.TH SWI 1 "March 8, 2000" .SH NAME dtd2pl \- Convert SGML DTD files to Prolog .SH SYNOPSIS .BR dtd2pl .I "dtd-file" .br .SH DESCRIPTION The Program .BI dtd2pl Provides a crude translation of an SGML DTD files into a Prolog database. Curently a DTD is translated into a Prolog .B module named .IR "_dtd" "." This module does no export any predicates. The DTD is represented using the following predicates. .SH Predicates .TP .BI "element(" "Name," " omit(" "Open, Close" ")," " Content" ")" .TP .BI "include(" "Element, Included" ")" .TP .BI "exclude(" "Element, Excluded" ")" .TP .BI "attribute(" "Element, Name, Type, Default" ")" .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .BI "SGML_CATALOG_FILES " "file" ":" "file ..." Catalog files are used to resolve .B PUBLIC identifiers of external .B entities. .SH BUGS Lacks many options to tailor the output to a specific needs. .SH AUTHOR Jan Wielemaker, SWI, University of Amsterdam .SH "SEE ALSO" .I pl(1) plld(1) .I SWI-Prolog 3.1 Reference Manual, University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Social Science and Informatics (SWI). .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1991-1998, Jan Wielemaker .SH AUTHOR Jan Wielemaker