#ifdef MULTI_ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLES /* Set of routines to allow restoring updatable variables when we go *up* in the tree. Required by copying, SBA, and tabling. Not required by ACOW. */ #ifndef OPT_MAVAR_STATIC #define OPT_MAVAR_STATIC inline static #endif #define MAVARS_HASH_SIZE 512 typedef struct ma_h_entry { CELL* addr; struct ma_h_entry *next; } ma_h_inner_struct; typedef struct { UInt timestmp; struct ma_h_entry val; } ma_hash_entry; extern ma_hash_entry ma_hash_table[MAVARS_HASH_SIZE]; extern UInt timestamp; /* an unsigned int */ OPT_MAVAR_STATIC unsigned int MAVAR_HASH(CELL *); OPT_MAVAR_STATIC struct ma_h_entry *ALLOC_NEW_MASPACE(void); OPT_MAVAR_STATIC int lookup_ma_var(CELL *); OPT_MAVAR_STATIC UInt NEW_MAHASH(ma_h_inner_struct *); OPT_MAVAR_STATIC unsigned int MAVAR_HASH(CELL *addr) { #if SIZEOF_INT_P==8 return((((unsigned int)((CELL)(addr)))>>3)%MAVARS_HASH_SIZE); #else return((((unsigned int)((CELL)(addr)))>>2)%MAVARS_HASH_SIZE); #endif } extern ma_h_inner_struct *ma_h_top; OPT_MAVAR_STATIC struct ma_h_entry * ALLOC_NEW_MASPACE(void) { ma_h_inner_struct *new = ma_h_top; ma_h_top++; return(new); } OPT_MAVAR_STATIC int lookup_ma_var(CELL *addr) { unsigned int i = MAVAR_HASH(addr); struct ma_h_entry *nptr, *optr; if (ma_hash_table[i].timestmp != timestamp) { ma_hash_table[i].timestmp = timestamp; ma_hash_table[i].val.addr = addr; ma_hash_table[i].val.next = NULL; return(FALSE); } if (ma_hash_table[i].val.addr == addr) return(TRUE); optr = &(ma_hash_table[i].val); nptr = ma_hash_table[i].val.next; while (nptr != NULL) { if (nptr->addr == addr) { return(TRUE); } optr = nptr; nptr = nptr->next; } nptr = ALLOC_NEW_MASPACE(); nptr->addr = addr; nptr->next = optr; return(FALSE); } OPT_MAVAR_STATIC UInt NEW_MAHASH(ma_h_inner_struct *top) { UInt time = ++timestamp; if (time == 0) { unsigned int i; /* damn, we overflowed */ for (i = 0; i < MAVARS_HASH_SIZE; i++) ma_hash_table[i].timestmp = 0; time = ++timestamp; } ma_h_top = top; return(time); } #endif /* MULTI_ASSIGNMENT_VARIABLES */