include (Sources) # include_directories (H H/generated include os OPTYap utf8proc JIT/HPP) include_directories (BEFORE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) #utf-8 is not an option # we use the nice UTF-8 package #available at the Julia project include_directories ( utf8proc ) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY ( utf8proc ) find_package (GMP) macro_log_feature (GMP_FOUND "GNU libgmp (in some cases MPIR" "GNU big integers and rationals" "") set(YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS "big_numbers " ${YAP_SYSTEM_OPTIONS}) if (GMP_FOUND) # GMP_FOUND - true if GMP/MPIR was found # GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS - include search path # GMP_LIBRARIES - libraries to link with # GMP_LIBRARY_DLL - library DLL to install. Only available on WIN32. # GMP_LIBRARIES_DIR - the directory the library we link with is found in. include_directories (${GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) #add_executable(test ${SOURCES}) add_library(libGMP SHARED IMPORTED GLOBAL) set_target_properties(libGMP PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${GMP_LIBRARIES}) #config.h needs this (TODO: change in code latter) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES} ${GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) endif (GMP_FOUND) include( Threads ) # # include OS and I/o stuff # # convenience libraries # OPTYap exports important flags # add_subDIRECTORY (OPTYap) add_subDIRECTORY (packages/myddas) add_subDIRECTORY (os) #bootstrap and saved state add_subDIRECTORY (pl) #C++ interface add_subDIRECTORY (CXX) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(swi/library) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(library)