Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog
Release 2.25.1

Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Paulo Moura.  All Rights Reserved.

This folder contains supporting files for converting and/or indexing XML 
documentation files (which are created when compiling objects, categories, 
or protocols) to PDF files or (X)HTML files using XSL style sheets. The 
documentation files may also be viewed directly on a web browser that 
supports the W3C standards XML, XSLT, CSS, and HTML 4 or XHTML 1.0.

The scripts provided in this folder are just samples, which you should adapt 
to your working environment. Some scripts expect that all files be in the 
same directory. Some others should be called from the directory containing 
the XML documenting files that you wish to convert. See the description of 
each script below for details.


Regarding conversion to HTML/XHTML, the links to the .xsl files on the 
.xml files and the links to the .css files in the generated .html files 
assume that all files reside in the same directory.

The choice of the default .xsl file to use is made in the config files by 
the '$lgt_default_flag'/2 predicate. You may also choose a different 
.xsl file by using the xsl/1 compiler flag in the logtalk_compile/2 or 
logtalk_load/2 calls. The default file is lgtxml.xsl (described below).

The documenting files can be either generated as standalone XML files or 
contain a reference to either the Logtalk DTD file, logtalk.dtd, or to 
the Logtalk XML Schema file, logtalk.xsd. The reference to the XML 
specification file can be either a local reference or a URI reference. By 
default, all .xml documenting files contain a local reference but that 
can be changed either in the config files, by setting a Logtalk compiler 
flag, or by using the doctype/1 compiler flag. Choose the option value 
that works best with your XSLT tools. To choose between the .dtd or .xsd 
specifications use the xmlspec/1 compiler flag.

As Logtalk uses a single namespace for all objects, categories, and protocols,
it is advisable that you define an alternate compilation directory to store 
all the XML documenting files (see the predicate '$lgt_alt_directory'/2 on the
config files). This will ensure proper working of links to other entities in 
the generated (X)HTML files.

Brief description of each file in this folder:


	XSLT file for viewing .xml files directly in in a browser such as Safari 
	(version 1.3 or later), Firefox 1.0.x, Mozilla (version 0.9.2 or later), 
	or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 for Windows (after installing the 
	latest Microsoft XML Parser Release that is needed for XSL standard 
	compliance). The links in the (internally generated) HTML files point to 
	related XML files. UTF-8 encoding is assumed. Edit the file if you use a 
	different encoding.


	XSLT file to output HTML files from the .xml files. The links in the
	generated HTML files point to related HTML files. It can be used to 
	batch convert XML files to HTML files. UTF-8 encoding is assumed. Edit 
	the file if you use a different encoding.


	XSLT file to output XHTML 1.0 files from the .xml files. The links in 
	the generated XHTML files point to related XHTML files. It can be used 
	to batch convert XML files to XHTML files. UTF-8 encoding is assumed. 
	Edit the file if you use a different encoding.


	XSLT files to generate PDF files from the XML files (formatted either 
	for A4 paper or US Letter paper) using XSL Formatting Objects. Tested 
	with the XSL-FO processors Apache FOP 0.20.5 (http://xml.apache.org/fop), 
	PassiveTeX 1.21 (http://www.tei-c.org.uk/Software/passivetex/), and 
	RenderX 3.7.8 (http://www.renderx.com/).


	XSLT file for viewing .xml files in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x 
	(using the outdated Microsoft XML Parser; works with both Macintosh 
	and Windows versions). The links in the (internally generated) HTML 
	files point to related XML files. It can be used to browse and view 
	the XML files directly.


	Document type description describing the structure of the .xml files
	generated by Logtalk.


	XML Schema describing the structure of the .xml files generated by 


	Cascade style sheet file to render the HTML/XHTML output of the .xsl 
	files in a web browser.

	(bash shell script)
	(JScript command-line script for Windows; requires WSH 5.6 or later version)

	Sample scripts to batch convert .xml files to .pdf files

	Supported XSL-FO processors:
		* Apache FOP processor (tested with version 0.20.5)
		* RenderX XEP processor (tested with version 3.8.1)

	When using the FOP, compile your Logtalk source files using the compiler 
	option doctype(standalone) in order to workaround a bug on the XALAN 
	processor used by this processor.

	These script assumes that the LOGTALKUSER environment variable is defined
	and that the chosen XSL-FO processor is available in the path.
	The scripts should be called from the directory containing the .xml files 
	you wish to convert. Call the scripts with the help option for a description 
	of the available optional parameters (type "cscript lgt2pdf.js help" or 
	"lgt2pdf.sh -h"; depending on your Logtalk installation, you may simply need 
	to type "lgt2pdf" in order to run the script).

	(bash shell script)
	(JScript command-line script for Windows; requires WSH 5.6 or later version)

	Sample scripts to batch convert .xml files to .html files. These scripts 
	also generate an index.html file which contains links to all the converted 
	Supported XSLT processors:
		* libxslt (tested with version 1.1.8)
		* Xalan (tested with version 1.7.0)
		* Sablotron (tested with version 1.0.1)
		* Microsoft MSXSL (only for the Windows JScript script)

	These scripts assumes that the LOGTALKUSER environment variable is defined 
	and that the chosen XSLT processor is available in the path.

	The scripts should be called from the directory containing the .xml files 
	you wish to convert. Call the scripts with the help option for a description 
	of the available optional parameters (type "cscript lgt2html.js help" or 
	"lgt2html.sh -h"; depending on your Logtalk installation, you may simply 
	need to type "lgt2html" in order to run the script).

	(bash shell script)
	(JScript command-line script for Windows; requires WSH 5.6 or later version)

	Sample scripts for indexing the .xml files in the current directory by 
	generating an index.html file which contains links to all the files. In 
	addition, these scripts also make a copy of the lgtxml.xsl file to the
	current directory, allowing direct visualization of the .xml files on a 
	supported web browser.

	These scripts assumes that the LOGTALKUSER environment variable is defined.

	The scripts should be called from the directory containing the .xml files 
	you wish to index. Call the scripts with the help option for a description 
	of the available optional parameters (type "cscript lgt2xml.js help" or 
	"lgt2xml.sh -h"; depending on your Logtalk installation, you may simply 
	need to type "lgt2xml" in order to run the script).

Note that you can write other XSL files for converting the XML files to other 
formats besides PDF or (X)HTML. You can also write alternative CSS and XSL 
files to change the appearance of the (X)HTML and PDF files.

============================== OUTDATED SCRIPTS ==============================


	Sample Unix shell scripts to batch convert .xml files to .html files. These 
	scripts also generates an index.html file which contains links to all the 
	converted files. The title of the index.html file can be given as a parameter 
	to the script. Edit the scripts to match your environment before running them. 
	Requires James Clark XT XSLT processor 20020426a or later version 
	(http://www.jclark.com/xml/). You will need either to copy your .xml files to 
	this directory or to copy these files to the directory where the .xml files 


	Sample Windows NT batch script to convert .xml files to .html files.
	The script also generates an index.html file that contains links to all 
	converted files. The title of the index.html can be given as a parameter 
	to the script. Edit the script to match your environment before running 
	it and to chose between HTML or XHTML output. Requires James Clark XT 
	XSLT processor 20020426a or later version (http://www.jclark.com/xml/).
	You will need either to copy your .xml files to this directory or to copy 
	these files to the directory where the .xml files reside.


	Sample DOS batch script to convert .xml files to .html files. Edit the 
	script to match your environment before running it and to chose between 
	HTML or XHTML output. Requires James Clark XT XSLT processor 20020426a 
	or later version (http://www.jclark.com/xml/). You will need either to 
	copy your .xml files to this directory or to copy these files to the 
	directory where the .xml files reside.


	Sample Unix shell script to batch convert .xml files to .pdf files.
	Edit the script to match your environment and paper format preference 
	before running it. Requires Apache FOP processor (http://xml.apache.org/fop).
	Tested with version 0.20.5 (to workaround a bug on the XALAN processor used 
	by FOP, you should use the compiler flag doctype(standalone) when compiling 
	your Logtalk source files). You will need either to copy your .xml files to 
	this directory or to copy these files to the directory where the .xml files 


	Sample DOS batch script to convert .xml files to .pdf files.
	Edit the script to match your environment and paper format preference 
	before running it. Requires Apache FOP processor (http://xml.apache.org/fop).
	Tested with version 0.20.5 (to workaround a bug on the XALAN processor used 
	by FOP, you should use the compiler flag doctype(standalone) when compiling 
	your Logtalk source files). You will need either to copy your .xml files to 
	this directory or to copy these files to the directory where the .xml files 