from __future__ import print_function import signal import yap import io import getpass import sys import traceback from IPython.core import release from ipython_genutils.py3compat import builtin_mod, PY3, unicode_type, safe_unicode from IPython.utils.tokenutil import token_at_cursor, line_at_cursor from traitlets import Instance, Type, Any, List from ipykernel.comm import CommManager from ipykernel.kernelbase import Kernel as KernelBase from ipykernel.zmqshell import ZMQInteractiveShell from .interactiveshell import YAPInteractiveShell from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShellABC, InteractiveShell from contextlib import redirect_stdout kernel_json = { "argv": [sys.executable, "-m", "yap_kernel", "-f", "{connection_file}"], "display_name": " YAP-6.3", "language": "prolog", "name": "yap_kernel", } def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) class YAPKernel(KernelBase): shell = Instance('IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShellABC', allow_none=True) shell_class = Type(ZMQInteractiveShell ) user_ns = Instance(dict, args=None, allow_none=True) def _user_ns_changed(self, name, old, new): if is not None: = new # A reference to the Python builtin 'raw_input' function. # (i.e., __builtin__.raw_input for Python 2.7, builtins.input for Python 3) _sys_raw_input = Any() _sys_eval_input = Any() implementation = 'YAP Kernel' implementation_version = '1.0' language = 'text' language_version = '6.3' banner = "YAP-6.3" language_info = { 'mimetype': 'text/prolog', 'name': 'text', # ------ If different from 'language': 'codemirror_mode': { "version": 2, "name": "prolog" }, 'pygments_lexer': 'prolog', 'version': "0.0.1", 'file_extension': '.yap', } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Things related to history management #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, **kwargs): # sp = super(YAPKernel, self) super(YAPKernel, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Initialize the InteractiveShell subclass = self.shell_class.instance(parent=self, profile_dir = self.profile_dir, user_ns = self.user_ns, kernel = self, ) = self.session = self.iopub_socket = self._topic('execute_result') = self.session = self.iopub_socket self.comm_manager = CommManager(parent=self, kernel=self) # = None comm_msg_types = [ 'comm_open', 'comm_msg', 'comm_close' ] for msg_type in comm_msg_types: self.shell_handlers[msg_type] = getattr(self.comm_manager, msg_type) self.yap_shell = YAPInteractiveShell( self ) def get_usage(self): return "This is the YAP kernel." help_links = List([ { 'text': "Python", 'url': "" % sys.version_info[:2], }, { 'text': "YAP", 'url': "", }, { 'text': "NumPy", 'url': "", }, { 'text': "SciPy", 'url': "", }, { 'text': "Matplotlib", 'url': "", }, { 'text': "SymPy", 'url': "", }, { 'text': "pandas", 'url': "", }, ]).tag(config=True) # Kernel info fields implementation = 'YAP' implementation_version = release.version language_info = { 'name': 'prolog', 'version': sys.version.split()[0], 'mimetype': 'text/x-prolog', 'codemirror_mode': { 'name': 'prolog', 'version': sys.version_info[0] }, 'pygments_lexer': 'prolog', 'nbconvert_exporter': 'python', 'file_extension': '.yap' } @property def banner(self): return def start(self): = False super(YAPKernel, self).start() def set_parent(self, ident, parent): """Overridden from parent to tell the display hook and output streams about the parent message. """ super(YAPKernel, self).set_parent(ident, parent) def init_metadata(self, parent): """Initialize metadata. Run at the beginning of each execution request. """ md = super(YAPKernel, self).init_metadata(parent) # FIXME: remove deprecated ipyparallel-specific code # This is required for ipyparallel < 5.0 md.update({ 'dependencies_met' : True, 'engine' : self.ident, }) return md def finish_metadata(self, parent, metadata, reply_content): """Finish populating metadata. Run after completing an execution request. """ # FIXME: remove deprecated ipyparallel-specific code # This is required by ipyparallel < 5.0 metadata['status'] = reply_content['status'] if reply_content['status'] == 'error' and reply_content['ename'] == 'UnmetDependency': metadata['dependencies_met'] = False return metadata def _forward_input(self, allow_stdin=False): """Forward raw_input and getpass to the current frontend. via input_request """ self._allow_stdin = allow_stdin if PY3: self._sys_raw_input = builtin_mod.input builtin_mod.input = self.raw_input else: self._sys_raw_input = builtin_mod.raw_input self._sys_eval_input = builtin_mod.input builtin_mod.raw_input = self.raw_input builtin_mod.input = lambda prompt='': eval(self.raw_input(prompt)) self._save_getpass = getpass.getpass getpass.getpass = self.getpass def _restore_input(self): """Restore raw_input, getpass""" if PY3: builtin_mod.input = self._sys_raw_input else: builtin_mod.raw_input = self._sys_raw_input builtin_mod.input = self._sys_eval_input getpass.getpass = self._save_getpass @property def execution_count(self): return @execution_count.setter def execution_count(self, value): # Ignore the incrememnting done by KernelBase, in favour of our shell's # execution counter. pass def do_execute(self, code, silent, store_history=True, user_expressions=None, allow_stdin=False): shell = # we'll need this a lot here self._forward_input(allow_stdin) reply_content = {} try: res = shell.run_cell(code, store_history=store_history, silent=silent) finally: self._restore_input() if res.error_before_exec is not None: err = res.error_before_exec else: err = res.error_in_exec if res.success: reply_content[u'status'] = u'ok' elif isinstance(err, KeyboardInterrupt): reply_content[u'status'] = u'aborted' else: reply_content[u'status'] = u'error' reply_content.update({ # u'traceback': shell._last_traceback or [], u'ename': unicode_type(type(err).__name__), u'evalue': safe_unicode(err), }) # FIXME: deprecate piece for ipyparallel: e_info = dict(engine_uuid=self.ident, engine_id=self.int_id, method='execute') reply_content['engine_info'] = e_info # Return the execution counter so clients can display prompts reply_content['execution_count'] = shell.execution_count - 1 if 'traceback' in reply_content:"Exception in execute request:\n%s", '\n'.join(reply_content['traceback'])) # At this point, we can tell whether the main code execution succeeded # or not. If it did, we proceed to evaluate user_expressions if reply_content['status'] == 'ok': reply_content[u'user_expressions'] = \ shell.user_expressions(user_expressions or {}) else: # If there was an error, don't even try to compute expressions reply_content[u'user_expressions'] = {} # Payloads should be retrieved regardless of outcome, so we can both # recover partial output (that could have been generated early in a # block, before an error) and always clear the payload system. reply_content[u'payload'] = shell.payload_manager.read_payload() # Be aggressive about clearing the payload because we don't want # it to sit in memory until the next execute_request comes in. shell.payload_manager.clear_payload() return reply_content def do_complete(self, code, cursor_pos): # FIXME: YAP completers currently assume single line, # but completion messages give multi-line context # For now, extract line from cell, based on cursor_pos: if cursor_pos is None: cursor_pos = len(code) line, offset = line_at_cursor(code, cursor_pos) line_cursor = cursor_pos - offset txt, matches ='', line, line_cursor) return {'matches' : matches, 'cursor_end' : cursor_pos, 'cursor_start' : cursor_pos - len(txt), 'metadata' : {}, 'status' : 'ok'} def do_inspect(self, code, cursor_pos, detail_level=0): name = token_at_cursor(code, cursor_pos) info = reply_content = {'status' : 'ok'} reply_content['data'] = data = {} reply_content['metadata'] = {} reply_content['found'] = info['found'] if info['found']: info_text = name, detail_level=detail_level, ) data['text/plain'] = info_text return reply_content def do_history(self, hist_access_type, output, raw, session=0, start=0, stop=None, n=None, pattern=None, unique=False): if hist_access_type == 'tail': hist =, raw=raw, output=output, include_latest=True) elif hist_access_type == 'range': hist =, start, stop, raw=raw, output=output) elif hist_access_type == 'search': hist = pattern, raw=raw, output=output, n=n, unique=unique) else: hist = [] return { 'status': 'ok', 'history' : list(hist), } def do_shutdown(self, restart): = True return dict(status='ok', restart=restart) def do_is_complete(self, code): status, indent_spaces = r = {'status': status} if status == 'incomplete': r['indent'] = ' ' * indent_spaces return r def do_apply(self, content, bufs, msg_id, reply_metadata): from .serialize import serialize_object, unpack_apply_message shell = try: working = shell.user_ns prefix = "_"+str(msg_id).replace("-","")+"_" f,args,kwargs = unpack_apply_message(bufs, working, copy=False) fname = getattr(f, '__name__', 'f') fname = prefix+"f" argname = prefix+"args" kwargname = prefix+"kwargs" resultname = prefix+"result" ns = { fname : f, argname : args, kwargname : kwargs , resultname : None } # print ns working.update(ns) code = "%s = %s(*%s,**%s)" % (resultname, fname, argname, kwargname) try: exec(code, shell.user_global_ns, shell.user_ns) result = working.get(resultname) finally: for key in ns: working.pop(key) result_buf = serialize_object(result, buffer_threshold=self.session.buffer_threshold, item_threshold=self.session.item_threshold, ) except BaseException as e: # invoke YAP traceback formatting shell.showtraceback() reply_content = { u'traceback': shell._last_traceback or [], u'ename': unicode_type(type(e).__name__), u'evalue': safe_unicode(e), } # FIXME: deprecate piece for ipyparallel: e_info = dict(engine_uuid=self.ident, engine_id=self.int_id, method='apply') reply_content['engine_info'] = e_info self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, u'error', reply_content, ident=self._topic('error'))"Exception in apply request:\n%s", '\n'.join(reply_content['traceback'])) result_buf = [] reply_content['status'] = 'error' else: reply_content = {'status' : 'ok'} return reply_content, result_buf def do_clear(self): return dict(status='ok')