/************************************************************************* * * * YAP Prolog * * * * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto * * * * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 * * * ************************************************************************** * * * File: adtdefs.c * * Last rev: * * mods: * * comments: abstract machine definitions * * * *************************************************************************/ #ifdef SCCS static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%"; #endif #define ADTDEFS_C #ifdef __SUNPRO_CC #define inline #endif #include "Yap.h" #include "Yatom.h" #include "yapio.h" #include "clause.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <wchar.h> #if HAVE_STRING_Hq #include <string.h> #endif uint64_t HashFunction(const unsigned char *CHP) { /* djb2 */ uint64_t hash = 5381; uint64_t c; while ((c = (uint64_t)(*CHP++)) != '\0') { /* hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; hash * 33 + c */ hash = hash * (uint64_t)33 + c; } return hash; /* UInt OUT=0, i = 1; while(*CHP != '\0') { OUT += (UInt)(*CHP++); } return OUT; */ } uint64_t WideHashFunction(wchar_t *CHP) { UInt hash = 5381; UInt c; while ((c = *CHP++) != '\0') { hash = hash * 33 ^ c; } return hash; } /* this routine must be run at least having a read lock on ae */ static Prop GetFunctorProp(AtomEntry *ae, arity_t arity) { /* look property list of atom a for kind */ FunctorEntry *pp; pp = RepFunctorProp(ae->PropsOfAE); while (!EndOfPAEntr(pp) && (!IsFunctorProperty(pp->KindOfPE) || pp->ArityOfFE != arity)) pp = RepFunctorProp(pp->NextOfPE); return (AbsFunctorProp(pp)); } /* vsc: We must guarantee that IsVarTerm(functor) returns true! */ static inline Functor InlinedUnlockedMkFunctor(AtomEntry *ae, arity_t arity) { FunctorEntry *p; Prop p0; p0 = GetFunctorProp(ae, arity); if (p0 != NIL) { return ((Functor)RepProp(p0)); } p = (FunctorEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(*p)); if (!p) return NULL; p->KindOfPE = FunctorProperty; p->NameOfFE = AbsAtom(ae); p->ArityOfFE = arity; p->PropsOfFE = NIL; INIT_RWLOCK(p->FRWLock); /* respect the first property, in case this is a wide atom */ AddPropToAtom(ae, (PropEntry *)p); return ((Functor)p); } Functor Yap_UnlockedMkFunctor(AtomEntry *ae, arity_t arity) { return (InlinedUnlockedMkFunctor(ae, arity)); } /* vsc: We must guarantee that IsVarTerm(functor) returns true! */ Functor Yap_MkFunctor(Atom ap, arity_t arity) { AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(ap); Functor f; WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); f = InlinedUnlockedMkFunctor(ae, arity); WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return f; } /* vsc: We must guarantee that IsVarTerm(functor) returns true! */ void Yap_MkFunctorWithAddress(Atom ap, unsigned int arity, FunctorEntry *p) { AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(ap); WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p->KindOfPE = FunctorProperty; p->NameOfFE = ap; p->ArityOfFE = arity; AddPropToAtom(ae, (PropEntry *)p); WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); } inline static Atom SearchInInvisible(const unsigned char *atom) { AtomEntry *chain; READ_LOCK(INVISIBLECHAIN.AERWLock); chain = RepAtom(INVISIBLECHAIN.Entry); while (!EndOfPAEntr(chain) && strcmp((char *)chain->StrOfAE, (char *)atom)) { chain = RepAtom(chain->NextOfAE); } READ_UNLOCK(INVISIBLECHAIN.AERWLock); if (EndOfPAEntr(chain)) return (NIL); else return (AbsAtom(chain)); } static inline Atom SearchAtom(const unsigned char *p, Atom a) { AtomEntry *ae; /* search atom in chain */ while (a != NIL) { ae = RepAtom(a); if (strcmp((char *)ae->StrOfAE, (const char *)p) == 0) { return (a); } a = ae->NextOfAE; } return (NIL); } static inline Atom SearchWideAtom(const wchar_t *p, Atom a) { AtomEntry *ae; /* search atom in chain */ while (a != NIL) { ae = RepAtom(a); if (wcscmp((wchar_t *)ae->StrOfAE, p) == 0) { return a; } a = ae->NextOfAE; } return (NIL); } static Atom LookupAtom(const unsigned char *atom) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ uint64_t hash; const unsigned char *p; Atom a, na; AtomEntry *ae; size_t sz = AtomHashTableSize; /* compute hash */ p = atom; hash = HashFunction(p); hash = hash % sz ; /* we'll start by holding a read lock in order to avoid contention */ READ_LOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); a = HashChain[hash].Entry; /* search atom in chain */ na = SearchAtom(atom, a); if (na != NIL) { READ_UNLOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); return (na); } READ_UNLOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); /* we need a write lock */ WRITE_LOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); /* concurrent version of Yap, need to take care */ #if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) if (a != HashChain[hash].Entry) { a = HashChain[hash].Entry; na = SearchAtom(atom, a); if (na != NIL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); return (na); } } #endif /* add new atom to start of chain */ ae = (AtomEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace((sizeof *ae) + strlen((const char *)atom) + 1); if (ae == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); return NIL; } NOfAtoms++; na = AbsAtom(ae); ae->PropsOfAE = NIL; if (ae->UStrOfAE != atom) strcpy((char *)ae->StrOfAE, (const char *)atom); ae->NextOfAE = a; HashChain[hash].Entry = na; INIT_RWLOCK(ae->ARWLock); WRITE_UNLOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); if (NOfAtoms > 2 * AtomHashTableSize) { Yap_signal(YAP_CDOVF_SIGNAL); } return na; } static Atom LookupWideAtom(const wchar_t *atom) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ CELL hash; wchar_t *p; Atom a, na; AtomEntry *ae; UInt sz; WideAtomEntry *wae; /* compute hash */ p = (wchar_t *)atom; hash = WideHashFunction(p) % WideAtomHashTableSize; /* we'll start by holding a read lock in order to avoid contention */ READ_LOCK(WideHashChain[hash].AERWLock); a = WideHashChain[hash].Entry; /* search atom in chain */ na = SearchWideAtom(atom, a); if (na != NIL) { READ_UNLOCK(WideHashChain[hash].AERWLock); return (na); } READ_UNLOCK(WideHashChain[hash].AERWLock); /* we need a write lock */ WRITE_LOCK(WideHashChain[hash].AERWLock); /* concurrent version of Yap, need to take care */ #if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) if (a != WideHashChain[hash].Entry) { a = WideHashChain[hash].Entry; na = SearchWideAtom(atom, a); if (na != NIL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(WideHashChain[hash].AERWLock); return na; } } #endif /* add new atom to start of chain */ sz = wcslen(atom); ae = (AtomEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace((size_t)(((AtomEntry *)NULL) + 1) + sizeof(wchar_t) * (sz + 1)); if (ae == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(WideHashChain[hash].AERWLock); return NIL; } wae = (WideAtomEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(WideAtomEntry)); if (wae == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(WideHashChain[hash].AERWLock); return NIL; } na = AbsAtom(ae); ae->PropsOfAE = AbsWideAtomProp(wae); wae->NextOfPE = NIL; wae->KindOfPE = WideAtomProperty; wae->SizeOfAtom = sz; if (ae->WStrOfAE != atom) wcscpy(ae->WStrOfAE, atom); NOfAtoms++; ae->NextOfAE = a; WideHashChain[hash].Entry = na; INIT_RWLOCK(ae->ARWLock); WRITE_UNLOCK(WideHashChain[hash].AERWLock); if (NOfWideAtoms > 2 * WideAtomHashTableSize) { Yap_signal(YAP_CDOVF_SIGNAL); } return na; } Atom Yap_LookupMaybeWideAtom( const wchar_t *atom) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ wchar_t *p = (wchar_t *)atom, c; size_t len = 0; unsigned char *ptr, *ptr0; Atom at; while ((c = *p++)) { if (c > 255) return LookupWideAtom(atom); len++; } /* not really a wide atom */ p = (wchar_t *)atom; ptr0 = ptr = Yap_AllocCodeSpace(len + 1); if (!ptr) return NIL; while ((*ptr++ = *p++)) ; at = LookupAtom(ptr0); Yap_FreeCodeSpace(ptr0); return at; } Atom Yap_LookupMaybeWideAtomWithLength( const wchar_t *atom, size_t len0) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ Atom at; int wide = FALSE; size_t i = 0; while (i < len0) { // primary support for atoms with null chars wchar_t c = atom[i]; if (c >= 255) { wide = true; break; } if (c == '\0') { wide = true; break; } i++; } if (wide) { wchar_t *ptr0; ptr0 = (wchar_t *)Yap_AllocCodeSpace(sizeof(wchar_t) * (len0 + 2)); if (!ptr0) return NIL; memcpy(ptr0, atom, (len0+1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); ptr0[len0] = '\0'; at = LookupWideAtom(ptr0); Yap_FreeCodeSpace((char *)ptr0); return at; } else { unsigned char *ptr0; ptr0 = Yap_AllocCodeSpace((len0 + 2)); if (!ptr0) return NIL; for (i = 0; i < len0; i++) ptr0[i] = atom[i]; ptr0[len0] = '\0'; at = LookupAtom(ptr0); Yap_FreeCodeSpace(ptr0); return at; } } Atom Yap_LookupAtomWithLength(const char *atom, size_t len0) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ Atom at; unsigned char *ptr; /* not really a wide atom */ ptr = Yap_AllocCodeSpace(len0 + 1); if (!ptr) return NIL; memcpy(ptr, atom, len0); ptr[len0] = '\0'; at = LookupAtom(ptr); Yap_FreeCodeSpace(ptr); return at; } Atom Yap_LookupAtom(const char *atom) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ return LookupAtom((const unsigned char *)atom); } Atom Yap_ULookupAtom( const unsigned char *atom) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ return LookupAtom(atom); } Atom Yap_LookupWideAtom(const wchar_t *atom) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ return LookupWideAtom(atom); } Atom Yap_FullLookupAtom(const char *atom) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ Atom t; if ((t = SearchInInvisible((const unsigned char *)atom)) != NIL) { return (t); } return (LookupAtom((const unsigned char *)atom)); } void Yap_LookupAtomWithAddress(const char *atom, AtomEntry *ae) { /* lookup atom in atom table */ register CELL hash; register const unsigned char *p; Atom a; /* compute hash */ p = (const unsigned char *)atom; hash = HashFunction(p) % AtomHashTableSize; /* ask for a WRITE lock because it is highly unlikely we shall find anything */ WRITE_LOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); a = HashChain[hash].Entry; /* search atom in chain */ if (SearchAtom(p, a) != NIL) { Yap_Error(SYSTEM_ERROR_INTERNAL, TermNil, "repeated initialization for atom %s", ae); WRITE_UNLOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); return; } /* add new atom to start of chain */ NOfAtoms++; ae->NextOfAE = a; HashChain[hash].Entry = AbsAtom(ae); ae->PropsOfAE = NIL; strcpy((char *)ae->StrOfAE, (char *)atom); INIT_RWLOCK(ae->ARWLock); WRITE_UNLOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); } void Yap_ReleaseAtom(Atom atom) { /* Releases an atom from the hash chain */ register Int hash; register const unsigned char *p; AtomEntry *inChain; AtomEntry *ap = RepAtom(atom); char unsigned *name = ap->UStrOfAE; /* compute hash */ p = name; hash = HashFunction(p) % AtomHashTableSize; WRITE_LOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); if (HashChain[hash].Entry == atom) { NOfAtoms--; HashChain[hash].Entry = ap->NextOfAE; WRITE_UNLOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); return; } /* else */ inChain = RepAtom(HashChain[hash].Entry); while (inChain && inChain->NextOfAE != atom) inChain = RepAtom(inChain->NextOfAE); if (!inChain) return; WRITE_LOCK(inChain->ARWLock); inChain->NextOfAE = ap->NextOfAE; WRITE_UNLOCK(inChain->ARWLock); WRITE_UNLOCK(HashChain[hash].AERWLock); ap->NextOfAE = NULL; } static Prop GetAPropHavingLock(AtomEntry *ae, PropFlags kind) { /* look property list of atom a for kind */ PropEntry *pp; pp = RepProp(ae->PropsOfAE); while (!EndOfPAEntr(pp) && pp->KindOfPE != kind) pp = RepProp(pp->NextOfPE); return (AbsProp(pp)); } Prop Yap_GetAPropHavingLock( AtomEntry *ae, PropFlags kind) { /* look property list of atom a for kind */ return GetAPropHavingLock(ae, kind); } static Prop GetAProp(Atom a, PropFlags kind) { /* look property list of atom a for kind */ AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(a); Prop out; READ_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); out = GetAPropHavingLock(ae, kind); READ_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return (out); } Prop Yap_GetAProp(Atom a, PropFlags kind) { /* look property list of atom a for kind */ return GetAProp(a, kind); } OpEntry *Yap_GetOpPropForAModuleHavingALock( Atom a, Term mod) { /* look property list of atom a for kind */ AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(a); PropEntry *pp; pp = RepProp(ae->PropsOfAE); while (!EndOfPAEntr(pp) && (pp->KindOfPE != OpProperty || ((OpEntry *)pp)->OpModule != mod)) pp = RepProp(pp->NextOfPE); if (EndOfPAEntr(pp)) { return NULL; } return (OpEntry *)pp; } int Yap_HasOp(Atom a) { /* look property list of atom a for kind */ AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(a); PropEntry *pp; READ_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); pp = RepProp(ae->PropsOfAE); while (!EndOfPAEntr(pp) && (pp->KindOfPE != OpProperty)) pp = RepProp(pp->NextOfPE); READ_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); if (EndOfPAEntr(pp)) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } OpEntry * Yap_OpPropForModule(Atom a, Term mod) { /* look property list of atom a for kind */ AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(a); PropEntry *pp; OpEntry *info = NULL; if (mod == TermProlog) mod = PROLOG_MODULE; WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); pp = RepProp(ae->PropsOfAE); while (!EndOfPAEntr(pp)) { if (pp->KindOfPE == OpProperty) { info = (OpEntry *)pp; if (info->OpModule == mod) { WRITE_LOCK(info->OpRWLock); WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return info; } } pp = pp->NextOfPE; } info = (OpEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(OpEntry)); info->KindOfPE = Ord(OpProperty); info->OpModule = mod; info->OpName = a; LOCK(OpListLock); info->OpNext = OpList; OpList = info; UNLOCK(OpListLock); AddPropToAtom(ae, (PropEntry *)info); INIT_RWLOCK(info->OpRWLock); WRITE_LOCK(info->OpRWLock); WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); info->Prefix = info->Infix = info->Posfix = 0; return info; } OpEntry * Yap_GetOpProp(Atom a, op_type type, Term cmod USES_REGS) { /* look property list of atom a for kind */ AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(a); PropEntry *pp; OpEntry *oinfo = NULL; READ_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); pp = RepProp(ae->PropsOfAE); while (!EndOfPAEntr(pp)) { OpEntry *info = NULL; if (pp->KindOfPE != OpProperty) { pp = RepProp(pp->NextOfPE); continue; } info = (OpEntry *)pp; if (info->OpModule != cmod && info->OpModule != PROLOG_MODULE) { pp = RepProp(pp->NextOfPE); continue; } if (type == INFIX_OP) { if (!info->Infix) { pp = RepProp(pp->NextOfPE); continue; } } else if (type == POSFIX_OP) { if (!info->Posfix) { pp = RepProp(pp->NextOfPE); continue; } } else { if (!info->Prefix) { pp = RepProp(pp->NextOfPE); continue; } } /* if it is not the latest module */ if (info->OpModule == PROLOG_MODULE) { /* cannot commit now */ oinfo = info; pp = RepProp(pp->NextOfPE); } else { READ_LOCK(info->OpRWLock); READ_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return info; } } if (oinfo) { READ_LOCK(oinfo->OpRWLock); READ_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return oinfo; } READ_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return NULL; } inline static Prop GetPredPropByAtomHavingLock(AtomEntry *ae, Term cur_mod) /* get predicate entry for ap/arity; create it if neccessary. */ { Prop p0; p0 = ae->PropsOfAE; while (p0) { PredEntry *pe = RepPredProp(p0); if (pe->KindOfPE == PEProp && (pe->ModuleOfPred == cur_mod || !pe->ModuleOfPred)) { return (p0); #if THREADS /* Thread Local Predicates */ if (pe->PredFlags & ThreadLocalPredFlag) { return AbsPredProp(Yap_GetThreadPred(pe INIT_REGS)); } #endif } p0 = pe->NextOfPE; } return (NIL); } Prop Yap_GetPredPropByAtom(Atom at, Term cur_mod) /* get predicate entry for ap/arity; create it if neccessary. */ { Prop p0; AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(at); READ_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p0 = GetPredPropByAtomHavingLock(ae, cur_mod); READ_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return (p0); } inline static Prop GetPredPropByAtomHavingLockInThisModule(AtomEntry *ae, Term cur_mod) /* get predicate entry for ap/arity; create it if neccessary. */ { Prop p0; p0 = ae->PropsOfAE; while (p0) { PredEntry *pe = RepPredProp(p0); if (pe->KindOfPE == PEProp && pe->ModuleOfPred == cur_mod) { #if THREADS /* Thread Local Predicates */ if (pe->PredFlags & ThreadLocalPredFlag) { return AbsPredProp(Yap_GetThreadPred(pe INIT_REGS)); } #endif return (p0); } p0 = pe->NextOfPE; } return (NIL); } Prop Yap_GetPredPropByAtomInThisModule(Atom at, Term cur_mod) /* get predicate entry for ap/arity; create it if neccessary. */ { Prop p0; AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(at); READ_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p0 = GetPredPropByAtomHavingLockInThisModule(ae, cur_mod); READ_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return (p0); } Prop Yap_GetPredPropByFunc(Functor f, Term cur_mod) /* get predicate entry for ap/arity; */ { Prop p0; FUNC_READ_LOCK(f); p0 = GetPredPropByFuncHavingLock(f, cur_mod); FUNC_READ_UNLOCK(f); return (p0); } Prop Yap_GetPredPropByFuncInThisModule(Functor f, Term cur_mod) /* get predicate entry for ap/arity; */ { Prop p0; FUNC_READ_LOCK(f); p0 = GetPredPropByFuncHavingLock(f, cur_mod); FUNC_READ_UNLOCK(f); return (p0); } Prop Yap_GetPredPropHavingLock(Atom ap, unsigned int arity, Term mod) /* get predicate entry for ap/arity; */ { Prop p0; AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(ap); Functor f; if (arity == 0) { GetPredPropByAtomHavingLock(ae, mod); } f = InlinedUnlockedMkFunctor(ae, arity); FUNC_READ_LOCK(f); p0 = GetPredPropByFuncHavingLock(f, mod); FUNC_READ_UNLOCK(f); return (p0); } /* get expression entry for at/arity; */ Prop Yap_GetExpProp(Atom at, unsigned int arity) { Prop p0; AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(at); ExpEntry *p; READ_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p = RepExpProp(p0 = ae->PropsOfAE); while (p0 && (p->KindOfPE != ExpProperty || p->ArityOfEE != arity)) p = RepExpProp(p0 = p->NextOfPE); READ_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return (p0); } /* get expression entry for at/arity, at is already locked; */ Prop Yap_GetExpPropHavingLock(AtomEntry *ae, unsigned int arity) { Prop p0; ExpEntry *p; p = RepExpProp(p0 = ae->PropsOfAE); while (p0 && (p->KindOfPE != ExpProperty || p->ArityOfEE != arity)) p = RepExpProp(p0 = p->NextOfPE); return (p0); } static int ExpandPredHash(void) { UInt new_size = PredHashTableSize + PredHashIncrement; PredEntry **oldp = PredHash; PredEntry **np = (PredEntry **)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(PredEntry **) * new_size); UInt i; if (!np) { return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < new_size; i++) { np[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < PredHashTableSize; i++) { PredEntry *p = PredHash[i]; while (p) { PredEntry *nextp = p->NextPredOfHash; UInt hsh = PRED_HASH(p->FunctorOfPred, p->ModuleOfPred, new_size); p->NextPredOfHash = np[hsh]; np[hsh] = p; p = nextp; } } PredHashTableSize = new_size; PredHash = np; Yap_FreeAtomSpace((ADDR)oldp); return TRUE; } /* fe is supposed to be locked */ Prop Yap_NewPredPropByFunctor(FunctorEntry *fe, Term cur_mod) { PredEntry *p = (PredEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(*p)); if (p == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(fe->FRWLock); return NULL; } if (cur_mod == TermProlog || cur_mod == 0L) { p->ModuleOfPred = 0L; } else p->ModuleOfPred = cur_mod; // TRUE_FUNC_WRITE_LOCK(fe); INIT_LOCK(p->PELock); p->KindOfPE = PEProp; p->ArityOfPE = fe->ArityOfFE; p->cs.p_code.FirstClause = p->cs.p_code.LastClause = NULL; p->cs.p_code.NOfClauses = 0; p->PredFlags = 0L; p->src.OwnerFile = Yap_source_file_name(); p->OpcodeOfPred = UNDEF_OPCODE; p->CodeOfPred = p->cs.p_code.TrueCodeOfPred = (yamop *)(&(p->OpcodeOfPred)); p->cs.p_code.ExpandCode = EXPAND_OP_CODE; p->TimeStampOfPred = 0L; p->LastCallOfPred = LUCALL_ASSERT; if (cur_mod == TermProlog) p->ModuleOfPred = 0L; else p->ModuleOfPred = cur_mod; p->StatisticsForPred = NULL; Yap_NewModulePred(cur_mod, p); #ifdef TABLING p->TableOfPred = NULL; #endif /* TABLING */ #ifdef BEAM p->beamTable = NULL; #endif /* BEAM */ /* careful that they don't cross MkFunctor */ if (!trueGlobalPrologFlag(DEBUG_INFO_FLAG)) { p->PredFlags |= NoTracePredFlag; } p->FunctorOfPred = fe; if (fe->PropsOfFE) { UInt hsh = PRED_HASH(fe, cur_mod, PredHashTableSize); WRITE_LOCK(PredHashRWLock); if (10 * (PredsInHashTable + 1) > 6 * PredHashTableSize) { if (!ExpandPredHash()) { Yap_FreeCodeSpace((ADDR)p); WRITE_UNLOCK(PredHashRWLock); FUNC_WRITE_UNLOCK(fe); return NULL; } /* retry hashing */ hsh = PRED_HASH(fe, cur_mod, PredHashTableSize); } PredsInHashTable++; if (p->ModuleOfPred == 0L) { PredEntry *pe = RepPredProp(fe->PropsOfFE); hsh = PRED_HASH(fe, pe->ModuleOfPred, PredHashTableSize); /* should be the first one */ pe->NextPredOfHash = PredHash[hsh]; PredHash[hsh] = pe; fe->PropsOfFE = AbsPredProp(p); p->NextOfPE = AbsPredProp(pe); } else { p->NextPredOfHash = PredHash[hsh]; PredHash[hsh] = p; p->NextOfPE = fe->PropsOfFE->NextOfPE; fe->PropsOfFE->NextOfPE = AbsPredProp(p); } WRITE_UNLOCK(PredHashRWLock); } else { fe->PropsOfFE = AbsPredProp(p); p->NextOfPE = NIL; } FUNC_WRITE_UNLOCK(fe); { Yap_inform_profiler_of_clause(&(p->OpcodeOfPred), &(p->OpcodeOfPred) + 1, p, GPROF_NEW_PRED_FUNC); if (!(p->PredFlags & (CPredFlag | AsmPredFlag))) { Yap_inform_profiler_of_clause(&(p->cs.p_code.ExpandCode), &(p->cs.p_code.ExpandCode) + 1, p, GPROF_NEW_PRED_FUNC); } } return AbsPredProp(p); } #if THREADS Prop Yap_NewThreadPred(PredEntry *ap USES_REGS) { PredEntry *p = (PredEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(*p)); if (p == NULL) { return NIL; } INIT_LOCK(p->PELock); p->StatisticsForPred = NULL: p->KindOfPE = PEProp; p->ArityOfPE = ap->ArityOfPE; p->cs.p_code.FirstClause = p->cs.p_code.LastClause = NULL; p->cs.p_code.NOfClauses = 0; p->PredFlags = ap->PredFlags & ~(IndexedPredFlag | SpiedPredFlag); #if SIZEOF_INT_P == 4 p->ExtraPredFlags = 0L; #endif p->src.OwnerFile = ap->src.OwnerFile; p->OpcodeOfPred = FAIL_OPCODE; p->CodeOfPred = p->cs.p_code.TrueCodeOfPred = (yamop *)(&(p->OpcodeOfPred)); p->cs.p_code.ExpandCode = EXPAND_OP_CODE; p->ModuleOfPred = ap->ModuleOfPred; p->NextPredOfModule = NULL; p->TimeStampOfPred = 0L; p->LastCallOfPred = LUCALL_ASSERT; #ifdef TABLING p->TableOfPred = NULL; #endif /* TABLING */ #ifdef BEAM p->beamTable = NULL; #endif /* careful that they don't cross MkFunctor */ p->NextOfPE = AbsPredProp(LOCAL_ThreadHandle.local_preds); LOCAL_ThreadHandle.local_preds = p; p->FunctorOfPred = ap->FunctorOfPred; Yap_inform_profiler_of_clause(&(p->OpcodeOfPred), &(p->OpcodeOfPred) + 1, p, GPROF_NEW_PRED_THREAD); if (falseGlobalPrologFlag(DEBUG_INFO_FLAG)) { p->PredFlags |= (NoSpyPredFlag | NoTracePredFlag); } if (!(p->PredFlags & (CPredFlag | AsmPredFlag))) { Yap_inform_profiler_of_clause(&(p->cs.p_code.ExpandCode), &(p->cs.p_code.ExpandCode) + 1, p, GPROF_NEW_PRED_THREAD); } return AbsPredProp(p); } #endif Prop Yap_NewPredPropByAtom(AtomEntry *ae, Term cur_mod) { Prop p0; PredEntry *p = (PredEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(*p)); CACHE_REGS /* Printf("entering %s:%s/0\n", RepAtom(AtomOfTerm(cur_mod))->StrOfAE, * ae->StrOfAE); */ if (p == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return NIL; } INIT_LOCK(p->PELock); p->KindOfPE = PEProp; p->ArityOfPE = 0; p->StatisticsForPred = NULL; p->cs.p_code.FirstClause = p->cs.p_code.LastClause = NULL; p->cs.p_code.NOfClauses = 0; p->PredFlags = 0L; p->src.OwnerFile = Yap_source_file_name(); p->OpcodeOfPred = UNDEF_OPCODE; p->cs.p_code.ExpandCode = EXPAND_OP_CODE; p->CodeOfPred = p->cs.p_code.TrueCodeOfPred = (yamop *)(&(p->OpcodeOfPred)); if (cur_mod == TermProlog) p->ModuleOfPred = 0; else p->ModuleOfPred = cur_mod; Yap_NewModulePred(cur_mod, p); p->TimeStampOfPred = 0L; p->LastCallOfPred = LUCALL_ASSERT; #ifdef TABLING p->TableOfPred = NULL; #endif /* TABLING */ #ifdef BEAM p->beamTable = NULL; #endif /* careful that they don't cross MkFunctor */ AddPropToAtom(ae, (PropEntry *)p); p0 = AbsPredProp(p); p->FunctorOfPred = (Functor)AbsAtom(ae); if (!trueGlobalPrologFlag(DEBUG_INFO_FLAG)) { p->PredFlags |= (NoTracePredFlag | NoSpyPredFlag); } if (Yap_isSystemModule(CurrentModule)) p->PredFlags |= StandardPredFlag; WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); { Yap_inform_profiler_of_clause(&(p->OpcodeOfPred), &(p->OpcodeOfPred) + 1, p, GPROF_NEW_PRED_ATOM); if (!(p->PredFlags & (CPredFlag | AsmPredFlag))) { Yap_inform_profiler_of_clause(&(p->cs.p_code.ExpandCode), &(p->cs.p_code.ExpandCode) + 1, p, GPROF_NEW_PRED_ATOM); } } return p0; } Prop Yap_PredPropByFunctorNonThreadLocal(Functor f, Term cur_mod) /* get predicate entry for ap/arity; create it if neccessary. */ { PredEntry *p; FUNC_WRITE_LOCK(f); if (!(p = RepPredProp(f->PropsOfFE))) return Yap_NewPredPropByFunctor(f, cur_mod); if ((p->ModuleOfPred == cur_mod || !(p->ModuleOfPred))) { /* don't match multi-files */ if (!(p->PredFlags & MultiFileFlag) || p->ModuleOfPred || !cur_mod || cur_mod == TermProlog) { FUNC_WRITE_UNLOCK(f); return AbsPredProp(p); } } if (p->NextOfPE) { UInt hash = PRED_HASH(f, cur_mod, PredHashTableSize); READ_LOCK(PredHashRWLock); p = PredHash[hash]; while (p) { if (p->FunctorOfPred == f && p->ModuleOfPred == cur_mod) { READ_UNLOCK(PredHashRWLock); FUNC_WRITE_UNLOCK(f); return AbsPredProp(p); } p = p->NextPredOfHash; } READ_UNLOCK(PredHashRWLock); } return Yap_NewPredPropByFunctor(f, cur_mod); } Prop Yap_PredPropByAtomNonThreadLocal(Atom at, Term cur_mod) /* get predicate entry for ap/arity; create it if neccessary. */ { Prop p0; AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(at); WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p0 = ae->PropsOfAE; while (p0) { PredEntry *pe = RepPredProp(p0); if (pe->KindOfPE == PEProp && (pe->ModuleOfPred == cur_mod || !pe->ModuleOfPred)) { /* don't match multi-files */ if (!(pe->PredFlags & MultiFileFlag) || pe->ModuleOfPred || !cur_mod || cur_mod == TermProlog) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return (p0); } } p0 = pe->NextOfPE; } return Yap_NewPredPropByAtom(ae, cur_mod); } Term Yap_GetValue(Atom a) { Prop p0 = GetAProp(a, ValProperty); Term out; if (p0 == NIL) return (TermNil); READ_LOCK(RepValProp(p0)->VRWLock); out = RepValProp(p0)->ValueOfVE; if (IsApplTerm(out)) { Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(out); if (f == FunctorDouble) { CACHE_REGS out = MkFloatTerm(FloatOfTerm(out)); } else if (f == FunctorLongInt) { CACHE_REGS out = MkLongIntTerm(LongIntOfTerm(out)); } else if (f == FunctorString) { CACHE_REGS out = MkStringTerm(StringOfTerm(out)); } #ifdef USE_GMP else { out = Yap_MkBigIntTerm(Yap_BigIntOfTerm(out)); } #endif } READ_UNLOCK(RepValProp(p0)->VRWLock); return (out); } void Yap_PutValue(Atom a, Term v) { AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(a); Prop p0; ValEntry *p; Term t0; WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p0 = GetAPropHavingLock(ae, ValProperty); if (p0 != NIL) { p = RepValProp(p0); WRITE_LOCK(p->VRWLock); WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); } else { p = (ValEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(ValEntry)); if (p == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return; } p->KindOfPE = ValProperty; p->ValueOfVE = TermNil; AddPropToAtom(RepAtom(a), (PropEntry *)p); /* take care that the lock for the property will be inited even if someone else searches for the property */ INIT_RWLOCK(p->VRWLock); WRITE_LOCK(p->VRWLock); WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); } t0 = p->ValueOfVE; if (IsFloatTerm(v)) { /* store a float in code space, so that we can access the property */ union { Float f; CELL ar[sizeof(Float) / sizeof(CELL)]; } un; CELL *pt, *iptr; unsigned int i; un.f = FloatOfTerm(v); if (IsFloatTerm(t0)) { pt = RepAppl(t0); } else { if (IsApplTerm(t0)) { Yap_FreeCodeSpace((char *)(RepAppl(t0))); } pt = (CELL *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(CELL) * (1 + 2 * sizeof(Float) / sizeof(CELL))); if (pt == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return; } p->ValueOfVE = AbsAppl(pt); pt[0] = (CELL)FunctorDouble; } iptr = pt + 1; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(Float) / sizeof(CELL); i++) { *iptr++ = (CELL)un.ar[i]; } } else if (IsLongIntTerm(v)) { CELL *pt; Int val = LongIntOfTerm(v); if (IsLongIntTerm(t0)) { pt = RepAppl(t0); } else { if (IsApplTerm(t0)) { Yap_FreeCodeSpace((char *)(RepAppl(t0))); } pt = (CELL *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(2 * sizeof(CELL)); if (pt == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return; } p->ValueOfVE = AbsAppl(pt); pt[0] = (CELL)FunctorLongInt; } pt[1] = (CELL)val; #ifdef USE_GMP } else if (IsBigIntTerm(v)) { CELL *ap = RepAppl(v); Int sz = sizeof(MP_INT) + sizeof(CELL) + (((MP_INT *)(ap + 1))->_mp_alloc * sizeof(mp_limb_t)); CELL *pt = (CELL *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sz); if (pt == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return; } if (IsApplTerm(t0)) { Yap_FreeCodeSpace((char *)RepAppl(t0)); } memcpy((void *)pt, (void *)ap, sz); p->ValueOfVE = AbsAppl(pt); #endif } else if (IsStringTerm(v)) { CELL *ap = RepAppl(v); Int sz = sizeof(CELL) * (3 + ap[1]); CELL *pt = (CELL *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sz); if (pt == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return; } if (IsApplTerm(t0)) { Yap_FreeCodeSpace((char *)RepAppl(t0)); } memcpy((void *)pt, (void *)ap, sz); p->ValueOfVE = AbsAppl(pt); } else { if (IsApplTerm(t0)) { /* recover space */ Yap_FreeCodeSpace((char *)(RepAppl(p->ValueOfVE))); } p->ValueOfVE = v; } WRITE_UNLOCK(p->VRWLock); } bool Yap_PutAtomTranslation(Atom a, arity_t arity, Int i) { AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(a); Prop p0; TranslationEntry *p; WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p0 = GetAPropHavingLock(ae, TranslationProperty); if (p0 == NIL) { p = (TranslationEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(TranslationEntry)); if (p == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return false; } p->KindOfPE = TranslationProperty; p->Translation = i; p->arity = arity; AddPropToAtom(RepAtom(a), (PropEntry *)p); } /* take care that the lock for the property will be inited even if someone else searches for the property */ WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return true; } bool Yap_PutFunctorTranslation(Atom a, arity_t arity, Int i) { AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(a); Prop p0; TranslationEntry *p; WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p0 = GetAPropHavingLock(ae, TranslationProperty); if (p0 == NIL) { p = (TranslationEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(TranslationEntry)); if (p == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return false; } p->KindOfPE = TranslationProperty; p->Translation = i; p->arity = arity; AddPropToAtom(RepAtom(a), (PropEntry *)p); } /* take care that the lock for the property will be inited even if someone else searches for the property */ WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return true; } bool Yap_PutAtomMutex(Atom a, void *i) { AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(a); Prop p0; MutexEntry *p; WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); p0 = GetAPropHavingLock(ae, MutexProperty); if (p0 == NIL) { p = (MutexEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(MutexEntry)); if (p == NULL) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return false; } p->KindOfPE = MutexProperty; p->Mutex = i; AddPropToAtom(RepAtom(a), (PropEntry *)p); } /* take care that the lock for the property will be inited even if someone else searches for the property */ WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return true; } Term Yap_ArrayToList(register Term *tp, size_t nof) { CACHE_REGS register Term *pt = tp + nof; register Term t; t = MkAtomTerm(AtomNil); while (pt > tp) { Term tm = *--pt; #if YAPOR_SBA if (tm == 0) t = MkPairTerm((CELL)pt, t); else #endif t = MkPairTerm(tm, t); } return (t); } int Yap_GetName(char *s, UInt max, Term t) { register Term Head; register Int i; if (IsVarTerm(t) || !IsPairTerm(t)) return FALSE; while (IsPairTerm(t)) { Head = HeadOfTerm(t); if (!IsNumTerm(Head)) return (FALSE); i = IntOfTerm(Head); if (i < 0 || i > MAX_ISO_LATIN1) return FALSE; *s++ = i; t = TailOfTerm(t); if (--max == 0) { Yap_Error(SYSTEM_ERROR_FATAL, t, "not enough space for GetName"); } } *s = '\0'; return TRUE; } #ifdef SFUNC Term MkSFTerm(Functor f, int n, Term *a, empty_value) { Term t, p = AbsAppl(H); int i; *H++ = f; RESET_VARIABLE(H); ++H; for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { t = Derefa(a++); if (t != empty_value) { *H++ = i; *H++ = t; } } *H++ = 0; return (p); } CELL *ArgsOfSFTerm(Term t) { CELL *p = RepAppl(t) + 1; while (*p != (CELL)p) p = CellPtr(*p) + 1; return (p + 1); } #endif static HoldEntry *InitAtomHold(void) { HoldEntry *x = (HoldEntry *)Yap_AllocAtomSpace(sizeof(struct hold_entry)); if (x == NULL) { return NULL; } x->KindOfPE = HoldProperty; x->NextOfPE = NIL; x->RefsOfPE = 1; return x; } int Yap_AtomIncreaseHold(Atom at) { AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(at); HoldEntry *pp; Prop *opp = &(ae->PropsOfAE); WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); pp = RepHoldProp(ae->PropsOfAE); while (!EndOfPAEntr(pp) && pp->KindOfPE != HoldProperty) { opp = &(pp->NextOfPE); pp = RepHoldProp(pp->NextOfPE); } if (!pp) { HoldEntry *new = InitAtomHold(); if (!new) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return FALSE; } *opp = AbsHoldProp(new); } else { pp->RefsOfPE++; } WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return TRUE; } int Yap_AtomDecreaseHold(Atom at) { AtomEntry *ae = RepAtom(at); HoldEntry *pp; Prop *opp = &(ae->PropsOfAE); WRITE_LOCK(ae->ARWLock); pp = RepHoldProp(ae->PropsOfAE); while (!EndOfPAEntr(pp) && pp->KindOfPE != HoldProperty) { opp = &(pp->NextOfPE); pp = RepHoldProp(pp->NextOfPE); } if (!pp) { WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return FALSE; } pp->RefsOfPE--; if (!pp->RefsOfPE) { *opp = pp->NextOfPE; Yap_FreeCodeSpace((ADDR)pp); } WRITE_UNLOCK(ae->ARWLock); return TRUE; }