  LPAD and CP-Logic interpreter

Copyright (c) 2007, Fabrizio Riguzzi

This package uses the library cudd, see http://vlsi.colorado.edu/~fabio/CUDD/
for the relative license.

#include "config.h"
#include "cudd/util.h"
#include "cudd/cuddInt.h"
#include "cudd/mtr.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cuddInt.h"
#include "mtr.h"
#include "YapInterface.h"
typedef struct
  int var,value;
} factor;

typedef struct
  int nFact;
  factor * factors;
} term;

typedef struct
  int nTerms;
  term * terms;
} expr;

typedef struct
  int nVal,nBit;
  double * probabilities;
  DdNode * * booleanVars;
} variable;

typedef struct
  int nVar;
  int nBVar;
  variable * varar;
  int * bVar2mVar;
} variables;

typedef struct 
  DdNode *key;
  double value;
} rowel;

typedef struct  
  int cnt;
  rowel *row;
} tablerow;

variables createVars(YAP_Term t,DdManager * mgr, int create_dot, 
  char inames[1000][20]);
expr createExpression(YAP_Term t);
void init_my_predicates(void);

DdNode * retFunction(DdManager * mgr, expr expression,variables v);
DdNode * retTerm(DdManager * mgr,term t,variables v);
DdNode * retFactor(DdManager * mgr, factor f, variables v);

double Prob(DdNode *node, variables vars,tablerow * nodes);

double ProbBool(DdNode *node, int bits, int nBit,int posBVar,variable v,
  int mVarIndex,
  variables vars,tablerow * nodes, int comp);

tablerow* init_table(int nbvars);
double * get_value(tablerow *tab,  DdNode *node);
void add_node(tablerow *tab, DdNode *node, double value);
void destroy_table(tablerow *tab, int nbvars);