% random test generator for time.chr % thom fruehwirth LMU 961022 % call test(N) with small N /* Allens interval constraints type i-i [after, before, contains, during, equals, finished_by, finishes, meets, met_by, overlapped_by, overlaps, started_by, starts]. time point constraints type p-p [le,eq,ge] or any list of interval distances, e.g. [1-2,3-5, 6-11] point-interval constraints type p-i [before,starts,during,finishes,after] type i-p [after,started_by,contains,finished_by,before] set constraints type s-s not fully specified */ :- ( current_module( prolog) -> use_module( library('chr/getval')) ; true ). :- setval( rnd, 2183). rand( X) :- getval( rnd, X), pm_randstep( X, Y), setval( rnd, Y). % % Park Miller rnd % careful: 0,2147483647 is a fixpoint % pm_randstep( State0, State1) :- Hi is State0 // 44488, Lo is State0 mod 44488, Test is 48271*Lo - 3399*Hi, ( Test > 0 -> State1=Test ; State1 is Test+2147483647 ). pm_test :- pm_test( 10000, 1). pm_test( 0, S) :- !, S=399268537. pm_test( N, S) :- N1 is N-1, pm_randstep( S, T), pm_test( N1, T). cnstr1([after, before, contains, during, equals, finished_by, finishes, meets, met_by, overlapped_by, overlaps, started_by, starts], i-i). cnstr1([le,eq,ge],p-p):- rand(I), 0 is I mod 2. % fail sometimes to try more cnstr1([before,starts,during,finishes,after],p-i). cnstr1([after,started_by,contains,finished_by,before],i-p). cnstr(L,T):- cnstr1(L1,T), rand(I), 0 is I mod 2, random_list(L1,L). cnstr(L,p-p):- rand(I), J is (I mod 20)+10, length(L,J), pair_list(L1,L), rand(X), Y is (X mod 100)-50, L1=[Y|_], random_list(L1). random_list([],[]). random_list([N|L],R):- rand(X), 0 is (X mod 3), !, random_list(L,R). random_list([N|L],[N|R]):- random_list(L,R). random_list([]). random_list([N]). random_list([N,Y|L]):- rand(X), Y is N+(X mod 10), random_list([Y|L]). pair_list([],[]). pair_list([N,M|L],[N-M|R]):- pair_list(L,R). gen_cnstr([]). gen_cnstr([_]). gen_cnstr([X-A,Y-B|L]):- T=A-B, cnstr(L1,T), % arc(X,Y,L1,T), write(arc(X,Y,L1,T)),write(','), nl, gen_cnstr([Y-B|L]). all_cnstr([]). all_cnstr([_]). all_cnstr(L):- L=[_,_|_], random_list(L,L1), gen_cnstr(L1), all_cnstr(L1). test(N):- length(L,N), %T=[p,p,p,p,p,i,p,p,i,i,i,i,p,i,p,i,p,i,p,p,p,p|T], getval( rnd, Seed), print( redo_with(Seed)), nl, gen_cnstr(L), all_cnstr(L), nl, css( Css), nl, pl( Css), fail. css( Css) :- current_module( prolog), % SICStus !, findall_constraints( _, C), cs( C, Cs), sort( Cs, Css). css( Css) :- current_module( eclipse), findall( C, chr_get_constraint(C), Cs), sort( Cs, Css). cs( [], []). cs( [C#_|Cs], [C|Ts]) :- cs( Cs, Ts). pl( []). pl( [C|Cs]) :- print( C), write(','), nl, pl( Cs). /* arc(_231,_226,[34-43,52-55,62-68,72-79,84-85,93-93,100-102,103-108,114-120,124-132,135-144,149-158,165-173,174-180,187-196,204-204,209-217,223-225,229-230,237-243,249-250,256-260,263-270],p-p), arc(_226,_6963,[le],p-p), arc(_231,_226,[28-33,38-45,45-54,59-64,64-68,71-71,78-86,92-100,103-104,109-109,116-116,122-129,138-139,146-149,149-158,159-167,167-172],p-p), arc(_231,_226,[-22- -14,-12- -4,-3-2,11-20,27-33,37-38,47-49,49-51,51-54,62-70,72-77,81-83,87-95,98-105,109-115,124-129,134-140,149-158,167-175,179-181,184-189,189-194,195-195],p-p), arc(_231,_226,[le,ge],p-p), arc(_231,_226,[28-35,42-50,59-60,63-69,78-81,81-82,85-92,95-97,98-100,102-107,107-114,114-114,115-123,127-130,138-143,148-151,151-155,163-170,172-179,183-184,186-190,192-198,206-206,206-213,217-217,218-223,226-227,230-232],p-p) */