/* This code implements hash-arrays. It requires the hash key to be a ground term. It relies on dynamic array code. */ :- source. :- yap_flag(unknown,error). :- style_check(all). :- module(b_hash, [ b_hash_new/1, b_hash_new/2, b_hash_new/3, b_hash_lookup/3, b_hash_update/3, b_hash_update/4, b_hash_insert/3 ]). :- use_module(library(terms), [ term_hash/4 ]). array_default_size(4). b_hash_new(hash(Keys, Vals, Size, N, _)) :- array_default_size(Size), array(Keys, Size), array(Vals, Size), create_mutable(0, N). b_hash_new(hash(Keys,Vals, Size, N, _), Size) :- array(Keys, Size), array(Vals, Size), create_mutable(0, N). b_hash_new(hash(Keys,Vals, Size, N, HashF), Size, HashF) :- array(Keys, Size), array(Vals, Size), create_mutable(0, N). b_hash_lookup(Key, Val, hash(Keys, Vals, Size, F)):- hash_f(Key, Size, Index, F), term_hash(Key,-1,Size,Index), fetch_key(Keys, Index, Size, Key, ActualIndex), array_element(Vals, ActualIndex, Mutable), get_mutable(Val, Mutable). fetch_key(Keys, Index, Size, Key, ActualIndex) :- array_element(Keys, Index, El), nonvar(El), ( El == Key -> Index = ActualIndex ; I1 is (Index+1) mod Size, fetch_key(Keys, I1, Size, Key, ActualIndex) ). b_hash_update(Hash, Key, NewVal):- Hash = hash(Keys, Vals, Size, _, F), hash_f(Key,Size,Index,F), fetch_key(Keys, Index, Size, Key, ActualIndex), array_element(Vals, ActualIndex, Mutable), update_mutable(NewVal, Mutable). b_hash_update(Hash, Key, OldVal, NewVal):- Hash = hash(Keys, Vals, Size, _, F), hash_f(Key,Size,Index,F), fetch_key(Keys, Index, Size, Key, ActualIndex), array_element(Vals, ActualIndex, Mutable), get_mutable(OldVal, Mutable), update_mutable(NewVal, Mutable). b_hash_insert(Hash, Key, NewVal):- Hash = hash(Keys, Vals, Size, N, F), hash_f(Key,Size,Index,F), find_or_insert(Keys, Index, Size, N, Vals, Key, NewVal, Hash). find_or_insert(Keys, Index, Size, N, Vals, Key, NewVal, Hash) :- array_element(Keys, Index, El), ( var(El) -> add_element(Keys, Index, Size, N, Vals, Key, NewVal, Hash) ; El == Key -> % do rb_update array_element(Vals, Index, Mutable), update_mutable(NewVal, Mutable) ; I1 is (Index+1) mod Size, find_or_insert(Keys, I1, Size, N, Vals, Key, NewVal, Hash) ). add_element(Keys, Index, Size, N, Vals, Key, NewVal, Hash) :- get_mutable(NEls, N), NN is NEls+1, update_mutable(NN, N), ( NN > 3*Size/4 -> expand_array(Key, NewVal, Hash) ; array_element(Keys, Index, Key), update_mutable(NN, N), array_element(Vals, Index, Mutable), create_mutable(NewVal, Mutable) ). expand_array(Key, NewVal, Hash) :- Hash = hash(Keys, Vals, Size, _, F), new_size(Size, NewSize), array(NewKeys, NewSize), array(NewVals, NewSize), copy_hash_table(Size, Keys, Vals, F, NewSize, NewKeys, NewVals), setarg(1, Hash, NewKeys), setarg(2, Hash, NewVals), setarg(3, Hash, NewSize), create_mutable(NewVal, Mut), insert_el(Key, Mut, NewSize, F, NewKeys, NewVals). new_size(Size, NewSize) :- Size > 1048576, !, NewSize is Size+1048576. new_size(Size, NewSize) :- NewSize is Size*2. copy_hash_table(0, _, _, _, _, _, _) :- !. copy_hash_table(I1, Keys, Vals, F, Size, NewKeys, NewVals) :- I is I1-1, array_element(Keys, I, Key), nonvar(Key), !, array_element(Vals, I, Val), insert_el(Key, Val, Size, F, NewKeys, NewVals), copy_hash_table(I, Keys, Vals, F, Size, NewKeys, NewVals). copy_hash_table(I1, Keys, Vals, F, Size, NewKeys, NewVals) :- I is I1-1, copy_hash_table(I, Keys, Vals, F, Size, NewKeys, NewVals). insert_el(Key, Val, Size, F, NewKeys, NewVals) :- hash_f(Key,Size,Index, F), find_free(Index, Size, NewKeys, TrueIndex), array_element(NewKeys, TrueIndex, Key), array_element(NewVals, TrueIndex, Val). find_free(Index, Size, Keys, NewIndex) :- array_element(Keys, Index, El), ( var(El) -> NewIndex = Index ; I1 is (Index+1) mod Size, find_free(I1, Keys, NewIndex) ). hash_f(Key, Size, Index, F) :- var(F), !, term_hash(Key,-1,Size,Index). hash_f(Key, Size, Index, F) :- call(F, Key, Size, Index).