/** * @file maplist.yap * @author Lawrence Byrd + Richard A. O'Keefe, VITOR SANTOS COSTA * @author : E. Alphonse from code by Joachim Schimpf, Jan Wielemaker, Vitor Santos Costa * @date 4 August 1984 and Ken Johnson 11-8-87 * * @brief Macros to apply a predicate to all elements of a list. * * */ :- module(maplist, [maplist/2, maplist/3, maplist/4, maplist/5, maplist/6, checklist/2, checknodes/2, convlist/3, convlist/4, foldl/4, foldl/5, foldl/6, foldl/7, foldl2/6, foldl2/7, foldl2/8, foldl3/8, foldl4/10, include/3, exclude/3, mapnodes/3, partition/4, partition/5, scanl/4, scanl/5, scanl/6, scanl/7, selectlist/3, selectlist/4, selectlists/5, sumlist/4, sumnodes/4 ]). :- meta_predicate selectlist(2,+,-), selectlist(3,+,+,-), checklist(1,+), maplist(1,+), maplist(2,+,-), maplist(3,+,+,-), maplist(4,+,+,+,-), maplist(5,+,+,+,+,-), convlist(2,+,-), convlist(3,?,?,?), mapnodes(2,+,-), mapnodes_list(2,+,-), checknodes(1,+), checknodes_list(1,+), sumlist(3,+,+,-), sumnodes(3,+,+,-), sumnodes_body(3,+,+,-,+,+), include(1,+,-), exclude(1,+,-), partition(1,+,-,-), partition(2,+,-,-,-), foldl(3, +, +, -), foldl2(5, +, +, -, +, -), foldl2(6, +, ?, +, -, +, -), foldl2(6, +, ?, ?, +, -, +, -), foldl3(5, +, +, -, +, -, +, -), foldl4(7, +, +, -, +, -, +, -, +, -), foldl(4, +, +, +, -), foldl(5, +, +, +, +, -), foldl(6, +, +, +, +, +, -), scanl(3, +, +, -), scanl(4, +, +, +, -), scanl(5, +, +, +, +, -), scanl(6, +, +, +, +, +, -). :- use_module(library(maputils)). :- use_module(library(lists), [append/3]). :- use_module(library(charsio), [format_to_chars/3, read_from_chars/2]). :- use_module(library(occurs), [sub_term/2]). /** * @defgroup maplist Map List and Term Operations * @ingroup library * @{ * * This library provides a set of utilities for applying a predicate to * all elements of a list. They allow one to easily perform the most common do-loop constructs in Prolog. * To avoid performance degradation, each call creates an * equivalent Prolog program, without meta-calls, which is executed by * the Prolog engine instead. The library was based on code * by Joachim Schimpf and on code from SWI-Prolog, and it is also inspired by the GHC * libraries. * * The routines are available once included with the * `use_module(library(maplist))` command. * Examples: * * ~~~~ * plus(X,Y,Z) :- Z is X + Y. * * plus_if_pos(X,Y,Z) :- Y > 0, Z is X + Y. * * vars(X, Y, [X|Y]) :- var(X), !. * vars(_, Y, Y). * * trans(TermIn, TermOut) :- * nonvar(TermIn), * TermIn =.. [p|Args], * TermOut =..[q|Args], !. * trans(X,X). * ~~~~ * %success * * ?- maplist(plus(1), [1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5]). * * ?- checklist(var, [X,Y,Z]). * * ?- selectlist(<(0), [-1,0,1], [1]). * * ?- convlist(plus_if_pos(1), [-1,0,1], [2]). * * ?- sumlist(plus, [1,2,3,4], 1, 11). * * ?- maplist(mapargs(number_atom),[c(1),s(1,2,3)],[c('1'),s('1','2','3')]). * ~~~~ * **/ /** @pred maplist( 2:Pred, + _List1_,+ _List2_) Apply _Pred_ on all successive pairs of elements from _List1_ and _List2_. Fails if _Pred_ can not be applied to a pair. See the example above. */ /** @pred maplist(3:Pred,+ List1,+ List2,+ List4) Apply _Pred_ on all successive triples of elements from _List1_, _List2_ and _List3_. Fails if _Pred_ can not be applied to a triple. See the example above. */ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Definitions for Metacalls % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /** @pred include( 2:Pred, + ListIn, ? ListOut) Same as selectlist/3. */ include(G,In,Out) :- selectlist(G, In, Out). /** @pred selectlist(1:Pred, + ListIn, ? ListOut)) Creates _ListOut_ of all list elements of _ListIn_ that pass a given test */ selectlist(_, [], []). selectlist(Pred, [In|ListIn], ListOut) :- (call(Pred, In) -> ListOut = [In|NewListOut] ; ListOut = NewListOut ), selectlist(Pred, ListIn, NewListOut). /** @pred selectlist( 2:Pred, + ListIn, + ListInAux, ? ListOut, ? ListOutAux) Creates _ListOut_ and _ListOutAux_ of all list elements of _ListIn_ and _ListInAux_ that pass the given test _Pred_. */ selectlists(_, [], [], [], []). selectlists(Pred, [In|ListIn], [In1|ListIn1], ListOut, ListOut1) :- (call(Pred, In, In1) -> ListOut = [In|NewListOut], ListOut1 = [In1|NewListOut1] ; ListOut1 = NewListOut1, ListOut = NewListOut ), selectlist(Pred, ListIn, ListIn1, NewListOut, NewListOut1). /** @pred selectlist( 2:Pred, + ListIn, + ListInAux, ? ListOut) Creates _ListOut_ of all list elements of _ListIn_ that pass the given test _Pred_ using + _ListInAux_ as an auxiliary element. */ selectlist(_, [], [], []). selectlist(Pred, [In|ListIn], [In1|ListIn1], ListOut) :- (call(Pred, In, In1) -> ListOut = [In|NewListOut] ; ListOut = NewListOut ), selectlist(Pred, ListIn, ListIn1, NewListOut). /** @pred exclude( 2:Goal, + List1, ? List2) Filter elements for which _Goal_ fails. True if _List2_ contains those elements _Xi_ of _List1_ for which `call(Goal, Xi)` fails. */ exclude(_, [], []). exclude(Pred, [In|ListIn], ListOut) :- (call(Pred, In) -> ListOut = NewListOut ; ListOut = [In|NewListOut] ), exclude(Pred, ListIn, NewListOut). /** @pred partition(1:Pred, + List1, ? Included, ? Excluded) Filter elements of _List1_ according to _Pred_. True if _Included_ contains all elements for which `call(Pred, X)` succeeds and _Excluded_ contains the remaining elements. */ partition(_, [], [], []). partition(Pred, [In|ListIn], List1, List2) :- (call(Pred, In) -> List1 = [In|RList1], List2 = RList2 ; List1 = RList1, List2 = [In|RList2] ), partition(Pred, ListIn, RList1, RList2). /** @pred partition(2:Pred, + List1, ? Lesser, ? Equal, ? Greater) Filter list according to _Pred_ in three sets. For each element _Xi_ of _List_, its destination is determined by `call(Pred, Xi, Place)`, where _Place_ must be unified to one of `\<`, `=` or `\>`. `Pred` must be deterministic. */ partition(_, [], [], [], []). partition(Pred, [In|ListIn], List1, List2, List3) :- call(Pred, In, Diff), ( Diff == (<) -> List1 = [In|RList1], List2 = RList2, List3 = RList3 ; Diff == (=) -> List1 = RList1, List2 = [In|RList2], List3 = RList3 ; Diff == (>) -> List1 = RList1, List2 = RList2, List3 = [In|RList3] ; must_be(oneof([<,=,>]), Diff) ), partition(Pred, ListIn, RList1, RList2, RList3). /** @pred checklist( 1:Pred, + List) Succeeds if the predicate _Pred_ succeeds on all elements of _List_. */ checklist(_, []). checklist(Pred, [In|ListIn]) :- call(Pred, In), checklist(Pred, ListIn). /** @pred ist(: Pred, ? ListIn) Applies predicate _Pred_( _El_ ) to all elements _El_ of _ListIn_. */ maplist(_, []). maplist(Pred, [In|ListIn]) :- call(Pred, In), maplist(Pred, ListIn). /** @pred maplist(: Pred, ? L1, ? L2 ) _L1_ and _L2_ are such that `call( _Pred_, _A1_, _A2_)` holds for every corresponding element in lists _L1_, _L2_. Comment from Richard O'Keefe: succeeds when _Pred( _Old_, _New_) succeeds for each corresponding _Gi_ in _Listi_, _New_ in _NewList_. In InterLisp, this is MAPCAR. It is also MAP2C. Isn't bidirectionality wonderful? */ maplist(_, [], []). maplist(Pred, [In|ListIn], [Out|ListOut]) :- call(Pred, In, Out), maplist(Pred, ListIn, ListOut). /** @pred maplist(: Pred, ? L1, ? L2, ? L3) _L1_, _L2_, and _L3_ are such that `call( _Pred_, _A1_, _A2_, _A3_)` holds for every corresponding element in lists _L1_, _L2_, and _L3_. */ maplist(_, [], [], []). maplist(Pred, [A1|L1], [A2|L2], [A3|L3]) :- call(Pred, A1, A2, A3), maplist(Pred, L1, L2, L3). /** @pred maplist(: Pred, ? L1, ? L2, ? L3, ? L4) _L1_, _L2_, _L3_, and _L4_ are such that `call( _Pred_, _A1_, _A2_, _A3_, _A4_)` holds for every corresponding element in lists _L1_, _L2_, _L3_, and _L4_. */ maplist(_, [], [], [], []). maplist(Pred, [A1|L1], [A2|L2], [A3|L3], [A4|L4]) :- call(Pred, A1, A2, A3, A4), maplist(Pred, L1, L2, L3, L4). /** @pred maplist(: Pred, ? L1, ? L2, ? L3, ? L4, ? L5) _L1_, _L2_, _L3_, _L4_ and _L5_ are such that `call( _Pred_, _A1_, _A2_, _A3_, _A4_,_A5_)` holds for every corresponding element in lists _L1_, _L2_, _L3_, _L4_ and _L5_. */ maplist(_, [], [], [], [], []). maplist(Pred, [A1|L1], [A2|L2], [A3|L3], [A4|L4], [A5|L5]) :- call(Pred, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), maplist(Pred, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5). /** @pred convlist(: Pred, + ListIn, ? ListOut) A combination of maplist/3 and selectlist/3: creates _ListOut_ by applying the predicate _Pred_ to all list elements on which _Pred_ succeeds. ROK: convlist(Rewrite, OldList, NewList) is a sort of hybrid of maplist/3 and sublist/3. Each element of NewList is the image under Rewrite of some element of OldList, and order is preserved, but elements of OldList on which Rewrite is undefined (fails) are not represented. Thus if foo(X,Y) :- integer(X), Y is X+1. then convlist(foo, [1,a,0,joe(99),101], [2,1,102]). */ convlist(_, [], []). convlist(Pred, [Old|Olds], NewList) :- call(Pred, Old, New), !, NewList = [New|News], convlist(Pred, Olds, News). convlist(Pred, [_|Olds], News) :- convlist(Pred, Olds, News). /** @pred convlist(: Pred, ? ListIn, ?ExtraList, ? ListOut) A combination of maplist/4 and selectlist/3: _ListIn_, _ListExtra_, and _ListOut_ are the sublists so that the predicate _Pred_ succeeds. ROK: convlist(Rewrite, OldList, NewList) is a sort of hybrid of maplist/3 and sublist/3. Each element of NewList is the image under Rewrite of some element of OldList, and order is preserved, but elements of OldList on which Rewrite is undefined (fails) are not represented. Thus if foo(X,Y) :- integer(X), Y is X+1. then convlist(foo, [1,a,0,joe(99),101], [2,1,102]). */ convlist(_, [], []). convlist(Pred, [Old|Olds], NewList) :- call(Pred, Old, New), !, NewList = [New|News], convlist(Pred, Olds, News). convlist(Pred, [_|Olds], News) :- convlist(Pred, Olds, News). /** @pred mapnodes(+ _Pred_, + _TermIn_, ? _TermOut_) Creates _TermOut_ by applying the predicate _Pred_ to all sub-terms of _TermIn_ (depth-first and left-to-right order). */ mapnodes(Pred, TermIn, TermOut) :- (atomic(TermIn); var(TermIn)), !, call(Pred, TermIn, TermOut). mapnodes(Pred, TermIn, TermOut) :- call(Pred, TermIn, Temp), Temp =.. [Func|ArgsIn], mapnodes_list(Pred, ArgsIn, ArgsOut), TermOut =.. [Func|ArgsOut]. mapnodes_list(_, [], []). mapnodes_list(Pred, [TermIn|ArgsIn], [TermOut|ArgsOut]) :- mapnodes(Pred, TermIn, TermOut), mapnodes_list(Pred, ArgsIn, ArgsOut). /** @pred checknodes(+ _Pred_, + _Term_) Succeeds if the predicate _Pred_ succeeds on all sub-terms of _Term_ (depth-first and left-to-right order) */ checknodes(Pred, Term) :- (atomic(Term); var(Term)), !, call(Pred, Term). checknodes(Pred, Term) :- call(Pred, Term), Term =.. [_|Args], checknodes_list(Pred, Args). checknodes_list(_, []). checknodes_list(Pred, [Term|Args]) :- checknodes_body(Pred, Term), checknodes_list(Pred, Args). /** @pred sumlist(: _Pred_, + _List_, ? _AccIn_, ? _AccOut_) Calls _Pred_ on all elements of List and collects a result in _Accumulator_. Same as fold/4. */ sumlist(_, [], Acc, Acc). sumlist(Pred, [H|T], AccIn, AccOut) :- call(Pred, H, AccIn, A1), sumlist(Pred, T, A1, AccOut). /** @pred sumnodes(+ _Pred_, + _Term_, ? _AccIn_, ? _AccOut_) Calls the predicate _Pred_ on all sub-terms of _Term_ and collect a result in _Accumulator_ (depth-first and left-to-right order) */ sumnodes(Pred, Term, A0, A2) :- call(Pred, Term, A0, A1), (compound(Term) -> functor(Term, _, N), sumnodes_body(Pred, Term, A1, A2, 0, N) ; % simple term or variable A1 = A2 ). sumnodes_body(Pred, Term, A1, A3, N0, Ar) :- N0 < Ar -> N is N0+1, arg(N, Term, Arg), sumnodes(Pred, Arg, A1, A2), sumnodes_body(Pred, Term, A2, A3, N, Ar) ; A1 = A3. /******************************* * FOLDL * *******************************/ %% %% @pred foldl(:Goal, +List, +V0, -V, +W0, -WN). % /** @pred oldl(: _Pred_, + _List1_, + _List2_, ? _AccIn_, ? _AccOut_) The foldl family of predicates is defined == foldl(P, [X11,...,X1n],V0, Vn, W0, WN) :- P(X11, V0, V1, W0, W1), ... P(X1n, Vn1, Vn, Wn1, Wn). == Calls _Pred_ on all elements of `List1` and collects a result in _Accumulator_. Same as foldr/3. */ foldl(Goal, List, V0, V) :- foldl_(List, Goal, V0, V). foldl_([], _, V, V). foldl_([H|T], Goal, V0, V) :- call(Goal, H, V0, V1), foldl_(T, Goal, V1, V). /** @pred foldl(: _Pred_, + _List1_, + _List2_, ? _AccIn_, ? _AccOut_) Calls _Pred_ on all elements of _List1_ and _List2_ and collects a result in _Accumulator_. Same as foldr/4. */ foldl(Goal, List1, List2, V0, V) :- foldl_(List1, List2, Goal, V0, V). foldl_([], [], _, V, V). foldl_([H1|T1], [H2|T2], Goal, V0, V) :- call(Goal, H1, H2, V0, V1), foldl_(T1, T2, Goal, V1, V). /** @pred foldl(Goal, List1, List2, List3, V0, V) Apply _Goal_ plus five arguuments, three map to lists, two can be used as a difference_type. */ foldl(Goal, List1, List2, List3, V0, V) :- foldl_(List1, List2, List3, Goal, V0, V). foldl_([], [], [], _, V, V). foldl_([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H3|T3], Goal, V0, V) :- call(Goal, H1, H2, H3, V0, V1), foldl_(T1, T2, T3, Goal, V1, V). /** */ foldl(Goal, List1, List2, List3, List4, V0, V) :- foldl_(List1, List2, List3, List4, Goal, V0, V). foldl_([], [], [], [], _, V, V). foldl_([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H3|T3], [H4|T4], Goal, V0, V) :- call(Goal, H1, H2, H3, H4, V0, V1), foldl_(T1, T2, T3, T4, Goal, V1, V). /** @pred foldl2(: _Pred_, + _List_, ? _X0_, ? _X_, ? _Y0_, ? _Y_) Calls _Pred_ on all elements of `List` and collects a result in _X_ and _Y_. */ foldl2(Goal, List, V0, V, W0, W) :- foldl2_(List, Goal, V0, V, W0, W). foldl2_([], _, V, V, W, W). foldl2_([H|T], Goal, V0, V, W0, W) :- call(Goal, H, V0, V1, W0, W1), foldl2_(T, Goal, V1, V, W1, W). /** v @pred foldl2(: _Pred_, + _List_, ? _List1_, ? _X0_, ? _X_, ? _Y0_, ? _Y_) Calls _Pred_ on all elements of _List_ and _List1_ and collects a result in _X_ and _Y_. */ foldl2(Goal, List1, List2, V0, V, W0, W) :- foldl2_(List1, List2, Goal, V0, V, W0, W). foldl2_([], [], _Goal, V, V, W, W). foldl2_([H1|T1], [H2|T2], Goal, V0, V, W0, W) :- call(Goal, H1, H2, V0, V1, W0, W1), foldl2_(T1, T2, Goal, V1, V, W1, W). /** @pred foldl2(: _Pred_, + _List_, ? _List1_, ? _List2_, ? _X0_, ? _X_, ? _Y0_, ? _Y_) Calls _Pred_ on all elements of _List_, _List1_ and _List2_ and collects a result in _X_ and _Y_. */ foldl2(Goal, List1, List2, List3, V0, V, W0, W) :- foldl2_(List1, List2, List3, Goal, V0, V, W0, W). foldl2_([], [], [], _Goal, V, V, W, W). foldl2_([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H3|T3], Goal, V0, V, W0, W) :- call(Goal, H1, H2, H3, V0, V1, W0, W1), foldl2_(T1, T2, T3, Goal, V1, V, W1, W). /** @pred foldl3(: _Pred_, + _List1_, ? _List2_, ? _X0_, ? _X_, ? _Y0_, ? _Y_, ? _Z0_, ? _Z_) Calls _Pred_ on all elements of `List` and collects a result in _X_, _Y_ and _Z_. */ foldl3(Goal, List, V0, V, W0, W, X0, X) :- foldl3_(List, Goal, V0, V, W0, W, X0, X). foldl3_([], _, V, V, W, W, X, X). foldl3_([H|T], Goal, V0, V, W0, W, X0, X) :- call(Goal, H, V0, V1, W0, W1, X0, X1), fold3_(T, Goal, V1, V, W1, W, X1, X). /** @pred foldl4(: _Pred_, + _List1_, ? _List2_, ? _X0_, ? _X_, ? _Y0_, ? _Y_, ? _Z0_, ? _Z_, ? _W0_, ? _W_) Calls _Pred_ on all elements of `List` and collects a result in _X_, _Y_, _Z_ and _W_. */ foldl4(Goal, List, V0, V, W0, W, X0, X, Y0, Y) :- foldl4_(List, Goal, V0, V, W0, W, X0, X, Y0, Y). foldl4_([], _, V, V, W, W, X, X, Y, Y). foldl4_([H|T], Goal, V0, V, W0, W, X0, X, Y0, Y) :- call(Goal, H, V0, V1, W0, W1, X0, X1, Y0, Y1), foldl4_(T, Goal, V1, V, W1, W, X1, X, Y1, Y). /******************************* * SCANL * *******************************/ %% scanl(:Goal, +List, +V0, -Values). %% scanl(:Goal, +List1, +List2, +V0, -Values). %% scanl(:Goal, +List1, +List2, +List3, +V0, -Values). %% scanl(:Goal, +List1, +List2, +List3, +List4, +V0, -Values). % % Left scan of list. The scanl family of higher order list % operations is defined by: % % == % scanl(P, [X11,...,X1n], ..., [Xm1,...,Xmn], V0, [V0,V1,...,Vn]) :- % P(X11, ..., Xmn, V0, V1), % ... % P(X1n, ..., Xmn, V', Vn). % == /** Left scan of list. The scanl family of higher order list operations is defined by: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.prolog} scanl(P, [X11,...,X1n], ..., [Xm1,...,Xmn], V0, [V0,V1,...,Vn]) :- P(X11, ..., Xm1, V0, V1), ... P(X1n, ..., Xmn, Vn-1, Vn). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ scanl(Goal, List, V0, [V0|Values]) :- scanl_(List, Goal, V0, Values). scanl_([], _, _, []). scanl_([H|T], Goal, V, [VH|VT]) :- call(Goal, H, V, VH), scanl_(T, Goal, VH, VT). /** scanl(: _Pred_, + _List1_, + _List2_, ? _V0_, ? _Vs_) Left scan of list. */ scanl(Goal, List1, List2, V0, [V0|Values]) :- scanl_(List1, List2, Goal, V0, Values). scanl_([], [], _, _, []). scanl_([H1|T1], [H2|T2], Goal, V, [VH|VT]) :- call(Goal, H1, H2, V, VH), scanl_(T1, T2, Goal, VH, VT). /** scanl(: _Pred_, + _List1_, + _List2_, + _List3_, ? _V0_, ? _Vs_) Left scan of list. */ scanl(Goal, List1, List2, List3, V0, [V0|Values]) :- scanl_(List1, List2, List3, Goal, V0, Values). scanl_([], [], [], _, _, []). scanl_([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H3|T3], Goal, V, [VH|VT]) :- call(Goal, H1, H2, H3, V, VH), scanl_(T1, T2, T3, Goal, VH, VT). /** scanl(: _Pred_, + _List1_, + _List2_, + _List3_, + _List4_, ? _V0_, ? _Vs_) Left scan of list. */ scanl(Goal, List1, List2, List3, List4, V0, [V0|Values]) :- scanl_(List1, List2, List3, List4, Goal, V0, Values). scanl_([], [], [], [], _, _, []). scanl_([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H3|T3], [H4|T4], Goal, V, [VH|VT]) :- call(Goal, H1, H2, H3, H4, V, VH), scanl_(T1, T2, T3, T4, Goal, VH, VT). goal_expansion(checklist(Meta, List), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(checklist, 2, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[]], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins]], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(maplist(Meta, List), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(maplist, 2, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[]], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins]], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(maplist(Meta, ListIn, ListOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(maplist, 3, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, ListOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], [Out|Outs]], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Out], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Outs], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(maplist(Meta, L1, L2, L3), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(maplist, 4, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [L1, L2, L3], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[A1|A1s], [A2|A2s], [A3|A3s]], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [A1, A2, A3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [A1s, A2s, A3s], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(maplist(Meta, L1, L2, L3, L4), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(maplist, 5, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [L1, L2, L3, L4], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], [], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[A1|A1s], [A2|A2s], [A3|A3s], [A4|A4s]], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [A1, A2, A3, A4], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [A1s, A2s, A3s, A4s], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(maplist(Meta, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(maplist, 6, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [L1, L2, L3, L4, L5], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], [], [], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[A1|A1s], [A2|A2s], [A3|A3s], [A4|A4s], [A5|A5s]], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [A1s, A2s, A3s, A4s, A5s], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(selectlist(Meta, ListIn, ListOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(selectlist, 3, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, ListOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Outs], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, NOuts], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- (Apply -> Outs = [In|NOuts]; Outs = NOuts), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(selectlist(Meta, ListIn, ListIn1, ListOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(selectlist, 3, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, ListIn1, ListOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], [In1|Ins1], Outs], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, In1], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Ins1, NOuts], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- (Apply -> Outs = [In|NOuts]; Outs = NOuts), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(selectlists(Meta, ListIn, ListIn1, ListOut, ListOut1), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(selectlist, 4, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, ListIn1, ListOut, ListOut1], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], [], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], [In1|Ins1], Outs, Outs1], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, In1], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Ins1, NOuts, NOuts1], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- (Apply -> Outs = [In|NOuts], Outs1 = [In1|NOuts1]; Outs = NOuts, Outs1 = NOuts1), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). % same as selectlist goal_expansion(include(Meta, ListIn, ListOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(include, 3, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, ListOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Outs], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, NOuts], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- (Apply -> Outs = [In|NOuts]; Outs = NOuts), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(exclude(Meta, ListIn, ListOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(exclude, 3, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, ListOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Outs], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, NOuts], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- (Apply -> Outs = NOuts; Outs = [In|NOuts]), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(partition(Meta, ListIn, List1, List2), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(partition, 4, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, List1, List2], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Outs1, Outs2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, NOuts1, NOuts2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- (Apply -> Outs1 = [In|NOuts1], Outs2 = NOuts2; Outs1 = NOuts1, Outs2 = [In|NOuts2]), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(partition(Meta, ListIn, List1, List2, List3), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(partition2, 5, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, List1, List2, List3], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], [], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Outs1, Outs2, Outs3], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In,Diff], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, NOuts1, NOuts2, NOuts3], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, (Diff == (<) -> Outs1 = [In|NOuts1], Outs2 = NOuts2, Outs3 = NOuts3 ; Diff == (=) -> Outs1 = NOuts1, Outs2 = [In|NOuts2], Outs3 = NOuts3 ; Diff == (>) -> Outs1 = NOuts1, Outs2 = NOuts2, Outs3 = [In|NOuts3] ; must_be(oneof([<,=,>]), Diff) ), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(convlist(Meta, ListIn, ListOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(convlist, 3, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, ListOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Outs], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Out], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, NOuts], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- (Apply -> Outs = [Out|NOuts]; Outs = NOuts), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(convlist(Meta, ListIn, ListExtra, ListOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(convlist, 4, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [ListIn, ListExtra, ListOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], [Extra|Extras], Outs], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Extra, Out], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Extras, NOuts], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- (Apply -> Outs = [Out|NOuts]; Outs = NOuts), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(sumlist(Meta, List, AccIn, AccOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(sumlist, 4, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List, AccIn, AccOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], Acc, Acc], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Acc1, Acc2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Acc1, Acc3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Acc3, Acc2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(foldl(Meta, List, AccIn, AccOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(foldl, 4, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List, AccIn, AccOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], Acc, Acc], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Acc1, Acc2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Acc1, Acc3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Acc3, Acc2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(foldl(Meta, List1, List2, AccIn, AccOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(foldl, 5, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List1, List2, AccIn, AccOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], Acc, Acc], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], [I2|Is2], Acc1, Acc2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, I2, Acc1, Acc3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Is2, Acc3, Acc2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(foldl(Meta, List1, List2, List3, AccIn, AccOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(foldl, 6, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List1, List2, List3, AccIn, AccOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], [], Acc, Acc], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], [I2|I2s], [I3|I3s], Acc1, Acc2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, I2, I3, Acc1, Acc3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, I2s, I3s, Acc3, Acc2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(foldl2(Meta, List, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(foldl2, 6, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], Acc, Acc, W, W], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Acc1, Acc2, W1, W2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Acc1, Acc3, W1, W3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Acc3, Acc2, W3, W2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(foldl2(Meta, List1, List2, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(foldl2, 7, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List1, List2, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], Acc, Acc, W, W], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In1|Ins1], [In2|Ins2], Acc1, Acc2, W1, W2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In1, In2, Acc1, Acc3, W1, W3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins1, Ins2, Acc3, Acc2, W3, W2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(foldl2(Meta, List1, List2, List3, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(foldl2, 7, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List1, List2, List3, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], [], [], Acc, Acc, W, W], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In1|Ins1], [In2|Ins2], [In3|Ins3], Acc1, Acc2, W1, W2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In1, In2, In3, Acc1, Acc3, W1, W3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins1, Ins2, Ins3, Acc3, Acc2, W3, W2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(foldl3(Meta, List, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W, X0, X), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(foldl3, 8, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W, X0, X], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], Acc, Acc, W, W, X, X], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Acc1, Acc2, W1, W2, X1, X2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Acc1, Acc3, W1, W3, X1, X3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Acc3, Acc2, W3, W2, X3, X2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(foldl4(Meta, List, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W, X0, X, Y0, Y), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(foldl4, 8, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [List, AccIn, AccOut, W0, W, X0, X, Y0, Y], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], Acc, Acc, W, W, X, X, Y, Y], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Acc1, Acc2, W1, W2, X1, X2, Y1, Y2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Acc1, Acc3, W1, W3, X1, X3, Y1, Y3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Acc3, Acc2, W3, W2, X3, X2, Y3, Y2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(mapnodes(Meta, InTerm, OutTerm), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(mapnodes, 3, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [[InTerm], [OutTerm]], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], []], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], [Out|Outs]], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Temp], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [InArgs, OutArgs], SubRecursiveCall), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Outs], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, (compound(Temp) -> Temp =.. [F|InArgs], SubRecursiveCall, Out =.. [F|OutArgs] ; Out = Temp ), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(checknodes(Meta, Term), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(checknodes, 2, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [[Term]], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[]], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins]], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Args], SubRecursiveCall), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, (compound(In) -> In =.. [_|Args],SubRecursiveCall ; true ), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). goal_expansion(sumnodes(Meta, Term, AccIn, AccOut), Mod:Goal) :- goal_expansion_allowed, callable(Meta), current_source_module(Mod,Mod), aux_preds(Meta, MetaVars, Pred, PredVars, Proto), !, % the new goal pred_name(sumnodes, 4, Proto, GoalName), append(MetaVars, [[Term], AccIn, AccOut], GoalArgs), Goal =.. [GoalName|GoalArgs], % the new predicate declaration HeadPrefix =.. [GoalName|PredVars], append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], Acc, Acc], Base), append_args(HeadPrefix, [[In|Ins], Acc1, Acc2], RecursionHead), append_args(Pred, [In, Acc1, Acc3], Apply), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Args, Acc3, Acc4], SubRecursiveCall), append_args(HeadPrefix, [Ins, Acc4, Acc2], RecursiveCall), compile_aux([ Base, (RecursionHead :- Apply, (compound(In) -> In =.. [_|Args],SubRecursiveCall ; Acc3 = Acc4 ), RecursiveCall) ], Mod). /** @} */