================================================================ Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language Release 2.30.2 Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved. ================================================================ To load this example and for sample queries, please see the SCRIPT file. You will also need to load the following files in the library directory: dates_loader, types_loader, events_loader, metapredicates_loader, and hierarchies_loader. Alternatively, you can just load the library all_loader file. Some of the code in this folder is adopted, with permission, from the book "Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence" by Ivan Bratko. For a description of the search problems, please see a classical AI book (such as the one above) or visit the url . This example defines two hierarchies of objects, one for representing state-spaces and another for representing search methods: state_space farmer water_jug salt(Quantity, Measure1, Measure2) heuristic_state_space bridge eight_puzzle miss_cann search_strategy blind_search(Bound) breadth_first(Bound) depth_first(Bound) heuristic_search(Threshold) best_first(Threshold) hill_climbing(Threshold) Taken together, these two hierarchies implement a framework for solving state-space search problems in Logtalk. There is also a monitor object, "performance", which tries to measure the time taken to find a solution, the branching factor while searching for a solution, and the number of transitions made to find a solution.