:- object(meta, implements(metap)). :- info([ version is 1, date is 2000/7/24, author is 'Paulo Moura', comment is 'Useful meta-predicates.']). :- private(apply/3). :- metapredicate(apply(*, *, ::)). :- mode(apply(+callable, +list, -callable), zero_or_more). :- info(apply/3, [ comment is 'Applies a predicate to list of arguments.', argnames is ['Predicate', 'Arguments', 'Goal']]). apply(Pred, Args) :- apply(Pred, Args, _). apply(Pred, Args, Goal) :- (atom(Pred) -> Goal =.. [Pred| Args] ; Pred =.. Old, append(Old, Args, New), Goal =.. New), call(Goal). append([], List, List). append([Head| Tail], List, [Head| Tail2]) :- append(Tail, List, Tail2). callable(Term) :- nonvar(Term), functor(Term, Functor, _), atom(Functor). filter(Pred, In, Out) :- filter2(In, Pred, Out). filter2([], _, []). filter2([Arg| Args], Pred, List) :- (apply(Pred, [Arg], _) -> List = [Arg| Args2] ; List = Args2), filter2(Args, Pred, Args2). map(Pred, In, Out) :- map2(In, Pred, Out). map2([], _, []). map2([Old| Olds], Pred, [New| News]) :- apply(Pred, [Old, New], _), map2(Olds, Pred, News). succeeds(Pred, List) :- succeeds2(List, Pred). succeeds2([], _). succeeds2([Head| Tail], Pred) :- apply(Pred, [Head], _), succeeds2(Tail, Pred). :- end_object.