/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: terms.yap * * Last rev: 5/12/99 * * mods: * * comments: Term manipulation operations * * * *************************************************************************/ /** @defgroup Terms Utilities On Terms @ingroup library @{ The next routines provide a set of commonly used utilities to manipulate terms. Most of these utilities have been implemented in `C` for efficiency. They are available through the `use_module(library(terms))` command. */ /** @pred cyclic_term(? _Term_) Succeed if the argument _Term_ is not a cyclic term. */ /** @pred term_subsumer(? _T1_, ? _T2_, ? _Subsumer_) Succeed if _Subsumer_ unifies with the least general generalization over _T1_ and _T2_. */ /** @pred new_variables_in_term(+ _Variables_,? _Term_, - _OutputVariables_) Unify _OutputVariables_ with all variables occurring in _Term_ that are not in the list _Variables_. */ /** @pred subsumes(? _Term1_, ? _Term2_) Succeed if _Term1_ subsumes _Term2_. Variables in term _Term1_ are bound so that the two terms become equal. */ /** @pred subsumes_chk(? _Term1_, ? _Term2_) Succeed if _Term1_ subsumes _Term2_ but does not bind any variable in _Term1_. */ /** @pred term_hash(+ _Term_, + _Depth_, + _Range_, ? _Hash_) Unify _Hash_ with a positive integer calculated from the structure of the term. The range of the positive integer is from `0` to, but not including, _Range_. If _Depth_ is `-1` the whole term is considered. Otherwise, the term is considered only up to depth `1`, where the constants and the principal functor have depth `1`, and an argument of a term with depth _I_ has depth _I+1_. */ /** @pred term_hash(+ _Term_, ? _Hash_) If _Term_ is ground unify _Hash_ with a positive integer calculated from the structure of the term. Otherwise the argument _Hash_ is left unbound. The range of the positive integer is from `0` to, but not including, `33554432`. */ /** @pred unifiable(? _Term1_, ? _Term2_, - _Bindings_) Succeed if _Term1_ and _Term2_ are unifiable with substitution _Bindings_. */ /** @pred variable_in_term(? _Term_,? _Var_) Succeed if the second argument _Var_ is a variable and occurs in term _Term_. */ /** @pred variables_within_term(+ _Variables_,? _Term_, - _OutputVariables_) Unify _OutputVariables_ with the subset of the variables _Variables_ that occurs in _Term_. */ /** @pred variant(? _Term1_, ? _Term2_) Succeed if _Term1_ and _Term2_ are variant terms. */ :- module(terms, [ term_hash/2, term_hash/4, term_subsumer/3, instantiated_term_hash/4, variant/2, unifiable/3, subsumes/2, subsumes_chk/2, cyclic_term/1, variable_in_term/2, variables_within_term/3, new_variables_in_term/3 ]). term_hash(T,H) :- term_hash(T, -1, 33554432, H). %term_hash(X,Y) :- % term_hash(X,-1,16'1000000,Y). subsumes_chk(X,Y) :- \+ \+ subsumes(X,Y). /** @} */