:- module(unicode_collate_info, [ write_unicode_collate_map/2 % +File, +Options ]). :- use_module(library('unicode/unicode_data')). :- use_module(library('http/dcg_basics')). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(option)). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This module creates a simple map for removing diacritics from Unicode characters and mapping them to lowercase. It defines tables and a function "int sort_point(int code)". The sort points are defined as follows: * The high 24-bit contains the character code after mapping to lowercase and removing possible diacritics. * Bit 8 is 0 for characters that are mapped from upper to lowercase and 1 for all other characters * The low 7 bits encode the removed diacritics. All removed diacritics are ordered by their Unicode codepoint and numbered.sequentially. As a result, text will be ordered by its basic character, upper case before lowercase and text with diacritics after text without. RUNNING To run thhis module, first check the instructions in library('unicode/unicode_data') for installing the Unicode datafiles that are not included in this package. MOTIVATION This module is a simple-minded replacement for true Unicode support such as provided by UCI (http://uci.sourceforge.net/). The advantage of the do-it-yourself approach adopted here however is that it greatly reduces the footprint and eliminates installation and maintenance problems involved in adopting large `can-do-everything' external libraries. We believe it deals correctly with the Western languages, Greek, Cyrillic and other languages with similar handling of diacritics. UPPERCASE For Prolog it makes more sense to map to lowercase as the cannonical case. However, we wish to order first on uppercase and to be able to do prefix matches we need to search on the lowest value. Hence, we use the uppercase version for sorting. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- dynamic diacritic/1, % known diacritics diacritic_code/2. % +Diacritic, -Code (1..N) /******************************* * C TABLES * *******************************/ % write_unicode_collate_map(+File, +Options) % % Options supported are: % % # first_codepage [0] % Code page to start % % # last_codepage [127] % Code page to end. % % # case(UpperOrLower) % Canonise to upper (default) or lower case. write_unicode_collate_map(File, Options) :- open(File, write, Out), call_cleanup(write_sort_map(Out, Options), close(Out)). write_sort_map(Out, Options) :- gen_tables(Tables, Options), write_header(Out, Options), forall(member(table(CP, Map), Tables), write_codepage(Out, CP, Map)), write_map(Out, Tables, Options), write_footer(Out, Options). write_codepage(Out, CP, Map) :- assertion(length(Map, 256)), cp_name(CP, CPN), format(Out, 'static const int32_t ~w[256] =~n', [CPN]), format(Out, '{ ', []), map_entries(Map, 0, Out), format(Out, '~N};~n~n', []). cp_name(CP, CPN) :- sformat(CPN, 'ucp0x~|~`0t~16r~2+', [CP]). map_entries([], _, _). map_entries([H|T], I, Out) :- ( I == 0 -> true ; 0 =:= I mod 8 -> format(Out, ',~n ', []) ; format(Out, ', ', []) ), format(Out, '~|0x~`0t~16r~8+', [H]), I2 is I + 1, map_entries(T, I2, Out). write_map(Out, Tables, Options) :- option(last_codepage(Last), Options, 127), format(Out, 'static const int32_t* const ucoll_map[UNICODE_MAP_SIZE] =~n', []), format(Out, '{ ', []), map_tables(0, Last, Tables, Out), format(Out, '~N};~n~n', []). map_tables(CP, Last, _, _) :- CP > Last, !. map_tables(CP, Last, Tables, Out) :- ( CP == 0 -> true ; 0 =:= CP mod 8 -> format(Out, ',~n ', []) ; format(Out, ', ', []) ), ( memberchk(table(CP, _), Tables) -> cp_name(CP, CPN), format(Out, '~w', [CPN]) ; format(Out, '~|~tNULL~7+', []) ), CP2 is CP + 1, map_tables(CP2, Last, Tables, Out). write_header(Out, Options) :- option(last_codepage(Last), Options, 127), Size is Last+1, format(Out, '#ifdef WIN32\n\ typedef int int32_t;\n\ #else\n\ #include <inttypes.h>\n\ #endif\n\n', []), format(Out, '#ifndef NULL\n\ #define NULL ((void*)0)\n\ #endif\n\n', []), format(Out, '#define UNICODE_MAP_SIZE ~d~n~n', [Size]). write_footer(Out, Options) :- ( memberchk(case(lower), Options) -> Add = '+0x80' ; Add = '' ), format(Out, 'static int\n\ sort_point(int code)\n\ { int cp = code / 256;\n\ \n \ if ( cp < UNICODE_MAP_SIZE && ucoll_map[cp] )\n \ return ucoll_map[cp][code&0xff];\n\ \n \ return (code<<8)~w;\n\ }\n\n', [Add]), format(Out, 'static int\n\ sort_pointA(int code)\n\ { return ucp0x00[code&0xff];\n\ }\n\n', []). /******************************* * TABLES * *******************************/ gen_tables(Tables, Options) :- forall(rm_diacritics(_, _, _), true), assign_diacritic_codes, findall(table(CP,Map), table(CP, Map, Options), Tables). table(CP, Map, Options) :- option(first_codepage(First), Options, 0), option(last_codepage(Last), Options, 127), between(First, Last, CP), findall(M, char(CP, M, Options), Map), % now non_empty_map(CP, Map, Options). char(CP, Value, Options) :- between(0, 255, I), Code is 256*CP+I, ( char_to_code(Code, Value, Options) -> true ; format('Failed on ~d~n', [Code]), Value is Code<<8 ). char_to_code(Code, Value, Options) :- memberchk(case(lower), Options), !, ( utolower(Code, Lower), Lower \== Code -> Cc = Lower, CFlags = 0x00 ; Cc = Code, CFlags = 0x80 ), assertion(integer(Cc)), ( rm_diacritics(Cc, Base, Dia), assertion(integer(Base)) -> diacritic_code(Dia, DiaV), Value is Base << 8 \/ CFlags \/ DiaV ; Value is Cc << 8 \/ CFlags ). char_to_code(Code, Value, _Options) :- ( utoupper(Code, Upper), Upper \== Code -> Cc = Upper, CFlags = 0x80 ; Cc = Code, CFlags = 0x00 ), assertion(integer(Cc)), ( rm_diacritics(Cc, Base, Dia), assertion(integer(Base)) -> diacritic_code(Dia, DiaV), Value is Base << 8 \/ CFlags \/ DiaV ; Value is Cc << 8 \/ CFlags ). non_empty_map(CP, Map, Options) :- ( memberchk(case(lower), Options) -> Add is 0x80 ; Add = 0 ), \+ empty_map(Map, 0, CP, Add). empty_map([], _, _, _). empty_map([H|T], I, CP, Add) :- H =:= ((CP*256+I)<<8) + Add, I2 is I + 1, empty_map(T, I2, CP, Add). /******************************* * CASE CONVERSION * *******************************/ utolower(Code, Lower) :- unicode_property(Code, simple_lowercase_mapping(Lower)). utoupper(Code, Upper) :- unicode_property(Code, simple_uppercase_mapping(Upper)). /******************************* * DIACRITICS * *******************************/ rm_diacritics(Code, Plain, Dia) :- unicode_property(Code, decomposition_type(List)), List \== '', atomic_list_concat(AtomList, ' ', List), to_plain(AtomList, Code, Plain, Dia). to_plain([Special, PlainA], _, Plain, 0) :- special(Special), !, atom_hex(PlainA, Plain). to_plain([PlainA], _Code, Plain, 1) :- !, atom_hex(PlainA, Plain). to_plain(List, Code, Plain, Dia) :- maplist(atom_hex, List, Numbers), Numbers = [Plain, Dia], diacritic(Dia, Code), !. diacritic(Code, For) :- !, unicode_property(Code, canonical_combining_class(Cc)), ( Cc > 0 -> assert_diacritic(Code) ; debug(diacritic, '~16r: ~16r: Cc = ~d~n', [For, Code, Cc]), fail ). assign_diacritic_codes :- retractall(diacritic_code(_,_)), findall(D, diacritic(D), Ds), sort([0,1|Ds], Sorted), % 0 and 1 are specials assign_codes(Sorted, 1). assign_codes([], _). assign_codes([H|T], I) :- assert(diacritic_code(H, I)), I2 is I + 1, assign_codes(T, I2). assert_diacritic(Code) :- diacritic(Code), !. assert_diacritic(Code) :- assert(diacritic(Code)). atom_hex(Atom, Hex) :- atom_codes(Atom, Codes), phrase(xinteger(Hex), Codes). special('<font>'). special('<noBreak>'). special('<initial>'). special('<medial>'). special('<final>'). special('<isolated>'). special('<circle>'). special('<super>'). special('<sub>'). special('<vertical>'). special('<wide>'). special('<narrow>'). special('<small>'). special('<square>'). special('<fraction>'). special('<compat> ').