#include <queue> #include <fstream> #include "ConstraintTree.h" #include "Util.h" void CTNode::mergeSubtree (CTNode* n, bool updateLevels) { if (updateLevels) { updateChildLevels (n, level_ + 1); } CTChilds::iterator chIt = childs_.find (n); if (chIt != childs_.end()) { assert ((*chIt)->symbol() == n->symbol()); const CTChilds& childsToAdd = n->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator it = childsToAdd.begin(); it != childsToAdd.end(); ++ it) { (*chIt)->mergeSubtree (*it, false); } delete n; } else { childs_.insert (n); } } void CTNode::removeChild (CTNode* child) { assert (childs_.contains (child)); childs_.remove (child); } void CTNode::removeChilds (void) { childs_.clear(); } void CTNode::removeAndDeleteChild (CTNode* child) { removeChild (child); CTNode::deleteSubtree (child); } void CTNode::removeAndDeleteAllChilds (void) { for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs_.begin(); chIt != childs_.end(); ++ chIt) { deleteSubtree (*chIt); } childs_.clear(); } SymbolSet CTNode::childSymbols (void) const { SymbolSet symbols; for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs_.begin(); chIt != childs_.end(); ++ chIt) { symbols.insert ((*chIt)->symbol()); } return symbols; } void CTNode::updateChildLevels (CTNode* n, unsigned level) { CTNodes stack; stack.push_back (n); n->setLevel (level); while (stack.empty() == false) { CTNode* node = stack.back(); stack.pop_back(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = node->childs().begin(); chIt != node->childs().end(); ++ chIt) { (*chIt)->setLevel (node->level() + 1); } stack.insert (stack.end(), node->childs().begin(), node->childs().end()); } } CTNode* CTNode::copySubtree (const CTNode* root1) { if (root1->childs().empty()) { return new CTNode (*root1); } CTNode* root2 = new CTNode (*root1); typedef pair<const CTNode*, CTNode*> StackPair; vector<StackPair> stack = { StackPair (root1, root2) }; while (stack.empty() == false) { const CTNode* n1 = stack.back().first; CTNode* n2 = stack.back().second; stack.pop_back(); n2->childs().reserve (n1->nrChilds()); stack.reserve (n1->nrChilds()); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = n1->childs().begin(); chIt != n1->childs().end(); ++ chIt) { CTNode* chCopy = new CTNode (**chIt); n2->childs().insert_sorted (chCopy); if ((*chIt)->nrChilds() != 0) { stack.push_back (StackPair (*chIt, chCopy)); } } } return root2; } void CTNode::deleteSubtree (CTNode* n) { assert (n); const CTChilds& childs = n->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin(); chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) { deleteSubtree (*chIt); } delete n; } ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, const CTNode& n) { out << "(" << n.level() << ") " ; out << n.symbol(); return out; } ConstraintTree::ConstraintTree (unsigned nrLvs) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < nrLvs; i++) { logVars_.push_back (LogVar (i)); } root_ = new CTNode (0, 0); logVarSet_ = LogVarSet (logVars_); } ConstraintTree::ConstraintTree (const LogVars& logVars) { root_ = new CTNode (0, 0); logVars_ = logVars; logVarSet_ = LogVarSet (logVars); } ConstraintTree::ConstraintTree ( const LogVars& logVars, const Tuples& tuples) { root_ = new CTNode (0, 0); logVars_ = logVars; logVarSet_ = LogVarSet (logVars); for (size_t i = 0; i < tuples.size(); i++) { addTuple (tuples[i]); } } ConstraintTree::ConstraintTree (const ConstraintTree& ct) { root_ = CTNode::copySubtree (ct.root_); logVars_ = ct.logVars_; logVarSet_ = ct.logVarSet_; } ConstraintTree::~ConstraintTree (void) { CTNode::deleteSubtree (root_); } void ConstraintTree::addTuple (const Tuple& tuple) { CTNode* prevNode = root_; for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) { CTChilds::const_iterator it = prevNode->findSymbol (tuple[i]); if (it == prevNode->childs().end()) { CTNode* newNode = new CTNode (tuple[i], i + 1); prevNode->mergeSubtree (newNode, false); prevNode = newNode; } else { prevNode = *it; } } } bool ConstraintTree::containsTuple (const Tuple& tuple) { CTNode* prevNode = root_; for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) { CTChilds::const_iterator it = prevNode->findSymbol (tuple[i]); if (it == prevNode->childs().end()) { return false; } else { prevNode = *it; } } return true; } void ConstraintTree::moveToTop (const LogVars& lvs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < lvs.size(); i++) { size_t pos = Util::indexOf (logVars_, lvs[i]); assert (pos != logVars_.size()); for (size_t j = pos; j-- > i; ) { swapLogVar (logVars_[j]); } } } void ConstraintTree::moveToBottom (const LogVars& lvs) { for (size_t i = lvs.size(); i-- > 0; ) { size_t pos = Util::indexOf (logVars_, lvs[i]); assert (pos != logVars_.size()); size_t stop = logVars_.size() - (lvs.size() - i - 1); for (size_t j = pos; j < stop - 1; j++) { swapLogVar (logVars_[j]); } } } void ConstraintTree::join (ConstraintTree* ct, bool oneTwoOne) { if (logVarSet_.empty()) { CTNode::deleteSubtree (root_); root_ = CTNode::copySubtree (ct->root()); logVars_ = ct->logVars(); logVarSet_ = ct->logVarSet(); return; } if (oneTwoOne) { if (logVarSet_.contains (ct->logVarSet())) { return; } if (ct->logVarSet().contains (logVarSet_)) { CTNode::deleteSubtree (root_); root_ = CTNode::copySubtree (ct->root()); logVars_ = ct->logVars(); logVarSet_ = ct->logVarSet(); return; } } LogVarSet intersect = logVarSet_ & ct->logVarSet_; if (intersect.empty()) { // cartesian product appendOnBottom (root_, ct->root()->childs()); Util::addToVector (logVars_, ct->logVars_); logVarSet_ |= ct->logVarSet_; } else { moveToTop (intersect.elements()); ct->moveToTop (intersect.elements()); Tuples tuples; CTNodes appendNodes; getTuples (ct->root(), Tuples(), intersect.size(), tuples, appendNodes); CTNodes::const_iterator appendIt = appendNodes.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < tuples.size(); ++ i, ++ appendIt) { bool tupleFounded = join (root_, tuples[i], 0, *appendIt); if (oneTwoOne && tupleFounded == false) { assert (false); } } LogVars newLvs (ct->logVars().begin() + intersect.size(), ct->logVars().end()); Util::addToVector (logVars_, newLvs); logVarSet_ |= LogVarSet (newLvs); } } unsigned ConstraintTree::getLevel (LogVar X) const { unsigned level = Util::indexOf (logVars_, X); level += 1; // root is in level 0, first logVar is in level 1 return level; } void ConstraintTree::rename (LogVar X_old, LogVar X_new) { assert (logVarSet_.contains (X_old)); assert (logVarSet_.contains (X_new) == false); logVarSet_ -= X_old; logVarSet_ |= X_new; for (size_t i = 0; i < logVars_.size(); i++) { if (logVars_[i] == X_old) { logVars_[i] = X_new; return; } } assert (false); } void ConstraintTree::applySubstitution (const Substitution& theta) { for (size_t i = 0; i < logVars_.size(); i++) { logVars_[i] = theta.newNameFor (logVars_[i]); } logVarSet_ = LogVarSet (logVars_); } void ConstraintTree::project (const LogVarSet& X) { assert (logVarSet_.contains (X)); remove ((logVarSet_ - X)); } void ConstraintTree::remove (const LogVarSet& X) { assert (logVarSet_.contains (X)); if (X.empty()) { return; } moveToBottom (X.elements()); unsigned level = getLevel (X.front()) - 1; CTNodes nodes = getNodesAtLevel (level); for (CTNodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++ it) { (*it)->removeAndDeleteAllChilds(); } logVars_.resize (logVars_.size() - X.size()); logVarSet_ -= X; } bool ConstraintTree::ConstraintTree::isSingleton (LogVar X) { Symbol symb; unsigned level = getLevel (X); CTNodes stack; stack.push_back (root_); while (stack.empty() == false) { CTNode* node = stack.back(); stack.pop_back(); if (node->level() == level) { if (symb.valid()) { if (node->symbol() != symb) { return false; } } else { symb = node->symbol(); } } else { stack.insert (stack.end(), node->childs().begin(), node->childs().end()); } } return true; } LogVarSet ConstraintTree::singletons (void) { LogVarSet singletons; for (size_t i = 0; i < logVars_.size(); i++) { if (isSingleton (logVars_[i])) { singletons.insert (logVars_[i]); } } return singletons; } TupleSet ConstraintTree::tupleSet (unsigned stopLevel) const { assert (root_->isRoot()); Tuples tuples; if (stopLevel == 0) { stopLevel = logVars_.size(); } getTuples (root_, Tuples(), stopLevel, tuples, CTNodes() = {}); return TupleSet (tuples); } TupleSet ConstraintTree::tupleSet (const LogVars& originalLvs) { LogVars uniqueLvs; for (size_t i = 0; i < originalLvs.size(); i++) { if (Util::contains (uniqueLvs, originalLvs[i]) == false) { uniqueLvs.push_back (originalLvs[i]); } } Tuples tuples; moveToTop (uniqueLvs); unsigned stopLevel = uniqueLvs.size(); getTuples (root_, Tuples(), stopLevel, tuples, CTNodes() = {}); if (originalLvs.size() != uniqueLvs.size()) { vector<size_t> indexes; indexes.reserve (originalLvs.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < originalLvs.size(); i++) { indexes.push_back (Util::indexOf (uniqueLvs, originalLvs[i])); } Tuples tuples2; tuples2.reserve (tuples.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < tuples.size(); i++) { Tuple t; t.reserve (originalLvs.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < originalLvs.size(); j++) { t.push_back (tuples[i][indexes[j]]); } tuples2.push_back (t); } return TupleSet (tuples2); } return TupleSet (tuples); } void ConstraintTree::exportToGraphViz ( const char* fileName, bool showLogVars) const { ofstream out (fileName); if (!out.is_open()) { cerr << "error: cannot open file to write at " ; cerr << "ConstraintTree::exportToDotFile()" << endl; abort(); } out << "digraph {" << endl; ConstraintTree copy (*this); // copy.moveToTop (copy.logVarSet_.elements()); CTNodes nodes = getNodesBelow (copy.root_); out << "\"" << copy.root_ << "\"" << " [label=\"R\"]" << endl; for (CTNodes::const_iterator it = ++ nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++ it) { out << "\"" << *it << "\""; out << " [label=\"" << **it << "\"]" ; out << endl; } for (CTNodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++ it) { const CTChilds& childs = (*it)->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin(); chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) { out << "\"" << *it << "\"" ; out << " -> " ; out << "\"" << *chIt << "\"" << endl ; } } if (showLogVars) { out << "Root [label=\"\", shape=plaintext]" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < copy.logVars_.size(); i++) { out << copy.logVars_[i] << " [label=" ; out << copy.logVars_[i] << ", " ; out << "shape=plaintext, fontsize=14]" << endl; } out << "Root -> " << copy.logVars_[0]; out << " [style=invis]" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < copy.logVars_.size() - 1; i++) { out << copy.logVars_[i] << " -> " << copy.logVars_[i + 1]; out << " [style=invis]" << endl; } } out << "}" << endl; out.close(); } bool ConstraintTree::isCountNormalized (const LogVarSet& Ys) { assert (logVarSet_.contains (Ys)); if (Ys.empty()) { return true; } if (Ys.size() == logVars_.size()) { assert (LogVarSet (logVars_) == LogVarSet (Ys)); return true; } LogVarSet Zs = logVarSet_ - LogVarSet (Ys); moveToTop (Zs.elements()); CTNodes nodes = getNodesAtLevel (Zs.size()); unsigned count = countTuples (*nodes.begin()); for (CTNodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++ it) { if (countTuples (*it) != count) { return false; } } return true; } unsigned ConstraintTree::getConditionalCount (const LogVarSet& Ys) { assert (isCountNormalized (Ys)); if (Ys.empty()) { return 1; } if (Ys.size() == logVars_.size()) { assert (LogVarSet (Ys) == LogVarSet (logVars_)); return countTuples (root_); } LogVarSet Zs = logVarSet_ - Ys; moveToTop (Zs.elements()); CTNode* n = root_; unsigned l = 0; while (l != Zs.size()) { n = *(n->childs().begin()); l ++; } return countTuples (n); } TinySet<unsigned> ConstraintTree::getConditionalCounts (const LogVarSet& Ys) { TinySet<unsigned> counts; assert (logVarSet_.contains (Ys)); if (Ys.empty()) { counts.insert (1); } else if (Ys.size() == logVars_.size()) { assert (LogVarSet (logVars_) == LogVarSet (Ys)); counts.insert (countTuples (root_)); } else { LogVarSet Zs = logVarSet_ - LogVarSet (Ys); moveToTop (Zs.elements()); CTNodes nodes = getNodesAtLevel (Zs.size()); for (CTNodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++ it) { counts.insert (countTuples (*it)); } } return counts; } bool ConstraintTree::isCartesianProduct (const LogVarSet& Xs) { assert (logVarSet_.contains (Xs)); if (Xs.size() <= 1) { return true; } moveToTop (Xs.elements()); for (size_t i = 1; i < Xs.size(); i++) { CTNodes nodes = getNodesAtLevel (i); for (size_t j = 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) { if (nodes[j-1]->nrChilds() != nodes[ j ]->nrChilds()) { return false; } if (nodes[j-1]->childSymbols() != nodes[ j ]->childSymbols()) { return false; } } } return true; } std::pair<ConstraintTree*,ConstraintTree*> ConstraintTree::split (const Tuple& tuple) { // assumes that my log vars are already on top LogVars lvs (logVars_.begin(), logVars_.begin() + tuple.size()); ConstraintTree tempCt (logVars_, {tuple}); return split (lvs, &tempCt, lvs); } std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> ConstraintTree::split ( const LogVars& lvs1, ConstraintTree* ct, const LogVars& lvs2) { assert (lvs1.size() == lvs2.size()); assert (lvs1.size() == LogVarSet (lvs1).size()); assert (lvs2.size() == LogVarSet (lvs2).size()); assert (logVarSet_.contains (lvs1)); assert (ct->logVarSet().contains (lvs2)); CTChilds commChilds, exclChilds; unsigned stopLevel = lvs1.size(); split (root_, ct->root(), commChilds, exclChilds, stopLevel); ConstraintTree* commCt = new ConstraintTree (commChilds, logVars_); ConstraintTree* exclCt = new ConstraintTree (exclChilds, logVars_); // cout << commCt->tupleSet() << " + " ; // cout << exclCt->tupleSet() << " = " ; // cout << tupleSet() << endl; assert ((commCt->tupleSet() | exclCt->tupleSet()) == tupleSet()); assert ((exclCt->tupleSet (stopLevel) & ct->tupleSet (stopLevel)).empty()); return {commCt, exclCt}; } ConstraintTrees ConstraintTree::countNormalize (const LogVarSet& Ys) { assert (logVarSet_.contains (Ys)); LogVarSet Zs = logVarSet_ - Ys; if (Ys.empty() || Zs.empty()) { return { new ConstraintTree (*this) }; } moveToTop (Zs.elements()); ConstraintTrees cts; unordered_map<unsigned, ConstraintTree*> countMap; unsigned stopLevel = getLevel (Zs.back()); const CTChilds& childs = root_->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin(); chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) { const vector<pair<CTNode*, unsigned>>& res = countNormalize (*chIt, stopLevel); for (size_t j = 0; j < res.size(); j++) { unordered_map<unsigned, ConstraintTree*>::iterator it = countMap.find (res[j].second); if (it == countMap.end()) { ConstraintTree* newCt = new ConstraintTree (logVars_); it = countMap.insert (make_pair (res[j].second, newCt)).first; cts.push_back (newCt); } it->second->root_->mergeSubtree (res[j].first); } } return cts; } ConstraintTrees ConstraintTree::jointCountNormalize ( ConstraintTree* commCt, ConstraintTree* exclCt, LogVar X, LogVar X_new1, LogVar X_new2) { unsigned N = getConditionalCount (X); // cout << "My tuples: " << tupleSet() << endl; // cout << "CommCt tuples: " << commCt->tupleSet() << endl; // cout << "ExclCt tuples: " << exclCt->tupleSet() << endl; // cout << "Counted Lv: " << X << endl; // cout << "X_new1: " << X_new1 << endl; // cout << "X_new2: " << X_new2 << endl; // cout << "Original N: " << N << endl; // cout << endl; ConstraintTrees normCts1 = commCt->countNormalize (X); vector<unsigned> counts1 (normCts1.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < normCts1.size(); i++) { counts1[i] = normCts1[i]->getConditionalCount (X); // cout << "normCts1[" << i << "] #" << counts1[i] ; // cout << " " << normCts1[i]->tupleSet() << endl; } ConstraintTrees normCts2 = exclCt->countNormalize (X); vector<unsigned> counts2 (normCts2.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < normCts2.size(); i++) { counts2[i] = normCts2[i]->getConditionalCount (X); // cout << "normCts2[" << i << "] #" << counts2[i] ; // cout << " " << normCts2[i]->tupleSet() << endl; } // cout << endl; ConstraintTree* excl1 = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < normCts1.size(); i++) { if (counts1[i] == N) { excl1 = normCts1[i]; normCts1.erase (normCts1.begin() + i); counts1.erase (counts1.begin() + i); // cout << "joint-count(" << N << ",0)" << endl; break; } } ConstraintTree* excl2 = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < normCts2.size(); i++) { if (counts2[i] == N) { excl2 = normCts2[i]; normCts2.erase (normCts2.begin() + i); counts2.erase (counts2.begin() + i); // cout << "joint-count(0," << N << ")" << endl; break; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < normCts1.size(); i++) { unsigned j; for (j = 0; counts1[i] + counts2[j] != N; j++) ; // cout << "joint-count(" << counts1[i] ; // cout << "," << counts2[j] << ")" << endl; const CTChilds& childs = normCts2[j]->root_->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin(); chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) { normCts1[i]->root_->mergeSubtree (CTNode::copySubtree (*chIt)); } delete normCts2[j]; } ConstraintTrees cts = normCts1; commCt->rename (X, X_new1); exclCt->rename (X, X_new2); for (size_t i = 0; i < cts.size(); i++) { cts[i]->remove (X); cts[i]->join (commCt); cts[i]->join (exclCt); } if (excl1 != 0) { cts.push_back (excl1); } if (excl2 != 0) { cts.push_back (excl2); } return cts; } LogVars ConstraintTree::expand (LogVar X) { moveToBottom ({X}); assert (isCountNormalized (X)); CTNodes nodes = getNodesAtLevel (logVars_.size() - 1); unsigned nrSymbols = getConditionalCount (X); for (CTNodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++ it) { Symbols symbols; const CTChilds& childs = (*it)->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin(); chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) { symbols.push_back ((*chIt)->symbol()); } (*it)->removeAndDeleteAllChilds(); CTNode* prev = *it; assert (symbols.size() == nrSymbols); for (size_t j = 0; j < nrSymbols; j++) { CTNode* newNode = new CTNode (symbols[j], (*it)->level() + j); prev->mergeSubtree (newNode); prev = newNode; } } LogVars newLvs; logVars_.pop_back(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nrSymbols; i++) { logVars_.push_back (LogVar (logVarSet_.back() + 1)); newLvs.push_back (LogVar (logVarSet_.back() + 1)); logVarSet_.insert (LogVar (logVarSet_.back() + 1)); } logVarSet_ -= X; return newLvs; } ConstraintTrees ConstraintTree::ground (LogVar X) { moveToTop ({X}); ConstraintTrees cts; const CTChilds& nodes = root_->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++ it) { CTNode* copy = CTNode::copySubtree (*it); copy->setSymbol ((*it)->symbol()); ConstraintTree* newCt = new ConstraintTree (logVars_); newCt->root()->mergeSubtree (copy); cts.push_back (newCt); } return cts; } void ConstraintTree::copyLogVar (LogVar X_1, LogVar X_2) { moveToBottom ({X_1}); CTNodes leafs = getNodesAtLevel (logVars_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < leafs.size(); i++) { leafs[i]->childs().insert_sorted ( new CTNode (leafs[i]->symbol(), leafs[i]->level() + 1)); } logVars_.push_back (X_2); logVarSet_.insert (X_2); } unsigned ConstraintTree::countTuples (const CTNode* n) const { if (n->isLeaf()) { return 1; } unsigned sum = 0; const CTChilds& childs = n->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin(); chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) { sum += countTuples (*chIt); } return sum; } CTNodes ConstraintTree::getNodesBelow (CTNode* fromHere) const { CTNodes nodes; queue<CTNode*> queue; queue.push (fromHere); while (queue.empty() == false) { CTNode* node = queue.front(); nodes.push_back (node); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = node->childs().begin(); chIt != node->childs().end(); ++ chIt) { queue.push (*chIt); } queue.pop(); } return nodes; } CTNodes ConstraintTree::getNodesAtLevel (unsigned level) const { assert (level <= logVars_.size()); if (level == 0) { return { root_ }; } CTNodes stack; CTNodes nodes; stack.push_back (root_); while (stack.empty() == false) { CTNode* node = stack.back(); stack.pop_back(); if (node->level() + 1 == level) { nodes.insert (nodes.end(), node->childs().begin(), node->childs().end()); } else { stack.insert (stack.end(), node->childs().begin(), node->childs().end()); } } return nodes; } unsigned ConstraintTree::nrNodes (const CTNode* n) const { unsigned nr = 0; if (n->isLeaf() == false) { for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = n->childs().begin(); chIt != n->childs().end(); ++ chIt) { nr += nrNodes (*chIt); } } return nr; } void ConstraintTree::appendOnBottom (CTNode* n, const CTChilds& childs) { if (childs.empty()) { return; } CTNodes stack { n }; while (stack.empty() == false) { CTNode* node = stack.back(); stack.pop_back(); if (node->isLeaf()) { for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin(); chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) { node->mergeSubtree (CTNode::copySubtree (*chIt)); } } else { stack.insert (stack.end(), node->childs().begin(), node->childs().end()); } } } void ConstraintTree::swapLogVar (LogVar X) { size_t pos = Util::indexOf (logVars_, X); assert (pos != logVars_.size()); const CTNodes& nodes = getNodesAtLevel (pos); for (CTNodes::const_iterator nodeIt = nodes.begin(); nodeIt != nodes.end(); ++ nodeIt) { CTChilds childsCopy = (*nodeIt)->childs(); (*nodeIt)->removeChilds(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator ccIt = childsCopy.begin(); ccIt != childsCopy.end(); ++ ccIt) { const CTChilds& grandsons = (*ccIt)->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator gsIt = grandsons.begin(); gsIt != grandsons.end(); ++ gsIt) { CTNode* childCopy = new CTNode ( (*ccIt)->symbol(), (*ccIt)->level() + 1, (*gsIt)->childs()); (*gsIt)->removeChilds(); (*gsIt)->childs().insert_sorted (childCopy); (*gsIt)->setLevel ((*gsIt)->level() - 1); (*nodeIt)->mergeSubtree ((*gsIt), false); } delete (*ccIt); } } std::swap (logVars_[pos], logVars_[pos + 1]); } bool ConstraintTree::join ( CTNode* currNode, const Tuple& tuple, size_t currIdx, CTNode* appendNode) { bool tupleFounded = false; CTChilds::const_iterator it = currNode->findSymbol (tuple[currIdx]); if (it != currNode->childs().end()) { if (currIdx == tuple.size() - 1) { appendOnBottom (*it, appendNode->childs()); return true; } else { tupleFounded = join (*it, tuple, currIdx + 1, appendNode); } } return tupleFounded; } void ConstraintTree::getTuples ( CTNode* n, Tuples currTuples, unsigned stopLevel, Tuples& tuplesCollected, CTNodes& continuationNodes) const { if (n->isRoot() == false) { if (currTuples.size() == 0) { currTuples.push_back ({ n->symbol()}); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < currTuples.size(); i++) { currTuples[i].push_back (n->symbol()); } } if (n->level() == stopLevel) { for (size_t i = 0; i < currTuples.size(); i++) { tuplesCollected.push_back (currTuples[i]); continuationNodes.push_back (n); } return; } } const CTChilds& childs = n->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin(); chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) { getTuples (*chIt, currTuples, stopLevel, tuplesCollected, continuationNodes); } } unsigned ConstraintTree::size (void) const { return countTuples (root_); } unsigned ConstraintTree::nrSymbols (LogVar X) { moveToTop ({X}); return root_->childs().size(); } vector<pair<CTNode*, unsigned>> ConstraintTree::countNormalize ( const CTNode* n, unsigned stopLevel) { if (n->level() == stopLevel) { return vector<pair<CTNode*, unsigned>>() = { make_pair (CTNode::copySubtree (n), countTuples (n)) }; } vector<pair<CTNode*, unsigned>> res; const CTChilds& childs = n->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin(); chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) { const vector<pair<CTNode*, unsigned>>& lowerRes = countNormalize (*chIt, stopLevel); for (size_t j = 0; j < lowerRes.size(); j++) { CTNode* newNode = new CTNode (*n); newNode->mergeSubtree (lowerRes[j].first); res.push_back (make_pair (newNode, lowerRes[j].second)); } } return res; } void ConstraintTree::split ( CTNode* n1, CTNode* n2, CTChilds& commChilds, CTChilds& exclChilds, unsigned stopLevel) { CTChilds& childs1 = n1->childs(); for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt1 = childs1.begin(); chIt1 != childs1.end(); ++ chIt1) { CTChilds::iterator chIt2 = n2->findSymbol ((*chIt1)->symbol()); if (chIt2 == n2->childs().end()) { exclChilds.insert_sorted (CTNode::copySubtree (*chIt1)); } else { if ((*chIt1)->level() == stopLevel) { commChilds.insert_sorted (CTNode::copySubtree (*chIt1)); } else { CTChilds lowerCommChilds, lowerExclChilds; split (*chIt1, *chIt2, lowerCommChilds, lowerExclChilds, stopLevel); if (lowerCommChilds.empty() == false) { commChilds.insert_sorted (new CTNode (**chIt1, lowerCommChilds)); } if (lowerExclChilds.empty() == false) { exclChilds.insert_sorted (new CTNode (**chIt1, lowerExclChilds)); } } } } }