================================================================ Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language Release 2.30.7 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. ================================================================ This directory contains files that provides basic syntax coloring for editing Logtalk source files with Crimson Editor V3.60 or later version: http://www.crimsoneditor.com/ To install these files do the following: 1. Copy the files extension.lgt, extension.loader, and extension.config to the "link" folder on the Crimson installation directory. 2. Copy the files logtalk.key and logtalk.spc to the "spec" folder on the Crimson installation directory. Note: The Crimson installation directory is usually: C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor Logtalk source files (including the programming examples) are usually formatted using four-space tabs; you may set the tab width on the editor preference panel. THESE SYNTAX COLORING SUPPORT FILES ARE UNDER DEVELOPMENT.