ) set (PYTHON_LIBRARY /usr/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${i}/lib/libpython${i}.dylib CACHE FILEPATH "Path to a library" FORCE ) break() endif() endforeach() endif() find_package(PythonInterp) find_package(PythonLibs) macro_log_feature (PYTHONLIBS_FOUND "Python" "Use Python System" "http://www.python.org" FALSE) endif() if ( ) cmake_policy( SET CMP0042 NEW) #cmake_policy( NO_POLICY_SCOPE ) endif() set (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON) ## define system include (Sources) if (YAP_SINGLE_FILE) set(YAP_MODULES $ $ $ ) else(YAP_SINGLE_FILE) if (WIN32) set(YAP_MODULES $ ${YAP_MODULES} ) endif( ) set( UTF8PROC_DL utf8proc) endif(YAP_SINGLE_FILE) add_library(libYap ${ENGINE_SOURCES} ${C_INTERFACE_SOURCES} ${STATIC_SOURCES} ${OPTYAP_SOURCES} ${HEADERS} ${WINDLLS} $ $ $ $ ${YAP_MODULES} ) set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11) # Optional libraries that affect compilation # include (Config) IF (NOT MSVC) IF (ANDROID) target_link_libraries(libYap m android log ) ELSEIF (ANDROID) target_link_libraries(libYap m ${ANDROID_DLLS} ) ENDIF (ANDROID) ENDIF (NOT MSVC) set_target_properties(libYap PROPERTIES VERSION ${YAP_FULL_VERSION} SOVERSION ${YAP_MAJOR_VERSION}.${YAP_MINOR_VERSION} OUTPUT_NAME Yap ) set(CMAKE_TOP_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) set(YAP_PL_SRCDIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/pl) # Compatibility vars with autotols if (ANDROID) set ( prefix "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/app/main") set ( exec_prefix "${prefix}") set ( libdir "${exec_prefix}/lib/${ANDROID_ABI}") set ( dlls "${libdir}") set ( includedir "${prefix}/src/include") set ( datarootdir "${prefix}/share") set ( libpl "${datarootdir}/Yap") set ( datadir "${datarootdir}") set ( mandir "${datarootdir}/man") set ( bindir "${exec_prefix}/bin") set ( docdir "${exec_prefix}/share/doc/Yap") else() set ( prefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") set ( exec_prefix "${prefix}") set ( libdir "${exec_prefix}/lib") set ( dlls "${exec_prefix}/lib/Yap") set ( includedir "${prefix}/include") set ( datarootdir "${prefix}/share") set ( libpl "${prefix}/share/Yap") set ( datadir "${datarootdir}") set ( mandir "${datarootdir}/man") set ( bindir "${exec_prefix}/bin") set ( docdir "${exec_prefix}/share/doc/Yap") endif() set(YAP_ROOTDIR ${prefix}) # erootdir -> rootdir # bindir defined above # libdir defined above set(YAP_LIBDIR "${dlls}") set(YAP_SHAREDIR "${datarootdir}") set(YAP_BINDIR "${bindir}") set(YAP_INCLUDEDIR "${includedir}") set(YAP_ROOTDIR "${prefix}") set(YAP_YAPLIB libYap${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) string(TIMESTAMP YAP_TIMESTAMP) string( SUBSTRING ${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX} 1 -1 SO_EXT ) # include_directories (H H/generated include os OPTYap utf8proc JIT/HPP) include_directories (BEFORE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) # rpath stuff, hopefully it works # use, i.e. don't skip the full RPATH for the build tree SET(CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH FALSE) # when building, don't use the install RPATH already # (but later on when installing) SET(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH FALSE) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${libdir};${dlls}:") # add the automatically determined parts of the RPATH # which point to directories outside the build tree to the install RPATH SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) # the RPATH to be used when installing, but only if it's not a system directory LIST(FIND CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${libdir};${dlls}" isSystemDir) IF("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${libdir};${dlls}") ENDIF("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") # set ( MIN_STACKSPACE 1024*SIZEOF_INT_P ) set ( MIN_HEAPSPACE 2*1024*SIZEOF_INT_P ) set ( MIN_TRAILSPACE 512*SIZEOF_INT_P ) set ( DEF_STACKSPACE 0 ) set ( DEF_HEAPSPACE 0 ) set ( DEF_TRAILSPACE 0 ) # option (RATIONAL_TREES "support infinite rational trees" ON) # dd_definitions (-D) ## don't touch these opts set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS DEPTH_LIMIT=1;COROUTINING=1;RATIONAL_TREES=1 ) # inform we are compiling YAP set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "_YAP_NOT_INSTALLED_=1;HAVE_CONFIG_H=1" ) # Compilation model # target_compile_definitions(libYap PUBLIC _XOPEN_SOURCE=700 ) #add_definitions( -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes) # Model Specific set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS $<$:DEBUG=1> ) #ensure cells are properly aligned in code set (ALIGN_LONGS 1) #ensure best access to slots in environments set (MSHIFTOFFS 1) set (C_COMPILER CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID) if ( ${C_COMPILER} MATCHES "GNU") set (HAVE_GCC 1) endif() # compatible compilers if ( ${C_COMPILER} MATCHES "Clang") set (HAVE_GCC 1) endif() if ( ${C_COMPILER} MATCHES "Intel") set (HAVE_GCC 1) endif() # Model Specific if (HAVE_GCC) set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS -Wall ) if ( ${C_COMPILER} MATCHES "GNU") set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS $<$:-O3;-fomit-frame-pointer;-fstrict-aliasing;-freorder-blocks;-fsched-interblock> ) else() set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS $<$:-O3;-fstrict-aliasing;-freorder-blocks;-fsched-interblock> ) endif() set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS -fexceptions ) endif() # set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND_STRING PROPERTY -fsanitize=memory;-fsanitize-memory-track-origins=2) if (HAVE_GCC) # replace instructions codes by the address of their code option (WITH_THREADED_CODE "threaded code" ON) if (WITH_THREADED_CODE) set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS THREADED_CODE=1;USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC=1) endif (WITH_THREADED_CODE) endif (HAVE_GCC) # #option (YAP_SWI_IO ON) OPTION (WITH_CALL_TRACER "support for procedure-call tracing" ON) #TODO: if (WITH_CALL_TRACER) set(YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS "call_tracer " ${YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}) set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS $<$:LOW_LEVEL_TRACER=1> ) endif (WITH_CALL_TRACER) #set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${READLINE_LIBS} ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ) #target_link_libraries(libYap ${READLINE_LIBS}) #utf-8 is not an option # we use the nice UTF-8 package #available at the Julia project include_directories ( utf8proc ) set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS UTF8PROC=1) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( utf8proc ) find_package (GMP) macro_log_feature (GMP_FOUND "GNU libgmp (in some cases MPIR" "GNU big integers and rationals" "http://gmplib.org") set(YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS "big_numbers " ${YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}) if (GMP_FOUND) # GMP_FOUND - true if GMP/MPIR was found # GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS - include search path # GMP_LIBRARIES - libraries to link with # GMP_LIBRARY_DLL - library DLL to install. Only available on WIN32. # GMP_LIBRARIES_DIR - the directory the library we link with is found in. include_directories (${GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) #add_executable(test ${SOURCES}) target_link_libraries(libYap ${GMP_LIBRARIES}) #config.h needs this (TODO: change in code latter) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES} ${GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) #set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${GMP_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ) IF (MSVC) file(COPY ${GMP_LIBRARY_DLL} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ) ENDIF(MSVC) endif (GMP_FOUND) macro_optional_find_package (Threads OFF) macro_log_feature (THREADS_FOUND "Threads Support" "GNU Threads Library (or similar)" "http://www.gnu.org/software/threads") if (WITH_Threads) # # CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT - the thread library # CMAKE_USE_SPROC_INIT - are we using sproc? # CMAKE_USE_WIN32_THREADS_INIT - using WIN32 threads? # CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT - are we using pthreads # CMAKE_HP_PTHREADS_INIT - are we using hp pthreads # # The following import target is created # # :: # # Threads::Threads # # For systems with multiple thread libraries, caller can set # # :: # # CMAKE_THREAD_PREFER_PTHREAD # # If the use of the -pthread compiler and linker flag is prefered then the # caller can set # # :: # set( THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG ON) if (CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT) target_link_libraries(libYap pthread) set (HAVE_READLINE_READLINE_H 1) # set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ) check_function_exists( pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_SETKIND_NP ) check_function_exists( pthread_mutexattr_settype HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_SETTYPE ) check_function_exists( pthread_setconcurrency HAVE_PTHREAD_SETCONCURRENCY ) endif (CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT) set(YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS "threads " ${YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}) set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS THREADS=1) # # Please note that the compiler flag can only be used with the imported # target. Use of both the imported target as well as this switch is highly # recommended for new code. endif (WITH_Threads) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION (WITH_MAX_Threads 1024 "maximum number of threads" "WITH_MAX_Threads" 1) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION (WITH_MAX_Workers 64 "maximum number of or-parallel workers" "WITH_MAX_Workers" 1) cmake_dependent_option (WITH_Pthread_Locking "use pthread locking primitives for internal locking" ON "WITH_ThreadsS" OFF) IF(WITH_Pthread_Lockin) set_DIRECTORY_properties(PROPERTIES APPEND COMPILE_DEFINITIONS USE_PTHREAD_LOCKING=1) ENDIF() # # include OS and I/o stuff # # convenience libraries # OPTYap exports important flags # add_subDIRECTORY (OPTYap) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/myddas) add_subDIRECTORY (os) #bootstrap and saved state add_subDIRECTORY (pl) #C++ interface add_subDIRECTORY (CXX) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(library) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(swi/library) # ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(os) # ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(packages) option (WITH_JIT "just in Time Clause Compilation" OFF) if (WITH_JIT) add_subDIRECTORY(JIT) endif (WITH_JIT) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/gecode) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/real) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/python) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/jpl) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/bdd) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/ProbLog) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/swi-minisat2) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/raptor) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/xml) IF (NOT MSVC AND NOT ANDROID) OPTION (WITH_CLPBN " Enable the CLPBN and PFL probabilistic languages" ON) OPTION (WITH_CPLINT " Enable the cplint probabilistic language" ON) OPTION (WITH_HORUS " Enable the CLPBN and PFL probabilistic languages" ON) IF (WITH_CLPBN) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/CLPBN) ENDIF(WITH_CLPBN) IF (WITH_CPLINT) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/cplint) ENDIF(WITH_CPLINT) ENDIF(NOT MSVC AND NOT ANDROID) #must be last add_subDIRECTORY (packages/swig) # please install doxygen for prolog first # git clone http://www.github.com/vscosta/doxygen-yap # cd doxygen-yap # mkdir -p build # cd build # make; sudo make install option (WITH_DOCS "generate YAP docs" OFF) # add_subDIRECTORY (docs) # add_subDIRECTORY (packages/cuda) #todo: use cmake target builds # option (USE_MAXPERFORMANCE # "try using the best flags for specific architecture" OFF) # option (USE_MAXMEMORY # "try using the best flags for using the memory to the most" ON) #TODO: check MAXMEMORY #TODO: use cmake target builds # option (USE_DEBUGYAP # "enable C-debugging for YAP" OFF)e #TODO: use cmake arch/compiler # option (USE_CYGWIN # "use cygwin library in WIN32" OFF) option (WITH_PRISM "use PRISM system in YAP" ON) #TODO: option (WITH_YAP_DLL "compile YAP as a DLL" ON) #TODO: option (WITH_YAP_STATIC "compile YAP statically" OFF) #TODO: # modern systems do this. set ( MALLOC_T "void *" ) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION (WITH_SYSTEM_MALLOC "use malloc to allocate memory" ON "NOT WITH_COPY_OR_PARALELISM" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION (WITH_DL_MALLOC "use malloc to allocate memory" ON "NOT WITH_SYSTEM_MALLOC" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION (WITH_YAP_MALLOC "use malloc to allocate memory" ON "NOT WITH_SYSTEM_MALLOC;NOT WITH_DL_MALLOC" OFF) option(WITH_YAP_CONDOR "allow YAP to be used from condor" OFF) if (WITH_YAP_CONDOR) # use default allocator set ( YAP_STATIC ON ) set ( YAP_DLL OFF ) endif() #TODO: detect arch before allow this option # OPTION(WIN64 # "compile YAP for win64" OFF) # option (APRIL # "compile Yap to support April ILP system" OFF) # option (DLCOMPAT # "use dlcompat library for dynamic loading on Mac OS X" OFF) # SHARED PACKAGES with SWI # swi packages have both Makefile.in which we will use and # Makefile.mak, we will use the later to identify this packages # while we keep both autotools amd cmake working side by side # Search for available packages which all have a Makefile.mak #file (GLOB PACKAGES packages/*/Makefile.mak) # needed by this packages target_link_libraries(libYap ${UTF8PROC_DL} ${GMP_LIBRARIES} ${READLINE_LIBS} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) if(WIN32) if(MSVC) set(MSVC_RUNTIME "dynamic") ENDIF(MSVC) target_link_libraries(libYap wsock32 ws2_32 Shlwapi) endif(WIN32) add_executable (yap-bin ${CONSOLE_SOURCES}) set_target_properties (yap-bin PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME yap) target_link_libraries(yap-bin libYap ) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION (WITH_SYSTEM_MMAP "Use MMAP for shared memory allocation" ON "NOT WITH_YAPOR_THOR" OFF) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION (WITH_SYSTEM_SHM "Use SHM for shared memory allocation" ON "NOT WITH_YAPOR_THOR; NOT WITH_SYSTEM_MMAP" OFF ) add_subDIRECTORY(library/lammpi) if (MPI_C_FOUND) CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION( WITH_MPI ON "Interface to OpenMPI/MPICH" "MPI_C_FOUND" OFF) macro_optional_add_subDIRECTORY(library/mpi) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${MPI_C_COMPILE_FLAGS} ") include_directories(${MPI_C_INCLUDE_PATH}) target_link_libraries(yap-bin ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES} ) if(MPI_C_COMPILE_FLAGS) set_target_properties(yap-bin PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${MPI_C_COMPILE_FLAGS}") endif(MPI_C_COMPILE_FLAGS) if(MPI_C_LINK_FLAGS) set_target_properties(yap-bin PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${MPI_C_LINK_FLAGS}") endif() endif (MPI_C_FOUND) ## add_subDIRECTORY(utils) if (NOT ANDROID) add_custom_target (main ALL DEPENDS ${YAP_STARTUP} ) # WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ) endif() # # include subdirectories configuration ## after we have all functionality in # configure_file ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/YapConfig.h" ) configure_file ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/YapTermConfig.h.cmake" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/YapTermConfig.h" ) configure_file ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h" ) configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/GitSHA1.c.in" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/GitSHA1.c" @ONLY) # ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(console/terminal) if (ANDROID) file(INSTALL DESTINATION ${libdir} TYPE SHARED_LIBRARY FILES ${GMP_LIBRARIES} ) endif(ANDROID) macro_display_feature_log() if(POLICY CMP0058) cmake_policy(SET CMP0058 NEW) endif(POLICY CMP0058)