:- use_module(library(python)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- python_import('MySQLdb'). :- initialization(main). main :- python_import(pyx), ex(X), flush_output, fail. main. ex(open) :- connect, % execute SQL query using execute() method. := $cursor:execute('SELECT VERSION()'), % Fetch a single row using fetchone() method. Data := cursor:fetchone(_), Data = t(Version), format( "Database version : ~a~n ", [ Version ]), close. ex(create) :- connect, % Drop table if it already exist using execute() method. := $cursor:execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS EMPLOYEE'), % Create table as per requirement sql := 'CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( FIRST_NAME CHAR(20) NOT NULL, LAST_NAME CHAR(20), AGE INT, SEX CHAR(1), INCOME FLOAT )', := $cursor:execute($sql), close. ex(insert) :- connect, % Prepare SQL query to INSERT a record into the database. catch(add, _, rollback), close. add :- customer(First, Last, Age, Sex, Income), format(atom(Sql), 'INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE(FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, AGE, SEX, INCOME) VALUES (\'~a\', \'~a\', ~d, \'~a\', ~g)', [ First, Last, Age, Sex, Income ]), % Execute the SQL command := $cursor:execute(Sql), fail. add :- % Commit your changes in the database := $db:commit(_). rollback :- := db:rollback(_). connect :- db := connect('localhost','testuser','test123','TESTDB' ), := $db:set_character_set('utf8'), % prepare a cursor object using cursor() method cursor := db:cursor(_), := $cursor:execute('SET NAMES utf8;'), := $cursor:execute('SET CHARACTER SET utf8;'), := $cursor:execute('SET character_set_connection=utf8;'). close :- % disconnect from server := db:close(_). % Open database connection ex(read) :- connect, % Prepare SQL query to SELECT a record from the database. sql := 'SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE \ WHERE INCOME > 1000', catch(try, _, except), close. try:- % Execute the SQL command := $cursor:execute($sql), % Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. Results := $cursor:fetchall(_), Results =.. [_|LResults], member(t(Fname, Lname, Age, Sex, Income), LResults), % Now print fetched result format("fname=~a, lname=~a, age=~d, sex=~a, income=~g~n", [Fname, Lname, Age, Sex, Income ]), fail. try. except:- format('Error: unable to fecth data', []). % disconnect from server customer('João', 'Matos', 40, 'M', 2000). customer('Maria', 'Söderling', 20, 'F', 3000). %customer('毛', '泽东', 44, 'M', 500). %customer('রবীন্দ্রনাথ', 'ঠাকুর', 30, 'M', 8000).