*									 *
*	 YAP Prolog 							 *
*									 *
*	Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto	 *
*									 *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-2003	 *
*									 *
*									 *
* File:		%W% %G%						         *
* Last rev:	22-1-03							 *
* mods:									 *
* comments:	Prolog's scanner					 *
*									 *

 * Description: 
 * This module produces a list of tokens for use by the parser. The calling
 * program should supply a routine int nextch(charpos) int *charpos; which,
 * when called should produce the next char or -1 if none availlable. The
 * scanner will stop producing tokens when it either finds an end of file
 * (-1) or a token consisting of just '.' followed by a blank or control
 * char. Scanner errors will be signalled by the scanner exiting with a non-
 * zero  ErrorMsg and ErrorPos. Note that, even in this case, the scanner
 * will try to find the end of the term. A function char
 * *AllocScannerMemory(nbytes) should be supplied for allocating (temporary)
 * space for strings and for the table of prolog variables occurring in the
 * term. 

#include "Yap.h"
#include "Yatom.h"
#include "YapHeap.h"
#include "SWI-Stream.h"
#include "yapio.h"
#include "alloc.h"
#include "eval.h"
/* stuff we want to use in standard YAP code */
#include "pl-shared.h"
#include "pl-read.h"
#include "YapText.h"
#if _MSC_VER || defined(__MINGW32__) 
#include <windows.h>
#include "iopreds.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include "locale.h"

/* You just can't trust some machines */
#define my_isxdigit(C,SU,SL)	(chtype(C) == NU || (C >= 'A' &&	\
				 C <= (SU)) || (C >= 'a' && C <= (SL)))
#define my_isupper(C)	( C >= 'A' && C <= 'Z' )
#define my_islower(C)	( C >= 'a' && C <= 'z' )

static Term float_send(char *, int);
static Term get_num(int *, int *, IOSTREAM *,char *,UInt,int);

/* token table with some help from Richard O'Keefe's PD scanner */
static char chtype0[NUMBER_OF_CHARS+1] =
/* nul soh stx etx eot enq ack bel  bs  ht  nl  vt  np  cr  so  si */
  BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS,

/* dle dc1 dc2 dc3 dc4 nak syn etb can  em sub esc  fs  gs  rs  us */
  BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS,

/* sp   !   "   #   $   %   &   '   (   )   *   +   ,   -   .   / */
  BS, SL, DC, SY, LC, CC, SY, QT, BK, BK, SY, SY, BK, SY, SY, SY,

/* 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   :   ;   <   =   >   ? */
  NU, NU, NU, NU, NU, NU, NU, NU, NU, NU, SY, SL, SY, SY, SY, SY,

/* @   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O */
  SY, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC,

/* P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   [   \   ]   ^   _ */
  UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, BK, SY, BK, SY, UL,

/* `   a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o */
  SY, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC,

/* p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z   {   |   }   ~ del */
  LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, BK, BK, BK, SY, BS,

/* 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 */
  BS, BS,  BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS,

/* 144 145 ’   147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 */
   BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS, BS,

/*     ¡   ¢   £   ¤   ¥   ¦   §   ¨   ©   ª   «   ¬   ­   ®   ¯   */
   BS, SY, SY, SY, SY, SY, SY, SY, SY, SY, LC, SY, SY, SY, SY, SY,

/* °   ±   ²   ³   ´   µ   ¶   ·   ¸   ¹   º   »   ¼   ½   ¾   ¿   */
   SY, SY, LC, LC, SY, SY, SY, SY, SY, LC, LC, SY, SY, SY, SY, SY,

/* À   Á   Â   Ã   Ä   Å   Æ   Ç   È   É   Ê   Ë   Ì   Í   Î   Ï    */
   UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC,

/* Ð   Ñ   Ò   Ó   Ô   Õ   Ö   ×   Ø   Ù   Ú   Û   Ü   Ý   Þ   ß    */
#ifdef  vms
   UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, LC,
   UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, SY, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, UC, LC,
/* à   á   â   ã   ä   å   æ   ç   è   é   ê   ë   ì   í   î   ï    */
   LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC,

/* ð   ñ   ò   ó   ô   õ   ö   ÷   ø   ù   ú   û   ü   cannot write the last three because of lcc    */
#ifdef  vms
   LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC
   LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, SY, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC, LC

char *Yap_chtype = chtype0+1;

Yap_wide_chtype(Int ch) {
  if (iswalnum(ch)) {
    if (iswlower(ch)) return LC;
    if (iswdigit(ch)) return NU;
    return UC;
  if (iswpunct(ch)) return SY;
  return BS;

static inline int
getchr__(IOSTREAM *inp)
{ int c = Sgetcode(inp);

  if ( !CharConversionTable || c < 0 || c >= 256 )
    return c;

  return CharConversionTable[c];

#define getchr(inp)  getchr__(inp)
#define getchrq(inp) Sgetcode(inp)

EXTERN inline int
GetCurInpPos (IOSTREAM *inp_stream)
  return inp_stream->posbuf.lineno;

/* in case there is an overflow */
typedef struct scanner_extra_alloc {
  struct scanner_extra_alloc *next;
  void *filler;
} ScannerExtraBlock;

static char *
AllocScannerMemory(unsigned int size)
  char *AuxSpScan;

  AuxSpScan = LOCAL_ScannerStack;
  size = AdjustSize(size);
  if (LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks) {
    struct scanner_extra_alloc *ptr;

    if (!(ptr = (struct scanner_extra_alloc *)malloc(size+sizeof(ScannerExtraBlock)))) {
      return NULL;
    ptr->next = LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks;
    LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks = ptr;
    return (char *)(ptr+1);
  } else if (LOCAL_TrailTop <= AuxSpScan+size) {
    UInt alloc_size = sizeof(CELL) * K16;
    if (size > alloc_size)
      alloc_size = size;
    if(!Yap_growtrail(alloc_size, TRUE)) {
      struct scanner_extra_alloc *ptr;

      if (!(ptr = (struct scanner_extra_alloc *)malloc(size+sizeof(ScannerExtraBlock)))) {
	return NULL;
      ptr->next = LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks;
      LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks = ptr;
      return (char *)(ptr+1);
  LOCAL_ScannerStack = AuxSpScan+size;
  return AuxSpScan;

static void
PopScannerMemory(char *block, unsigned int size)
  if (block == LOCAL_ScannerStack-size) {
    LOCAL_ScannerStack -= size;
  } else if (block == (char *)(LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks+1)) {
    struct scanner_extra_alloc *ptr = LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks;

    LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks = ptr->next;

char *
Yap_AllocScannerMemory(unsigned int size)
  /* I assume memory has been initialised */
  return AllocScannerMemory(size);

extern double atof(const char *);

static Term
float_send(char *s, int sign)
    Float f = (Float)(sign*atof(s));
#if HAVE_ISFINITE || defined(isfinite)
  if (truePrologFlag(PLFLAG_ISO)) { /* iso */
    if (!isfinite(f)) {
      LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Float overflow while scanning";
  if (truePrologFlag(PLFLAG_ISO)) { /* iso */
    if (!finite(f)) {
      LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Float overflow while scanning";
  return (MkEvalFl(f));

/* we have an overflow at s */
static Term
read_int_overflow(const char *s, Int base, Int val, int sign)
#ifdef USE_GMP
  /* try to scan it as a bignum */
  mpz_t new;
  Term t;

  mpz_init_set_str (new, s, base);
  if (sign < 0)
    mpz_neg(new, new);
  t = Yap_MkBigIntTerm(new);
  return t;
  /* try to scan it as a float */
  return MkIntegerTerm(val);

static int
send_error_message(char s[])
  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = s;
  return 0;

static wchar_t
read_quoted_char(int *scan_nextp, IOSTREAM *inp_stream)
  int ch;

  /* escape sequence */
  ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
  switch (ch) {
  case 10:
    return 0;
  case '\\':
    return '\\';
  case 'a':
    return '\a';
  case 'b':
    return '\b';
  case 'c':
    while (chtype((ch = getchrq(inp_stream))) == BS);
    goto do_switch;
  case 'd':
    return 127;
  case 'e':
    return '\x1B';  /* <ESC>, a.k.a. \e */
  case 'f':
    return '\f';
  case 'n':
    return '\n';
  case 'r':
    return '\r';
  case 's':         /* space */
    return ' ';
  case 't':
    return '\t';
  case 'u':
      int i;
      wchar_t wc='\0';

      for (i=0; i< 4; i++) {
	ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	if (ch>='0' && ch <= '9') {
	  wc += (ch-'0')<<((3-i)*4);
	} else if (ch>='a' && ch <= 'f') {
	  wc += ((ch-'a')+10)<<((3-i)*4);
	} else if (ch>='A' && ch <= 'F') {
	  wc += ((ch-'A')+10)<<((3-i)*4);
	} else {
	  return send_error_message("invalid escape sequence");
      return wc;
  case 'U':
      int i;
      wchar_t wc='\0';

      for (i=0; i< 8; i++) {
	ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	if (ch>='0' && ch <= '9') {
	  wc += (ch-'0')<<((7-i)*4);
	} else if (ch>='a' && ch <= 'f') {
	  wc += ((ch-'a')+10)<<((7-i)*4);
	} else if (ch>='A' && ch <= 'F') {
	  wc += ((ch-'A')+10)<<((7-i)*4);
	} else {
	  return send_error_message("invalid escape sequence");
      return wc;
  case 'v':
    return '\v';
  case 'z':         /* Prolog end-of-file */
    return send_error_message("invalid escape sequence \\z");
  case '\'':
    return '\'';
  case '"':
    return '"';
  case '`':
    return '`';
  case '^':
    if (truePrologFlag(PLFLAG_ISO)) {
      return send_error_message("invalid escape sequence");
    } else {
      ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
      if (ch ==  '?') {/* delete character */
	return 127;
      } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch < 'z') {/* hexa */
	return ch - 'a';
      } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch < 'Z') {/* hexa */
	return ch - 'A';
      } else {
	 return '^';
  case '0':
  case '1':
  case '2':
  case '3':
  case '4':
  case '5':
  case '6':
  case '7':
    /* character in octal: maximum of 3 digits, terminates with \ */
    /* follow ISO */
      unsigned char so_far = ch-'0';
      ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
      if (ch >= '0' && ch < '8') {/* octal */
	so_far = so_far*8+(ch-'0');
	ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	if (ch >= '0' && ch < '8') { /* octal */
	  so_far = so_far*8+(ch-'0');
	  ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	  if (ch != '\\') {
	    return send_error_message("invalid octal escape sequence");
	  return so_far;
	} else if (ch == '\\') {
	  return so_far;
	} else {
	  return send_error_message("invalid octal escape sequence");
      } else if (ch == '\\') {
	return so_far;
      } else {
	return send_error_message("invalid octal escape sequence");
  case 'x':
    /* hexadecimal character (YAP allows empty hexadecimal  */
      unsigned char so_far = 0; 
      ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
      if (my_isxdigit(ch,'f','F')) {/* hexa */
	so_far = so_far * 16 + (chtype(ch) == NU ? ch - '0' :
				(my_isupper(ch) ? ch - 'A' : ch - 'a') + 10);
	ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	if (my_isxdigit(ch,'f','F')) { /* hexa */
	  so_far = so_far * 16 + (chtype(ch) == NU ? ch - '0' :
				  (my_isupper(ch) ? ch - 'A' : ch - 'a') + 10);
	  ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	  if (ch == '\\') {
	    return so_far;
	  } else {
	    return send_error_message("invalid hexadecimal escape sequence");
	} else if (ch == '\\') {
	  return so_far;
	} else {
	  return send_error_message("invalid hexadecimal escape sequence");
      } else if (ch == '\\') {
	return so_far;
      } else {
	return send_error_message("invalid hexadecimal escape sequence");
    /* accept sequence. Note that the ISO standard does not
       consider this sequence legal, whereas SICStus would
       eat up the escape sequence. */
    return send_error_message("invalid escape sequence");
static int
num_send_error_message(char s[])
  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = s;
  return TermNil;

/* reads a number, either integer or float */

static Term
get_num(int *chp, int *chbuffp, IOSTREAM *inp_stream, char *s, UInt max_size, int sign)
  char *sp = s;
  int ch = *chp;
  Int val = 0L, base = ch - '0';
  int might_be_float = TRUE, has_overflow = FALSE;
  const unsigned char *decimalpoint;

  *sp++ = ch;
  ch = getchr(inp_stream);
   * because of things like 00'2, 03'2 and even better 12'2, I need to
   * do this (have mercy) 
  if (chtype(ch) == NU) {
    *sp++ = ch;
    if (--max_size == 0) {
      return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
    base = 10 * base + ch - '0';
    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
  if (ch == '\'') {
    if (base > 36) {
      return num_send_error_message("Admissible bases are 0..36");
    might_be_float = FALSE;
    if (--max_size == 0) {
      return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
    *sp++ = ch;
    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
    if (base == 0) {
      wchar_t ascii = ch;
      int scan_extra = TRUE;

      if (ch == '\\' &&
	  Yap_GetModuleEntry(CurrentModule)->flags & M_CHARESCAPE) {
	ascii = read_quoted_char(&scan_extra, inp_stream);
      /* a quick way to represent ASCII */
      if (scan_extra)
	*chp = getchr(inp_stream);
      if (sign == -1) {
	return MkIntegerTerm(-ascii);
      return MkIntegerTerm(ascii);
    } else if (base >= 10 && base <= 36) {
      int upper_case = 'A' - 11 + base;
      int lower_case = 'a' - 11 + base;

      while (my_isxdigit(ch, upper_case, lower_case)) {
	Int oval = val;
	int chval = (chtype(ch) == NU ? ch - '0' :
		     (my_isupper(ch) ? ch - 'A' : ch - 'a') + 10);
	if (--max_size == 0) {
	  return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
	*sp++ = ch;
	val = oval * base + chval;
	if (oval != (val-chval)/base) /* overflow */
	  has_overflow = (has_overflow || TRUE);
	ch = getchr(inp_stream);
  } else if (ch == 'x' && base == 0) {
    might_be_float = FALSE;
    if (--max_size == 0) {
      return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
    *sp++ = ch;
    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
    while (my_isxdigit(ch, 'F', 'f')) {
      Int oval = val;
      int chval = (chtype(ch) == NU ? ch - '0' :
		   (my_isupper(ch) ? ch - 'A' : ch - 'a') + 10);
      if (--max_size == 0) {
	return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
      *sp++ = ch;
      val = val * 16 + chval;
      if (oval != (val-chval)/16) /* overflow */
	has_overflow = TRUE;
      ch = getchr(inp_stream);
    *chp = ch;
  else if (ch == 'o' && base == 0) {
    might_be_float = FALSE;
    base = 8;
    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
  } else if (ch == 'b' && base == 0) {
    might_be_float = FALSE;
    base = 2;
    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
  } else {
    val = base;
    base = 10;
  while (chtype(ch) == NU) {
    Int oval = val;
    if (!(val == 0 && ch == '0') || has_overflow) {
      if (--max_size == 0) {
	return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
      *sp++ = ch;
    if (ch - '0' >= base) {
      if (sign == -1)
	return MkIntegerTerm(-val);
      return MkIntegerTerm(val);
    val = val * base + ch - '0';
    if (val/base != oval || val -oval*base != ch-'0') /* overflow */
      has_overflow = TRUE;
    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
  if (might_be_float && ( ch == '.'  || ch == 'e' || ch == 'E')) {
    int has_dot = ( ch == '.' );
    if (has_dot) {
      unsigned char * dp;
      int dc;

      if (chtype(ch = getchr(inp_stream)) != NU) {
	if ( ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') {
	  if (truePrologFlag(PLFLAG_ISO))
	    return num_send_error_message("Float format not allowed in ISO mode");
	} else {/* followed by a letter, end of term? */
	  sp[0] = '\0';
	  *chbuffp = '.';
	  *chp = ch;
	  if (has_overflow)
	    return read_int_overflow(s,base,val,sign);
	  if (sign == -1)
	    return MkIntegerTerm(-val);
	  return MkIntegerTerm(val);
      if ((decimalpoint = (unsigned char*) ( localeconv()->decimal_point )) == NULL)
	decimalpoint = (const unsigned char*)".";
      dp =(unsigned char *)decimalpoint;
      /* translate . to current locale */
      while ((dc = *dp++) != '\0') {
	*sp++ = dc;
	if (--max_size == 0) {
	  return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
      /* numbers after . */
      if (chtype(ch) == NU) {
	do {
	  if (--max_size == 0) {
	    return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
	  *sp++ = ch;
	while (chtype(ch = getchr(inp_stream)) == NU);
    if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') {
      if (--max_size == 0) {
	return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
      *sp++ = ch;
      ch = getchr(inp_stream);
      if (ch == '-') {
	if (--max_size == 0) {
	  return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
	*sp++ = '-';
	ch = getchr(inp_stream);
      } else if (ch == '+') {
	ch = getchr(inp_stream);
      if (chtype(ch) != NU) {
	if (has_dot)
	  return float_send(s,sign);
	return MkIntegerTerm(sign*val);
      do {
	if (--max_size == 0) {
	  return num_send_error_message("Number Too Long");
	*sp++ = ch;
      } while (chtype(ch = getchr(inp_stream)) == NU);
    *sp = '\0';
    *chp = ch;
    return float_send(s,sign);
  } else if (has_overflow) {
    *sp = '\0';
    /* skip base */
    *chp = ch;
    if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x')
      return read_int_overflow(s+2,16,val,sign);
    else if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'o')
      return read_int_overflow(s+2,8,val,sign);
    else if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'b')
      return read_int_overflow(s+2,2,val,sign);
    if (s[1] == '\'')
      return read_int_overflow(s+2,base,val,sign);
    if (s[2] == '\'')
      return read_int_overflow(s+3,base,val,sign);
    return read_int_overflow(s,base,val,sign);
  } else {
    *chp = ch;
    return MkIntegerTerm(val*sign);

/* given a function getchr scan until we  either find the number
   or end of file */
Yap_scan_num(IOSTREAM *inp)
  Term out;
  int sign = 1;
  int ch, cherr;
  char *ptr;

  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = NULL;
  LOCAL_ScannerStack = (char *)TR;
  LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks = NULL;
  if (!(ptr = AllocScannerMemory(4096))) {
    LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Trail Overflow";
    LOCAL_Error_TYPE = OUT_OF_TRAIL_ERROR;	            
    return TermNil;
  ch = getchr(inp);
  while (chtype(ch) == BS) {
    ch = getchr(inp);
  if (ch == '-') {
    sign = -1;
    ch = getchr(inp);
  } else if (ch == '+') {
    ch = getchr(inp);
  if (chtype(ch) != NU) {
    Yap_clean_tokenizer(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0L);
    return TermNil;
  cherr = '\0';
  if (ASP-HR < 1024)
    return TermNil;
  out = get_num(&ch, &cherr, inp, ptr, 4096, sign); /*  */
  PopScannerMemory(ptr, 4096);
  Yap_clean_tokenizer(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0L);
  if (LOCAL_ErrorMessage != NULL || ch != -1 || cherr)
    return TermNil;
  return out;

#define CHECK_SPACE() \
	  if (ASP-HR < 1024) { \
	    LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Stack Overflow";     \
	    LOCAL_Error_Size = 0L;	               \
	    if (p) \
	      p->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);           \
	    /* serious error now */                    \
	    return l;                                  \

static void
open_comment(int ch, IOSTREAM *inp_stream USES_REGS) {
  CELL *h0 = HR;
  HR += 5;
  h0[0] = AbsAppl(h0+2);
  h0[1] = TermNil;
  if (!LOCAL_CommentsTail) {
    /* first comment */
    LOCAL_Comments = AbsPair(h0);
  } else {
    /* extra comment */
    *LOCAL_CommentsTail = AbsPair(h0);
  LOCAL_CommentsTail = h0+1;
  h0 += 2;
  h0[0] = (CELL)FunctorMinus;
  h0[1] = Yap_StreamPosition(inp_stream);
  h0[2] = TermNil;
  LOCAL_CommentsNextChar = h0+2;
  LOCAL_CommentsBuff = (wchar_t *)malloc(1024*sizeof(wchar_t));
  LOCAL_CommentsBuffLim = 1024;
  LOCAL_CommentsBuff[0] = ch;
  LOCAL_CommentsBuffPos = 1;

static void
extend_comment(int ch USES_REGS) {
  LOCAL_CommentsBuff[LOCAL_CommentsBuffPos] = ch;
  if (LOCAL_CommentsBuffPos == LOCAL_CommentsBuffLim-1) {
    LOCAL_CommentsBuff = (wchar_t *)realloc(LOCAL_CommentsBuff,sizeof(wchar_t)*(LOCAL_CommentsBuffLim+4096));
    LOCAL_CommentsBuffLim += 4096;

static void
close_comment( USES_REGS1 ) {
  LOCAL_CommentsBuff[LOCAL_CommentsBuffPos] = '\0';
  *LOCAL_CommentsNextChar = Yap_WCharsToString(LOCAL_CommentsBuff PASS_REGS);
  LOCAL_CommentsBuff = NULL;
  LOCAL_CommentsBuffLim = 0;

static wchar_t *
ch_to_wide(char *base, char *charp)
  int n = charp-base, i;
  wchar_t *nb = (wchar_t *)base;

  if ((nb+n) + 1024 > (wchar_t *)AuxSp) {
    LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Heap Overflow While Scanning: please increase code space (-h)";
    return NULL;
  for (i=n; i > 0; i--) {
    nb[i-1] = (unsigned char)base[i-1];
  return nb+n;

#define  add_ch_to_buff(ch) \
  if (wcharp) { *wcharp++ = (ch); if (wcharp >= (wchar_t *)AuxSp-1024) goto huge_var_error; charp = (char *)wcharp; } \
  else { \
    if (ch > MAX_ISO_LATIN1 && !wcharp) { \
      /* does not fit in ISO-LATIN */		\
      wcharp = ch_to_wide(TokImage, charp);	\
      if (!wcharp) goto huge_var_error;		\
      *wcharp++ = (ch); charp = (char *)wcharp; \
    } else { if (charp >= (char *)AuxSp-1024) goto huge_var_error; *charp++ = ch; }	\

#define  add_ch_to_utf8_buff(ch) \
  { if ( (ch &0xff) == ch) { *charp++ = ch; } else \
  { charp = _PL__utf8_put_char(charp, ch); } }

TokEntry *
Yap_tokenizer(IOSTREAM *inp_stream, int store_comments, Term *tposp,  void *rd0)
  TokEntry *t, *l, *p;
  enum TokenKinds kind;
  int solo_flag = TRUE;
  int ch;
  wchar_t *wcharp;
  struct qq_struct_t	       *cur_qq = NULL;
  struct read_data_t *rd = rd0;

  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = NULL;
  LOCAL_Error_Size = 0;
  LOCAL_VarTable = NULL;
  LOCAL_AnonVarTable = NULL;
  LOCAL_ScannerStack = (char *)TR;
  LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks = NULL;
  l = NULL;
  p = NULL;			/* Just to make lint happy */
  ch = getchr(inp_stream);
  while (chtype(ch) == BS) {
    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
  *tposp = Yap_StreamPosition(inp_stream);
  Yap_setCurrentSourceLocation( rd );
  LOCAL_StartLine = inp_stream->posbuf.lineno;
  do {
    wchar_t och;
    int quote, isvar;
    char *charp, *mp;
    unsigned int len;
    char *TokImage = NULL;

    t = (TokEntry *) AllocScannerMemory(sizeof(TokEntry));
    t->TokNext = NULL;
    if (t == NULL) {
      LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Trail Overflow";
      LOCAL_Error_TYPE = OUT_OF_TRAIL_ERROR;	            
      if (p)
	p->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
      /* serious error now */
      return l;
    if (!l)
      l = t;
      p->TokNext = t;
    p = t;
    while (chtype(ch) == BS) {
      ch = getchr(inp_stream);
    t->TokPos = GetCurInpPos(inp_stream);

    switch (chtype(ch)) {

    case CC:
      if (store_comments) {
	open_comment(ch, inp_stream PASS_REGS);
	while ((ch = getchr(inp_stream)) != 10 && chtype(ch) != EF) {
	  extend_comment(ch PASS_REGS);
	extend_comment(ch PASS_REGS);
	if (chtype(ch) != EF) {
	  ch = getchr(inp_stream);
	  if (chtype(ch) == CC) {
	    extend_comment(ch PASS_REGS);
	    goto continue_comment;
	close_comment( PASS_REGS1 );
      } else {
	while ((ch = getchr(inp_stream)) != 10 && chtype(ch) != EF);
      if (chtype(ch) != EF) {
	/* blank space */
	if (t == l) {
	  /* we found a comment before reading characters */
	  while (chtype(ch) == BS) {
	    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
	  *tposp = Yap_StreamPosition(inp_stream);
	  Yap_setCurrentSourceLocation( rd );
	goto restart;
      } else {
	t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);

    case UC:
    case UL:
    case LC:
      och = ch;
      ch = getchr(inp_stream);
      TokImage = ((AtomEntry *) ( Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace()))->StrOfAE;
      charp = TokImage;
      wcharp = NULL;
      isvar = (chtype(och) != LC);
      for (; chtype(ch) <= NU; ch = getchr(inp_stream)) {
	if (charp == (char *)AuxSp-1024) {
	  /* huge atom or variable, we are in trouble */
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Code Space Overflow due to huge atom";
	  if (p)
	    p->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  /* serious error now */
	  return l;
      while (ch == '\'' && isvar && yap_flags[VARS_CAN_HAVE_QUOTE_FLAG]) {
	if (charp == (char *)AuxSp-1024) {
	  goto huge_var_error;
	ch = getchr(inp_stream);
      if (!isvar) {
	Atom ae;
	/* don't do this in iso */
	if (wcharp) {
	  ae = Yap_LookupWideAtom((wchar_t *)TokImage);
	} else {
	  ae = Yap_LookupAtom(TokImage);
	if (ae == NIL) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Code Space Overflow";
	  if (p)
	    t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  /* serious error now */
	  return l;
	t->TokInfo = Unsigned(ae);
	if (ch == '(')
	  solo_flag = FALSE;
	t->Tok = Ord(kind = Name_tok);
      } else {
	VarEntry *ve = Yap_LookupVar(TokImage);
	t->TokInfo = Unsigned(ve);
	if (cur_qq) {
	t->Tok = Ord(kind = Var_tok);

    case NU:
	int cherr;
	int cha = ch;
	char *ptr;

	cherr = 0;
	if (!(ptr = AllocScannerMemory(4096))) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Trail Overflow";
	  LOCAL_Error_TYPE = OUT_OF_TRAIL_ERROR;	            
	  if (p)
	    t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  /* serious error now */
	  return l;
	if ((t->TokInfo = get_num(&cha,&cherr,inp_stream,ptr,4096,1)) == 0L) {
	  if (p)
	    p->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  /* serious error now */
	  return l;
	PopScannerMemory(ptr, 4096);
	ch = cha;
	if (cherr) {
	  TokEntry *e;
	  t->Tok = Number_tok;
	  t->TokPos = GetCurInpPos(inp_stream);
	  e = (TokEntry *) AllocScannerMemory(sizeof(TokEntry));
	  if (e == NULL) {
	    LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Trail Overflow";
	    LOCAL_Error_TYPE = OUT_OF_TRAIL_ERROR;	            
	    if (p)
	      p->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	    /* serious error now */
	    return l;
	  } else {
	    e->TokNext = NULL;
	  t->TokNext = e;
	  t = e;
	  p = e;
	  switch (cherr) {
	  case 'e':
	  case 'E':
	    och = cherr;
	    goto scan_name;
	  case '=':
	  case '_':
	    /* handle error while parsing a float */
	      TokEntry *e2;

	      t->Tok = Ord(Var_tok);
	      t->TokInfo = Unsigned(Yap_LookupVar("E"));
	      t->TokPos = GetCurInpPos(inp_stream);
	      e2 = (TokEntry *) AllocScannerMemory(sizeof(TokEntry));
	      if (e2 == NULL) {
		LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Trail Overflow";
		LOCAL_Error_TYPE = OUT_OF_TRAIL_ERROR;	            
		if (p)
		  p->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
		/* serious error now */
		return l;
	      } else {
		e2->TokNext = NULL;
	      t->TokNext = e2;
	      t = e2;
	      p = e2;
	      if (cherr == '=')
		och = '+';
		och = '-';
	    goto enter_symbol;
	  case '+':
	  case '-':
	    /* handle error while parsing a float */
	      TokEntry *e2;

	      t->Tok = Name_tok;
	      if (ch == '(')
		solo_flag = FALSE;
	      t->TokInfo = Unsigned(AtomE);
	      t->TokPos = GetCurInpPos(inp_stream);
	      e2 = (TokEntry *) AllocScannerMemory(sizeof(TokEntry));
	      if (e2 == NULL) {
		LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Trail Overflow";
		LOCAL_Error_TYPE = OUT_OF_TRAIL_ERROR;	            
		t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
		/* serious error now */
		return l;
	      } else {
		e2->TokNext = NULL;
	      t->TokNext = e2;
	      t = e2;
	      p = e2;
	    och = cherr;
	    goto enter_symbol;
	} else {
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = Number_tok);

    case QT:
    case DC:
      TokImage = ((AtomEntry *) ( Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace()))->StrOfAE;
      charp = TokImage;
      quote = ch;
      len = 0;
      ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
      wcharp = NULL;

      while (TRUE) {
	if (charp + 1024 > (char *)AuxSp) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Heap Overflow While Scanning: please increase code space (-h)";
	if (ch == 10  &&  truePrologFlag(PLFLAG_ISO)) {
	  /* in ISO a new line terminates a string */
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "layout character \n inside quotes";
	if (ch == quote) {
	  ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	  if (ch != quote)
	  ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	} else if (ch == '\\' && Yap_GetModuleEntry(CurrentModule)->flags & M_CHARESCAPE) {
	  int scan_next = TRUE;
	  if ((ch = read_quoted_char(&scan_next, inp_stream))) {
	  if (scan_next) {
	    ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	} else if (chtype(ch) == EF && ch <= MAX_ISO_LATIN1) {
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	} else {
	  ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	if (charp > (char *)AuxSp - 1024) {
	  /* Not enough space to read in the string. */
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "not enough space to read in string or quoted atom";
	  /* serious error now */
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  return l;
      if (wcharp) {
	*wcharp = '\0';
      }  else  {
	*charp = '\0';
      if (quote == '"') {
	if (wcharp) {
	  mp = AllocScannerMemory(sizeof(wchar_t)*(len+1));
	} else {
	  mp = AllocScannerMemory(len + 1);
	if (mp == NULL) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "not enough heap space to read in string or quoted atom";
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  return l;
	if (wcharp) 
	  wcscpy((wchar_t *)mp,(wchar_t *)TokImage);
	  strcpy(mp, TokImage);
	t->TokInfo = Unsigned(mp);
	if (wcharp) {
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = WString_tok);
	} else {
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = String_tok);
      } else {
	if (wcharp) {
	  t->TokInfo = Unsigned(Yap_LookupWideAtom((wchar_t *)TokImage));
	} else {
	  t->TokInfo = Unsigned(Yap_LookupAtom(TokImage));
	if (!(t->TokInfo)) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Code Space Overflow";
	  if (p)
	    t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  /* serious error now */
	  return l;
	t->Tok = Ord(kind = Name_tok);
	if (ch == '(')
	  solo_flag = FALSE;

    case SY:
      och = ch;
      ch = getchr(inp_stream);
      if (och == '/' && ch == '*') {
	if (store_comments) {
	  open_comment('/', inp_stream PASS_REGS);
	  while ((och != '*' || ch != '/') && chtype(ch) != EF) {
	    och = ch;
	    extend_comment(ch PASS_REGS);
	    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
	  if (chtype(ch) != EF) {
	    extend_comment(ch PASS_REGS);
	  close_comment( PASS_REGS1 );
	} else {
	  while ((och != '*' || ch != '/') && chtype(ch) != EF) {
	    och = ch;
	    ch = getchr(inp_stream);
	if (chtype(ch) == EF) {
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	} else {
	  /* leave comments */
	  ch = getchr(inp_stream);
	  if (t == l) {
	    /* we found a comment before reading characters */
	    while (chtype(ch) == BS) {
	      ch = getchr(inp_stream);
	    *tposp = Yap_StreamPosition(inp_stream);
	    Yap_setCurrentSourceLocation( rd );
	goto restart;
      if (och == '.' && (chtype(ch) == BS || chtype(ch) == EF
			 || chtype(ch) == CC)) {
	if (chtype(ch) == CC)
	  while ((ch = getchr(inp_stream)) != 10 && chtype(ch) != EF);
	t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
      } else {
	Atom ae;
	TokImage = ((AtomEntry *) ( Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace()))->StrOfAE;
	charp = TokImage;
	wcharp = NULL;
	for (; chtype(ch) == SY; ch = getchr(inp_stream)) {
	  if (charp == (char *)AuxSp-1024) {
	    goto huge_var_error;
	if (wcharp) {
	  ae = Yap_LookupWideAtom((wchar_t *)TokImage);
	} else {
	  ae = Yap_LookupAtom(TokImage);
	if (ae == NIL) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Code Space Overflow";
	  if (p)
	    t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  /* serious error now */
	  return l;
	t->TokInfo = Unsigned(ae);
	if (t->TokInfo == (CELL)NIL) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Code Space Overflow";
	  if (p)
	    t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  /* serious error now */
	  return l;
	t->Tok = Ord(kind = Name_tok);
	if (ch == '(')
	  solo_flag = FALSE;
	  solo_flag = TRUE;
    case SL:
	char chs[2];
	chs[0] = ch;
	chs[1] = '\0';
	ch = getchr(inp_stream);
	t->TokInfo = Unsigned(Yap_LookupAtom(chs));
	t->Tok = Ord(kind = Name_tok);
	if (ch == '(')
	  solo_flag = FALSE;

    case BK:
      och = ch;
      ch = getchr(inp_stream);
      t->TokInfo = och;
      if (och == '(')  {
	while (chtype(ch) == BS) {  ch = getchr(inp_stream); };
	if (ch == ')') {
	  t->TokInfo = Unsigned(AtomEmptyBrackets);
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = Name_tok);
	  ch = getchr(inp_stream);
	  solo_flag = FALSE;
	} else if (!solo_flag) {
	  t->TokInfo = 'l';
	  solo_flag = TRUE;
      } else if (och == '[')  {
	while (chtype(ch) == BS) {  ch = getchr(inp_stream); };
	if (ch == ']') {
	  t->TokInfo = Unsigned(AtomNil);
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = Name_tok);
	  ch = getchr(inp_stream);
	  solo_flag = FALSE;
      } else if (och == '{')  {
       if (ch == '|') {
	 qq_t *qq = (qq_t *)calloc(sizeof(qq_t), 1);
	 if (!qq) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "not enough heap space to read in quasi quote";
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  return l;
	 if (cur_qq) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "quasi quote in quasi quote";
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  free( qq );
	  return l;
	 } else {
	   cur_qq = qq;
	 t->TokInfo = (CELL)qq;
	 qq->start.byteno = inp_stream->position->byteno;
	 qq->start.lineno = inp_stream->position->lineno;
	 qq->start.linepos = inp_stream->position->linepos - 1;
	 qq->start.charno = inp_stream->position->charno - 1;
         t->Tok = Ord(kind = QuasiQuotes_tok);
         ch = getchr(inp_stream);
         solo_flag = FALSE;
       while (chtype(ch) == BS) {  ch = getchr(inp_stream); };
       if (ch == '}') {
         t->TokInfo = Unsigned(AtomBraces);
         t->Tok = Ord(kind = Name_tok);
         ch = getchr(inp_stream);
         solo_flag = FALSE;
      } else if (och == '|' && ch == '|') {
	qq_t *qq = cur_qq;
	if (!qq) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "quasi quoted's || without {|";
	  free( cur_qq );
	  cur_qq = NULL;
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  return l;
	cur_qq = NULL;
	t->TokInfo = (CELL)qq;
	qq->mid.byteno = inp_stream->position->byteno;
	qq->mid.lineno = inp_stream->position->lineno;
	qq->mid.linepos = inp_stream->position->linepos - 1;
	qq->mid.charno = inp_stream->position->charno - 1;
	t->Tok = Ord(kind = QuasiQuotes_tok);
	ch = getchr(inp_stream);

	TokImage = Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
	if (!TokImage) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "not enough heap space to read in a quasi quoted atom";
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  return l;
	charp = TokImage;
	quote = ch;
	len = 0;
	ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	wcharp = NULL;

	while (TRUE) {
	  if (ch == '|') {
	    ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	    if (ch != '}') {
	    } else {
	      /* we're done */
	  } else if (chtype(ch) == EF) {
	    t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  } else {
	    ch = getchrq(inp_stream);
	  if (charp > (char *)AuxSp - 1024) {
	    /* Not enough space to read in the string. */
	    LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "not enough space to read in string or quoted atom";
	    /* serious error now */
	    t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	    return l;
	len = charp-TokImage;
	mp = malloc(len + 1);
	if (mp == NULL) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "not enough heap space to read in quasi quote";
	  t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  return l;
	strncpy(mp, TokImage, len+1);
	qq->text = (unsigned char *)mp;
	qq->end.byteno = inp_stream->position->byteno;
	qq->end.lineno = inp_stream->position->lineno;
	qq->end.linepos = inp_stream->position->linepos - 1;
	qq->end.charno = inp_stream->position->charno - 1;
	if (!(t->TokInfo)) {
	  LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Code Space Overflow";
	  if (p)
	    t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	  /* serious error now */
	  return l;
	solo_flag = FALSE;
	ch = getchr(inp_stream);
      t->Tok = Ord(kind = Ponctuation_tok);
    case EF:
      t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);

      fprintf(stderr, "\n++++ token: wrong char type %c %d\n", ch, chtype(ch));
      t->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
    if(GLOBAL_Option[2]) fprintf(stderr,"[Token %d %ld]",Ord(kind),(unsigned long int)t->TokInfo);
    if (LOCAL_ErrorMessage) {
      /* insert an error token to inform the system of what happened */
      TokEntry *e = (TokEntry *) AllocScannerMemory(sizeof(TokEntry));
      if (e == NULL) {
	LOCAL_ErrorMessage = "Trail Overflow";
	LOCAL_Error_TYPE = OUT_OF_TRAIL_ERROR;	            
	p->Tok = Ord(kind = eot_tok);
	/* serious error now */
	return l;
      p->TokNext = e;
      e->Tok = Error_tok;
      e->TokInfo = MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom(LOCAL_ErrorMessage));
      e->TokPos = GetCurInpPos(inp_stream);
      e->TokNext = NULL;
      LOCAL_ErrorMessage = NULL;
      p = e;
  } while (kind != eot_tok);
  return (l);

Yap_clean_tokenizer(TokEntry *tokstart, VarEntry *vartable, VarEntry *anonvartable, Term commentable)
  struct scanner_extra_alloc *ptr = LOCAL_ScannerExtraBlocks;
  while (ptr) {
    struct scanner_extra_alloc *next = ptr->next;
    ptr = next;
  LOCAL_Comments = TermNil;
  LOCAL_CommentsNextChar = LOCAL_CommentsTail = NULL;
  if (LOCAL_CommentsBuff) {
    LOCAL_CommentsBuff = NULL;
  LOCAL_CommentsBuffLim = 0;