/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: bb.c * * Last rev: 12/29/99 * * mods: * * comments: YAP's blackboard routines * * * *************************************************************************/ #ifdef SCCS static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%"; #endif /** * @file bb.c * @author VITOR SANTOS COSTA <vsc@VITORs-MBP-2.lan> * @date Mon Apr 30 09:32:54 2018 * * @brief blackboard * * @namespace prolog * */ /** @defgroup BlackBoard The Blackboard @ingroup builtins @{ YAP implements a blackboard in the style of the SICStus Prolog blackboard. The blackboard uses the same underlying mechanism as the internal data-base but has several important differences: + It is module aware, in contrast to the internal data-base. + Keys can only be atoms or integers, and not compound terms. + A single term can be stored per key. + An atomic update operation is provided; this is useful for parallelism. */ #include "Yap.h" #include "clause.h" #ifndef NULL #define NULL (void *)0 #endif static BBProp PutBBProp(AtomEntry *ae, Term mod USES_REGS) /* get BBentry for at; */ { Prop p0; BBProp p; WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p = RepBBProp(p0 = ae->PropsOfAE); while (p0 != NIL && (!IsBBProperty(p->KindOfPE) || (p->ModuleOfBB != mod))) { p = RepBBProp(p0 = p->NextOfPE); } if (p0 == NIL) { p = (BBProp)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(*p)); if (p == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_HEAP,ARG1,"could not allocate space in bb_put/2"); return(NULL); } AddPropToAtom(ae, (PropEntry *)p); p->ModuleOfBB = mod; p->Element = 0L; p->KeyOfBB = AbsAtom(ae); p->KindOfPE = BBProperty; INIT_RWLOCK(p->BBRWLock); } WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return (p); } static BBProp PutIntBBProp(Int key, Term mod USES_REGS) /* get BBentry for at; */ { Prop p0; BBProp p; UInt hash_key; if (INT_BB_KEYS == NULL) { INT_BB_KEYS = (Prop *)Yap_AllocCodeSpace(sizeof(Prop)*INT_BB_KEYS_SIZE); if (INT_BB_KEYS != NULL) { UInt i = 0; Prop *pp = INT_BB_KEYS; for (i = 0; i < INT_BB_KEYS_SIZE; i++) { pp[0] = NIL; pp++; } } else { Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_HEAP,ARG1,"could not allocate space in bb_put/2"); return(NULL); } } hash_key = (CELL)key % INT_BB_KEYS_SIZE; p0 = INT_BB_KEYS[hash_key]; p = RepBBProp(p0); while (p0 != NIL && (!IsBBProperty(p->KindOfPE) || key != (Int)(p->KeyOfBB) || (p->ModuleOfBB != mod))) { p = RepBBProp(p0 = p->NextOfPE); } if (p0 == NIL) { YAPEnterCriticalSection(); p = (BBProp)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(*p)); if (p == NULL) { YAPLeaveCriticalSection(); Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_HEAP,ARG1,"could not allocate space in bb_put/2"); return(NULL); } p->ModuleOfBB = mod; p->Element = 0L; p->KeyOfBB = (Atom)key; p->KindOfPE = BBProperty; p->NextOfPE = INT_BB_KEYS[hash_key]; INT_BB_KEYS[hash_key] = AbsBBProp(p); YAPLeaveCriticalSection(); } return (p); } static BBProp GetBBProp(AtomEntry *ae, Term mod) /* get BBentry for at; */ { Prop p0; BBProp p; READ_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p = RepBBProp(p0 = ae->PropsOfAE); while (p0 != NIL && (!IsBBProperty(p->KindOfPE) || (p->ModuleOfBB != mod))) { p = RepBBProp(p0 = p->NextOfPE); } READ_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); if (p0 == NIL) { return(NULL); } return (p); } static BBProp GetIntBBProp(Int key, Term mod) /* get BBentry for at; */ { Prop p0; BBProp p; UInt hash_key; if (INT_BB_KEYS == NULL) return(NULL); hash_key = (CELL)key % INT_BB_KEYS_SIZE; p0 = INT_BB_KEYS[hash_key]; p = RepBBProp(p0); while (p0 != NIL && (!IsBBProperty(p->KindOfPE) || key != (Int)(p->KeyOfBB) || (p->ModuleOfBB != mod))) { p = RepBBProp(p0 = p->NextOfPE); } if (p0 == NIL) { return(NULL); } return (p); } static int resize_bb_int_keys(UInt new_size) { CACHE_REGS Prop *new; UInt i; YAPEnterCriticalSection(); if (INT_BB_KEYS == NULL) { INT_BB_KEYS_SIZE = new_size; YAPLeaveCriticalSection(); return(TRUE); } new = (Prop *)Yap_AllocCodeSpace(sizeof(Prop)*new_size); if (new == NULL) { YAPLeaveCriticalSection(); Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_HEAP,ARG1,"could not allocate space"); return(FALSE); } for (i = 0; i < new_size; i++) { new[i] = NIL; } for (i = 0; i < INT_BB_KEYS_SIZE; i++) { if (INT_BB_KEYS[i] != NIL) { Prop p0 = INT_BB_KEYS[i]; while (p0 != NIL) { BBProp p = RepBBProp(p0); CELL key = (CELL)(p->KeyOfBB); UInt hash_key = (CELL)key % new_size; p0 = p->NextOfPE; p->NextOfPE = new[hash_key]; new[hash_key] = AbsBBProp(p); } } } Yap_FreeCodeSpace((char *)INT_BB_KEYS); INT_BB_KEYS = new; INT_BB_KEYS_SIZE = new_size; YAPLeaveCriticalSection(); return(TRUE); } static BBProp AddBBProp(Term t1, char *msg, Term mod USES_REGS) { BBProp p; restart: if (IsVarTerm(t1)) { Yap_Error(INSTANTIATION_ERROR, t1, msg); return(NULL); } if (IsAtomTerm(t1)) { p = PutBBProp(RepAtom(AtomOfTerm(t1)), mod PASS_REGS); } else if (IsIntegerTerm(t1)) { p = PutIntBBProp(IntegerOfTerm(t1), mod PASS_REGS); } else if (IsApplTerm(t1) && FunctorOfTerm(t1) == FunctorModule) { Term tmod = ArgOfTerm(1, t1); if (!IsVarTerm(tmod) ) { t1 = ArgOfTerm(2, t1); mod = tmod; goto restart; } else { Yap_Error(INSTANTIATION_ERROR, t1, msg); return(NULL); } } else { Yap_Error(TYPE_ERROR_ATOM, t1, msg); return(NULL); } return(p); } static BBProp FetchBBProp(Term t1, char *msg, Term mod) { BBProp p; restart: if (IsVarTerm(t1)) { Yap_Error(INSTANTIATION_ERROR, t1, msg); return(NULL); } if (IsAtomTerm(t1)) { p = GetBBProp(RepAtom(AtomOfTerm(t1)), mod); } else if (IsIntegerTerm(t1)) { p = GetIntBBProp(IntegerOfTerm(t1), mod); } else if (IsApplTerm(t1) && FunctorOfTerm(t1) == FunctorModule) { Term tmod = ArgOfTerm(1, t1); if (!IsVarTerm(tmod) ) { mod = tmod; t1 = ArgOfTerm(2, t1); goto restart; } else { Yap_Error(INSTANTIATION_ERROR, t1, msg); return(NULL); } } else { Yap_Error(TYPE_ERROR_ATOM, t1, msg); return(NULL); } return(p); } static Term BBPut(Term t0, Term t2) { if (!IsVarTerm(t0) && IsApplTerm(t0)) { Yap_ErLogUpdCl((LogUpdClause *)DBRefOfTerm(t0)); } if (IsVarTerm(t2) || IsAtomOrIntTerm(t2)) { return t2; } else { LogUpdClause *cl = Yap_new_ludbe(t2, NULL, 0); if (cl == NULL) { return 0L; } return MkDBRefTerm((DBRef)cl); } } /** @pred bb_put(+ _Key_,? _Term_) Store term table _Term_ in the blackboard under key _Key_. If a previous term was stored under key _Key_ it is simply forgotten. */ static Int p_bb_put( USES_REGS1 ) { Term t1 = Deref(ARG1); BBProp p = AddBBProp(t1, "bb_put/2", CurrentModule PASS_REGS); if (p == NULL) { return(FALSE); } WRITE_LOCK(p->BBRWLock); /* if (p->Element) fprintf(stderr,"putting %p, size %d\n", p, p->Element->NOfCells); */ p->Element = BBPut(p->Element, Deref(ARG2)); WRITE_UNLOCK(p->BBRWLock); return (p->Element != 0L); } static Term BBGet(Term t, UInt arity USES_REGS) { if (IsVarTerm(t)) { return MkVarTerm(); } else if (IsAtomOrIntTerm(t)) { return t; } else { return Yap_LUInstance((LogUpdClause *)DBRefOfTerm(t), arity); } } /** @pred bb_get(+ _Key_,? _Term_) Unify _Term_ with a term stored in the blackboard under key _Key_, or fail silently if no such term exists. */ static Int p_bb_get( USES_REGS1 ) { Term t1 = Deref(ARG1); BBProp p = FetchBBProp(t1, "bb_get/2", CurrentModule); Term out, t0; if (p == NULL || p->Element == 0L) return(FALSE); READ_LOCK(p->BBRWLock); /* if (p->Element) fprintf(stderr,"getting %p, size %d\n", p, p->Element->NOfCells); */ t0 = p->Element; READ_UNLOCK(p->BBRWLock); out = BBGet(t0, 2 PASS_REGS); return Yap_unify(ARG2,out); } /** @pred bb_delete(+ _Key_,? _Term_) Delete any term stored in the blackboard under key _Key_ and unify it with _Term_. Fail silently if no such term exists. */ static Int p_bb_delete( USES_REGS1 ) { Term t1 = Deref(ARG1); BBProp p; Term out; p = FetchBBProp(t1, "bb_delete/2", CurrentModule); if (p == NULL || p->Element == 0L) return(FALSE); WRITE_LOCK(p->BBRWLock); out = BBGet(p->Element, 2 PASS_REGS); if (!IsVarTerm(p->Element) && IsApplTerm(p->Element)) { Yap_ErLogUpdCl((LogUpdClause *)DBRefOfTerm(p->Element)); } p->Element = 0L; WRITE_UNLOCK(p->BBRWLock); return Yap_unify(ARG2,out); } /** @pred bb_update( +_Key_, ?_Term_, ?_New_) Atomically unify a term stored in the blackboard under key _Key_ with _Term_, and if the unification succeeds replace it by _New_. Fail silently if no such term exists or if unification fails. */ static Int p_bb_update( USES_REGS1 ) { Term t1 = Deref(ARG1); BBProp p; Term out; p = FetchBBProp(t1, "bb_update/3", CurrentModule); if (p == NULL || p->Element == 0L) return FALSE; WRITE_LOCK(p->BBRWLock); out = BBGet(p->Element, 3 PASS_REGS); if (!Yap_unify(out,ARG2)) { WRITE_UNLOCK(p->BBRWLock); return FALSE; } p->Element = BBPut(p->Element, Deref(ARG3)); WRITE_UNLOCK(p->BBRWLock); return (p->Element != 0L); } static Int p_resize_bb_int_keys( USES_REGS1 ) { Term t1 = Deref(ARG1); if (IsVarTerm(t1)) { return(Yap_unify(ARG1,MkIntegerTerm((Int)INT_BB_KEYS_SIZE))); } if (!IsIntegerTerm(t1)) { Yap_Error(TYPE_ERROR_INTEGER, t1, "yap_flag(resize_bb_int_keys,T)"); return(FALSE); } return(resize_bb_int_keys(IntegerOfTerm(t1))); } void Yap_InitBBPreds(void) { Yap_InitCPred("bb_put", 2, p_bb_put, 0); Yap_InitCPred("bb_get", 2, p_bb_get, 0); Yap_InitCPred("bb_delete", 2, p_bb_delete, 0); Yap_InitCPred("bb_update", 3, p_bb_update, 0); Yap_InitCPred("$resize_bb_int_keys", 1, p_resize_bb_int_keys, SafePredFlag|SyncPredFlag); } /** @} */